View Full Version : Ridding one's self of unwanted pests....

Dec 28, 2013, 11:50 PM
This is easy, Darlings. Go to said pests profile, and look to the left side of the page. You'll see a place where it says Ignore user. Simply click that, and the pest will be gone! You wont see any posts from the pest, and they in turn, cannot respond to anything you've posted. You wont see it..unless someone re-posts that dork's quote.
Happy clicking M'Loves..:}
Helpful Cat ;)

Dec 29, 2013, 1:27 AM
I put one on "Ignore" recently. My first in almost 9 years. Another one may soon be added.

Dec 29, 2013, 11:35 AM
I added my second, looking at a third. I love the option. Makes it so much nicer in here. Now if folks would just stop copying text into their posts, life would be perfect. well...

Dec 29, 2013, 1:45 PM
The second "candidate" made it to Ignoreland.

Dec 29, 2013, 2:05 PM
jeepers, cat you beat me to it...

Dec 29, 2013, 2:06 PM
AM I ONE OF THEM G I HOPE NOT cause then people really take conclusions too fast

Dec 29, 2013, 3:41 PM
I added my second, looking at a third. I love the option. Makes it so much nicer in here. Now if folks would just stop copying text into their posts, life would be perfect. well...

People need to be able to understand thusly...

**These asinine people are pissing us off. STOP using the *Reply With Quote* feature. We are NOT trying to see their dreck. Just *Reply* to them if you must, take it to the PM, but save us some hassles, y'all!! Thanks.**

How's that? LOL

Shrubberies!!! Vitt

Dec 29, 2013, 3:57 PM
You're welcome, Darlings. It sure makes things easier around here. And people only block someone if they have been rude, mean, or obnoxious, Joavi. If you arent guilty of this, then You have nothing to worry about. If You have been a pest too, then you'll be blocked. Its that simple.

Annika L
Dec 30, 2013, 2:21 AM
AM I ONE OF THEM G I HOPE NOT cause then people really take conclusions too fast

Heh...why would you think that?

Dec 30, 2013, 6:50 AM
Heh...why would you think that?

Dunno some people just decide for no reason whats so ever, when they first meet me, to not like me

Dec 30, 2013, 9:29 AM
I was always told if you squat over a mirror that the little pests (crabs) look down and see a nice new fresh asshole and jump for it.

Dec 30, 2013, 10:28 AM
Wow! Thanks, Cat! This little tricky trick works great. My "offensive poster" was instantly removed from the Recent Threads page. It's nice to know that this person will be shouting into an empty barrel. Insidious. I love it.

Annika L
Dec 30, 2013, 10:32 AM
Dunno some people just decide for no reason whats so ever, when they first meet me, to not like me

I'm sorry to hear that...now you have me curious...how old are you joavi?

Dec 30, 2013, 12:18 PM
When I first read the title of your post , I envisioned a fine comb and some special medicine ! LOL

Dec 30, 2013, 6:48 PM
Thank Cat, that was easy....

Dec 30, 2013, 7:00 PM
You're welcome Darlings. Now you know what to do when this dork reincarnates himself into another persona..:}

Dec 30, 2013, 11:02 PM
Love you more each time I see you, Cat. Thanks for helping remind us how to be rid of whats-his-name, and other vulgar pests. To whatever extent that I have contributed to the site's descent into a platform for porn and uninhibited sex-talk in the main room over the years, I am deeply sorry. I know that I have been partly responsible, and I apologize to all my site-mates. It is doubtless true that the level of discourse in the main chatroom is not what it was when I joined, and many of the posts in the forum are starting to sound like a Bob Guccione publication. I admit to some responsibility for this trend, as I often chose to engage in gratuitous cyber-stimulation rather than conversing above the belt. It was new, and so was I, and I was intoxicated with the freedom to be anonymously sexual with other men. But this site is way more important than that, I think, because we represent a segment of the population that is not well understood, and certainly not very well supported, by either our gay friends or the straight folks. I have found much solace in these pages, offered support where I could, and challenged homophobic stupidity when I've had the chance--and for the opportunity to do so, Drew, I am grateful to you beyond words. I don't know just what it will take to clean things up around here, but I will be much more conscious of my participation, hereafter.

