View Full Version : Drew: Where the hell are ya dude??? The site has been hijacked!!!

Dec 19, 2013, 12:57 PM
Drew--please put a stop to the sort of stuff that is being posted on the site now!! There are plenty of sites on the internet where this sort of stuff can be found--we don't need or want it here, thank you very much!!!

Dec 19, 2013, 1:19 PM
I know that you are frustrated Volty. I think that you will have to clarify what you see as "sort of stuff".

I do not think that "fisting" images are needed on this site open forum but I am uncertain as to why and how it would be phrased to tone down some of the graphic threads or maybe restricted to a group that you join rather than the open forum? Threads that start with "do you like" and the add any sexual act add little to the site imo but others seem to feel liberated to be able to post such simple posting?

Dec 19, 2013, 2:00 PM
Tenni- if I thought the posts were "legitimate posts" I would not have a problem with it--its the way this is being done--I would bet BOTH OF MY NUTS that the person posting up all that stuff is not who he says he is--but a "troll" as well as many of the "people" who post up responses in turn---its like the troll is having a grand old conversation with himself and is making a total joke of this site.

Cannot you not see this??????

Dec 19, 2013, 2:30 PM
Well I can see it. I'm putting him on my ignore list.

Top fucker
Dec 19, 2013, 3:31 PM
So much for rule #3 about sexual freedom, and consensual sex between two or more consenting adults. :rolleyes: You know what the topics are about, why click on them or read them if you're just going to complain or not like them?

Dec 19, 2013, 4:05 PM
The best option that I see is to put that person on your ignore list, and to tell your friends to do the same. Maybe even start a thread to make people aware of him, and tell them to ignore him.

Dec 19, 2013, 5:16 PM
Actually, another option may be what they did on another queer forum I used to frequent: Have an x rated/NSFW forum, and one for non nasty type subjects. Worked well enough there. If you wanted to talk about relationships, bi- identity issues or any other rather tame subject, go to the general forum. If you want to discuss nasty stuff, but to the NSFW forum.

But it is true if you read the title of the thread, if you're bothered by it, just don't go there.

Dec 19, 2013, 5:30 PM
Rule 3
3 - Sexual freedom is what it's all about, but even it should have limits - discussions of non-consensual sex, violence and sex, or sex involving children are not welcome here, will be promptly deleted, and the poster may be banned.

I agree with Top Fucker about sexual freedom but there are boundaries /limits when it becomes something beyond consensual on the forum. This is a bisexual site and not a gay pig site. Discussion is one thing. Sensationalizing is another.When the thread topic is "Wednesday is hump day" I do not expect to find images of fisting when it is opened..wtf. Respecting others is a good thing. Be considerate as such a title is deceptive.

There have been a series of threads started over the past six months or so that seem to have little to do with sexual freedom but they do have something to do with sexual freedom in being able to say that you enjoy X sex act. Images of fisting to me cross over the line limits as far as being consensual. To show images of penetration with a penis or dildo seem to be in an entirely different area that some guy with an arm up to his elbow in an anus. To have a thread title about "craving seed" and then to write about wanting to fuck someone seems to be deceptive?

When a new poster comes on to the site, it may be wise to examine threads to see what the community boundaries are. A person coming on to the site in the past month would find a lot of threads about anal sex. Ok. Using language more frequently used on “kink” pig sites such as “fisting”, “seeding” “breeding”, “piss”, “glory holes”, craving seed”, just are not topics on this site prior to the past month or so. These words and beliefs tend to be more on the hard core pig gay philosophy rather than a bisexual web site.

Why not start groups on these topics where people can tell by a group title and join if they want to? This is a similar idea as fred's idea.

Top fucker
Dec 19, 2013, 5:46 PM
There have been a series of threads started over the past six months or so that seem to have little to do with sexual freedom but they do have something to do with sexual freedom. Images of fisting to me cross over the line limits as far as being consensual. To show images of penetration with a penis or dildo seem to be in an entirely different area that some guy with an arm up to his elbow in an anus. When a new poster comes on to the site, it may be wise to examine threads to see what the community boundaries are. A person coming on to the site in the past month would find a lot of threads about anal sex. Ok. Using language more frequently used on “kink” pig sites such as “fisting”, “seeding” “breeding”, “piss”, “glory holes”, craving seed”, just are not topics on this site prior to the past month. These words and beliefs tend to be more on the hard core pig gay philosophy. To have a title about "craving seed" and then to write about wanting to fuck someone seems to be deceptive or a rather confused writer. Fisting is consensual since if someone wants a fist, arm, multiple fists, or arms up their anus or vagina they have to consent to it and both people have to consent and want to do it. It takes a very long time to do this to a woman or man during sex. It's not like in porn videos which are edited where someone does it really fast. "Seed" is just a slang term for semen. People use a very popular slang term for semen known as "cum" yet nobody seems to care about that. Secondly there are a lot of bisexuals and even gay men here on this site who are into the type of sex you describe as "pig sex" which is just really just consensual sex that's not vanilla. Do a search on this site for fisting, piss, raw/bareback, felching/cream pies or eating semen out of an anus or vagina, glory holes, etc. and you'll see that tons of threads about these subjects come up.

