View Full Version : On to Step 2?

Jul 25, 2006, 10:49 PM
I know I just joined a few days ago but I've already read through most of the site. I posted a quick intro and said I was “newly bi”. By that I meant, that after a long marriage (wonderful person and family) I have only recently started to think about it. Now either I dwell on the thought and bury it inside or I try to do something about it.

Really though how can I learn if I am without trying? And therein lies the problem....I have to try. Now mentally I'm all set, penises don't frighten me! But this is a logistical challenge, I will need to somehow stumble onto a willing participant. Craigslist scares me but for the sake of argument lets suppose I find an interested and understanding temporary friend to help me out. Lets say we meet first for coffee, and talk and neither of us is creeped out, and we have a comfortable place to play.....at what point and HOW do you size up (hah!) a person for oral sex (both giving and receiving) and say “yup this is medically safe....all systems go!”

Basically my thinking is: 1) I want to know 2) and I have to try 3) but I'm still married 4) so it has to be safe. So far I've come to a dead stop on that last one! Does anyone have any advice or comforting words? :)

Jul 26, 2006, 12:05 AM
Don't rush it, you can't put the genie back in the bottle so to speak. I spoke to two therapists, and a phsycologist about this and if you find the right empathetic person it will go along way towards undertanding your feelings.

BTW I am lucky to have as friends the above therapists and Phsycologist and I know not everyone has that resource but make sure you ask all the right questions before you jump in.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 26, 2006, 12:07 AM
roflmao..... what you are asking is a lil hard......the subject i mean... not the penis...lol

try this.... at what point did you know and feel it was medically ok for you to lose your virgin by choice ( i throw the * by choice * part in cos sometimes we lose it without a choice )

the size of the penis means nothing... its the size and gag reflex of the mouth that decides the ability to give oral sex...... you may well be able to accomodate a 8 inch penis without blinking... but ya gag reflex ( choking ) may set the limit at 5 inches

if I can give any advice ??? its, use a condom during oral sex, pull the condom down and tight and it can enhance the sensation of having a penis sucked.... and if you don't like the taste of rubber, use flavoured lub on the outside of the condom

set your goals.... do you wanna mouth ful of cock, of cum... or both.....do you wanna be guided by the head as you suck or do you wanna do it by trial and error

use ya nose and eyes..... a clean male smells clean.....a infected male smells clean.. but a careful and well disguised examination while masturbating the penis before sucking, can tell you a lot about the person

things like herpes are near impossible to spot unless the virus has flared up and many people carry it without any knowledge they have the disease... so they can pass it on with no idea they even have it