Dec 31, 2013, 12:32 AM
Sailor-Honey, its not You. Over the years, we old regulars have gotten lax too, and didnt "Take the youngin's to the floor, or wood-shed" for their stupidity or lack of class and taste.We just kinda let it slide. We figured Drew could handle it all. But..I think its time to start giving Drew a hand and speaking up for our site, and Telling these nasty, rude, vulgar jackinapes that they are pushing the line too much. Peer pressure works wonders. We've done it before, its time to start doing it again. :}
(And you just love me cuz I tried to nibble your neck when you met me..) LOL
Have a good NYE sweetie, and come see me once I get healed up..:}

Dec 31, 2013, 3:42 AM
I'm sorry to hear that...now you have me curious...how old are you joavi?

My profile reads 20 but I'm close to 30

Dec 31, 2013, 12:46 PM
.....I think its time to start giving Drew a hand and speaking up for our site, and Telling these nasty, rude, vulgar jackinapes that they are pushing the line too much. Peer pressure works wonders. We've done it before, its time to start doing it again. :}

keep on 'em cat, bumping this one

Dec 31, 2013, 3:14 PM
Hugs and Muahs, Miss Peg. Its just time to break out the can of Troll Be Gone again. No biggie..lol
Yer Cat

Dec 31, 2013, 3:47 PM
Cat, thanks for the tip on getting rid of the pests..works great.

Thanks and Happy New year!

Dec 31, 2013, 8:28 PM
Yep. He's been "Cooled off" for now. But, we'll see him/her/it back in another incarnism soon..lol

Dec 31, 2013, 8:35 PM
Yeah, and I'll put him on ignore again, too.

Geez, what a piece of work!

Dec 31, 2013, 8:48 PM
I also put him on ignore, but then found the A-hole/jerk is, or at least claims to be, an Arizona resident. That is terribly embrarassing/upsetting and hope that there is no jerk/A-hole debri or shrapnel soilng the rest of us.

Jan 1, 2014, 8:47 PM
I've been traveling for the holidays--and only took my phone and a tab with me--but no computer. It took awhile--but I am glad that TopFucker finally got put in "cool off mode" by Drew and Company---I bet that he got pretty crazy.

That had to be our resident nut case that has bugged us for some time now----its always the same pattern----we have a few nutso personalities that come on---then when we think we have gotten things back to a "normal" state and the person has been shut down--they create a totally off the wall, balls to the wall bat shit crazy personality that just takes things to some extreme.

It'd sure be nice if this person could be totally and once and for all banned from this site--but that is not the case---we can be sure---he will return again before too long, but in the meantime---enjoy the absence of this nut case.

Jan 1, 2014, 9:41 PM
Some of what he posted was insensitive or even disrespectful. Most, of what he posted was a deliberate assault on plain vanilla sex. A slap-in-the-face to force us to deal with the full range of outrageous, kinky sex because it is a truly basic human endeavor. Yes, the constant barrage became annoying. So, I hope if he comes back, he will strive to be a little more entertaining with his message with less off-message disrespectful comments about others.

Jan 2, 2014, 10:30 AM
Some of what he posted was insensitive or even disrespectful. Most, of what he posted was a deliberate assault on plain vanilla sex. A slap-in-the-face to force us to deal with the full range of outrageous, kinky sex because it is a truly basic human endeavor. Yes, the constant barrage became annoying. So, I hope if he comes back, he will strive to be a little more entertaining with his message with less off-message disrespectful comments about others.

This is an interesting perspective. Is outrageous kinky sex connected to bisexuality? Are bisxuals outrageous kinky sex people? I don't think that people objected to the idea of such sexual practices. I know that it was the barrage of outrageous same sex images thread after thread so that no other topic was visible that seemed inappropriate. Was it the insensitivity and disrespect that was being done to the site or the kinky sex acts? I would vote for the insensitivity and disrespectful approach to others. The line of sexual freedom was crossed. The limits were crossed and it was not a discussion as much as a bullying with no tolerance for other's views(to the point of posting outrageous kinky sex images on other threads with no link to kinky sex).

Jan 2, 2014, 11:17 AM
I agree, Tenni. For me, the issue wasn't so much with the images that he posted, but with the disrespect in which they were posted. I'm not easily shocked and I am very accepting of the sexual practices of others, but to pepper threads with graphic images, the poster was not attempting to share, but to shock and disgust.

