View Full Version : beyond the bisexual label

Long Duck Dong
Jul 25, 2006, 5:36 AM
we are generally taught that we are to get married, have kids and get a mortgage and anything else is wrong....full stop... however in light of the new human rights movement, we are being taught that being unique is ok... just conform to a set group so you can be tagged, labelled.... and ignored

coming to terms with your bisexuality means that you face the feelings of attraction to both sexes or sexual practises with both sexes... and knowing that asking for help is like painting a bullseye on ya ass and saying kick me please.... however, biting the bullet and reaching out for help, will often put you in the area of * oh you are bisexual?? ok we will get you counselling and support *

WTF ??? counselling and support ... you're bisexual... not psychotic.... you need to know its ok to feel what you feel... you need to hear that you am not wrong, sinful or perverted, YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT YOU AM NOT ALONE, not that you need counselling or electro shock therapy

ok you admit to myself you are bisexual... and you look around for bisexual role models....jump on the net and after 10 years and 10 million bisexual porn sites later, you form the opinion that as a bisexual its your job to get into a different bed with different partners every night

WTF ?? you have enuf trouble getting out of your own bed in the morning... and you wanna have somebody that you can hold and love with the same face every morning....and not a rotating partner list that reads like a square dance

right you hold up ya head high and say you are bisexual, and lose some friends, gain others, fight with ya family and argue with the local pastor of the church... and then you are told to stand up for your bisexual rights and go to rallies and events where bisexual rights are screamed about, as the tv camera captres your face and shows the nation, you covered in war paint and screaming about your rights as a bisexual and how your rights are trampled all over....

back up a bit buddy..... what bisexual rights.... as a human you have rights....society never stopped you from sharing a bus with a white person... never denied you the right to marry cos your life partner was the same sex as you... never killed you off for daring to follow any other faith or belief other then the * one true way *

bisexual rights are simply wanting the fact that you sleep with both sexes, known to the world and for the world to stop disecting innocent bisexual in order to find the on / off switch... and if you really want to live your life quietly and have your personal life private, then you have to decide if you want to have your name and sex life known for all the world to gossip about

now after spenting months working thru the deep issues of being bisexual... you look around for role models.... and you look across the net and on tv....and go insane and psychotic....

bisexual role models ?? the best one you can have is looking at you in the mirror..... cos you are the best role model....you set the example... not the person down the road or in the next state.... or dancing with the penquins....your friends and family are gonna judge you, based on what they THINK bisexual people should be like.... you are their bisexual role model....
you are the one that will show them first hand about bisexuality and you will make or break their opinion of bisexuals based on your actions and reactions
and if you think different... then answer this..... how many people joined the army after watching rambo, thinking that it was a easy 2 week course til you were a certified green beret with a m- 60
hey. even better... how many people watch * queer eye for the straight guy *and hear about the mardi gras and think thats what being gay is all about

ok now that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and you are cursing me to death... a slow horrible death... complete with a celibate lifestyle... tell me......just how much of your life does being bisexual actually play a part in.....cos the only people that would know are the people you tell and the people you sleep with....

bisexuality defines your sexual preferences.... it doesn't dictate who you sleep with.... it doesn't give you cancer... nor hairy palms .....and it doesn't make you wear a dress (if you are a guy )....it is 99% on the inside of you, in your head and your heart... it will change over time as you change and grow... and in turn you will teach others about being bisexual and how bisexuality is not a crime, a sin or a mental disorder

bisexual is a label... sexually free is a way of life......AC/DC is a band......
you are a person with feelings, desires, wants and needs... so instead of waving hi to me and saying you are LGBT....
try saying HI.. my name is ......and i would love to chat .....

I know you are LGBT or hetero.... but WHO are YOU ... the person behind the label.....

Jul 25, 2006, 6:06 AM
thanx so much for that most enjoyable read...really got me thinking and i couldn't agree more with what you said...i am a role model and i hope i'm doin a pretty good job of it


Jul 25, 2006, 7:26 AM

bisexual role models ?? the best one you can have is looking at you in the mirror..... cos you are the best role model....you set the example...

Jul 25, 2006, 8:35 AM
back up a bit buddy..... what bisexual rights.... as a human you have rights....society never stopped you from sharing a bus with a white person... never denied you the right to marry cos your life partner was the same sex as you... never killed you off for daring to follow any other faith or belief other then the * one true way *

Things are still a bit lacking in that area across the ocean here.

That aside, well said.

Jul 25, 2006, 8:43 AM
My bisexual role models are active on this web site!

Jul 25, 2006, 10:20 AM
Damn Fine Writing............. and i must say, it was worth the long ass read.

insightful, informative, funny, and right on!

Jul 25, 2006, 1:10 PM
Hey man--I thought I rambled on here--

that is great stuff and you bring up some good points to ponder upon and go: hhhhhmmmmmm?????

Great post---thanks

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :yinyang: :yinyang: :bipride: :flag2: :flag4:

Jul 25, 2006, 8:37 PM
<~~~~*clapping hands fiercely* . . . Right on, well said LD Dong!

Jul 26, 2006, 2:26 AM
my gosh..dead nuts on the money, grab you by the throat and shake the shit out of ya, truth...

i'm gonna print this out, preserve it so it don't fade, frame it, and put it on the wall of my home....

Jul 26, 2006, 7:14 AM
I always liked the term polymorphic perverse to describe my sexuality.

Lisa (va)
Jul 26, 2006, 1:48 PM
Bravo Long Duck !


hugs n kisses

Jul 26, 2006, 3:44 PM
That was an EXCELLENT post LDD. We *are* the role models for bisexuality. That's the reason I'm as politically active as I am: To show people that bisexuals are not mentally ill, sinners or criminals.

We're people.

Jul 26, 2006, 4:50 PM
I always liked the term polymorphic perverse to describe my sexuality.
Nice. I approve :bigrin: