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View Full Version : What does the word "bordello" make you think of?

Jul 24, 2006, 4:50 PM
I'm currently making an animation around the song "Jackie" performed by Scott Walker. The song deals humorously with the seedier side of life, and has copious sex and drugs references, whilst still being suitable for all the family. You can see the work in progress here (http://www.mega-file.net/video/view.php?video=ed09ad03683630513b90792f35c85e6c) if you'd like to, but I'm not here for shameless self-promotion. (Really!)

What I'd like is people's thoughts on the word "bordello", because I'm having a total mental block with how to animate a certain line. So, what does the word "bordello" make you think of? I think you might be the right crowd of people to come up with imaginative answers! :)

Jul 24, 2006, 4:59 PM
Cute video! My first thought when hearing the word Bordello is pretty simply that of a pleasure den.

Jul 24, 2006, 4:59 PM
A seedy house of prostitution.
Perhaps one that has an SM dungeon too.

Jul 24, 2006, 5:30 PM
http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/2609/portobelloyc2.th.jpg (http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=portobelloyc2.jpg)

Yummy. :tongue:

Jul 24, 2006, 5:38 PM
http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/2609/portobelloyc2.th.jpg (http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=portobelloyc2.jpg)

Yummy. :tongue:
Bordello makes you think of portobello mushrooms??? lol You're cute.

Jul 24, 2006, 5:54 PM
Wild women dressed in hot sexy lingerie and wine.

Jul 24, 2006, 6:03 PM
To me it's an up scale name for a whore house. or the hot tube cave at the playboy mantion.

Jul 24, 2006, 6:38 PM
...ahh sighs...

...the word 'bordello' is used in the song 'Width Of A Circle' by David Bowie... from his album 'The Man Who Sold The World'

this link should (hopefully) get you directly through to the lyrics.. which, in my humble opinion are just pure poetry :cool:

...in this instance the term appears to refer to a young male 'gigalo' who the author (the delectable Mr Bowie himself, i presume?? ;) )...gets laid by and then puts his impression of the scenario into song...

..the words are so very erotic but only really came alive to me when sweet tom_uk bought me an album with it on and sang with such irrepressable campness those oh so sexual and evocative poetic words.....

...mmm sweet memory sighs...

ahh, oh yes where was i ? 'bordello' yes!.... very sexy, bit grubby, seedy, erotic and so dammed edgy and provocative i'm feeling hot just typing about it!

Grins Julie xx

Jul 24, 2006, 7:49 PM
Bordello makes me think of a house of prostitution with class... :paw: :paw:

Jul 24, 2006, 10:12 PM
Yarr. An upscale whore house. Lots of velvet and silk. Possibly a bit run down but desperately clinging to the class it has.

Jul 25, 2006, 12:33 AM
lotsa quickie foods on a table in the middle of a sidewalk someplace that ......oh , uh, wait, that's bistro.......bordello, ???MMMMMMMMMMMMMM oh! YEAH! i remember......... :bigrin:

Jul 25, 2006, 12:45 AM
ok just buzzed thru the video...don't let it languish, stick to that animation, girl! [ yeah i know it's a long song, but think how marco fioretti does it when he does stuff like the stick figure olympics etc.]

take a cue from the music maybe?? when he talks about records, animate in some seedy grungy packed to the walls 60's style record shops?? bordelloes dont always have to be about sex either.. there's like, bordello's for eating, shopping, art... anything that is excessive and over priced might work as an example...

i like what you've done so far, will love it when you finish it..

Jul 25, 2006, 5:04 AM
Scott! You could dress up the stick figure "pimp style" and have him twirling a cane outside the bordello (could even zoom in on a sparkling gold tooth). The bordello could be a building with the name (e.g., La Cage Aux Jackie) in a glitzy style above the door, and a few women with fancy hats poking their heads out the windows.

Jul 25, 2006, 5:53 AM
Thank you so much everyone! I was thinking "bordello" sounds a bit classier than "whorehouse", "brothel" etc. - and this is Jackie's fantasy, so I guess he'd imagine somewhere beautiful rather than seedy. I think bytimes' suggestion is closest to the mark. I was definitely thinking of Jackie having a cane later in the song, so now would be a great time to introduce it. If you'd like, I'll post the video when it's finished :) I really appreciate everyone's help; I want this video to be really awesome! I daresay the forum will get itself a mention in the credits and all..

Jul 25, 2006, 7:11 AM
Bordello: Images of thick red carpet, low lighting, cheesy artwork, and a 'thick' atmosphere....everyone pretending they aren't there, except for the smug owners and women desparate to be noticed...

It's the image not the title that I think of...

Jul 25, 2006, 8:07 AM
Dennis Miller and Chris Sarandon blowing up prostitute vampiresses with holy water-filled super soakers.

Jul 27, 2006, 12:41 AM
lol, yeah jrz..that came to mind too but i was thinkin of the cheech marin character

Jul 27, 2006, 12:43 AM
I lived just down the road from the kit kat ranch (I believe taht was the name, in phurumph Nevada), Bordelo reminds me a trailer park with a tall cyclone fence around it full of 18 wheelers and limo's

Jul 27, 2006, 7:46 AM
the word bordello make me think of a fancy French red wine
or is that bordeau :cutelaugh

Jul 27, 2006, 10:31 AM
Yarr. An upscale whore house. Lots of velvet and silk. Possibly a bit run down but desperately clinging to the class it has.