Jan 2, 2014, 2:21 PM
...... the poster was not attempting to share, but to shock and disgust.

mission accomplished, which is why he is now cooling off :tongue:

Jan 2, 2014, 2:35 PM
Hell--I have memberships at other sites and you see the sorts of stuff on many of them that "TopFucker" was posting up---but even on those sites---with some pretty raunchy, raw pure wild over the top sex stuff that they post--there isn't a meanness about it---the stuff that TopFucker was posting was designed to upset people and to "mess the site" up. There have been people here in the past who had some "interesting" sexual interests---and they would post things in an "informational" manner, you could say.

They posted what they did because they had an interest in such things and just wanted to share them in a real way.

The other thing with posts that come up from "people" like "TopFucker"--if you pay attention to "others" who post up in response to what they say----those are done by other "new people" with similar sorts of names, with the info included in their profiles being a bit "off" not seeming to be very legit and circumspect as well.

Its like he just likes to have conversations with his various personalities!!

It was not necessarily the content of what that "person" posted--it was the way in which it was done--with the motivation being what he got----a whole lot of drama stirred up.

You do have to admit--if this has all been the work of one person--they really are mentally messed up to spend such time creating all the different personalities, all the postings, nasty gram messages to members and all the rest---that is not the doings of anyone who is at all mentally "normal."

Jan 2, 2014, 2:39 PM
I wonder if he was trying to shock and disgust people, or if he thought this was another kind of site. In any event, I think he belongs somewhere else.

Jan 2, 2014, 2:44 PM
I knew if enough people complained that he'd go Bye Bye. I have my eye on another one, and if he gets too obnoxious, he too will join the ranks of the "Clicked" lol.

its just me
Jan 2, 2014, 6:40 PM
thanks Cat....I was about to leave the site because of him.


Jan 2, 2014, 8:24 PM
Yep, I've gotten fed up a few times...took some time off. I missed it, though; this is a great site, as far as I'm concerned.

Often, when I come back, the agitators have been zapped.

Jan 3, 2014, 9:00 AM
OK I read the entire thread. I doubt there's just one troll or that it's a guy. This is the internet and there are hundreds of thousands of trolls. As a webmaster I've seen multiple people share the same account and use it to troll and flame. There are even lots of websites where trolls congregate and find sites to go to or a person or cause on facebook to post BS on.

Troll (http://foldoc.org/troll) and Troll (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=troll) and expounding further on it, flame bait (http://foldoc.org/flame+bait) and flames (http://foldoc.org/flames) . It does not take being a webmaster to
notice a troll or trolls. Such folks also use sock puppets (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sock+puppet) to engage in their actions.

They usually run a foul in that folks can discern an individual poster's style, nuances, context. I sense a
site to which you may refer is the infamous 4 chan. As far as trolls go, they may be any gender, creed,
nationality, social/economic class. That's really not of concern, the hate they wield is more so of concern.

Frankly, I'm left to ponder just whom the real trolls are, now. Will keep that pondering a private
issue as nothing of value or goodness comes in seeing it in public.

Jan 3, 2014, 9:59 PM
That's interesting. :)

Jan 4, 2014, 5:36 PM
Pecks Void's furry cheek. Its ok Darlin. Said Troll is gone for now. :}

Jan 4, 2014, 5:38 PM
And Its just me...dont let a fool run you off, Sweetie. The good, Real, people here out-weigh the trolls and Idjets..lol Welcome to site Hon.
Ever'body's Cat

Jan 4, 2014, 5:39 PM
....Its like he just likes to have conversations with his various personalities!

ya think? methinks too! <grin>

Jan 4, 2014, 9:45 PM
This is an interesting perspective. Is outrageous kinky sex connected to bisexuality? Are bisxuals outrageous kinky sex people? I don't think that people objected to the idea of such sexual practices. I know that it was the barrage of outrageous same sex images thread after thread so that no other topic was visible that seemed inappropriate. Was it the insensitivity and disrespect that was being done to the site or the kinky sex acts? I would vote for the insensitivity and disrespectful approach to others. The line of sexual freedom was crossed. The limits were crossed and it was not a discussion as much as a bullying with no tolerance for other's views(to the point of posting outrageous kinky sex images on other threads with no link to kinky sex). I did not mined the kinky sex stuff. I did push back against him in a couple of threads where he was disrespectful and posted totally inappropriate images and comments. I have never put anyone on an ignor list.

