View Full Version : Hello :) I'm Back :)

Feb 1, 2014, 8:26 PM
Finally was able to figure out my password for this site after being away for awhile.... (2008 I believe!!)
I don't know if people will remember me but I used to be on here alot!!
Reading some of my old posts, I missed this site so I came back. I was playing on Google and wanted to see what my old screenname showed and up came this site!!

If any old friends remember me, please say HI and re-friend meeee!! :) Although I have seen a few who are no longer active on the site :( (unless you changed your username since)
Always open to making new friends too!! :)

Hope everyone's had a great holiday season! I can't wait till summer tho. I don't like Winter much!!

Feb 2, 2014, 2:42 AM
Hey Quiet, welcome home

Feb 2, 2014, 3:02 AM
Quiet, It's REALly great to SEE you again! There has been some redecorating changes around the place but hopefully you'll recognize it as HOME.
Happy 2014 to you.


Feb 2, 2014, 4:20 PM
Hello NQG. I dont know if you remember me, but welcome home anyway..:}
Ever'body's Cat.

Feb 2, 2014, 4:25 PM
Hi Cat! lol You know what's weird?? I figured out my password for my first account too (TashaSW) and I saw your comment on my last post there and was looking at your profile to see if you were still around or not (last activity).... yep you were, came on this account and saw you replied to this thread and my first thought was "ok, that was weird" haha but I'm happy you remember me and yes, I remember you too!! :)

And to the others that commented.... thanks :)

Feb 2, 2014, 4:52 PM
Welcome back home NQG

Feb 2, 2014, 7:51 PM
Welcome back Quiet ( Tasha). The site has changes but there are still old friends here and lots of new ones to make.

Belle in Boston

Feb 3, 2014, 3:01 AM
Well I can't say I have gotten an email notification from this site in I don't know how long lol Looks like we're having a reunion here ! Hello !

Feb 3, 2014, 6:11 PM
Glad to see you are back along with some others from the past who have come back like Vittoria and a few others--I had to get a new name for the place too, but recently changed it a version of my former name.

Welcome back!! Quiet and GEL!!!!