View Full Version : Making the best out of this cold, icky winter..

Feb 9, 2014, 10:51 PM
Walking in the room with tail twitching. Looking around for Show. He is in Sooo much trouble when I catch up to him. :soapbox:

That Booger build a Large "Snow Dick" and sprayed it down with water and spray starch so it would Freeze to the hood on my truck!!!! He did similar year before last by making giant snow boobies on the tailgate of my truck, and topped them with pink toilet paper. Much to the hilarity of the "Stater" boys who sees my truck everyday.:eek2:
I think this was payback for suspecting me of hanging a cut off leg of pantyhose with two painted pink tennis balls in it, tied to the trailer hitch of His vehicle...altho he could never Prove it was me that Might have done such a thing. :angel::wiggle2:

What kinds of fun goodies are You doing to cope with all of this snow and ice?

Cat, off to fill a long water balloon with water and pink food coloring to make a "Unicorn" for Show's car. And to fill 2 round balloon's with Blue food coloring to Under the long ice sickle.....:}

Feb 9, 2014, 11:38 PM
One thing I really enjoy doing in the snow is....uh-oh, I forgot, this is Florida!

Sorry..............I so don't belong here!!

Feb 10, 2014, 2:48 AM
My wife and I are sitting up, goofing off and slowly prepping our bags. At 4am a taxi will pull up and take our frozen asses to the airport. At 4pm, TODAY!!! we will be sitting on a white sand beach, drinking a pina-colada and enjoying 80 degrees in shorts and a tank. One week in a 4 star all inclusive resort. My Christmas present from my beautiful and sexy bride. She knows me all too well!

When we get back, we will finally be able to enjoy this winter. It's been cold and dry but this week the snow fell, lots of it. Finally we can strap on the skis and I can start to lose this winter layer I've been building, and have a blast in the process!

Spring is just around the corner! Days are getting longer.

Feb 10, 2014, 7:52 AM
Not sure it counts as "fun goodies" but I enjoy visiting our puppies, all seven of them. They were born Dec. 19 of this past year, 2013.
They seem a mix from her momma, a yellow lab w/ husky and their poppa , a yellow lab w/ Airedale. Buggers try eating me twice a day as I carefully navigate over ice/snow covered mud sliding hills to feed them. *looks at time* Well, I best scurry on ...

Feb 10, 2014, 10:39 AM
Even though the weather we have had down here in many parts of Florida in January does not compare with what everyone up north has had to deal with---they already have figured that in many parts of Florida---since they started keeping track of weather conditions--January is likely going to go into the record books as the coolest, wettest and least sunny January on record.

There were many days in many cities where the high daily temps during the month often only got to what is normally the normal low temperature range and as the article in my paper quoted a weather service spokesperson: "it's only going to get so warm when the sun doesn't shine."

Thankfully---it does look like February is looking better. I do feel sorry for those who set their schedules to come down to Florida during January and came down here to a long run of gray, dark and cool days when under more normal conditions----it might be cool but at least you would have some sunshine. We had many days back to back where the sun hardly appeared at all and other than it not being bitter cold--it was not much different from being back "up north."

So, for those of you who can, I'd say you are good to go if you are planning to take some time off to come down to the "sunshine state" because we are actually gonna have some sun this month!!!

For those here in the eastern US, treat yourself and get out of the white, cold and yuck and if you are in the Pacific NW, then head down to Southern Cal, Arizona or Texas and get into some warmer and sunnier weather if you can.

Feb 10, 2014, 3:19 PM
Calif is having its share of cold snap too, and this is highly unusual. On the Mojave desert where my Son is, its been cold, cloudy and windy as hell lately. Normally there, they have pretty mild winters, not this year. And believe me, I'd love to play Snow Bird and be able to afford to go to a warm, even Hot climate for the winter months. Birds definitely have the right idea..lol
Hugs Loves
Stay warm and safe out there, please. And if one of ya'll sees Show, tell him he's in deep DooDoo when I catch up to him! lol
Silly Cat.