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Jul 25, 2006, 3:26 PM
How come about 60% of us didn't attend a bi pride event? I am shocked and appalled at this information. Why do you think that is? I hope it was a matter of time or scheduling, and not a matter of being ashamed of who we are.

Jul 25, 2006, 3:38 PM
I just don't want to go alone :-) Plus I don't like huge crowds of people so I tends to stay away lol UNLESS its Disney but you'll hear me grumbling about pushy people and those not paying attention where they are going. :-)

But if Im with someone who REALLY wanted to go to a pride event and wants me to go with her/him, then I'll go.


Jul 25, 2006, 3:41 PM
Being in the closet is not the same as being ashamed.

(Not saying 60% of us are closetted... also not all of us can drop everything and have a nearby pridefest to go to.)

Jul 25, 2006, 3:44 PM
I just don't want to go alone :-) Plus I don't like huge crowds of people so I tends to stay away lol UNLESS its Disney but you'll hear me grumbling about pushy people and those not paying attention where they are going. :-)

But if Im with someone who REALLY wanted to go to a pride event and wants me to go with her/him, then I'll go.


Too bad you live in BC Tasha, I'd go with you. :flag1:

Jul 25, 2006, 4:03 PM
I wouldn't say that I'm ashamed of being myself. But since I've been married, and certainly since I have a child, I just feel...uncomfortable going. Like we'd be seen as just another straight gawking family. I shouldn't feel that way, but I do.

Jul 25, 2006, 4:33 PM
I wouldn't say that I'm ashamed of being myself. But since I've been married, and certainly since I have a child, I just feel...uncomfortable going. Like we'd be seen as just another straight gawking family. I shouldn't feel that way, but I do.

When I went I took hubby with me and wore a t-shirt that indicated my bisexuality. I either wore my Bisexual Blues T or my Biangles T. That way people knew that I'm not a straight gawker.

Jul 25, 2006, 4:35 PM
I'm one who did go, but I was also part of the group that organized it. I might have gone to others if there were any in my area, but there weren't (that I'm aware of). So I don't know. It has nothing to do with shame for me. Anybody who knows me could tell you that I'm pretty shameless. :cool: I guess I'm just that proverbial crabby old man who yells at kids for walking on his lawn. Not very community-oriented.

EDIT: Before anybody jumps on me for it, I should add that 'Chicago Area' is a very broad term, and I'm actually quite a ways from the city itself.

Jul 25, 2006, 6:21 PM
Work Work Work I just didn't have the time to go. Where is next years event i can start planning. also the fact i have no money may also paly a factor in he decision.

Where will it be next year?

Jul 25, 2006, 9:37 PM
sometimes i feel like i'm not as welcomed or respected by the gay community, like i'm invading their day to celebrate...maybe we need a bi pride day, it would nice to be on a bi float during the pride celebrations tho *dreams of the many float themes i could use*

Jul 25, 2006, 10:01 PM
My reason that I had no plans to attend such an event: I was not aware of any in my area and 2.) since my employment situation has been rather sporadic---I have not been spending money for trips not related to doing a story--so I have not been traveling that much at all lately...

I am starting a new, full time, 8 to 5 kind of job tomorrow (Wed, 26 July)--so by next year--I will have the funds to travel a bit more than I have been of late....maybe I will try attending an event in a fun place to be like San Francisco or Miami

Jul 25, 2006, 11:01 PM
I wanted to go to the one in St. Pete but it was 3 days before I got out of the institution. I kicked myself for that one.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 26, 2006, 12:15 AM
a number of reasons can be why 60% of people are not at LGBT events

prior committments

unable to travel to out of state events

newly out in the LGBT and learning to take baby steps

perfering to go with people we know

desire to grab all the sign waving gay bashers and ram the signs where the sun don't shine

not interested in going to a f**kfest... perfering a intellictual event instead

not interesting in street parades

worried about friends and families reaction

or my fav.... not interested in gay pride grandstanding and watching people scream about bisexual rights

Jul 26, 2006, 6:12 AM
Hmmm, Strawberry....did you intend to be a touch critical by using 'ashamed' in your query?

