View Full Version : The Man with Two Penises: A Live Chat You’ll Never Forget

Jan 6, 2014, 5:57 AM
This was very interesting and from what it looks like real thing on Reedit. I searched and did not find this in the forum .....yet. :suave: :yikes2::bigrin:

Here is a link: http://iacknowledge.net/the-man-with-two-penises-a-live-chat-youll-never-forget/
No, this is not a joke. A man with two penises took to Reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1u75hh/i_am_the_guy_with_two_penises_ama/) this week to field questions from intrigued users. Calling himself ‘DoubleDickDude’ (DDD) – this guy spent several hours responding to questions, and has subsequently become and internet sensation.
DDD claims to have been born with the rare congenital condition Diphallia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diphallia) and on Wednesday revealed dated (obviously NSFW) photographs of his what he says are his two appendages. (http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1u75hh/i_am_the_guy_with_two_penises_ama/)
http://iacknowledge.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/DDD-400x300.jpg (http://iacknowledge.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/DDD.jpg)The ‘Ask Me Anything’ (AMA) session featuring DDD was picked up by Rolling Stone, who quickly compiled 10 Fascinating Facts From the Man With Two Penises AMA (http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/10-fascinating-facts-from-the-man-with-two-penises-ama-20140102), these were:
1. High school was, uh, hardWhen asked if there ever was a time when he wished he had but one penis, DoubleDickDude replied “high school.” And when a Reddit user tried to cheer him up by saying, “But you were the baddest motherfucker in the locker room, right?” he said, “When it first got out, yeah. But then it became a joke and guys immediately thought i was gay, because . . . you know I guess I chose to have two cocks.”
2. He’s happy now happy with his anatomyHas he ever considered having one of his penises removed? “In my mid teens, yeah, ” he said. “Now, hell no.”
3. Most of the women and men he’s been with enjoy the extra penis“I’ve been in a serious relationship with a girl and a guy for a while now,” he said. “I call it monogamous because we are exclusive. She enjoys it. The three girls before her enjoyed it. It’s sort of made a few run screaming in the past. Usually the ones I get to know well before we date are cool with it. I don’t talk about it otherwise. Like, if I’m not going to have sex with you, you won’t know I’ve got two dicks. LOL”
4. Yes, he has inserted both into “the same hole”Asking what it’s like to have both in the same orifice, he answered, “Snug? http://iacknowledge.net/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif It’s nice. I like hearing the moaning from the person I’m squeezed inside of.” Regarding one particular woman, he said, “She complained later, though, that her cervix was poking out and that her hole was huge. She kept coming back for more at least for three months. LOL”
5. He avoids public restrooms“If I do use [a public restroom], I try to use the stall and not a wall urinal,” he said. “There’ve been times where I’ve had to use the urinal and because I have one muscle that controls my piss, it lets the stream flow out both my dicks. So unless I pinch off one of them it comes out both and that doesn’t feel good. So I have to take both out to pee. Yeah I’ve gotten stares and even had a few guys at various times go, holy shit.”
6. Both penises pee at the same time . . .“It’s not tricky,” he said. “I’ve pee’d from both all my life. ;)”

7. . . . But they usually get erect at different times“It always starts that way,” he said. “The left one starts to get semi first, then stops at a certain point. Right one then gets rock hard, and if I’m horny enough the left one will continue to stiffen up and get bigger. Once or twice, with a cock ring on, they’ve both been equally rock hard.”
8. They both “cum” at the same time, though not at the same speed“If you’re working on the left one you have to suck it out,” he said. “The right one launches every time. ;)”
9. Not all of his sexual partners believe both penises are real“[The reaction] varies from girl to girl,” he said. “Some have been like, wow. Some have been like, that’s fake! Some have freaked out like, called me names. Most are pretty curious, but i dont have casual sex anymore. . . girls were nervous and some changed their mind at the last minute. Dudes never change their mind; they always want it even if they’re freaked out a little. LOL”
10. Yes, he does have a favorite penis“The right one,” he said. “The left one has a grudge against me for it too. LOL”
It’s always difficult to know quite how to end an article such as this, but Sara C Nelson’s piece in the Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/01/02/man-with-two-penises-reveals-all-on-reddit_n_4530779.html) just about nailed it:
“Two years ago we brought you the tale of Hazel Jones, a woman with two wombs and two vaginas – also known as uterus didelphys. (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/01/20/woman-with-two-vaginas-hazel-jones-gets-1m-porn-offer-from-vivid-entertainment_n_1218413.html)
If DDD is the real deal we simply must introduce these two…”

Jan 6, 2014, 6:49 AM
If you have an account with Reddit here is a link to some of the conversations he has had.


Long Duck Dong
Jan 6, 2014, 7:23 AM
the things you can find on the net lol

the first pics I saw of this condition was a pakistan indian guy with 2 penises and his were top and bottom rather than side by side.... and most people with this condition do not have such well developed and working penis so this DDD is as rare as they cum... ahh come.... so its fantastic to read the guys comments about what he has to deal with because it makes interesting reading.....

and yes, in some of the sites that feature the article there is the usual trolls saying that the guys a fake and its all fake etc but the medical reports that I have read about this condition, confirm that its very possible but that he is indeed very rare because he is near fully functioning....... and one comment made me laugh....DDD is bisexual and the commenter posted that god got it right this time, he gave the two penises to a guy that was not a prude lol

thanks for posting


Jan 6, 2014, 7:49 AM
I will have nightmares now

Jan 6, 2014, 10:13 AM
I will have daydreams now.

Jan 6, 2014, 11:02 AM
I will have daydreams now.

Well, from the looks of his posts, he's bi...there is hope :)

Jan 6, 2014, 11:02 AM
Could warm up both hands at the same time:)

Jan 6, 2014, 11:42 AM
I read this interview too---apparently while the statistical occurrence of this condition is rather low--with so many more people being born its getting to be a more common occurrence---but one that we don't hear about since pretty early on--they surgically "correct" this condition and its not something that most parents are not gonna come out and say----"did you know that Johnny, Jr. was born with two penises?"

There was one funny question someone asked: "do you pee more?" or something like that---it seems that question was not responded too--but the proper response for that question was that he was born with two cocks--not an extra bladder!! LOL

Jan 6, 2014, 11:36 PM
Uhm..one looks circumsised and the left one doesnt..or maybe I'm just seeing it wrong. Looks like fun tho :D
Cat, licking her chops..:}