Jan 4, 2014, 10:42 PM
You did just Fine, Honey..:} Just glad he didnt attack you privately. Thats was coming, it always does. He hadnt done it with me yet, but would have gotten a face ful of claws if he had. I'm mending nicely, but I'm still not a totally nice person as of yet..when it comes to Idjet-ism...lol

Jan 4, 2014, 11:23 PM
There have been times that folks have shared a link and warned it was not mainstream, you have a choice there. If you see a thread that says "show your goods" you know what is there you have a choice. When clicking on a benign sounding thread instantly presents an image that you would prefer to miss and one person has saturated most of the current threads with similar images it is disrespectful. I am sure the profile name and gender will change bit the same person will return.

Jan 5, 2014, 10:30 AM
I know the Title of the threads were explicit but how did you know about images and all the other content unless you opened the thread? And why did you do that? I am not judging any of it or expressing my view points on what I do and don't think is appropriate. Just wondering because it seems to me that as a group you are trying to control what a person can and can't do or say here. Wow, imagine that in the good ole so called "free world", censorship at its best.

Jan 5, 2014, 2:21 PM
Because he posted the picsw in threads that had Nothing to do with the pics. He just posted many of them randomly. I'm not trying to tell people what they can and Cant post, I'm saying that there are limits to tactless, crude pics and topics. Smut has its place, but it also has its limit before it goes over the line and becomes vulgar, and tacky. I wouldnt censor anybody, but enough was enough.

Jan 5, 2014, 5:10 PM
Cat that was my point. When they get posted everywhere on benign sounding posts it is done for effect and to be disruptive. The poster will not go away and when you see the pattern of post it is obvious when they are back under a new user name. I always wondered why other sites do not allow new users to post new threads and limit posts for a period of time. I now know.

Jan 5, 2014, 9:00 PM
Hey Michael... long time no see...

For instance... I posted a thread on here and havent been back in aeons... and lo and behold BAM!!! numbnuts posts some odd and deranged nastiness that had nothing to do with my post, let alone anything else. it was rather gross to me and others. and his questioning to me was a bit out of line and off topic. so that's part and parcel of what dude was doing.

Jan 6, 2014, 8:54 PM
Just glad he didnt attack you privately. Thats was coming, it always does.
No kidding. I had one that I had to add to the ignore list today that did just this, as well as attacking all of my posts, as well as others.

Jan 6, 2014, 11:29 PM
I havent had one openly attack me, or privately in a while, since I chewed his face and ass off last time. I was waiting for it, but thankfully he didnt get around to it evidently..lol Normally, its my size, heritage, and back ground that gets slammed first. Ah well..we're rid of him for now, and when he re-emerges, ya'll will know how to eradicate the pest(s) lol
Silly Cat

Jan 7, 2014, 3:06 AM
You're a feisty one aren't you? lol

Jan 8, 2014, 8:18 PM
Who me? Naw. I'm a good girl...ask anybody...lol. And, there's fixin to be another one added to the Click list shortly. This time, he/she claims to be a female.....
Cat, watching.

Jan 8, 2014, 9:56 PM
I didn't think that ex cons who have been in jail for manslaughter or other serious criminal acts etc. are permitted a visa to the USA……are they?

I keep reading the bottom of the first page of this thread and reading Peg say mission accomplished…lol

Jan 8, 2014, 11:11 PM
She just likes to pretend to be this way online. ;) In reality she's a loser, can't find a woman or man (who the fuck would actually want her fugly obese ass?!), is a bully, and is highly insecure.

for someone who claims cherokee is a bully, you do have a lot of shit to say

Jan 9, 2014, 12:09 AM
LOL Therrreees the Troll we all know! Same worn out insults, and unimaginative bullshit.
And PS..Just for the record, I've always wanted to be a bully, but unfortunately for me, I've waay too much respect and class than to be an abusive bully like yourself. Must be exhausting being such an asshole all the time. So...I'll just remain Real and Be Me..:}
Easy solution to bad rubbage. CLICK! lol Prob solved. ;)

Jan 9, 2014, 12:11 AM
*Pecks Newly's cheek* TY Sweetie. No worries. This old Cat has claws..lol

Jan 9, 2014, 10:32 PM
The pests are getting more nasty rather than more edgy. That is a disappointment to me.