Dec 19, 2013, 6:01 PM
"Fisting is consensual since if someone wants a fist,.."

It was not consensual on many readers who read" Wednesday is hump day" to open it up to see images of fisting. Yes, cream pie threads exist and have existed as it is a m/f sexual activity. That is not fisting nor gay pig philosophy. You do not seem to have much respect for the bisexual community of this site before your arrival? Chill a bit and things may go better if your goals are to be a member rather than a troll. You are clearly on the extreme edge of sexuality when compared to many on this bisexual site.

I see that "someone" has started a few groups "dog fucking", from ass/pussy to mouth" Good. That may be a better place for such discussions and images.. ;)

Top fucker
Dec 19, 2013, 7:10 PM
Yes, cream pie threads exist and have existed as it is a m/f sexual activity. That is not fisting nor gay pig philosophy. So would doing a creampie in a woman or eating out some other mans cum load from her vagina or his penis be a hetero or bisexual pig philosophy instead? Fisting has been going on for as long as people have been having sex. Same with piss or watersports. Bisexual people, gay/lesbian people, and heterosexuals are all into fisting and piss or watersports. Fisting and piss or watersports are actually very common. Go on Craigslist or any site for bi and gay men, for lesbian and bi women, or for heterosexuals and you'll find people into both. Heck, there are even a lot of bisexuals of both genders here, and lesbian women who are into fisting and have posted about it. Don't be so sex negative, prudish, and homophobic.

Dec 19, 2013, 7:33 PM
Jesus, are NMcowboys and top fucker the most annoying people here??? ...thank God for the ignore button...geez

Dec 19, 2013, 8:03 PM
post 11
I see your point TP. Since the things that you are interested in are not restricted to bisexuality, it may be expected that they cross the line of limits as far as sexual freedom for many. I don't think that it is the topic but perhaps the delivery of thread after thread about topics that are not really bisexually related as they are more pig related. It may be the frequency of your delivery of such matters. I see not a lot of evidence to confirm that most bisexuals on this site are interested in the fisting and waterspouts that you are interested in. No one posted an interest in your Wednesday hump day fisting images thread but I may be wrong.

This site is not Craigslist. Even Craigslist does not have the frequency of pig sex as you post. Like a few that have been put into "cooling off" your sense of a norm seems to vary from other geographic areas. Diversity is fine but to expect your view to be the sexual freedom norm on this bisexual site may not be? Where I live very few Craig ads deal with w/s, fisting etc. Since this is a bisexual site and you have just reminded me that your interests are not specific to a sexuality, I think that your argument that those who do not agree with you could be homophobic. Pigphobic is closer and this site is not a pig site nor a gay site specifically.

Top fucker
Dec 19, 2013, 8:32 PM
post 11 I see your point TP. Since the things that you are interested in are not restricted to bisexuality, it may be expected that they cross the line of limits as far as sexual freedom for many. I don't think that it is the topic but perhaps the delivery of thread after thread about topics that are not really bisexually related as they are more pig related. It may be the frequency of your delivery of such matters. I see not a lot of evidence to confirm that most bisexuals on this site are interested in the fisting and waterspouts that you are interested in. No one posted an interest in your Wednesday hump day fisting images thread but I may be wrong. This site is not Craigslist. Even Craigslist does not have the frequency of pig sex as you post. Like a few that have been put into "cooling off" your sense of a norm seems to vary from other geographic areas. Diversity is fine but to expect your view to be the sexual freedom norm on this bisexual site may not be? Where I live very few Craig ads deal with w/s, fisting etc. Since this is a bisexual site and you have just reminded me that your interests are not specific to a sexuality, I think that your argument that those who do not agree with you could be homophobic. Pigphobic is closer and this site is not a pig site nor a gay site specifically. Try searching harder on Craigslist. I searched your area Toronto and its suburbs and found a lot of ads for piss, watersports, piss, more than a few for fisting, bareback, cumslut, glory hole, seed, etc.

