View Full Version : Movie: HOMEFRONT

Dec 29, 2013, 3:20 AM
Did you see it, are you planning to, if yes what did you think, of not why don't you wanna see it?


Saw it yesterday the script ain't nothing special or new, but it's such a good movie, great acting, and the kid is amazing.
She looks so much like a mini JODY FOSTER

Dec 29, 2013, 8:22 AM
I have not seen this yet. I see what you mean about the young girl and when Jodie Foster was a kid.

Do you think that this movie will be up for an award?

DEA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEA) agent Phil Broker (Jason Statham (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Statham)) sees his quiet family life turned upside down when his path crosses with a band of drug traffickers, led by Gator (James Franco (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Franco)), a meth kingpin.[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homefront_(film)#cite_note-4)
After an undercover operation in which a biker gang leader, Danny T, goes to jail, Phil Broker retires to a quiet life in a small town. After a confrontation at school between Broker's daughter and a local bully, the bully's mother tells her brother Gator to scare Broker. After breaking into Broker's house, Gator discovers that Broker is the agent who put Danny T in jail. Gator enlists the help of Danny T's henchman, Cyrus Hanks. Cyrus and his crew attempt to attack Broker and kidnap Broker's daughter. Broker kills Cyrus and his crew in the process, but fails to rescue his daughter as she was taken by Motts on board a speedboat and his friend Tito was shot. Broker manages to contact Maddy, while also being located by the Sheriff. Broker reaches Gator's warehouse, where the kingpin disagrees with Motts of taking Maddy. Gator's sister, Cassie and her husband intervene, learning of Maddy's presence but not before Gator accidentally shoots Cassie in the stomach and the warehouse suddenly explodes due to the explosion set by Broker on his earlier visit. Broker pursues Gator, who takes Maddy hostage throughout the streets towards a closing bridge where they are surrounded by the Sheriff and his men. Broker's vehicle crashes and flips, but he survives and brutally beats Gator to submission. He intends to shoot him in the head, but Maddy's presence prevents him from doing so. Gator and Motts are then arrested by the police of their crimes; Cassie and Tito survives their wounds, and Broker reunites with Maddy.


Dec 29, 2013, 9:20 AM
U wud get chucked out of the pictures, tenni babes.. u enjoy ruining films and telly for peeps? Dusnt bother me cos owt wiv Jason Statham in it is crap by definition.. but me bruvva wudn't b buying ya a pint ne time soon...:eek2:

Dec 29, 2013, 11:48 AM
Opps! It is a plot outline. Just when I was planning going to Edinburg for a pint of Guinness with your bro..lol

Dec 29, 2013, 12:48 PM
Opps! It is a plot outline. Just when I was planning going to Edinburg for a pint of Guinness with your bro..lolU drink Guiness if u like.. Aex will have his real ale and I will have me cognac tyvm... a double if u please luffly man...:love87:

Dec 29, 2013, 12:50 PM
ok…see you in the spring or maybe summer. lol

Dec 29, 2013, 1:00 PM
Just have plenty dosh... u need it in this town.. trust me on that!!!:eek2:

...and no am not goin flicks wivya.. nor r we gonna sit down and wotch telly!!! :tongue:

Dec 29, 2013, 1:02 PM
BACK TO TOPPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 3, 2014, 8:57 AM
Does the movie show people going crazy from meth? My friend's ex wife claimed my friend beat her and their kids but they would just argue and when things got really bad he took their kids away to either of their grandparents' houses. He never hit her or their kids. It was discovered that his wife was cheating on him and got into injecting meth again.

That's not really what the plot is about,
just about people who make and sell drugs,
but the main story is about a father and his daughter having trouble in a new place they're moving into,
and he's an ex-undercover policeman who had a big group of dealers arrested.