Jan 10, 2014, 12:17 AM
In a similar vein....it felt really good to finally " go off " on my so-called boss today after a lengthy period of tolerating his offensiveness. I always knew this day was coming but it still caught me by surprise when it happened; it was very spontaneous. I erupted! Righteous wrath! He walked away with his tail between his legs & at the end of the day.....docile, defeated, humiliated. My signature is there for a reason.

Annika L
Jan 10, 2014, 8:30 AM
Who cares?

Apparently you...enough to post...enough to return again and again.

Jan 10, 2014, 10:56 AM
Apparently you...enough to post...enough to return again and again.

But they profess being so much better than us bottom feeding idiots.
Guess a person can just sit and wonder. But I'm not wondering about this
entity on the site. I am wondering if wife's grandfather will get more
firewood brought to his shed.

I wonder if pepper still has a job, topically. Would hate it if he lost
his job. But at the same time, it would stand to reason I guess. I have
lost a few jobs in "going off" on bosses, or at them.

Also wonder about how to make a black hole just for giggles, or if such
giggles would be considered "a good idea". Wonder about how the Western
world might spare itself from tragedy. Maybe I wonder too much.

Difficult to not wonder when the world is wonderful. :) As much I see
the good, the bad can get in too. Wondered if my back with its arthritis
and sciatica would let up as I fed my critters this morning. It did not,
still fed the critters. They provide no wonder. They make it clear they
love me. :)

For the now, hm, not sure what I'm getting into. I usually hang out
until someone calls. Would like to get the burnable trash out here in a
bit. But that's no great rush. Well, guess I'll piddle. Run slow.

Jan 10, 2014, 2:58 PM
lol Drew got that one before I could eat their face off, and thats probly a good thing. I dont need to be bothered with idiots today. ;} Got too much stuff going on to be chewing faces off..lol
Have a great weekend, Love, and keep that Clicking option close. :}

Jan 10, 2014, 7:56 PM
lol Drew got that one before I could eat their face off, and thats probly a good thing. I dont need to be bothered with idiots today. ;} Got too much stuff going on to be chewing faces off..lol
Have a great weekend, Love, and keep that Clicking option close. :}
Cat. That one was likely the previous one. Definitely trying to get a "different" message across without adequate consideration of other views.

Jan 10, 2014, 9:20 PM
But they profess being so much better than us bottom feeding idiots.
Guess a person can just sit and wonder. But I'm not wondering about this
entity on the site. I am wondering if wife's grandfather will get more
firewood brought to his shed.

I wonder if pepper still has a job, topically. Would hate it if he lost
his job. But at the same time, it would stand to reason I guess. I have
lost a few jobs in "going off" on bosses, or at them.

Also wonder about how to make a black hole just for giggles, or if such
giggles would be considered "a good idea". Wonder about how the Western
world might spare itself from tragedy. Maybe I wonder too much.

Difficult to not wonder when the world is wonderful. :) As much I see
the good, the bad can get in too. Wondered if my back with its arthritis
and sciatica would let up as I fed my critters this morning. It did not,
still fed the critters. They provide no wonder. They make it clear they
love me. :)

For the now, hm, not sure what I'm getting into. I usually hang out
until someone calls. Would like to get the burnable trash out here in a
bit. But that's no great rush. Well, guess I'll piddle. Run slow.

Damn, Void! I'm touched at your concern. Is it real? Yes, I still have a job; they need me too much. He's been asking for it, much like Cooling Off, Street Lady or whomever the cowardly, trolling born loser is. I guess you could say it was a 'perfect storm ' of circumstances that finally triggered me.

Jan 10, 2014, 9:58 PM
Damn, Void! I'm touched at your concern. Is it real? Yes, I still have a job; they need me too much. He's been asking for it, much like Cooling Off, Street Lady or whomever the cowardly, trolling born loser is. I guess you could say it was a 'perfect storm ' of circumstances that finally triggered me.

Well yeah, it is real. I mean hey, everyone has to eat. And I'm not such
a bad person as to wish anyone ill in the sense of taking pleasure in
someone else's misery.