Dec 19, 2013, 10:05 PM
Sorry. I looked at the "hump day" thread. Was I supposed to be shocked,
offended? I was not shocked or offended. Granted, I may not be into
that kind of sexual activity but have known others are for quite a
while. It was no offense to see it on a bisexual web forum. Normally, I
presume most here are legal adults. Not quite sure where offense lies
in discussing, viewing adult material on an obviously adult based web

And again because it so radiantly beautiful. ---->

So funny, folks complaining about trolls for
years. Simple answer, don't feed into them. Agree or disagree with
another person's ideals, fine, but one should not expect other folks to
live by your ideals, or vice versa


hugs n kisses

Top fucker
Dec 19, 2013, 10:30 PM
Sorry. I looked at the "hump day" thread. Was I supposed to be shocked, offended? I was not shocked or offended. Granted, I may not be into that kind of sexual activity but have known others are for quite a while. It was no offense to see it on a bisexual web forum. Normally, I presume most here are legal adults. Not quite sure where offense lies in discussing, viewing adult material on an obviously adult based web forum. Thank you!

Dec 19, 2013, 10:38 PM
Thank you!

Welcome. Also will add, if you didn't want to see it, you didn't need to click it.
The title and it's blurb tool-tip balloon are very descriptive in conveying what
is in the thread. Even text based web browsers convey that information. It
come back to user choice. So, two men walk into a bar, the third ducks.

Dec 19, 2013, 10:59 PM
Interesting point Void.

Hovering is the solution but it is not until the last few words when you hover that give any indication of meaning. Certainly hovering does not give warning of the graphic imagery though. Still, this is not a pig site and you are inferring that bestiality and child sex is over the limit but pig sex is not(for you). Soon to arrive at Bisexual.com images of an anus full of urine and cum leaking out.

Dec 20, 2013, 12:05 AM
I agree with OP, we have twenty new threads that could easily be condensed down into two or three.

Dec 21, 2013, 9:59 AM
Sorry no, inference comes from a reader's perspective. You (general
you as in anyone) can read anything into anything, can you not? Still,
to clarify if my line about that "not being something I'm into" was not
clear enough, I don't get into that sort of thing.

Now, infer what you (general case you, again) will because undoubtedly
you (general case you, again) will. I know what I wrote, and it was not
that I enjoyed that type of sexual activity. I just do not see an issue
warranting taking offense over it on an adult themed site discussing

Apparently, you (specif to tenni) do. Okay, we'll agree to disagree. So?
I get led back to the following:

So funny, folks complaining about trolls for
years. Simple answer, don't feed into them. Agree or disagree with
another person's ideals, fine, but one should not expect other folks to
live by your ideals, or vice versa


hugs n kisses

Dec 21, 2013, 11:59 AM
Let me clarify if my words have not been clear to you. Yes, I do not wish to view fisting but I have no problems with it being discussed in text form. I have noticed an increase in the use of groups on these pig topics with little participation by others. That is good. This dislike is especially true when the thread title is misleading. Your point about hovering over a thread title is a good one that I may use especially when the poster has shown excessive threads dealing with more base pig sex. If you are not into the sex act either, I don't see us as far apart in our views.

It is the proliferation of pig threads that are repetitive that seems inappropriate as making bi.com a pig site rather than a bisexual site. There may be a strategy or if not a strategy a psychological reason for these excessive pig threads by one poster. Here is a little list of threads started by one poster. Note the repeating of piss and anal sex. Why start threads where no one has yet answered your first thread that deals with that topic? I would guess that the intent is to make the site unappealing to shy bisexuals and people who have no interest in pig sex. The numbers beside the topic show how many different people posted so far on that thread. (exclude the OP posting again to bring the thread to the top of the list) The spacing indicates some attempt at thematic grouping but is not perfect and could be debated until dusk..lol Note the largest grouping reflects pig sex and has no sexuality base..ie really nothing to do with bisexuality as much as pig sex. I don't think that many need this grouping to see the intent but it is curious. Why does a person continue to start similar threads when no one or few are responding? There seems to be no intellectual rationale/content for the thread. There may be masturbatory excitement by the OP though in creating repetitive pig threads? All of these threads have been created since December 16.

