View Full Version : Cigarettes require a prescription?

Jan 7, 2014, 9:58 PM
"I'm in favour of just about anything that would cut smoking rates in Canada but I'm not sure Bill Tieleman's proposal to effectively outlaw retail sales of tobacco products is a practical solution.

Tieleman, a B.C. political commentator and former NDP organizer, wrote in The Tyee (http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2014/01/07/Prescription-Tobacco/?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=070114) on Tuesday that tobacco should become a controlled substance, like pharmaceutical drugs, and available only by a doctor's prescription.

Anyone else caught possessing or selling smokes could be subject to criminal charges."



Jan 7, 2014, 10:39 PM
i dont think so, u see in (usa), that would take too much money from each state and government, and just another drug to be sold on the street, prices go up, and so will stealing robberies, etc.

Jan 8, 2014, 10:45 AM
Just what we need: another prescription requirement. We need to live and let live, not meddle in others personal lives by telling them what they can eat, drink or smoke.

Jan 8, 2014, 10:21 PM
I have no use for cigarettes. They stink, aggravate my asthma condition and they STINK. But, common sense is needed not regulation, and this is a case where they stink too!
I am happy we have done a lot to keep them out of public spaces that I need to go to such that I can avoid a trip to the ER with breathing issues. Otherwise, I wish your lungs good luck.

Jan 9, 2014, 2:08 PM
I am glad that in most cities and states here in the US, public smoking has been banned. It's nice not to have to have tobacco smoke wafting over your table when you are eating a nice meal.

There can be no doubt that smoking is not good for us----but by the same token, I don't think they should do things like make it totally illegal to smoke at all--we all know how effective what prohibitions against alcohol and "drugs" are----and the big negative effect----it makes big money for organized criminal enterprises and also tends to lead to violence while supplying the "need" people have for such things.

I also know people who raise tobacco, not as much as they once did, but still enough that it helps them to keep farming and if they totally make tobacco illegal, that would hurt a lot of people who know raise what is still a legitimate crop, even if it's not the money maker it once was.

I hope that a proposal like this doesn't come to the US.

Jan 9, 2014, 9:21 PM
Who, in their right mind, would give you a prescription for Cigarettes?

I can attest to them being addictive...quit smoking in '71.

I'd smoked since I was 13, (18 years) so it was hard to do, cold turkey!

But, I agree, if a person wants to smoke and doesn't get in my space with it, more power to him.

Jan 9, 2014, 10:19 PM
Of course this pointless proposed legislation came from Canada. Canadians are way too complacent and are total bitches when it comes to their government, and are either way too Politically Correct, or they make white trash bigots from the American South look like nice people. I don't smoke but if other people want to that's their choice. I view it as being akin to huffing spray paint or glue. Canada has been the United States' bitch for decades and Canadians want to be just like Americans and that's not going to change anytime soon. Funny stuff. But, I would not advise going to Toronto, then to a Maple Leaf game and shout out your opinion of Canadians.

Jan 11, 2014, 2:10 PM
Sounds like the troll created profile number 100,547,000. Drew sure did take care of "her" pretty damn quick with that rant!! LOL

Jan 11, 2014, 3:05 PM
I am not surprised by the response from our cousins to the south. Even in Canada, this is a radical idea to make cigarettes a prescription. What is behind that is a message that cigarettes are a controlled substance just as other chemicals that we insert in to our body. Canada does give out free flu shots to all citizens. The government agency is controlling what is in the flu shot when the medical pharmaceutical companies are licensed to do this. A pharmacist or medical person is legalized to give out not only the flu shot but other prescribed controlled material. In that respect it makes sense.

In some parts of Canada, you may purchase legally controlled substances such as alcohol only at government approved and controlled owned centres. Some want it in grocery stores etc. Wine is sold in grocery store booths controlled by one winery. You may only purchase wine and alcohol when you reach a certain age. Similarly, cigarettes are controlled as to who may buy them . ID is required when purchasing booze or cigarettes.

So, it is not too far stretched to see cigarette distribution going in the direction of requiring a prescription one day. Sure there would be smuggling from the US and all the problems connected to illegal drugs.

Can you see a day where cigarettes will not be sold due perhaps to lack of demand?

Jan 11, 2014, 9:51 PM
Can you see a day where cigarettes will not be sold due perhaps to lack of demand?No, that is not at all likely to happen. They will be obtained legally or illegally.