What he said :)

Jul 27, 2006, 3:38 PM
Opium and whores of both genders :tong:

Jul 27, 2006, 5:41 PM
Mkay, topic closed 'cause I've animated it now ;) Latest version here! (http://www.mega-file.net/video/view.php?video=a607abc8c74c0e6a8eac19f173a6a0ee) However, suggestions for any of the remaining part of the animation are gratefully received.. Thanks for your help everyone!

Jul 27, 2006, 6:43 PM
that was great fun although the screen went blank before the end of the song..I just saw a private screening of the new film about Scott Walker called 30th Century Man. If you like him you'll love the film. it will be the first ever interview of him talking about his life and includes a performance of Jackie on the wait for it Brits!!!
The Frankie Howard Show!

You're very talented Ophelia, do you have any other work we could see..

Jul 27, 2006, 6:47 PM
I enjoyed that immensely. Well done, ophelia.

Jul 27, 2006, 11:47 PM
I just saw a private screening of the new film about Scott Walker called 30th Century Man. If you like him you'll love the film.
I was sitting in a coffee shop last year and two guys adjacent to me were talking movie stuff. Turned out that one of them was the director of the above documentary. He was describing the project and explaining the mythic Scott Walker to his tablemate. Made for good eavesdropping.

The flash looks great Ophelia. Look forward to seeing how you animate the lyric "Chinamen" tastefully. :)

Jul 28, 2006, 1:00 AM
[B]darn it, the sainted thing went blank on the animation side about 1/3 or so into it.. plenty sound, no picture.. do i need to update my debugger or did we get a wrong link?? [B]

Jul 28, 2006, 2:47 AM
that was great fun although the screen went blank before the end of the song..
darn it, the sainted thing went blank on the animation side about 1/3 or so into it.. plenty sound, no picture.. do i need to update my debugger or did we get a wrong link??
Guys, I keep telling y'all.. It's not finished :P Hence the fact that it goes blank part-way through. I thought I ought to post a more recent version since I wanted you to see the bit you helped me animate! Should be done in a couple of weeks, depending on how much time I get to spend on it. (Serious headache is preventing long periods of computer activity atm.)

As I said, with regard to it not being finished, I welcome any suggestions for later parts of the animation, such as ways I can vary the choruses or portray some of the more difficult lines.

If you'd like to see more of my artwork, thanks very much :) You can find a page of my stuff here (http://ophelia-in-red.deviantart.com). (It's a deviantART page; some pieces containing "mature content" i.e. the occasional nipple are only visible to members. I can provide hotlinks to some of those images hosted elsewhere if you're interested.)

No Big Hair (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/34363738/) might be of particular interest - it's another animation, which you'll find featured on that page.

Jul 28, 2006, 3:57 AM
No Big Hair is a lot of fun too... I reckon you'd make a great music video given half a chance....

Jul 28, 2006, 7:59 PM
lol, yeah jrz..that came to mind too but i was thinkin of the cheech marin character

Wait, Cheech Marin was in that one too? I know he was in From Dusk 'til Dawn (in 3 roles, no less) but didn't know he was in Bordello of Blood too.

Jul 28, 2006, 10:31 PM
When I think of a bordello, I think of Belle Whatley's house in Gone with the Wind. The aging whore with a heart of gold, running a frilly saloon with encrusted mirrors and giggling wenches in lots of lace and taffeta. Oh -- and velvet curtains and plush chairs.

Driver 8
Jul 28, 2006, 10:47 PM
I think we've caught you slacking off from your studies, Johnny.

Jul 29, 2006, 5:22 AM
Oysters Rockefeller and a dry martini......two olives, please :2cents:

Aug 1, 2006, 7:50 AM
If anyone's interested, just to keep the "fans" sweet.. I've done a short animation as a break from working on Jackie :)

I present.. Cow & Girl (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/37253712/).

Aug 1, 2006, 9:57 AM
Cow & Girl is cute! reminds me of a recent fling I had. wish I'd had this animation to show the girl, it would have softened the edges...

By the way I'd really like to see you do an animation of 'Amsterdam' by Scott Walker!!

the sacred night
Aug 8, 2006, 1:25 PM
"Bordello" actually makes me think of old spaghetti westerns with secret "houses of ill repute." I first learned the word "bordello" in conjunction with that type of thing, because I was standing next to one of those lamps with a big red, fabric-covered shade and long tassels and all this embroidery and beadwork... and someone said it made them think of a bordello.

Aug 8, 2006, 2:00 PM

makes me think of Angie Everhart, Chris Sarandon, vampires, blood...

Lord Gme
Aug 10, 2006, 9:41 AM
I think of a turn of the century house, very ornate. Lots of ornate wallpaper. Velvety overstuffed furniture. Oh, and don't forget the Madam! Busty and full figured.