Cant get enough dick, ass or pussy
Watching pussy porn with a man before you have sex-0

Pissing up a bottom ass or woman’s pussy after you cum-4
Going ass or pussy to mouthSwapping loads!-3
Do you love cum up your ass or in your mouth?
Being a cumdump and getting gang banged -5
Bottoms who crave seed or cum up their asses!-3
bottoms who crave piss up their ass 0
Bottoms who wants to be treated like a bitch and fucked hard-10
Ain’t NOTHIN hotter 0
When did you first take a cum load up your ass?-8

Why is Wednesday hump day?-1
Fisting an ass or pussy

Describe your first tme anal-9
glory holes-9
getting fucked by an uncut cock feels far better than a cut dick-3
Love to parTy-0
Whats the nastiest thing u ever done for sex?-0

HOt Southern Italian men!!! -0
Cholo vato homie thug types -1

Dec 21, 2013, 12:30 PM
I comprehend your point. The point I express is that I'm not the OP of
the thread/s in question. I have no fathoming of the intent behind said

That aside, I do not see it offensive to post said thread/s on an adult
themed web site. Again, it comes back to if you enjoy seeing it, look.
If you don't enjoy seeing it, hearing it, don't look or listen. The
subject matter is based upon a preference, preferences are akin to

You do not have to like another person's opinion. Fine, say you don't
like it, move on. Or you might express what you like while being
respectful of the opinions of others.

I disagree with your opinion that it is offensive. Okay, no big deal.
You may not find sex while covered in peanut butter offensive, but I do.
We can agree to disagree on matters of preference and opinion. It's an
adult thing to do, on an adult based web site.

Not seeing your trouble in comprehension of this key precept. But you
are not me, I'm not you. Suppose that is a blessing and curse at times,
we're all different, that is. As adult humans we have intellect capable
of putting mankind unto the moon, curing lethal diseases, making killer
drone planes ... yet we face adversity in agreeing to disagree.

Sad if you think about really, opinions have created wars. I refuse to
bow to an opinion, thought. You think different from me. Okay. So what?
I brought it up a few times in the past, death has no colors, creeds,
flags, preferences ... if it lives, it dies. So why bow to the hate
inherent in letting an opinion reign and create war?

Sorry if you don't comprehend that cold fact. Sorry if it's too cold. It
is what is though. Neither you, me, Joe, Suzy or whoever will alter that
fact, no matter our opinion.

Dec 21, 2013, 1:17 PM
You seem to be trying to use inclusive language and not wanting to exclude posters and threads. Is this just another adult site for you or is it a site about bisexuality and bisexuals? I haven’t read the banner lately and this has been disussed/argued before as to what this site is for.

I agree with you that what one person finds offensive another person may find sexually tititating. So be it. I believe that the OP is expressing disgust at what amount to a hi jacking of the site and its bisexual intent. How many pig sites do you visit btw? Why do you come to this site Void? Is this site primarily for discussion and viewing pig sex? The OP believes that the site has been hijacked by someone who doesn’t want it to be about bisexuality(my guess). Are they just over enthused at having the freedom to express their sexual interests? I doubt this and the sexual interests are not bisexual in nature. The poster argues the point that pig sex is not specifically for just bisexuals but all sexualities. Why post pig sex here then remains unclear?

Dec 21, 2013, 4:05 PM
Ok, so Which Troll are we talking about? Theres a couple of the obnoxious lil Bastids running around here right now. More'n likely its the same one, just a diff profile...

Top fucker
Dec 21, 2013, 4:35 PM
You seem to be trying to use inclusive language and not wanting to exclude posters and threads. Is this just another adult site for you or is it a site about bisexuality and bisexuals? I haven’t read the banner lately and this has been disussed/argued before as to what this site is for. I agree with you that what one person finds offensive another person may find sexually tititating. So be it. I believe that the OP is expressing disgust at what amount to a hi jacking of the site and its bisexual intent. How many pig sites do you visit btw? Why do you come to this site Void? Is this site primarily for discussion and viewing pig sex? The OP believes that the site has been hijacked by someone who doesn’t want it to be about bisexuality(my guess). Are they just over enthused at having the freedom to express their sexual interests? I doubt this and the sexual interests are not bisexual in nature. The poster argues the point that pig sex is not specifically for just bisexuals but all sexualities. Why post pig sex here then remains unclear? Tenni what myself and other bisexual women, trans people, and men who post about what you call "pig" sex are sexual activities that consensual adults do, and this includes lots of bisexual people too. Nobody is "hijacking" the site. I'm bisexual and there are other bisexuals, lesbians, gay men, and trans people on here who are into kinks that you call "pig sex". People who have replied to this topic said it best if you don't like a topic or subject don't click on it or respond. This is a site for adults and about sex. People post about doing piss, creampies, gang bangs, group sex, and swallowing all the time, and I have seen women post about vaginal fisting. Why is it somehow OK for both you and the OP to claim that it's OK for people to post about creampies and swallowing, etc.; but not OK for other adults or men, women, and trans people who are bisexual to write about what you call "pig sex"? Why do you and the original poster who claim to be for sexual freedom between consenting adults want to censor topics, pictures, and discussions of sex that's not vanilla? It's very hypocritical to have this attitude.

