View Full Version : After-Taste?

Jan 6, 2014, 4:22 PM
Does none of you SWALLOWERS have a problem of having a after-taste? And I mean one that's not something you enjoy or like.
I always have it

Jan 6, 2014, 4:33 PM
I enjoy the taste of a man or a woman. The after taste reminds me of how much pleasure I gave my partner.

Jan 6, 2014, 4:34 PM
Every once in a while I would get a sore throat.

Jan 6, 2014, 4:43 PM
I don't like the after taste of myself and a sip of water/juice/soda/etc. gets rid of that. However, if a guy comes in my mouth, i'll swallow every drop and love every minute of it just watching how much they like it and how much it turns them on. :) in my opinion, spitters are quitters.

Jan 6, 2014, 4:51 PM
I kind of enjoy having dick breath. Makes me kind of proud.

Jan 6, 2014, 5:09 PM
If you don't like the taste of cum why are you letting the man cum in your mouth and swallowing it??? Once it's out of my dick I don't care what the other woman or man does with it.

Doesn't help

I don't like the after taste of myself and a sip of water/juice/soda/etc. gets rid of that. However, if a guy comes in my mouth, i'll swallow every drop and love every minute of it just watching how much they like it and how much it turns them on. :) in my opinion, spitters are quitters.

Cause I've been mistreated and sexually abused more then 80procent of the times I had sex

Jan 6, 2014, 6:14 PM
Doesn't help

Cause I've been mistreated and sexually abused more then 80procent of the times I had sex

I was raped by my brother and his friends from the time I was 6-12 so I can understand your feelings on this. After, I made my peace with it, I learned to love cock and cum, it just took a really long time. If you don't like doing it or are not comfortable with it, don't do it. Fuck what the other person says, don't let them pressure/guilt trip you into doing anything you don't want to or are comfortable doing.

Jan 6, 2014, 8:51 PM
I was raped by my brother and his friends from the time I was 6-12 so I can understand your feelings on this. After, I made my peace with it, I learned to love cock and cum, it just took a really long time. If you don't like doing it or are not comfortable with it, don't do it. Fuck what the other person says, don't let them pressure/guilt trip you into doing anything you don't want to or are comfortable doing.

Sorry I can't talk about it.
I automaticly srtated feeling sick and feeling tears come up when I started posting a replay.
Because all of this and the internet starting up back then,
and me being from a family that never talked about sex or so,
I didn't even know that a dick can get hard, let alone masturbating, cumming,f cuking, swallowing, sucking, etc.
Unfortunately I found out how to masturbate,
while seeking answers on GAY... cause the person who raped me for over a year, said once something I understood even less
For me GAY Was just this weirdass teacher who weares pink and purple.
And unfortunately I found out all the rest while finding out how to masturbate.
I did enjoy the 3 first times I met someone after that, but only cause he came to swallow my jizz. And even he wasnt 100 procent, plus I was 13-14 and he was almoast 60years aolder. And he tried, no actually, he did kiss me. IEUWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW especially since I did NOT seek those things back then.
I should've stopped so early on. I never seeked love, kissing, and all the rest. But since I ddin't come out of it, and since I was always laughed at for being a little overweight (girls I would hit on in school would say go lose 50kilo and come talk to me again) I just kep seeking this little attention online, with gay men, and it just went from bad to worse.
IT's like back untill a few months ago when someone would ask me while sexdate "What do u wanna do" or "how do u wanna cum" I would always say I DONT KNOW. Cause I'm with so little self-confidence, and I'm just used to meeting fucked up people who abuse me, and no I do not enjoy it. But I just never know how to get out of it or tell someone to leave.
This is also why I had 3 times really bad stuff. The first one borrowed (I dn't know how much it's in dollars) a lot of money from me, and STOLE (he borrowed and was supposed to pay back) lots of stuff from m yhouse. I just couldn't find a way to stop it. And he pretended to like me (even love me) but I hated him + I found him online on sexdating sites all the time. Plus he lied to me convincing me he needed money for a DRAG show he was doing, wich never happened of course since it was all part of all his lies.
Did I "learn my lesson"? No. The second guy, 2 years later I think, wanned to borrow very little money, one-times, and he wanned to come to me just for 1 night, eventually he was here over 6 months we also went to a differnt city looking for work, but this dude was worse then the other one. He borrowed more money from me, was abusife physicly and made everyone we met together, also in a new job, know we are "a couple" though I did hate him too, and I wasn't OUT at all. And I could also not get him away. He also convinced me to rent an appartment "with" him but I payed and he never gave me a dime back. Same story with sex-sites, only he actually was OBSESSED with swallowing jiz, and I'm sure he met ever more people then I knew of. He got me 5 times into ER and 4 months into a cast.
I still didn't learn my lesson. Cause along came a third person, again with an apartment renting, and he actually stole - just a month after I finally got rid of the last one- and he was discusting, wanned me to swallow his jizz, but we never kissed, and he wouldn't even tocch my dick. We met one day friends of his and they asked who I was and his said just like this "A fuckbudy. A friend. A partner. Someone I'm renting an appartment with". He also lied a million times about going to get my money back, after I got rid of him and learned my lesson, I found out he never went to get money, he went to know up a girl. He would also go anywhere with me and say "Look at this hot dude" or "That chikc I wanna fuck now". But at least he wasn't physicly abusive exept the sex and the emotional damage.
That's very SHORTLY, cause I can type a whole 50-book enceclopedy on my sexlife.

