View Full Version : low rise jeans on guys?

Jan 27, 2014, 5:10 PM
Do y'all think low rise jeans on guys make them look Bi or gay or do you think they are hot?

Jan 27, 2014, 6:20 PM

Jan 27, 2014, 6:55 PM
I don't know how they look on AVERAGE guys but the guys on google images look pretty hot..co-incidently none of them seem to be wearing any shirts..!

Jan 28, 2014, 10:45 AM
If the guy is otherwise attractive, hot. If not, doesn't do a thing for me.

Jan 28, 2014, 11:10 AM
Something like this--is best left to the guys that have young, buff bodies!!! :tongue: It does look hot on such guys. To me--for an older guy--even if they have a good looking body---best that they take a more refined look--sharp slacks, nice shirt, cool sport jacket, snazzy shoes….

Jan 28, 2014, 11:25 AM
This is the second or third incarnation of low rise jeans that I can recall. I recall being somewhere about fifteen years ago with some young peep.(14 year olds). They encouraged me to buy a pair of low rise jeans. I had just toned up my body after letting it get a bit flabby. I was wearing tighter shirts to show off what I had worked hard to regain…lol Well, they convinced me to buy the low rise jeans. I paid good coin to get them. Be damned if I only wore the low rise jeans twice…lol They were fairly low and more uncomfortable in the crotch than I decided was worth it. I decided that the body was good but I agree that they are best on guys under 20 and very fit or thin. They can emphasize your junk though..lol

Maybe guys in their 20's who are transitioning from baggy low rise jeans will be comfortable with the rise but I bet not the tightness and low rise..who knows? Some that I see add skinny jeans concept to low rise..meaning you may have problems getting your jeans over your calfs etc.. :(

Jan 28, 2014, 4:17 PM
This is the second or third incarnation of low rise jeans that I can recall. I recall being somewhere about fifteen years ago with some young peep.(14 year olds). They encouraged me to buy a pair of low rise jeans. I had just toned up my body after letting it get a bit flabby. I was wearing tighter shirts to show off what I had worked hard to regain…lol Well, they convinced me to buy the low rise jeans. I paid good coin to get them. Be damned if I only wore the low rise jeans twice…lol They were fairly low and more uncomfortable in the crotch than I decided was worth it. I decided that the body was good but I agree that they are best on guys under 20 and very fit or thin. They can emphasize your junk though..lol

Maybe guys in their 20's who are transitioning from baggy low rise jeans will be comfortable with the rise but I bet not the tightness and low rise..who knows? Some that I see add skinny jeans concept to low rise..meaning you may have problems getting your jeans over your calfs etc.. :(

I'm 22 and if I'm not wearing yoga pants, I am wearing low rise super-skinny jeans. I love how tight they are

Jan 28, 2014, 4:36 PM
As I wrote newly…you are also newly to skin tight jeans probably…never wore yoga pants..but been there a few decades with tight jeans and skinny jean with some variations, What goes around come around…lol Have fun. Your balls will eventually tell you they are happier with less tightness but enjoy it :)

You're right though I suspect. They can make a good ass look even better ;)

Jan 28, 2014, 4:50 PM
As I wrote newly…you are also newly to skin tight jeans probably…never wore yoga pants..but been there a few decades with tight jeans and skinny jean with some variations, What goes around come around…lol Have fun. Your balls will eventually tell you they are happier with less tightness but enjoy it :)

You're right though I suspect. They can make a good ass look even better ;)

I've been wearing skiing tight jeans for 7 years now... With mens skinnies, there's plenty of room for the package. For women's, I wear them super low and position my balls and dick and they're pretty comfortable. I have done 8+ hour workdays in them just fine. Yoga pants are so stretchy that they are completely comfortable. It's all about finding clothes that look sexy but are stretchy enough to be comfy. Also, both types of pants make my bulge and my ass look AMAZING.

Jan 28, 2014, 6:38 PM
Also, I have a destroyed knee with a lot of torn ligaments. Since skinny jeans, by their nature restrict movement, it helps keep my leg more stable not letting it hyper extend in directions it's not supposed to go. It also stops my femur from sliding around on top of my tibia/fibia.

