View Full Version : Movie recommendations

Jul 27, 2006, 10:41 AM
I am looking for a bisexual movie that has bi men and bi women.

I am looking for a quality movie, not one that was shot with a handheld camcorder.

The wife and I will be watching this together. Since my bi-side is new to her I would like her to see something on TV to get her reaction.

Thanks for any help


Jul 27, 2006, 12:51 PM
Bi-men and bi-women (but not porn, I'm strongly assuming), filmed well, with positive portraits of both. That's quite a tall order. There are a a few movies listed in one of the articles "My trip to the video store", I think, is the title... but that doesn't have many(/any?) with both bi-men and bi-women and both in a positive light. I might suggest scouring Netflix for a GLBT documentary.

Please report back if you find anything good. Best of luck.


Jul 27, 2006, 2:24 PM
Logo tv had good programing but unfortunatly and as always they forget about us Bi people. For racier sites check the links section under arts and Enertainment.

Jul 27, 2006, 3:53 PM
Problem is that film tends to buy into the view of bisexuals being indecisive whores or just flat-out irresponsible. Grrr.

Jul 27, 2006, 3:55 PM
After re-reading my post I can see I wasn't very clear. I am looking for 'adult' (porn) films that we can watch together.

Thanks again,


Jul 27, 2006, 7:19 PM
Hello guycurious...It is kinda hard to find Bisexual porn at adult video stores...I have ordered bi-porn from the following:

Liesure Time Products
PO Box M827
Gary, Indiana

Web-site: www.directvideoanddvd.com

Hope this helps...:paw: :paw: