View Full Version : For the Love of Drew

Feb 7, 2014, 3:57 AM
Imagine the excitement of starting what would become the most popular worldwide bisexual site.
Imagine the following month or two.
Imagine the next six months... the optimism of having changed the world for the better.
Imagine the next 8 years as you realize you've built something important... as countless people join and revel in the revelation of the confirmation of their most base sexual feelings. Drew, you have done something truly great here.

Now imagine the work and energy it constantly takes.
Imagine the non/marginal profitability of this site.
Imagine watching the inevitable bickering and trolls - reduces your feelings and optimism - to watching (adult) kindergartner's bicker, attack, and fight... and the emotional drain to have hosted some of the hottest debates in modern society.

Here's to you, DREW!
You've done something here truly great... world wide great... and few of us can say that.
Here's to DREW!

Best personal wishes,

Feb 7, 2014, 4:27 AM
I personally think Drew has done a Phenomenal job here. If you have never owned a group, or have never done Mod work, then you have no idea of how hard it can be, so time consuming, and how emotionally tiring it Can be, and is. Thats why a lot of the times, owners and mods rely on us for peer help. It we that have been in groups like this for the longest who are the most strong of advocates For said group. Its the same way here. And to Anyone who runs Drew down, or finds fault with his methods I say, if you havent done his job, or walked in his shoes, then you have No Business commenting One Damn Bit.
Kudo's to you Drew for all that you do, and for putting up with us for all of these years. Those of us who believe in you, and in what this site stands for, We applaud you.

Feb 7, 2014, 7:59 AM
I agree, Drew does a damn fine job on here. Know that in a posting
earlier, I kind of cut the site down a bit. Or, it may have seemed as
such. I presented different means to doing things the site offers. To me
it was not meant as a cut down, so much as personal rationale for not
feeling compelled to pay for extra features of the site.

But truth of the matter is, Drew created a safe haven for the lot of us
freaks. And he did so originally as simply desiring a place for folks to
gather without encroachment by society. He went from dream to reality in
a big way. For that alone he deserves at least a hurray. He has always
presented himself as a class act too. Not sure I could do what he does
and keep it together like that.

Good on ya, Drew hon. You make it great! Thank you. :)

Feb 7, 2014, 8:08 AM
I second Void's comments. This is a wonderful, open site where discussions are comforting and realistic. My one regret, we are all so far away from each other to sit and even have a cup of coffee together. I came here looking for sex. Instead I found open, frank discussions that have been informative (learning experiences) and thought provoking. Bravo!

Feb 7, 2014, 11:36 AM
I have to agree with all these comments about what Drew has done here. It really is amazing in that the time this site has been existence and continues to this day----untold number of websites of all sorts have come and gone, look at MySpace---before Facebook---it was a huge site but now----it barely exists but as a sad shadow of its once glorious self.

Feb 7, 2014, 4:40 PM
Ok Voltie, then what can we do to make it better? People like to complain, but they dont want to be part of the solution. (not meaning you, Sweetie) If something is broken, then lets help Drew to fix it. This affects All of us, he shouldnt have to do it all on his own..:}

Feb 7, 2014, 6:53 PM
I have often thought it's a great site and his a thankless job. Good work Drew! Thanks!

Feb 8, 2014, 4:13 AM
Ok Voltie, then what can we do to make it better? People like to complain, but they dont want to be part of the solution. (not meaning you, Sweetie) If something is broken, then lets help Drew to fix it. This affects All of us, he shouldnt have to do it all on his own..:}

Ah, Cat you misread 12volts comment... please read again.
His end comment was regarding facebook, not bisexual.com

LOL... just like I misread Voids post about Drew a month or so ago.

Best wishes,

Feb 8, 2014, 8:47 AM
LOL... just like I misread Voids post about Drew a month or so ago.

Best wishes,

No problem. Even I had difficulty realizing the intention. There was
a bit of visceral emotion lingering in response to an individual. And
there was some concatenation of the individual being foolish.

They struck a nerve regarding an issue, they ought not have struck. That
aside the post was not a cut down of the site. I read it back through
in order to see. At times we can all write a missive without full
consideration and reading them back days, weeks later can be helpful.

Yes, agreeably it does seem to make case that paying for extra features
is in my opinion a bit illogical. That is the thing, it is an opinion.
It seemed to also border on cutting the site down. Yet it did not attack
the site, merely it expressed an opinion of disappointment in the idea
of paying for extra features.

In that regard the post stayed within the rules. Odd someone like myself
would grant a site, company a consideration as a person or entity. But
I did, and in doing so, attacked an idea not a person. Well, save from
implying someone else is foolish, even that is an opinion. And shoot, I
get foolish times.

Foolish to think Socrates failed in his ideas some may say. He chose to
admit the State was right in his action of suicide. At least that is my
perception of it. I digress though, such a debate would shatter worlds.

Feb 8, 2014, 1:53 PM
Imagine the excitement of starting what would become the most popular worldwide bisexual site.
Imagine the following month or two.
Imagine the next six months... the optimism of having changed the world for the better.
Imagine the next 8 years as you realize you've built something important... as countless people join and revel in the revelation of the confirmation of their most base sexual feelings. Drew, you have done something truly great here.

Now imagine the work and energy it constantly takes.
Imagine the non/marginal profitability of this site.
Imagine watching the inevitable bickering and trolls - reduces your feelings and optimism - to watching (adult) kindergartner's bicker, attack, and fight... and the emotional drain to have hosted some of the hottest debates in modern society.