Jan 28, 2014, 7:23 PM
Also, I have a destroyed knee with a lot of torn ligaments. Since skinny jeans, by their nature restrict movement, it helps keep my leg more stable not letting it hyper extend in directions it's not supposed to go. It also stops my femur from sliding around on top of my tibia/fibia.

Ok..well there ya go. You need to wear skinny low rise jeans for medical reasons. Would that make your new skinny jeans an income tax medical deduction? Food for thought ;) :) (kid'n)

Jan 28, 2014, 7:27 PM
Ok..well there ya go. You need to wear skinny low rise jeans for medical reasons. Would that make your new skinny jeans an income tax medical deduction? Food for thought ;) :) (kid'n)

Yeah but I started wearing them 5 years before they medically did anything. LOL to the tax deduction

Jan 28, 2014, 7:35 PM
Yeah but I started wearing them 5 years before they medically did anything. LOL to the tax deduction

shhh They'll never know. lol
Although ….could it be that the skinny jeans caused the knee injury due to the circulation being cut off? (kid'n)

Did you ever wear the baggy jeans and below the crack and curve of the butt…held up by your cock?

Jan 28, 2014, 7:50 PM
shhh They'll never know. lol
Although ….could it be that the skinny jeans caused the knee injury due to the circulation being cut off? (kid'n)

Did you ever wear the baggy jeans and below the crack and curve of the butt…held up by your cock?

No it's a military related injury. i don't sag. i wear my pant right above my crack and cock. i secure it with a belt no matter how tight to make sure it doesn't slide down.

Jan 29, 2014, 2:55 PM
Absolutely hot! When I was in my teens, low cut jeans were in, and I had a couple pairs. I felt hot wearing them! I loved how they felt.

Jan 30, 2014, 3:10 PM
I wear them and I love to see FIT men in them

Jan 30, 2014, 3:53 PM
I have a few pairs of jeans that fit below the waist, hip huggers like the old bell-bottoms from back in the day, and although I no longer have the washboard abs, my stomach is still pretty flat. I luv the way they feel and look when I have my shirt off, stripped to the waist as they accentuate my upper body and cock package; most guys and chicks I am with would agree.

Jan 30, 2014, 5:31 PM
These are best left to women with buff bodies..

Jan 30, 2014, 6:17 PM
Sorry, I'm not 20. Or 30, or even 40 for that matter, and the last time I wore anything that hugged my hips was in the late 60s (hip hungers) when I was in junior high, and tight slacks (70s) during the Disco age. Now, I'm no longer in school, and Disco is dead, so comfort fit jeans or long workout shorts (also comfortable fit) is what I wear.
The only time I'm in tight jeans is when I failed to work out enough to fit into my regular comfort fits. LOL

Jan 31, 2014, 7:51 AM
When I'm not wearing my 12" mini kilts, 16" short kilt, or micro shorts, I wear low rise loose fit jeans :) I'm 35, but do look 25, and am fairly fit with a flat stomach. I also have a few tattoos, one of rich rings around my pierced navel! No complaints from my aesthetician, wife, or lovers !

Lisa (va)
Jan 31, 2014, 9:01 PM
It's all a matter of personal taste I suppose, but in my opinion I think it detracts from a man's appearance. Keep in mind that this is just my own opinion and my tastes run towards a man that knows how to dress with clothes not too tight nor too lose


hugs n kisses

Jan 31, 2014, 9:35 PM
This is one of the outfits I prefer to wear whenever I can!

Feb 1, 2014, 6:27 AM
It doesn't matter that I think low rise jeans make some hot m&f look hotter, coz they make me feel like pulling my jeans up just by looking at them.:tongue: They look so uncomfortable & annoying, just like those baggy arsed jeans.
I'd rather they wore tidy jeans and undid their buttons to flash me a bit extra if they felt the need. On that note, a bloke wearing them would make me assume he's gay or at least an overly fashion conscious bi.lol

Feb 27, 2014, 5:59 PM
As long as they train their ass to get as pert, muscly and round as they can, I love all asses.
Don't like to see fat, flabby asses or baggy jeans. Gotta be ultra sexy like my ass is!:)