View Full Version : Interesting Penis facts

Jan 6, 2014, 12:38 PM
Figured many of you would find this interesting


Jan 6, 2014, 4:09 PM
Pieces like this on the internet are not supposed to be some sort of gospel or anything----they are meant more as "food for thought" and some discussion.

Most of the stuff that is out on the net is pretty much BS----and only to be taken "lightly" and with a critical and skeptical eye---but it does not mean its not interesting or something worth considering.

There is no need to get "your britches in a knot about it"---I just share stuff like this to vary up what gets put on the board and for people to consider one way or the other.

It is not surprising that a brand new "member" to the site starts out by pissing and moaning about something someone posts on here---that is suspicious to me regarding the legitimacy of someone who is a new member---most people when they first join a site like this----tend to approach it in one of several ways----most tend to "lurk" around, checking things out, not responding to posts---at least not in a negative way, then over time they begin to and they either do so by posting something up in response to a post by someone else in a way that they are seeking information and such or just making a more neutral comment since they are rather new and intimidated by things that aren't what they have known---this whole "bisexual thing."

I am going to go way out on a limb here---but I would bet dimes to donuts that some new member here----is yet one more manifestation of our site's resident medusa like "troll."

Looks like I am going to very soon, have yet one more name to add to the good old, ignore list.

Jan 6, 2014, 4:30 PM
#4 Penis with a spine is interesting.

Would saying "man up" work on a penis (insert your own name for your penis…Ed, Pete, Big Man etc.) with a spin when you want an erection?…lol

Jan 6, 2014, 5:11 PM
nothing too intresting for me:)

Jan 6, 2014, 5:20 PM
Here is an interesting penis fact,
I don't use my penis enough.

Jan 6, 2014, 5:43 PM
No 4 was a complete piss take.:tongue: But oddly enough, a fuckbud of mine's cock feels like it has a spine in there and he's like a hairy neanderthal yeti thing.lol

Long Duck Dong
Jan 6, 2014, 6:35 PM
sperm can cure depression.... lol its more like its a natural therapy for depression not a cure..... masturbation can be good for people with depression rather than a sex life and a combination of the two has been shown to be a help for people with depression because it gives the bodies hormonal / chemical levels a boost......

masturbation is also a natural therapy for mild insomnia in males.... the urge to go to sleep after a climax is well documented, tho it doesn't work for everybody

the part about how the spine controls the ejaculation is true, its why people with lower back injuries can struggle with sexual climax at times and its also one of the things that can reveal back injuries in car accidents, a back injury can cause a involuntary erection.... tho not to be confused with angel lust which is a bio chemical reaction that happens at death and is more common than people think, but angels lust was more commonly publicly noticed at hangings because the person was on display
seeing a chiropractor can often enhance a sex life lol

Jan 8, 2014, 6:04 AM
I wonder if there is an article somewhere entitled 17 facts about the clitoris???

..... and if a blue whale's dong is 8 ft long - that would make a female whales clit nearly a foot long. Now THAT is impressive!!!

Jan 8, 2014, 10:25 AM
Interesting stuff. If true, #17 is probably a strong argument for swallowing :tongue:

17. Semen can cure depression
Apparently semen contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, induce sleep, and contain at least three antidepressants. It also contains cortisol, which is known to increase affection; as well as estrone, which elevates mood; oxytocin, which also elevates mood; thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which is another antidepressant; melatonin, which is a sleep aid; and serotonin, which is a well-known antidepressant neurotransmitter.

Jan 8, 2014, 10:32 AM
Interesting stuff. If true, #17 is probably a strong argument for swallowing :tongue:

17. Semen can cure depression
Apparently semen contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, induce sleep, and contain at least three antidepressants. It also contains cortisol, which is known to increase affection; as well as estrone, which elevates mood; oxytocin, which also elevates mood; thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which is another antidepressant; melatonin, which is a sleep aid; and serotonin, which is a well-known antidepressant neurotransmitter.

If all this is correct, then wow---a cheap way to beat having to take an anti-depressant and surely a fun way to get your "meds"!! LOL

Jan 8, 2014, 10:34 AM
I wonder if there is an article somewhere entitled 17 facts about the clitoris???

..... and if a blue whale's dong is 8 ft long - that would make a female whales clit nearly a foot long. Now THAT is impressive!!!

I am sure if you look around long enough--or just get lucky in finding the story--there is such a story out there on the internet someplace……

Jan 8, 2014, 10:47 AM
Innaminka brought up an interesting subject! Few women I've been with liked the exact same interactions with their clitorises. But, I guess that's a subject for a separate thread.

As far as cock sizes go....... After getting to know a guy and developing an interest in intimacy, only then am I interested in his cock, or sharing mine with him.

If I had my "druthers" I'd select the smaller ones. But, if I like someone and am attracted to him, his size is not a paramount concern.

Jan 8, 2014, 9:39 PM
This just in…unconfirmed.

Most trolls have poorly botched circumcisions on their small penis. The average troll has a 2 inch penis when hard but their balls are much bigger(think size of a bull).
This explains a lot… :banghead::yikes2: ;)

Jan 9, 2014, 9:14 PM
This just in…unconfirmed.

Most trolls have poorly botched circumcisions on their small penis. The average troll has a 2 inch penis when hard but their balls are much bigger(think size of a bull).
This explains a lot… :banghead::yikes2: ;)

ROFLMAO!!! It sure does. I normally steer clear of "mine's bigger" wars.
But as a troll recently flat out just irritated me ...

I tell folks I'm average size. To me that's 5-6" long and about 1-1.5"
around hard. I know, that's just really super huge and all. Frankly, no
one has complained. And yes I've been with more than elian and my wife,
not many but enough to know that if there was an issue, I would have
been told.

Have often heard too, not the tool but the mechanic using it. Guess I
do well enough to suit. And that's why I don't bother in the "pissing
wars". I know that I am okay and not too concerned over some stranger
whom likely will never meet me, thinks. Imho, such screeds are signs of
attempting to over compensate, immature, a waste of time, silly.

Admittedly, I have said I suffered from KS. And yes, it tends to make
fellows little. What the troll whom irritated me failed to realize
is I am on treatment with pure testosterone. I'm a "growing boy" in
that regard with no bad side effects slated for me later in regards to
shrinkage, my body actually needs the testosterone, unlike athletes whom
abuse it to excess.

At any given my lovers have not complained. I've had fun, enjoyed the
sex. So, what does it matter what anyone else thinks? It really doesn't.
It just irritated me that someone would bother trying to use that as
a means to spew nasty, especially a woman. Guess it takes all kinds.
But again, I have a right to not listen the same as they've a right to
yammer away.