Here's to you, DREW!
You've done something here truly great... world wide great... and few of us can say that.
Here's to DREW!

Best personal wishes,

I wholeheartedly agree!

Thank you Drew, for building and maintaining this great site!


Feb 8, 2014, 4:05 PM
To the best community site and it's founder that I have ever been a part of...makes Valentine's Day even more special for us all. Thanks Drew

Feb 8, 2014, 8:50 PM
So can we all pile on top of Drew? :)

You weren't kidding about the "base" sexual desires (sorry but after the 12th "Do you like the taste of cum?" thread I just have to laugh about it now) However, there are just as many folks who come here looking for honest advice, who are relived to find out that their feelings or situations are "normal" and that other people are going through the same thing :)

So thanks Drew, if it wasn't for you I would probably still be very unhappy, confused and still trying to prove I was either gay -or- straight.

Feb 9, 2014, 11:07 AM
To make it clear--I was not dissing Drew or the site----I was praising him for hanging with the site even though we can all at times be pretty big drama queens! :yikes2: I am almost surprised that at times, he has not figured he'd pull the plug on the site and shut it down.

As I was also making the point about sites like MySpace that once were huge and are now basically gone---think of all the other websites that have come and gone while this one remains. It's actually kind of amazing when you think about it.

Feb 9, 2014, 8:57 PM
I could never imagine myself as a cheerleader of sorts....but if I were, I would be the captain of the team for DREW. Can you give me a D, can you give me an R, can you give me an E, can you give me a W......what does that spell DREW. DREW, DREW he's our man, if he can do it "
WE" all can. Thanks to Drew for making this site possible.

Belle in Boston

Feb 9, 2014, 9:42 PM
I came to this site in 2008, so confused and completely lost. I had no idea what to do or where to go to find answers. I googled and accidentally ended up here. I will be eternally grateful for the acceptance, advice and friendship I've found since i first stumbled here. The site has evolved a lot since then but the basic premise is the same. The people here genuinely care and mean it when they offer friendship and it has made such a difference for me and countless others. Drew, you have created something wonderful! Your hard work hasn't gone unnoticed. Thank you, my friend.

Feb 9, 2014, 10:35 PM
I can here with an invite from my best guy friend. I didn't know what to expect, wasn't sure what to say, or How to say what I was thinking. That's never really been a difficult thing for me..lol I didn't know how something like this ran until I sat back and Watched, listened, learned. I learned that it was ok to be like I am. Its ok to be attracted to men and women both, because for me, it isn't the gender of a person or merely their sex, its the person. And altho I am not a glaring Bisexual, its still ok. here, people are accepted for Who they are, and not for just what their label is. I, and so many others like me, are accepted and welcomed here--all because we have come to grips with who we are, and have accepted that life is good because we Know who we are now. :} We have made friends, contacts to who we can talk to, ask questions of, and to whom we can confide if need be.

Here is sanctuary to many, even though they wont say so. Here we can be US, and not have to worry about some jack ass ridiculing us for what we are. Unless you count Trolls, but even they see us as us..most of the time. There is comfort here, comaraderie here. We can speak openly on a myriad of topics (Even stupid, funny things) and have fun doing it. :}

So to Drew, thank you Honey for giving us a place to come together in a community of sorts. Kudo's on ya Darlin..:}

Feb 10, 2014, 12:33 PM
Great idea Blue!

Thanks for starting and taking care of this wonderful, friendly site. Cheers to you Drew :)

Feb 10, 2014, 5:56 PM
Thank you Drew! Belonging to this site c hanged my life.
So, thank you!

Drunk Uncle
Feb 11, 2014, 6:27 AM
Somewhat new to these parts, mostly been milling about, reading posts and trying to get a feel for what the vibe is here.

I'm pretty grateful for what Drew has done here (thanks Drew!) and am glad to be part of the community.

So here is another post to offer some Love to Drew.

Oh, and also a sweaty grope to help convey all that love... :grouphug:

The Drunk Uncle

Feb 13, 2014, 3:35 PM
Evesa Mi Colo, Bendejo...

Feb 13, 2014, 3:57 PM
Its ok. You got the general idea of what all of us think about you, TrollBoy.

Feb 13, 2014, 8:27 PM
most the oldtimers here know I met my loving husband here, so THANKS for the site Drew and for putting up with all our whining about the new flash site, (myself included):oh:

Feb 13, 2014, 9:41 PM
Thank You Drew because of you we have met some great people on this site

Feb 14, 2014, 10:19 AM
Thank you for the kind wishes everyone! Happy Valentines Day lovelies!

- Drew :paw:

Feb 14, 2014, 9:10 PM
Amen to all of the above. Drew, you are to be congratulated--the shit you have had to put up with to keep this thing on the rails most of us cannot imagine, nor would any of us be willing or able to take it on ourselves. That you are still hanging in here is a testament to your fortitude, dedication, and monumental patience! My hat is off to you, sir. And please accept my share of the gratitude we all owe you for putting this site together--there is nothing else like it on the web, and it is your baby!

Feb 15, 2014, 12:23 AM
*Wink wink* Hey Sailor, wanna date? lol.
Cat being silly..:}

Feb 21, 2014, 8:59 PM
Its Baaack. Click.

Feb 23, 2014, 10:06 PM
Cheers, Drew,
Here's to the love and recognition of you...
I don't think we can express it online enough...
In a digital age... this seems insignificant... yet oddly appropriate.