Jan 6, 2014, 9:07 PM
I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Growing up, my brother and his friends would force me to perform oral on them and would force me to swallow. Then, they would anally rape me. If I resisted, they would beat me until I would give in. I can never fully comprehend what you went through, but I can somewhat understand. And if you need someone to talk to for any reason, let me know. It took me 10 years to be able to overcome this and be able to openly talk about it. It was very hard, but luckily, when I told my wife (first person I told), she was VERY supportive and that helped me be able to make my peace with it instead of suppressing it. From there, I talked to our marriage counselor about it and she was just as supportive and really helped as well. Having a supportive community to help your burden really helps. Again, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here.

Jan 7, 2014, 1:15 AM
I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Growing up, my brother and his friends would force me to perform oral on them and would force me to swallow. Then, they would anally rape me. If I resisted, they would beat me until I would give in. I can never fully comprehend what you went through, but I can somewhat understand. And if you need someone to talk to for any reason, let me know. It took me 10 years to be able to overcome this and be able to openly talk about it. It was very hard, but luckily, when I told my wife (first person I told), she was VERY supportive and that helped me be able to make my peace with it instead of suppressing it. From there, I talked to our marriage counselor about it and she was just as supportive and really helped as well. Having a supportive community to help your burden really helps. Again, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here.

Well, what did my parents say about it after 10 years (or more)?
Well, I did say a word or two about the person before, but they think we masturbated together or so,
So my therapist FORCED me to tell it, and I even started crying before cause I though my mom would have a NORMAL Moms reaction.
But all they said was "Oh, ok".
I was even less shocked then my therapist.
I asked her to use the word RAPE to my mom.
And still no movement in their face or reaction.
On the other hand they don't want me to be with men.
And on the third hand they aren't helping me to find a girl.
My mom think I'm lying and making excues for not finding a girl online, but girls wait for me to write them,
and mostly don't want me, and don't even write back.
They don't take the innitiative to write first.
Anyways, it's been almoast 18 years ago and my life got fucked up badly because of it,
my selfconfidence wernt down even more then it was then,
and my life will keep sucking till forever.
I'll certainly not tell my wife ever.
Cause after you tell someone anything that has to do with sex with men,
it's done, they'll know and probably keep talking about it.
And i hate it. Plus I do not want more people to know.

PS I'm sorry for what happened to you. That's why I always say thank God I did not have a brother (little). Cause I would probably do things I would regret .Though I WOULD NOT FORCE MYSELF ON HIM. But I might have brought him to the other side as well, whatever I'm startingt o feel sick about it

Jan 7, 2014, 3:02 AM
I'm sorry about your mom's reaction. Or lack thereof.

Jan 7, 2014, 3:25 AM
I'm sorry about your mom's reaction. Or lack thereof.