Dec 21, 2013, 5:19 PM
There is nothing wrong with the topics that you post. Bisexual, hetero and transwomen have not posted on your threads. Get the hint? You have no support from them on this site. The frequency of such posts is unpleasant for the OP, myself and others. If you read post 24 you should be sensitive that your behaviour is troll like. In this form, you have been on this site for five days, posted many, many threads about pig sex which you argued has nothing to do with sexuality. This may not be the site for your pig sex interests. Relax a bit. Reduce your initiating of pig sex threads. Stop bringing your pig sex threads to the top again even though no one has posted on them. Otherwise, people see you as a troll whose purpose is only to disrupt discussion on a bisexual site. I posted a similar suggestion a couple of days ago. If you are not a troll, don't act like one.

Dec 21, 2013, 5:39 PM
There is nothing wrong with the topics that you post. Bisexual, hetero and transwomen have not posted on your threads. Get the hint? You have no support from them on this site. The frequency of such posts is unpleasant for the OP, myself and others. If you read post 24 you should be sensitive that your behaviour is troll like. In this form, you have been on this site for five days, posted many, many threads about pig sex which you argued has nothing to do with sexuality. This may not be the site for your pig sex interests. Relax a bit. Reduce your initiating of pig sex threads. Stop bringing your pig sex threads to the top again even though no one has posted on them. Otherwise, people see you as a troll whose purpose is only to disrupt discussion on a bisexual site. I posted a similar suggestion a couple of days ago. If you are not a troll, don't act like one.

Well said. As a recent contributor myself to this forum (joined 3 weeks ago), I enjoyed the discussions here, with various threads about bisexuality, including some to do with sexual behaviour, but others about thoughts and feelings about bisexuality etc.

Having started lurking here about a year ago, I can tell you that if I checked it out initially and saw the content of the main forum as it looks now, I may have dismissed this site as not a place for me (at the time still hiding my bisexuality from my wife and looking for a place of support).

As I said myself above, we have almost 20 threads started by TF that could be condensed into a handful. Very few are generating any discussion. I agree with the OP and tenni that if we had a new visitor looking into this site to discuss bisexuality over the past week they would probably not stay very long after seeing the threads that have recently flooded the Main forum.

Top fucker
Dec 21, 2013, 6:12 PM
Toppie There is nothing wrong with the topics that you post. Bisexual, hetero and transwomen have not posted on your threads. Get the hint? You have no support from them on this site. The frequency of such posts is unpleasant for the OP, myself and others. If you read post 24 you should be sensitive that your behaviour is troll like. In this form, you have been on this site for five days, posted many, many threads about pig sex which you argued has nothing to do with sexuality. This may not be the site for your pig sex interests. Relax a bit. Reduce your initiating of pig sex threads. Stop bringing your pig sex threads to the top again even though no one has posted on them. Otherwise, people see you as a troll whose purpose is only to disrupt discussion on a bisexual site. I posted a similar suggestion a couple of days ago. If you are not a troll, don't act like one. So if there's nothing wrong with the topics I post why complain at all? Actually yes bisexuals, trans people, and gay men are replying to my threads. Try reading them and read the replies that other people have made. Yes this is the forum for topics about sex and kink. It's a bisexual site or a site about human sexuality, and this includes kink and sex that's not vanilla.

Dec 21, 2013, 6:29 PM
The frequency of your pig threads was excessive imo to the point of disrupting other voices. It is a bisexual site yes..sexual practices, political sexual issues, psychological and sociological issues of being a bisexual, issues of emerging bisexuals, some general issues political, etc . You went over the top with your pig posts. Do you understand that? Do you accept that you posted too many repetitive threads that focused on pig sex? You seem to be denying your behaviour as being over the top and trying to rationalize your behaviour. That doesn't come across as a person that wants to be a member of this bisexual site as much as attempting to dominate the site with pig sex threads imo.

Increasingly, you appear not to be someone who wants to be a member of this bisexual site. Look up some of the posters such as Drugstore cowboy and you will see a label "cooling off". They are no allowed to post again due to their behaviour and disruptive influence on this bisexual site.

Your excessive pig thread posts began the same day that three trolls were either deleted or put in "cooling off". You may be heading to "cooling off" if you continue on the path of this behaviour. I don't know but if I were to make a bet it looks that way to me. I could be wrong. Hopefully, you understand. I would be saddened if this was all a misunderstanding on your part rather than an attempt to disrupt this site. Good luck with your decision about your behaviour/ posts.

