View Full Version : Be Careful in this crazy weather…

Jan 29, 2014, 12:27 PM
For those here in the US and Canada---we sure are having one nasty winter in most places---now---they are having a nasty winter weather system making its way from around New Orleans, Mobile and the Florida panhandle up into southern and coastal Georgia, then on up the SE coast from the Carolinas and Virginia.

People at this point are still stuck out on some of the interstates in the Atlanta area, where they had to spend the night in their cars---or they abandoned them as the National Guard came along to "rescue" them.

This weather is something else---and then out in the western US---no snow or rain, hot weather and fires threaten again---but up in many parts of Alaska---they are having record warm weather and no or little snow.

Down where it's summer in the bottom half of the world, they are roasting alive.

Totally crazy, man, CRAZY!!

Where ever you are and no matter how crazy your weather might be----try to stay safe.

Jan 29, 2014, 2:53 PM
Ab-so-Lutely. Be careful Darlings..no matter Where you are.;)

Jan 29, 2014, 3:39 PM
It's eternal grey, wet twilight in the UK so the only dangers we have are from vampires and depression.:eek2: Oh and flooding.
Is there anywhere on Earth that's nice to be at this Winter?

Jan 29, 2014, 6:17 PM
You have a point, the news says Australia is having the hottest summer on record. Here in the Northern Hemisphere of CT it is the coldest and snowiest in years. So it seems there is no "wonderful" place to be right now.

Jan 29, 2014, 9:18 PM
I have some friends in Wis, and Iowa right now who say their weather is Bazaar. And I dont know about Miss Belle there in Boston, but I hope she and others are ok. What with record snow-falls, ice storms, and high winds, I do worry about people lots.
Ya'll be safe and warm and dry out there. And as far as "I" know, the only place with 'perfect' weather right now is at the "Campout"
Its a beautiful 70 degrees, no humidity, and no Skeeters. Just naked camping, good foods and plenty of sand barging romping and tent hopping..lol.
Muahs, Ya'll. :}
Silly Cat

Jan 30, 2014, 9:07 AM
Its a beautiful 70 degrees, no humidity, and no Skeeters.

*runs by naked and furry* "Woooooooot! Skeeter on peter, skeeter on peter, skeeter on peter! Woot!" * seems a big furry blur as he continues running on into the wild wood *

Jan 30, 2014, 8:54 PM
Sigh, Sorry Voltie. I'll lassoe him in a bit, and drag him back to the campsite.. In the meantime, be careful out there, Ya'll...:}

Jan 30, 2014, 11:26 PM
40 inches of snow in January, snowed today and 3 to 6 inches on the weekend is predicted. Great news, I am going to Atlanta next week. I am sure they don't get bad winter weather. DO THEY?

Jan 31, 2014, 8:41 AM
40 inches of snow in January, snowed today and 3 to 6 inches on the weekend is predicted. Great news, I am going to Atlanta next week. I am sure they don't get bad winter weather. DO THEY?

Apologies a reply is delayed. It seems difficult to frame a reply for
your post, and subsequent query. Your posting is contextually neutral,
or appears so for me.

The post could be read as you joking. This leads one feel a humorous
reply is merited. In that, one could say surrealistically that weather
at your destination is perfectly tropical and lovely.

Another way the post reads, one may think a genuine and sincere response
is of merit. Choosing this response would have one convey links to
multiple media sources, explaining the recent onset of cold blanketing
the entire South East. One might wonder if you had been away from recent

Hopefully, this can offer reasoning behind a delayed response. Body
language is often missed over the web, internet. This can play havoc in
"reading" messages at times.

That aside, Atlanta was hit by a sudden falling of snow this past week.
It shut down several highways. Some drivers abandoned their cars,
tractor trailers.

There was no movement for miles on these roads. Some had been sitting
twelve to eighteen hours. National guard got to school buses as
priority, got children back to schools with power, or on to parents.

Here in WV, it has been brutally cold as well. We had roughly an
imperial foot of snow. This is 30.48 centimeters for those using
metric. Our temperatures ranged from -20 to +10 F for about a week,
most everything outside froze and solid. That's ~-28.89 - -12.22 C in

Children here stayed out of school mainly as result of the cold, until
Thursday. It was tough for me to cope with nephews over in their room
playing those glorifying violence video games all this past week. Now,
it feels nice to have quiet and no "static". :)

I hope this response has been adequate, served what it needed to serve.
Excuse me, have life to attend.