It's also my dads.
Even though years prior he did respond - in a solo conversation to me- quite.... emotional.
Sth like "blabla.... someone touched my son, and blabla" Sorry I don't remember what he said cause since then he became a different person and is again very little understanding.

Jan 7, 2014, 3:58 AM
Goddamn, is there ANYONE in your family that has supported you? If not, we are always here. :)

Jan 7, 2014, 4:03 AM
Goddamn, is there ANYONE in your family that has supported you? If not, we are always here. :)

My parents pretend to be the best parents in the world and keep saying "you know we love you" or "everything we do its cause we love you so much".
And they keep saying to "barry the past" or when I had anxiety and panic attacks they would say "don't think about it" and they didn't support me taking pills for it.
And no , no one in my family supported me when I really needed it. They may have pretended or done so when it was convienient.

Jan 7, 2014, 4:15 AM
My parents pretend to be the best parents in the world and keep saying "you know we love you" or "everything we do its cause we love you so much".
And they keep saying to "barry the past" or when I had anxiety and panic attacks they would say "don't think about it" and they didn't support me taking pills for it.
And no , no one in my family supported me when I really needed it. They may have pretended or done so when it was convienient.

My parents were the exact same way. They didn't know about the rape. But they were physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive. They have never taken ANY responsibility for it and they said those EXACT same words to me. Even with my panic and anxiety attacks.

Jan 7, 2014, 5:15 AM
My parents were the exact same way. They didn't know about the rape. But they were physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive. They have never taken ANY responsibility for it and they said those EXACT same words to me. Even with my panic and anxiety attacks.

I could write another 5million pages about my parents, but it doesn't matter.
My life now is only about getting to the last day of my life, whatever happens untill then I don't even care anymore

Jan 7, 2014, 5:34 AM
Damn, I wish you were in the states. I don't know how, but I want to help you have a positive outlook on life again.

Jan 7, 2014, 6:07 AM
Damn, I wish you were in the states. I don't know how, but I want to help you have a positive outlook on life again.

Yeah and I don't see myself going there soon.... unfortunately

Jan 7, 2014, 10:07 AM

Jan 7, 2014, 4:24 PM

I had this sticky dry feeling

Jan 7, 2014, 5:36 PM
I have swallowed cum all my life (64 years) and have yet to find an aftertaste. In my opinion all cum taste sweet:tongue:

Jan 8, 2014, 12:22 AM
I guess I am just a cum slut. Love the taste and love the feel of it going down when I swallow.

Jan 8, 2014, 1:11 AM
I have swallowed cum all my life (64 years) and have yet to find an aftertaste. In my opinion all cum taste sweet:tongue:

I guess I am just a cum slut. Love the taste and love the feel of it going down when I swallow.

Ok so you both are real cumsluts. Congratz on that

Jan 8, 2014, 7:31 AM
It is not so much an aftertaste, but, I always get this feeling that I have some cum stuck in my throat after I swallow it.

Jan 8, 2014, 7:59 AM
It is not so much an aftertaste, but, I always get this feeling that I have some cum stuck in my throat after I swallow it.

no i feel it in my mouth

Jan 8, 2014, 9:00 PM
I have swallowed cum all my life (64 years) and have yet to find an aftertaste. In my opinion all cum taste sweet:tongue:

Same here. From the very first time that my best friend Larry came in my mouth I have liked the taste and the texture of cum and I have always loved swallowing it!!

Jan 8, 2014, 9:17 PM
If you don't like the taste of cum don't have him cum in your mouth or swallow.

But that's half the fun of being a cocksucker!

Jan 9, 2014, 1:04 AM
Same here. From the very first time that my best friend Larry came in my mouth I have liked the taste and the texture of cum and I have always loved swallowing it!!

We're not talking about LIKING THE TASTE OR THE TEXTURE, but about having an AFTER TASTE or not.

Leo james
Jan 11, 2014, 4:27 AM
I was taught many years ago to swallow. was told to gulp it & eat it. just let it slide down the throat. Always have. I eat lots of fruits & veggies so my cum is tastier.

Jan 11, 2014, 9:40 AM
I love the after taste. There is nothing better whether it is man or woman.