View Full Version : Are Most Men Bisexual?

Jan 22, 2014, 2:02 AM
As men we think nothing to tug, pull, and stroke our cocks, hell we will watch TV with our cocks in our hands. If we could give ourselves blowjobs, we would never leave the house; we love our cocks, yet many men bash homosexuality. So in essence, it's okay to like cock, but only if it's yours. Go figure. Do you all think that most men are bisexual in reality?

Jan 22, 2014, 2:38 AM
I personally think that it is unwise to make a statement that all or most men are this or that unless you have scientific statistical evidence to back up your belief.

"Self love" sexual gratification of a man jerking or playing with himself is a very big step to move from to touching and jerking, sucking etc. another man cock. Men get pleasure when they touch their cocks and that is very different than getting pleasure from touching another man's genitals and interacting sexually with another man. Add to this that kissing another man is part of bisexuality and there are bisexual men who do not want to do that. Letting another man stick his penis up your butt is very far from many men's minds and yet is an option for bisexual men..not all.

No, being bisexual involves more than playing with your own cock..a lot more…the emotional connecting that a bisexual man may have with another man goes so much further than touching a cock…your own or some other guy's. All of this is part of bisexuality. Most men do not want to do most of these things.

I think that a bisexual man making statements about most men are bisexual falls under the same category that gay men make about bisexual men just have not come out or recognized that they are gay. Sorry but I think that both statements have little credibility and show an egocentric desire to justify their own existence.

Jan 22, 2014, 11:35 AM
@tenni Unfortunately the statistical evidence that does support claims is often flawed, and many researchers recognize this. Data gathered in research relating to sexuality is generally self-reporting and often employ an array of definitions. Some individuals will describe themselves as heterosexual with homosexual experiences, while others will describe themselves as bisexual. Therefore data to support a claim can and often will be refuted.

As you state "self love," and gratifying oneself is a big step from activity with another man. And as you point out there is a gradient as to what men will do such as kissing or anal sex; some men are strictly tops, others bottoms, some only want oral, or mutual jackoff, etc. So where does the gradient begin? I have chatted with others who have yet to have an experience, yet there are here on Bisexual.com. These individuals have made steps to defining themselves as bisexual without ever having had "the emotional connecting that a bisexual man may have with another man." They are simply acting on thoughts and desires. I would further argue that such thoughts and desires are brought about during these sessions of self-love and gratification, and the only data that I have to support this is my own experience. When I would masturbate and wish that I could suck my own cock, ideas and urges began to develop until ideas and urges were no longer enough.

I myself believe sexuality to be as fluid as water and as necessary. We have created categories for sexuality that are moronic, and I am of the opinion that no one truly falls within any one of the categories, I myself believe that through various experiences, definitions, age, culture, and religion/spirituality, etc. that we experience all the categories that have been defined for us and more. I do not need to justify my existence. I exist because I exist and I am the way I am, well who knows why and this is why I have come here to this site: to learn.

Now, this post wasn't intended to be a philosophical post, I just happened to see the irony in the statement sprinkled with a little sense of humor. Nor was I looking for abstract articles with regression analysis. It was pretty simple... In your opinion do you think there are more men...

Jan 22, 2014, 1:05 PM
That's the thing; How are you going to define bisexuality? Was I bisexual back in my twenties when I'd get to drinking, go manhunting, then be all embarrassed about it the next day- telling myself I wouldn't do it again? I probably wouldn't have defined myself as bisexual, but hindsight shows I certainly was.

What about other guys, some of whom fooled around with other guys as teenagers then stopped, are all embarrassed about what they did and are scared to death someone might find out because of their current social group . Are they bisexual?

It's too hard to say. I'd like to think the most men are potentially bisexual, but it's too hard to come up with a clear enough and all encompassing definition that would work.

Jan 22, 2014, 1:57 PM
If anything, I find this a bit of double speak nonsense. I agree that there are a definite group of people who identify as bisexual who will also state that they don't believe in labels. I think enough say that to place that as a trait of bisexuality…lol

Stats just do not support your premise at all even analysis that examine the bisexual who does not formally identify as bisexual. I've read studies that report that in certain latino cultures that men identify as bisexual who have had sex only with men and have no attraction to women. It is a cultural factor to deny homosexuality even if behaviour and desire indicate otherwise. Why not say that most men are potentially homosexual? It has a much validity. You have to go with the stats that are verifiable and self disclosure to some extent. You premise just doesn't make sense to me.

Your point about men loving their own cock is very valid…of course we do…if we identify our gender as CISmale. :bounce:

Jan 22, 2014, 2:10 PM
I think this is kind of the point, so if we remove all the labels, then aren't we just people with experiences? Some shared, some like, some different? But I have to wonder how many of us have like experiences? A French philosopher, Michel Foucault, discussed the damaging effects of labels: to label something was to do it harm; whether labels are self-imposed or pushed on us by society at large.

Jan 22, 2014, 2:28 PM
i think most men are curious but wont admit to it

Jan 22, 2014, 3:10 PM
I think this is kind of the point, so if we remove all the labels, then aren't we just people with experiences? Some shared, some like, some different? But I have to wonder how many of us have like experiences? A French philosopher, Michel Foucault, discussed the damaging effects of labels: to label something was to do it harm; whether labels are self-imposed or pushed on us by society at large.