Dec 21, 2013, 7:33 PM
Ok. I know Ive been gone due to surgery and illness, but I've missed Something here. WHO is talking about Pig Sex, and whats your definition of it? If you are looking for kink, have I got a site for you. And its not this one...
Confused more than normal, Cat...

Dec 21, 2013, 7:55 PM
You seem to be trying to use inclusive language and not wanting to exclude posters and threads. Is this just another adult site for you or is it a site about bisexuality and bisexuals? I haven’t read the banner lately and this has been disussed/argued before as to what this site is for.

I agree with you that what one person finds offensive another person may find sexually tititating. So be it. I believe that the OP is expressing disgust at what amount to a hi jacking of the site and its bisexual intent. How many pig sites do you visit btw? Why do you come to this site Void? Is this site primarily for discussion and viewing pig sex? The OP believes that the site has been hijacked by someone who doesn’t want it to be about bisexuality(my guess). Are they just over enthused at having the freedom to express their sexual interests? I doubt this and the sexual interests are not bisexual in nature. The poster argues the point that pig sex is not specifically for just bisexuals but all sexualities. Why post pig sex here then remains unclear?

Posting Rules:
Every great community has rules. Here are ours:

1 - Don't post your personal ad here. They just clutter up the forums. By far the best thing to do if you are looking to meet people is create a quality personal ad under your Control Panel. These ads then show up highlighted to people in your area.
2 - Be polite. Flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.
3 - Sexual freedom is what it's all about, but even it should have limits - discussions of non-consensual sex, violence and sex, or sex involving children are not welcome here, will be promptly deleted, and the poster may be banned.
4 - Have fun. Learn. Share. Entertain. Discuss. Argue. Enlighten.

To me this infers it is an adult themed site. Adults discussing, viewing the adult subject of sexuality.
Yes, the banner graphics read Bisexual. Some bisexuals may enjoy fisting, some may not. Again,
it returns to reading the title of the thread and choosing to look at it or not.

If you look at it, then you grant consent and have no reason to claim offense. You saw what the
title and description suggested were there, you chose to look at it anyway. You made an adult descision
on an adult themed site. You're offended? Well, it's on you, truly it is. You made the choice to see it.

So, yeah I'm still reeling in trying to figure out how you were offended. If you didn't want to see it, you
would not have, full stop. But no, go see it just so you can whine and complain of being offended? Hard
to not see it as anything else.

And yet again! :) So beautiful.

So funny, folks complaining about trolls for
years. Simple answer, don't feed into them. Agree or disagree with
another person's ideals, fine, but one should not expect other folks to
live by your ideals, or vice versa


hugs n kisses

Dec 21, 2013, 8:01 PM
The frequency of your pig threads was excessive imo to the point of disrupting other voices.

Okay. First and foremost, has Drew stated the posts were disruptive? AFIK, he has not.
And AFIK, he would be the only one to make such a call as it is his site and not tenni's

Dec 21, 2013, 8:27 PM
Pig Sex!! What, just because it is not on your menu? Trolls? What trolls? Yes, they are trolls if they deliberately try to hurt people. Otherwise, they keep this site from becoming the dead talking to the dead. Occasionally, we all need a kick in the butt or to our way of thinking to keep our ego in check.

Dec 21, 2013, 8:46 PM
Void & Jem
Ya, you're correct. The Princess didn't last long did she? virgbi25 didn't last long. Deleted last week and no sign that they were ever here (disruptive and nasty ?). NCcowboys had many threads and he was put in cooling off s it probably was too disruptive to the threads content.

If you don't think that it is disruptive that is your right. I notice that you often play a counter game…and an apology game…so I'm sorry if my words are distasteful for you(playing your game..lol)

Continue with the stupid threads about getting fucked this way or that. Continue with the fisting threads. Yep, that is what bisexuality is all about first and for most.

I dislike the accusation of trolls as well but it is true that they exist and the behaviour exists. If the site becomes a pig site, I will no longer support it. At least I pay to support the site.

Dec 21, 2013, 9:19 PM
I do not want a steady diet of raw sex on this site and Drew has definitely prevented that from happening. But, an occasional binge is kind of fun, thought provoking and keeps me from being excessively righteous about my own preferences.

Dec 21, 2013, 9:23 PM
And if you notice all of the post and responses are from members who are Dec 2013. Yes they are talking to themselves in alter egos. I have been staying out of here due to the fact there is nothing normal on the site at this point.

Dec 21, 2013, 9:36 PM
Wrong! You are here. Think back to when you joined, I was definitely into the sex chat when I first joined. New members are definitely needed for the site to exist. Some will stay and find other ways to contribute.

