View Full Version : Role-playing games (not that kind)

Jul 26, 2006, 8:29 PM
So, on a random topic... :) Anyone here play role-playing games? Not the bedroom kind, I'm talking about D&D, Rifts, etc. If so, what kinds of games do you play? Personally, I'm a D&D geek. My dad ran a game for my brother and I when I was about 7, and I've been playing ever since. My wife and I even met in a game of D&D, how geeky is that. :tong: (On a side note: everyone in that group ended up coming out as bi. Funny stuff.)

However, my favourite game lately... Kobolds Ate My Baby (http://www.koboldsatemybaby.com/). :bigrin: Very funny, if you've got an utterly morbid sense of humour.

So... yeah. Any other RPG geeks out here? Speak up! :wiggle2:

Jul 26, 2006, 10:54 PM
I used to be big into D&D and I had Magic the gathering cards but I prefered the artwork on it to the game itself.

I'm a big H.P. Lovecraft fan but I never got into call of cuthulu or Delta green.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 26, 2006, 11:03 PM
lol and i thought i was a dying breed lol

lol I played and GM'ed various V:tM games in VPchat ( V:tM - vampire the masquerade )

am a lover of D&D and AD&D and I still own a lot of the tsr books, different game sets and core rule books lol

I play runescape, everquest and WoW online

I own baldurs gate 1 & 2
nwn diamond edition
icewind dale 1 & 2
dungeon siege 1 & 2
all the warcraft cd's
magic the gathering.... including a number of rare cards that came at no cheap cost

Jul 26, 2006, 11:14 PM
I used to do the d&d thing. Been wanting to get back into it, but don't know any people into it except this completely antisocial kid I used to work with. I was an Elven Ranger, of course :cool:

Jul 26, 2006, 11:24 PM
most of the role playing games are fun and I've played alot of them the most recent one that I'm playing is guild wars other than that there is to many for me to remember right now lol


Jul 26, 2006, 11:27 PM
I've been playing AD&D for 20 years. God...I feel old now. I've also played V:TM and a couple of the super hero games.

We're currently running a campaign with our 16 and 17 year old sons.

I gotta tell ya though Kobolds Ate My Baby looks freakin hilarious! How long does a game usually last? Knowing how dumb the little fuzzbuckets are, it can't go on TOO long.

Oh, and I met my husband on Prodigy Classic in The Peaceful Warrior Inn chat room (the one dedicated to AD&D-style roleplay). So you're not the only geek here hon :bigrin:

Jul 27, 2006, 7:00 AM
I played Kingdom of Loathing (www.kingdomofloathing.com) for a couple of years, until I ran out of new things to do. I'm giving it a bit of time before I play again, just waiting for enough new material to be added to make it fun again! ^_^ (For those of you who don't know, KoL is free, funny, and still in beta-mode.)

Jul 27, 2006, 7:08 AM
I've been playing AD&D for 20 years. God...I feel old now.
Hey, I've been playing for over 22 years now. :)

I gotta tell ya though Kobolds Ate My Baby looks freakin hilarious! How long does a game usually last? Knowing how dumb the little fuzzbuckets are, it can't go on TOO long.
I've only run one game so far... It took about 4 hours, but a lot of that was spent getting everyone familiar with the rules and such. We also let people create new kobolds whenever their current one died. Otherwise the game would have ended at the first chicken coop. :tong: I've got a game on Sunday, I'll let you know how that goes. :) The featured monster is a Knitting Demon, if that gives you an idea of what to expect... :bigrin:

I tried V:tM a few times, and I liked the rule system and a lot of the backstory, but I found that a lot of the people who played it took it way too seriously. :eek: I also played their Mage game, that was pretty entertaining. :)

Jul 27, 2006, 10:26 AM
I used to play D&D when I was a kid but after I quit smoking pot it wasn't the same.

Jul 27, 2006, 11:46 AM
Old School (paper + polyhedron) player of D&D, AD&D here.

Last game I was in was online via e-mail with one of my original groups. It just sort of fizzled out tho :(

Jul 27, 2006, 1:17 PM
I play World of Warcraft... got into it cause of my ex and it WAS something to do with him lol But Im more of a casual gamer than a hardcore gamer so I don't really play that much hehe
But really, since my ex and I split.... Im pretty much ignored in game now *pouts*... nice to know who your real friends are hehe so I lurk back to my old habits again..... online chats and message boards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (now THATS fun!!!) hehe

Im surprised Im the only one on here that seems to play it hehe I used to be on Ultima Online but that one turned to junk. (just so.... boring!)