I see your point.

I forgot to add that I think that a person may identify as bisexual but not act on their desires and needs. There are many reason why they do not act and may do so later in life. I see such self identifying as generally good but self identifying incorrectly may not be good. This is quite different than identifying as bisexual but having attraction(sexual & or emotional) to only one gender such as some latino cultures who are so very homophobic that homosexual men can only identify with bisexuality but have no attraction at all to women. That is a monosexual and the opposite of bisexuality. It doesn't matter whether the person identifies as gay or heterosexual, they are monosexuals. The latino men who self identified as bisexual had HIV and raised the test results as to bisexuals spreading HIV myth.

I think that society would have to have evolved considerably before a label less society existed whether it is sexuality or other labels. Foucault is a philosopher and it might be argued that he is an idealist. Self labelling may be very helpful but there does need to be a reality check. If it looks like, behaves like, eats like etc. a duck but identifies as a horse, it is still a duck in denial. Does the duck do any harm? Not in a utopian world. Such incorrect self identification did do harm in the latino HIV study.

Jan 23, 2014, 7:26 AM
Do you all think that most men are bisexual in reality?

It has taken me a while to compose thought on this question. Apologies
for such a delay to a simple question. More often than not, the simple
questions are the most profound.

The world at large seems to dictate sound bytes. That in mind I will
offer a short reply. I do not think most men are bisexual.

A French philosopher, Michel Foucault, discussed
the damaging effects of labels: to label something was to do it
harm; whether labels are self-imposed or pushed on us by society at

I recall a scientist offering an explanation of science, suggesting
science is about observing, once something is observed it dies. If left
unobserved, it continued living. Observe it and death came.

This may be in similar vein to Foucault, or not. The French do seem to
have quite a way of thinking. Love a French work of art with a painting
of a pipe framed, one pipe unframed.

The framed one is captioned "art", the unframed one "shit hung on
wall". It is the same painting, one framed, one not. I appreciate such

Jan 23, 2014, 8:31 AM
IMO, there are more men with the potential to be bisexual than there are those who identify as bisexual.
That is just my personal assumption due to my sexual explorations with different sexual acts: I didn't know I liked some things until I tried them.
It's also due to my bisexual tastes: "You don't like Coffee? I can't believe that you don't like coffee! Try it! You'll love it!", kinda thing.:rolleyes:

Jan 23, 2014, 6:51 PM
It's also due to my bisexual tastes: "You don't like Coffee? I can't believe that you don't like coffee! Try it! You'll love it!", kinda thing.:rolleyes:

"You don't drink tea?" *long gaping awkward silence* "What the bloody fuck? Not drinking tea!" *jangling of ceramic pot under a cozy*
"Now, you drown in it twat!"

*chuckles* Something I recall from many many moons ago. Learned to never say no to tea, or a good bisquit with it.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 23, 2014, 7:34 PM
As men we think nothing to tug, pull, and stroke our cocks, hell we will watch TV with our cocks in our hands. If we could give ourselves blowjobs, we would never leave the house; we love our cocks, yet many men bash homosexuality. So in essence, it's okay to like cock, but only if it's yours. Go figure. Do you all think that most men are bisexual in reality?

I think that we all have the equipment and ability to be bisexual.... but it doesn't mean that we are or will be...... and to do dead honest, I do not narrow bisexuality down to a attraction to males and females and exclude friendship as there is a starting point for a attraction to friends and its why we can have male and friend females, the sexuality interest is a more narrower and stronger attraction

so in a sense, we all may be bi attracted and bi interested in friends ( read that simply as ok with friends of both genders ) and loosely using the defination of bisexuality, it can be used in a way to say that the majority of people are BI but not bisexual ( read that as attracted to both genders but not sexually inclined or interested in sex with both genders )

the majority of males that I have met over the years that have issues with homosexuality are the ones that narrow homosexuality down to anal sex between males and feminine males rather than the wider aspect of gay male cover the same diverse spectrum as heterosexual and bisexual males.....

Jan 23, 2014, 8:01 PM
"You don't drink tea?" *long gaping awkward silence* "What the bloody fuck? Not drinking tea!" *jangling of ceramic pot under a cozy*
"Now, you drown in it twat!"

*chuckles* Something I recall from many many moons ago. Learned to never say no to tea, or a good bisquit with it.
Please Void! We do NOT speak of those non tea lovers where I come from. Just can't get our heads around it.:confused::eek2:

Jan 23, 2014, 8:48 PM
I will admit--I will never be a member of the tea party--but I am a confirmed tea drinker and damn proud of it!! I am an out and proud tea drinker too!! :yikes2:

I like iced tea, hot tea, earl gray tea, green tea, white tea, red tea, chai tea….

Jan 24, 2014, 4:23 PM
Please Void! We do NOT speak of those non tea lovers where I come from. Just can't get our heads around it.:confused::eek2:


I have trouble thinking of Brits or U.K. folk whom drink ... *gasp* ... coffee. Though, I know they do.

