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Jul 27, 2006, 5:48 AM
for those of you who were kind enough to offer you advice and support thankyou

after a very long and painfull conversation with my partner things seem clearer . we are working through things one step at a time.

have pointed this site out to him and he may join at some point he is thankfull that i have had somwhere to turn for some advice .

he is trying to be more open about how he feels and what it is wants.

i have to take some of the blame for some of the problems within in our relationship . have had to face up to the fact i need let him have some freedom if itry to restrict him it will make him want to ''fly'' even more.

we have alot more burdens on our relationship than alot our child has autism you dont realize how much of a strain it puts on your relationship at times you become the parent of a child with disability and forget how to be a loving and supportive partner all you energy goes into caring for your child.

sorry for rambling and thankyou for being so supportive

Long Duck Dong
Jul 27, 2006, 6:18 AM
thats fantastic news.....lol

its hard on both parties when one admits to desires that extend outside the relationship and there is no quick fix for it

it takes a lot of talking, patience and understanding.... and it sounds like you have all them qualities.....and that ya partner has realised that you wanna understand and learn instead of walking out.......i was more people had your qualities and understanding

massive hugs

Jul 27, 2006, 11:49 AM
We wish your whole family well!

A good friend of mine has an autistic son and I have seen first hand how much more attention and love is needed. He and his wife feel completely worn out sometimes, but they still wouldn't trade it for the world.

Add orientation issues and I can see how incredibly difficult it could be.

Good blessings to both of you!

Jul 27, 2006, 2:18 PM
for those of you who were kind enough to offer you advice and support thankyou

after a very long and painfull conversation with my partner things seem clearer . we are working through things one step at a time.

have pointed this site out to him and he may join at some point he is thankfull that i have had somwhere to turn for some advice .

he is trying to be more open about how he feels and what it is wants.

i have to take some of the blame for some of the problems within in our relationship . have had to face up to the fact i need let him have some freedom if itry to restrict him it will make him want to ''fly'' even more.

we have alot more burdens on our relationship than alot our child has autism you dont realize how much of a strain it puts on your relationship at times you become the parent of a child with disability and forget how to be a loving and supportive partner all you energy goes into caring for your child.

sorry for rambling and thankyou for being so supportive

One of my sons is disabled and I understand fully how much time and energy it takes. It realy sounds like you have allot on your plate but never think you are alone. And if you do not allready know, Children are elligable at age 8 for Special Olympics and it is one of the best outlets for both the kids and the parents.

Jul 27, 2006, 3:49 PM
for those of you who were kind enough to offer you advice and support thankyou

after a very long and painfull conversation with my partner things seem clearer . we are working through things one step at a time.

have pointed this site out to him and he may join at some point he is thankfull that i have had somwhere to turn for some advice .

he is trying to be more open about how he feels and what it is wants.

i have to take some of the blame for some of the problems within in our relationship . have had to face up to the fact i need let him have some freedom if itry to restrict him it will make him want to ''fly'' even more.

we have alot more burdens on our relationship than alot our child has autism you dont realize how much of a strain it puts on your relationship at times you become the parent of a child with disability and forget how to be a loving and supportive partner all you energy goes into caring for your child.

sorry for rambling and thankyou for being so supportive
That's awesome that things are working out for you. I have a mentally disabled brother. He's not autistic, but the doctors can't figure out what he is. Having seen the strain this has put on my Father and Stepmother my heart goes out to you folks. Best of luck and Blessed be.