View Full Version : Fucking the shit out of my ass

Dec 25, 2013, 6:55 AM
I'm about to start getting fucked a lot more often. In addition to STDs, one of the things I've become concerned with is shit. I usually just put a finger up there and feel around before fucking. If I feel anything I clean my ass by the tub. This results in my ass being sometimes good and sometimes not so good when getting fucked. If the guy fucks good and lasts, this usually results in my ass getting a little messy. My friend doesn't seem to mind, in fact, he seems to like it. Sometimes it bothers me. I've noticed some people have elaborate long cleaning routines. This doesn't interest me in the least. I've also read that douching or enemas are bad for the ass, they remove a protective layer. How do people prep their asses to get fucked?

Does anyone like to literally fuck a little shit out of a guys ass during the course of sliding your dick up there?

Dec 25, 2013, 9:35 AM
The reason the cock has a head, is because we are designed to have to compete with other men to impregnate the women. The head acts like a pump, driving thru the cum left by an earlier suitor and pulling it back out. Naturally this action will also be effective in pulling crap out of an ass. I assume if you are having a lot of anal sex, there will be a lot of shit to deal with. I think an enema prior is pretty important, just don't put anything in the enema. Just water. Cleans ok and isn't dangerous if you do it once or twice a week. Just the rectum, not the colon. A couple cups of water at a time.

Dec 25, 2013, 11:53 AM
Typical response from a man that's circumcised who thinks the penis is all about the head or glans. It's also a very heterosexist response as not everyone reproduces with their penis. The head of the penis is designed not to compete with other men to get a woman knocked up; but it's akin to a woman's clit. A penis is meant to have a foreskin and glide not pull things out of a vagina or anus. I am in the process of looking into foreskin restoration. It does not give you an actual foreskin with the missing nerve endings that are destroyed via genital mutilation or circumcision but you do get some sensitivity back but you won't be as sensitve as a man who has always had his foreskin. To the original poster it comes with the territory don't get freaked out by it. Buy one of those shower enema things and really wash your ass out like you would for preparing for fisting or large dildos.

You got a problem with people who are circumsized?