Jul 27, 2006, 1:23 PM
Im starting to learn World Of Warcraft!!! I use to hate that damn game bc my bf would play it 24/7 but now Im kinda gettin addicted to it! AH! But what sucks is computer at home isnt hooked up on the internet sooo therefore I can play the game once I leave my uncles :( My computer is a piece of crap n it needs memory b4 I can play the game again!

Jul 27, 2006, 1:30 PM
used to play ad&d with friends before moving out of state,

been playing world of warcraft lately, I do that while my wife reads her erotic ebooks ;)

Jul 27, 2006, 1:33 PM
Ooooh what sever are you guys on?? Im on Blackhand :-)

Jul 27, 2006, 1:37 PM
mostly on dragonblight

Jul 27, 2006, 3:33 PM
Unabashed ADnD fan here ... though I haven't played for a while now :( Currently, it's world of warcraft for me - but IMHO, it's not half as enjoyable as playing with real people using your imagination (and a couple of handpainted miniatures)!

Jul 27, 2006, 6:33 PM
I've seen world of warcraft and it looks like alot of fun another good one I think is Diablo all editions even though I beat the first one several times. lol but its still a good game to play right now I'm messing arould with desert storm and doom3 almost forgot I have played D&D but its been along time though and would have to figure everything out again.

Jul 27, 2006, 7:53 PM
I played Kingdom of Loathing (www.kingdomofloathing.com) for a couple of years, until I ran out of new things to do. I'm giving it a bit of time before I play again, just waiting for enough new material to be added to make it fun again! ^_^ (For those of you who don't know, KoL is free, funny, and still in beta-mode.)

I used to play that rpg game too but then I got bored of it. :-\

Jul 28, 2006, 7:57 AM
I dont know what server Im on?!?! Im still learnin the game...Does Server mean the guild ur usin?

Ooooh what sever are you guys on?? Im on Blackhand :-)

Jul 28, 2006, 8:10 AM
Im a D&D player from Way back, my older brother introduced me. I also played Traveler, Wearwolf, a multitude of others. Latley Im doing the Tabletop Minitures games. Warmachine, Warhammer 40K, Hordes.

Im also a video game geek. I dig my PS2. Dont get much of a chance to play though.

I have found that Most gamers are pretty open when it comes to sexuality.
I know I have met quite a few gays, bis, and kinks in the Gamming community.
pitty that most of them are still doing the closet thing for fear of rejection.

Anyone Play Dawn Of War?
:) :flag3:

Jul 28, 2006, 10:32 AM
I played Kingdom of Loathing (www.kingdomofloathing.com) for a couple of years, until I ran out of new things to do. I'm giving it a bit of time before I play again, just waiting for enough new material to be added to make it fun again! ^_^ (For those of you who don't know, KoL is free, funny, and still in beta-mode.)

I just met the Kingdom of Loathing people at the San Diego Comic Con last week and they were really cool. I haven't played yet but I will soon if for no other reason than their enthusiasm was contagious. Looks simple but fun!

Jul 28, 2006, 10:34 PM
play dnd ad&d spent lots of money buying this and that books dice ect never was a dm but loved playing with all my d&d friends tryed warewolf i liked it but was not with other magic card think a friend name matt show me then and i turn it on to a hole lot of others in nj well 1 of the frist to play it
Scott and to old to be playing games
ok 44yrs and i would still play

Jul 30, 2006, 10:24 AM
World of Warcraft for me..... I used to be addicted but now play it once in a great while. I'm on Eldre Thalas, 60 human female warlock, 60 tauren male druid, 47 tauren male shaman, and the toon I am currently working on which is currently a 30 human female paladin. If anybody is on eldre thalas, lemme know

Jul 30, 2006, 12:55 PM
Im a level 14 Night Elf Hunter :) I dont know what server im on still, lol I keep forgetting to ask!

Driver 8
Jul 30, 2006, 1:09 PM
I used to play a lot of AD&D too (even back in the first-edition days), and I've played a lot of RPG systems at least once, but it's been a while since I felt like it was worth the time I was putting into it. In the last ten years I don't think I've played anything except Call of Cthulhu, which I highly recommend for newcomers who enjoy horror. The system is extremely easy to learn and extremely flexible.

Jul 30, 2006, 1:46 PM
Im a level 14 Night Elf Hunter :) I dont know what server im on still, lol I keep forgetting to ask!

When you're at the log in screen, look at the bottom right corner, the sever you play on is displayed there :-)