View Full Version : aroused by cumshot and big dick porn, but not the man-on-man (catch 22)

Dec 31, 2013, 1:12 AM
I'm 33 yr old caucasian male, considered good looking by some. Very sexually active with women. I'm into thicker women (not so much BBW, but voluptuous). The porn I tend to watch are the following fetishes:

1. Big Booty, thick thighs
2. Big tits
3. Black and latin women (which meet criteria 1 & 2)
4. Cum shots / Glory hole (anonymous bj hole in wall)

Because of the very nature of liking thick women, the demographic seems to be dominated by black men who are very well hung. I didn't mind because I love the curves of women and is my primary fetish. However, i start to admire the size, thickness and shape of extremely large cocks. I started to segway into cumshot compilations. I narrowed it down, any dick bigger than mine (i'm 6 inches) I was fascinated with. I'm not sure if I started a new fetish (about 4 or 5 yrs ago), but the thought started to cross my mind and visualize while watching bj cumshot porn "what if I had the opportunity to suck a huge cock and swallow?" That sense of taboo started to settle, it was a bit uneasy, but in some ways i liked the thoughts. I would masturbate to women sucking dick close up, watching the cum unload. when I would cum, the fetish would end there.

I then would see if gay porn would do anything for me... Here's the real catch 22... I was turned off. In no way am I attracted or turned on by the visual of two guys kissing, or performing anal sex. Yet, if the camera angle is just the cock and blocks out all other parts of the guy, I can enjoy a masturbation session. I have tried putting up anonymous posts on craigslist, but never followed through because it's a small town and didn't want a label before I was sure of what I wanted.

I absolutely enjoy sex with thick big booty women and remain active, but wondering how to determine my big cock (black or white) fetish comes to terms. i'm wondering if anyone else is out there with this unique situation and possibly followed through (another man, shemale, etc.).

Dec 31, 2013, 10:29 AM
Jesus Top , get over yourself . Shydrm55 , Your question reminds me of Ron White's humor concerning Hetero vs Gay concerning porn tastes .

Dec 31, 2013, 11:16 AM
I hear ya shy. I watch gay porn and it just does nothing for me. I used to fantasize about sucking a dick, then I had the chance, now I do it when I can which is very rare. I've been doing it for close to 20 years now and still have NO desire for any other part of a guy. We are who we are. Fuck it. You may change, you may not, it's a ride.