Top fucker
Dec 21, 2013, 9:40 PM
If you don't think that it is disruptive that is your right. I tell ya that you are an arse then…lol Just playing a counter game that you frequently play. Continue with the stupid threads about getting fucked this way or that. Continue with the fisting threads. Yep, that is what bisexuality is all about first and for most. btw Void why don't you spend some money where your mouth is and pay a fekn membership? Although paying a membership doesn't give anyone more rights than others, it shows support for a principle. The ignore feature works quite well.

Dec 22, 2013, 6:00 AM
I really dislike censorship... we have way too many people trying to tell others how they should post, hell, even how they should think, feel and live. Or.. trying to anyway. The site needs all kinds, you don't want to read something.. ignore.. you don't want to see pics, don't click. It's not that hard. It's called taking responsibility for what YOU do, not what others post.

Dec 22, 2013, 6:26 AM
At least I pay to support the site.

I suppose one could be angered by an attack of this nature. And for a
brief fleeting few seconds I nearly was enraged. I choose though to not
become anger, to not allow an emotion to control a response. Some might
consider that a sign of maturity.

I do want to make an assertion. You seem to desire confrontation,
without regard to what it''s over. I see no need to confront you, over
anything. Yet you seem to continually find means for confrontation.

Life experience has taught me those always seeking confrontation usually
have deep insecurities. At one point, I too sought confrontation,
insecurities were in the form of emotions gaining control. Presently
and in the future, I am hoping to maintain control over emotions. This
reduces insecurity, lack of clarity, confrontation, hassle.

To confront me over the issue of money seems pointless, too. At present
the U.S. economy makes it so that our dollar is worth less than the
paper its printed on. Also I do not work at present due to some personal
incapacity, lack of feasible employment options. These are issues really
bearing no relevance for you as assuredly, your great and glorious
Canada, will obviously have these errors licked and your solution is
that all be Canadian.

So, beyond that your attack is pointless because Drew has accepted
paying and free users to his site. And again, he has not stated these
threads were disruptive to other users. In fact these threads sparked
conversation within themselves, and obviously in other threads. That
means other users posted, they were not disrupted.

All the disruption seems to stem from you and a very select few
others whining that the threads were disruptive, and seeming to seek
confrontation. And you have now been called on that. So, you start an
attack over money of all things. Money, like these threads really does
not matter.

Someone posted an opinion regarding sex. They provided graphics
depicting the preference associated with that opinion. This is an adult
web site. I presume adults visit it. Although as my wife suggests, I may
presume too much.

Dec 22, 2013, 6:31 AM
The ignore feature works quite well.

What? I missed that. :) *chuckles*

That truly is a valid point though. Like I pointed out, you could read the
thread title and choose to look or not.

Dec 22, 2013, 6:34 AM
I really dislike censorship... we have way too many people trying to tell others how they should post, hell, even how they should think, feel and live. Or.. trying to anyway. The site needs all kinds, you don't want to read something.. ignore.. you don't want to see pics, don't click. It's not that hard. It's called taking responsibility for what YOU do, not what others post.

Holy pig fuckers! I believe you got it, gal! :)
It keeps getting said so many different ways.
Seems though some do not comprehend.

Dec 22, 2013, 7:55 AM
Isn't the "ignore button" a form of censorship? It is self censorship for incoming thoughts. It is amusing to me how some posters make a big deal out of "blocking" a person and then commenting later on something the supposed blocked person states. Fuctardish? ;) It seems to me if you are going to block someone you do it quietly without fan fair.

Rule three is the point at issue imo. "Discussions of non consensual sex on the first thought means "rape" types of discussions. Is someone raping you by exposing you to visual sexual acts that you did not ask to see? Technically no imo. The use of multi user names and bombarding readers with certain sex acts to the point that none or nearly no other forms of discussion may be a form of mental violating rape. Certainly, this is not physical rape but a none consensual activity.

With regard to "trolls" who do get banned or put in "cooling off" with a great sigh of relief from some while others still cry out censorship is interesting. Is bombarding readers with your view that demeans others a form of internet non consensual rape(ish) behaviour? Thread titles do not always forewarn what the thread is about.(Wednesday Day is Hump day" does not indicate fisting).

When readers get a sick feeling from the subject matter is that a form of non consensual mental rape? The Liberatarians and Anarchist will argue no ..it is not. Still, the characters who bombard the site with demeaning others and excessive accusations that anyone who does X is diseased with AIDs and everyone else is wrong do get put in "cooling off". The Drugstore Cowboys, Mr Suck, the NMcowboys etc. do get put in "cooling off" and are censored(thankfully imo). Brazen sexual perversion postings and creating so many of this toe of threads that take over the front page is a form of mental rape imo. This is not so for the Libertarians and Arnarchists.

