View Full Version : Personal Questions.

Jan 19, 2014, 2:13 AM
We - me, my partner and my 2 daughters went to my nieces wedding last night. We sat with my sisters and their husbands. (My daughters came "stag".)
Anyway, the bridesmaid made a short speech - very funny - mainly about the difficulties of wedding nights. One thing she said was how many couple, for various reason, don't actually consummate their wedding. (Laughs here as the couple had been living together for about 2 years)
My youngest - all of 21 - then piped up in a very clear voice and an evil look on her face, simply asked, "Mum, did you and Dad do it on your wedding night?"
Anything else she may have said was drowned by the spluttering, raucous laughter of my partner - she actually spurted a little wine - and of my sisters.
My daughter held her ground and wanted an answer.
I wonder if you know how it feels to have about 8 people, all extremely close, including your daughters and sisters breathlessly waiting.

...... I nodded. (Of course we bloody well "did it." We shagged till we dropped: we supposedly achieved the wedding night trifecta!)

Not that any one will ever know. The nod was all she got, but she is just evil at times. Pity I love her so much or I'd sell her for medical experimentation!!

Which makes me wonder - have any of you wonderful people ever been asked such a personal question and how did you respond?

Long Duck Dong
Jan 19, 2014, 2:59 AM
I was fixing a friends computer once while my sister and them were talking and lil miss six comes flying into the room with all the furious energy of a youngster, planted her feet in front of skye and said * mummy and daddy have been telling me about what a man and a woman do when they are in love and that some people love just men and just women and others love men and women *.. skye nodded, my ears pricked up and we had a young couple getting ready to explain what they had told her.....

lil miss six then said * a man puts his penis in a woman and they make love, so what do you do with a woman cos you are bicyclesexual ? * I swear my sister is bombproof because she just said that the word is bisexual and two ladies can kiss and cuddle a lot, just like people do when they love other people, but they do not have a penis like a man so they make love in other ways *.... lil miss six pondered this for a few seconds then disappeared out of the room ... and we all smiled and relaxed.....

about 5 minutes later, lil miss six can be heard outside talking to a friend about how skye told her that women are not like men so they do not need to get dressed when they love each other because they make love differently so when two women are hugging in the kitchen, they are making love with their clothes on and not in the bedroom like mummy and daddy without clothes on *....

I think it took me about 20 minutes to stop laughing and a couple of days before my guts stopped hurting......

the kitchen was a place that we often hung out in and the ladies hugging was a normal thing, same with a lot of the guys that hugged.... but in the mind of lil miss six, the kitchen took on a whole new meaning lol......

Jan 19, 2014, 8:11 AM
A certain young lady upon meeting meeting her mum's gf's ex hubbie for the 1st time exclaimed 'u gave up him and u ended up with her? omg u r weird!' Much to the enjoyment of ex hubbie, 2 sets of parents, a brace of siblings and umpteen relations and m8's...... mum and gf didn't care...luff conquers all.....:impleased

Tho almost a decade down the line haff of the happy couple gets narked when it is raised and the other haff finds gr8 mirth in her luffly wife's discomfiture.....:cutelaugh

Jan 25, 2014, 12:58 AM
Life long friend upon learning of my bisexuality took a big slice of cake.

"So, you have been well, you know with a man?"

I merely offered him this blank dull stare, a blink. His wife burst out
in uncontrollable laughter which continued the rest of the day.

Not really so much personal as it was one of the supremely obvious
zinger questions. He tried again toward evening.

"No, ___ I just darn a guy's socks, like I darn a gal's socks", was my reply.

Fortunately, after a few minutes he understood.

Jan 25, 2014, 8:34 AM
Yes, some people inadvertently ask very personal questions..I usually try to give an honest answer but in your case I think a "nod" was the right answer in front of the entire wedding party. I have been known to ask the odd insensitive question myself every once in while, I guess it's part of being human..open foot, insert mouth..etc..

Jan 25, 2014, 12:44 PM
one of the best comebacks I ever heard, was when a friend was asked a very personal question, she turned to the person and asked "why do you want to know?". The person flushed and shut right up. I have been known to use the same tactic from time to time.