Just my Aussie laid-back approach: state the % sure, but how about a positive spin after that...the things that worked well, the fun, the interesting speakers, maybe even a few personal thoughts on how great is was for the 'us' that did get there.

????Positive feedback might improve the percentage for the next one???

Jul 26, 2006, 4:35 PM
Hello all,

I'm new here.

I didn't attend a Pride event because Pride conflicts with a fantastic music and dance festival that my sweetie and I attend each year. We're in a long-distance relationship, and he'd be terribly hurt if I threw over the festival for anything short of a best friend's wedding.

Truth be told, I'd feel bad too, and I doubt I'd enjoy Pride as much as I enjoy a weekend of camping, dancing, and music.

Jul 30, 2006, 5:06 PM
Well guys, I must say that I'm glad that there were time and scheduling conflicts, rather than personal ones. But I also must say that these events start with us. We can't have Bi events if Bi ppl don't start them. So if there isn't any in your area, try and start one. Search for sponsors and get it together, I'm sure it'll be a great turnout.

Jul 30, 2006, 5:20 PM
I think my town is against gays and lesbians and bisexuals.
Just like they have no respect for deaf people and handicaps.

I need to move :-) very unhappy with this town.......


Jul 30, 2006, 5:54 PM
I think my town is against gays and lesbians and bisexuals.
Just like they have no respect for deaf people and handicaps.

I need to move :-) very unhappy with this town.......


Wow, you def gotta get outta there.

Jul 30, 2006, 8:19 PM
I think my town is against gays and lesbians and bisexuals.
Just like they have no respect for deaf people and handicaps.

I need to move :-) very unhappy with this town.......


I'm prettymuch in the same boat :( I've tried starting an LGBT Meetup group here and only got two responses in three months. It's sad really. Either I'm drowning in straight people here or the entire population is closeted. Even the Equality Florida group I belong to only gets between 4-6 people at the monthly meetings.

I can't WAIT to move out of this hell hole in 2 years when my youngest graduates high school. We're moving back to Atlanta as soon as humanly possible.

Jul 30, 2006, 9:07 PM
I had to work on the day of the pride parade, my friends told me it wasn't very good this time which is sad. I live in a small town but it is a somewhat accepting town.

Jul 31, 2006, 1:35 AM
There is an event called International BiCon. It's a pity you missed it, because it was in Toronto last time, and only 150 people went out of the whole of the States and the rest of the world put together. The next one will be in Mexico, which I'm not overly confident about to tell the truth.

I've just been involved in hosting and organising Britain's 24th BiCon, a local event held at a university in the Scottish city of Glasgow, a city the size of an undistinguished American town. We drew 200 delegates from all over the island of Great Britain, Europe and further afield, and everyone agreed it was one of the best events of its kind they'd ever attended.

At that event, consent was given for the organisation of the 10th International BiCon, which will probably be held in London in the year 2010. Just in time for the Olympics. I will try to make it, I very much hope some of you here will be there too.

Let's show the world some numbers. Let's show them who's a non-existent sexuality group, after all.

Jul 31, 2006, 3:38 AM
Well guys, I must say that I'm glad that there were time and scheduling conflicts, rather than personal ones. But I also must say that these events start with us. We can't have Bi events if Bi ppl don't start them. So if there isn't any in your area, try and start one. Search for sponsors and get it together, I'm sure it'll be a great turnout.


I agree. Bi people do need to hold bi events, even if it is just a small gathering, it can build friendships, community and visibility.

Jess and I advertise a weekly bi-bbq here on bisexual.com. We have not had anyone actually attend one (yet), but we will not give up trying.

We have a small GLBT Pride event here, and Jess and I have hosted a bisexual booth at that event before.

If nothing else, these type of events help you meet other bi people and develope friendships and sometimes fun! :flag4:

Lance :-)

Jul 31, 2006, 1:37 PM
Honestly, I think there should be a Bi tour or something, where a group of bisexuals set up camp in different states with security and everything. And then bi ppl from the communities can come eat, meet new ppl and play games.

Jul 31, 2006, 4:00 PM
I would have gone this year but it was out of state and I just dont have the money or the time right now to be traveling. Im out to my family and i make it pretty clear that I like girls. :)