Dec 22, 2013, 9:34 AM
Isn't the "ignore button" a form of censorship? It is self censorship for incoming thoughts. It is amusing to me how some posters make a big deal out of "blocking" a person and then commenting later on something the supposed blocked person states. Fuctardish? ;) It seems to me if you are going to block someone you do it quietly without fan fair.


It is self censorship in that YOU (the specific you, as in you as a
person individually) take responsibility for what you choose to see. And
that has been the point we've all stressed with you (specifically the
you that is tenni) through this whole debate. It was your (specifically,
you, tenni) choice to view the subject matter. You (specifically tenni)
chose to grant consent to view the material.

Anyone making a choice to view any material here, grants said consent.
You (specific tenni) were aware of the kin of material this poster was
presenting, from other threads they posted. You (specific tenni) chose
to continue looking at their postings, that thread specifically. So, it
was your (specific tenni) choice, your consent to do so. You could have
ignored the poster all together.

As you (specific tenni) chose to view the material, granting your
consent, you have nothing to object to or be offended by. Yet you
wrought forth adamnation most high, raged of being offended. May I use
you (specific tenni) and this debate as illustration of stupidity?

Because it is so stupid as to be hilarious. "If you don't want to
look at something, don't. If you look anyway, you lose a right to be
offended." How much simpler, clearer does this need to be explained? You
as a user of the site make your choices. Drew does not hold a gun to
your head and demand you look at anything. No one here does.

And my ilustration of "hovering" over titles also applies in "hovering"
over the site in general. If I see threads by certain users, I do not
bother looking at them. That is my choice. I may not care for the
subject matter. I might not care for the specific user, or contributers
to a thread. Experience teaches one what they prefer or do not prefer
and this grants a person an ability to choose.

Anarachist? How quaint a thing to call a person whom suggests you use
common sense. You are a regular riot of hilarity, truly you are. :)

Top fucker
Dec 22, 2013, 3:06 PM
Isn't the "ignore button" a form of censorship? It is self censorship for incoming thoughts. It is amusing to me how some posters make a big deal out of "blocking" a person and then commenting later on something the supposed blocked person states. Fuctardish? ;) It seems to me if you are going to block someone you do it quietly without fan fair. Rule three is the point at issue imo. "Discussions of non consensual sex on the first thought means "rape" types of discussions. Is someone raping you by exposing you to visual sexual acts that you did not ask to see? Technically no imo. The use of multi user names and bombarding readers with certain sex acts to the point that none or nearly no other forms of discussion may be a form of mental violating rape. Certainly, this is not physical rape but a none consensual activity. With regard to "trolls" who do get banned or put in "cooling off" with a great sigh of relief from some while others still cry out censorship is interesting. Is bombarding readers with your view that demeans others a form of internet non consensual rape(ish) behaviour? Thread titles do not always forewarn what the thread is about.(Wednesday Day is Hump day" does not indicate fisting). When readers get a sick feeling from the subject matter is that a form of non consensual mental rape? The Liberatarians and Anarchist will argue no ..it is not. Still, the characters who bombard the site with demeaning others and excessive accusations that anyone who does X is diseased with AIDs and everyone else is wrong do get put in "cooling off". The Drugstore Cowboys, Mr Suck, the NMcowboys etc. do get put in "cooling off" and are censored(thankfully imo). Brazen sexual perversion postings and creating so many of this toe of threads that take over the front page is a form of mental rape imo. This is not so for the Libertarians and Arnarchists. It's a sex site. Posting about sex even if it's sex you do not like is not "mental rape". If you don't like it don't go here or read the posts. I don't use the ignore feature but there are people who I'm not going to reply to since they love to argue, can't accept factual evidence, and can't do research or think for themselves and want to be spoon fed with links that are easily available to anyone with an internet connection searching for terms on google.

Dec 22, 2013, 3:16 PM
It's a sex site. Posting about sex even if it's sex you do not like is not "mental rape". If you don't like it don't go here or read the posts. I don't use the ignore feature but there are people who I'm not going to reply to since they love to argue, can't accept factual evidence, and can't do research or think for themselves and want to be spoon fed with links that are easily available to anyone with an internet connection searching for terms on google.

Ha! Now, I see how you are. I'll recall this when you totally do not
reply to my posts. "Oh, okay he thinks I ought to think more,
well I just think I think too much, maybe I should re-think that ..." :tong::wacko::wiggle2: *LOL*