At least I like to think I'm not. Apologies if I was perceived as being
such a bad guy. No real excuse for it sir, save that maybe I was having
some trouble with loose screws. And no, I'm not whining, or dragging
something up.

I am glad you do still have your job. That is always good news. I can
understand your notion of it having been a "perfect storm". *nods* Have
experienced similar a few times.

From what folks tell me, it's called being human and okay. *hugs* You
keep on keeping on and run slow.

Jan 11, 2014, 12:07 AM
There have been a few pests over the past couple of months

Jan 11, 2014, 12:26 AM
LOL Dont worry Pennsy, I will, Hon. And saying Jananapes was my attempt at being good, and not letting idiotsy get the best of me..cuz it aint happinin' lol And here I was thinking at first that you were telling me to go to my room cuz I had been bad..lol

One thing ya gotta remember with Trolls: They are like dogs; they bark at you out of fear, and judge you from the start..mainly because they dont know you. :}
Silly Cat.

Jan 11, 2014, 12:41 AM
And I meant to tell ya'll that if enough people put a person on iggy and just not respond to them, then perhaps they'll get the hint and go the F away...lol

Jan 11, 2014, 1:29 AM
And I meant to tell ya'll that if enough people put a person on iggy and just not respond to them, then perhaps they'll get the hint and go the F away...lol

Pffft. I have recently rediscovered classic AC / DC. This is the music I grew up on, from
back in the late 70's, 75-79. Back when ol' Bonny was still rockin'.

What those does have to with trolls? I just tune into videos of AC / DC, trolls don't phase
me one whit. Still believe that Bonny and Angus may have had something going on together.
Even if not they still knew how to roll. :)

Jan 11, 2014, 12:42 PM
Well yeah, it is real. I mean hey, everyone has to eat. And I'm not such
a bad person as to wish anyone ill in the sense of taking pleasure in
someone else's misery.

At least I like to think I'm not. Apologies if I was perceived as being
such a bad guy. No real excuse for it sir, save that maybe I was having
some trouble with loose screws. And no, I'm not whining, or dragging
something up.

I am glad you do still have your job. That is always good news. I can
understand your notion of it having been a "perfect storm". *nods* Have
experienced similar a few times.

From what folks tell me, it's called being human and okay. *hugs* You
keep on keeping on and run slow.

You forget, I work for a newspaper and they run on deadlines; my natural inclination for speed & physical drive is expected & exploited, but cool beans anyway.;)

Jan 11, 2014, 11:53 PM
Love you more each time I see you, Cat. Thanks for helping remind us how to be rid of whats-his-name, and other vulgar pests. To whatever extent that I have contributed to the site's descent into a platform for porn and uninhibited sex-talk in the main room over the years, I am deeply sorry. I know that I have been partly responsible, and I apologize to all my site-mates. It is doubtless true that the level of discourse in the main chatroom is not what it was when I joined, and many of the posts in the forum are starting to sound like a Bob Guccione publication. I admit to some responsibility for this trend, as I often chose to engage in gratuitous cyber-stimulation rather than conversing above the belt. It was new, and so was I, and I was intoxicated with the freedom to be anonymously sexual with other men. But this site is way more important than that, I think, because we represent a segment of the population that is not well understood, and certainly not very well supported, by either our gay friends or the straight folks. I have found much solace in these pages, offered support where I could, and challenged homophobic stupidity when I've had the chance--and for the opportunity to do so, Drew, I am grateful to you beyond words. I don't know just what it will take to clean things up around here, but I will be much more conscious of my participation, hereafter.

Amazing post.

Jan 12, 2014, 11:21 PM
Sailor is a sweetheart, Daffy...:}

Jan 25, 2014, 8:55 PM
There's another one that just joined that a cpl of us have their eyes on. We'll see how long it takes before this one turns into a Butthead..lol Then it'll be click time for that one too..:}

Jan 26, 2014, 3:37 AM
There's another one that just joined that a cpl of us have their eyes on. We'll see how long it takes before this one turns into a Butthead..lol Then it'll be click time for that one too..:}

You must mean the one I ignored. Was talking with elian off site earlier.
Come to realize that since first coming here in ~2005-2007, I have only
really used the ignore feature maybe three times. Now, I find using it
without prejudice quite a joy, helpful. :) No point to asinine trolls.