Drink plenty of tea here, and plenty coffee as well. Have even boiled out chicory from root to try it.
Chicory done the way I did was very bitter, strong. Guess it is why the Southerners used it during
our Civil War, as the Northerners had cut off coffee supplies. I would need to acquire more of a taste
for it, or experiment in adding mints, honey to draw off the bitterness.

Jan 24, 2014, 5:03 PM
i dont think all men but there are lots

Jan 24, 2014, 9:06 PM
I think that many are and afraid to show it, let alone act on it! I am a straight guy in terms of my actions, but not my thoughts. I do believe there are mixed emotions in most men, and many are afraid to show their "homosexual" thoughts and desires. Men are not supposed to want cocks, it is taboo. It has never been socially accepted, nobody wants to be the subject of ridicule.

Yes I get turned on by looking other men's cocks. I would love to go down on one too, but I have never do so yet. So does that make me bisexual because I think it? Or am I straight because I don't act on it? Please help me with my identity!

Jan 25, 2014, 8:22 AM
I think a lot of people have experimented with their sexuality but I'm not ready to say that ALL men are bisexual - quite clearly there are many who are not.. Having said that, labels suck, but without them life can be hard sometimes. Listening to this board can give a false sense of security - if I get all of my opinions about sex from this one source then I will think that "everyone" likes this, and everyone has a confused spouse that is trying to understand what happened, etc.

The world is a really big place, the interesting social experiment is letting people just be who they are for what they can contribute to this life.

Jan 27, 2014, 4:36 AM
No most men are not bisexual. Most women are not either. Most people are heterosexual. If most people were bisexual you would not have same gender marriage illegal, and there would be no or very little issue with getting rights for bisexuals, gays, or lesbians. Just because women and men masturbate and enjoy it does not mean that they're bisexual or are bi but don't know it.
Agree with the conclusion if not the reasoning.... most peeps, in wot we call the first world, have sex out of wedlock, contrary to what our cultures have told us. Born of principally the Christian religion. In the last haff century we have freed ourselves from that conditioning more openly and unashamedly. For millenia our ancestors preached if not practiced sex outside of marriage was wrong,and even enjoyment of it, inside or outside of marriage. We have broken one taboo, and so while I doubt it, we may be in the early stages of wrecking another. In many ways we already have with greater acceptance and legalisation of the lgbt.... it is prob 2 big a step 2 say most peeps r bi...

Jan 28, 2014, 12:37 PM
I think a lot of men wouldn't mind having sex with another man. Whether it be oral or anal sex, I believe they think about it often and would even strip down and masturbate with another man and possibly more. If there wasn't a chance if being caught.

Jan 28, 2014, 1:31 PM
I may have written this but something written above brought this to my mind.
Most men may not be bisexual, however the largest group outside of heterosexual monosexuals are bisexuals..not gay and lesbians monosexuals. Bisexuals are hard to pin down but the San Francisco Human Rights commission on Bi Invisibility points out bisexuals as the largest by far group in the LGB grouping. T is not a sexuality and may be any of the three mentioned sexualities.

Jan 28, 2014, 5:59 PM
I have sucked quite afew men who said they wre straight but while I was sucking them , they played with my cock and most of them would end up sucking me also. I think men are just very sexual animals.

Jan 28, 2014, 9:39 PM
Very well put Henry..:} Plus..labels Do hurt. Especially depending on where you Put them suckers..They are a Bitch to peel off. OW. snicker.
Cat..being silly tonight..:}

Jan 29, 2014, 6:13 AM
Sex is a wonderful way to relieve aggression, it sure beats a bloody confrontation..

Jan 29, 2014, 6:31 AM
Um mm! A. KINSEY - according to his studies during the 1940s, only 7 to 10% of males are exclusively heterosexual. His work is sound science and undeniable. My favorite cock sucker is a married man who identifies as "straight." As long as I get sucked off, who am I to argue?

Jan 29, 2014, 11:23 AM
That's the spirit!!!!!!!

Jan 29, 2014, 6:29 PM
RE Sucking, I agree totally! What am I to complain about.

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Jan 30, 2014, 4:10 AM

All Humans are Bisexual
Gay & Straight are merely the extremes of Bisexuality

Homophobia stems from fear of the true sexuality a person has within, but does not want the World to know about.


Jan 30, 2014, 9:40 AM
I'm not sure what the answer is, but I am very surprised by the number of married men who want m2m sex.

Feb 1, 2014, 10:49 PM
In my case, it dependeds on how old I was. Truth be told I started sucking dick long before my first pussy. But that was just me being a bit too horny. When I was in my teens, all I could think about was girls and there boobs. Now that I’m in my 50’s… dicks in me is all I really want. Maybe just me but there it is.

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Feb 2, 2014, 5:24 AM

Don't guess I need to reiterate:

"Homophobia stems from fear of the true sexuality a person has within, but does not want the World to know about."

....with such a great example present, but guess I just did.


Feb 4, 2014, 7:59 AM
I do not know any other men who consider them self Bi, boy, but do I know many women who is, but consider them self straight.Wife included.