View Full Version : Tell Your Personal Early Life Sexual Experiences

Dec 18, 2013, 8:37 PM
Were you an early bloomer? Did you and your guy friends or gal pals have any curious rendezvous? Were you sexually mentored by an older kid or an adult?

Then SHARE! I'm interested to hear others' experiences from their adolescence (or even pre-adolescence, as is the case for some of us), and I know there are others who are too!

(This is NOT condoning or celebrating any kind of sexual abuse, merely a request for anecdotes! Please don't get mad at me for asking.)

Dec 18, 2013, 8:40 PM
I'll start:

When I was about 4 or 5, I used to babysat by a neighbor and, whenever I'd go pee there, the babysitter's son would go pee with me, and we would look at each other's penises. He was uncircumcised and I became fascinated with uncut men ever since, but I'm pretty sure he got circumcised during the era when we would go pee together, he might have been 12 or so then. I remember going to visit them later on, maybe 3 years later, and he had a friend over. When he went to go pee, I went to follow him, he asked "What are you doing?" and I said "I'm going with you like we used too!" He was very embarrassed and said no, which in turn embarrassed me.

When I was about 7, in another town, there was a boy almost a year younger than me who would be babysat with me (our moms would take turn babysitting for one another). We'd be left alone in our rooms and would be left alone in the tub together during bath time. We used to play with each other all the time, and we'd put our dicks in each others' mouths (though we were too young to get off). He said it was called "sex" (though didn't know it was only oral sex at the time). All we both knew was that it felt really, really good and we loved both the feeling of a mouth on our cocks and the feeling of a cock in our mouths. One thing I do remember in particular was that his erection was thicker than mine, even though he was nearly a year younger than me. I used to complain about it and he'd say "don't worry, they get bigger when we grow up". Once we got out of the shower in my parents' master bathroom and we both had an erection (or at least I did), and my mom said "What do you have there?" and I proudly announced "It's a boner!" (another term my friend had taught me) I think it was not long after this that we stopped bathing together since that, combined with my friend's mom finding a poster we had drawn of one boy with his mouth on the other boy's weiner with "sex" written under it, probably scared our moms.

Then later in elementary school, while visiting my grandparents, a kid up the street from their house and I went into the large, moderately wooded park and built a fort of branches. We thought up all these secret handshakes and codes, several of which involved doing something with our penises. I remember that I wanted to suck on his but didn't know how to say it without sounding like I wanted to, but all we ended up doing was touching them against each other and rubbing them for a second and also rubbing our dicks against the trees on the edge of the fort for some reason haha

Also in elementary school, my neighbor across the street and I used to play vampires and, whenever I was the vampire, I'd chase him around and, when I finally got him, I would actually suck on his neck like I was drinking his blood. We ended up getting in trouble because I accidentally gave him what I later realized was a hickey! I had a big crush on this boy, in retrospect, and we would often wrestle, I just loved having physical contact with him. In middle school, his parents got a pool and all the boys on our street would spend the whole summer swimming there. Once, at dusk with the sun pretty much set but the sky still light, it was just me and a younger, Mexican boy (I was in 8th grade, 13 or so, and he was probably in 5th grade, maybe 10) from down the street in the pool and we ended up daring each other to do different things, eventually involving our dicks. I would dare him to swim a whole lap around the pool without his bathing suit on and would watch him with a snorkel mask under the water ("to make sure he did it"). He was uncircumcised, something, as I said, I was very fascinated by. We also did things like putting our penises against the jets and floating on our backs so our dicks would be above water (very risky, it seemed at the time!), but never actually did anything else. He ended up being gay in the end, and had all kinds of experiences with the boys on our street, which, when he told me about them, I was extremely jealous of (as I moved that summer and ended up living in a neighborhood where my brother and I were the only kids).

Dec 26, 2013, 9:53 AM
I love these stories and writing mine makes me horny and miss my old friend. its the old came home drunk thing. we were out of college and came back to his place for to crash. he for some reason started to wrestle around with me. I stopped sortof stunned and said Ill give you one if you give me one. he asked kinda pretending not to know what? I said a blowjob. well the wheels starting turning and he said ok. in literally seconds I had his pants off and mine and laid him on his back on the edge of the bed. I was holding his cock in my hand gently stroking it. as he became calm I put it in my mouth and lick and sucked like a pro. my eyes were glancing up at him as he writhed in joy and arched his back. I took the 8 inch thick member all in, and didn't stop for anything. I was working the top and the shaft and cupping his balls in my hand as I suck his dick. well this went on for 15 minutes before I realized he was kinda too drunk to cum,. so I made him kneel on the floor and I laid down in front of him in the 69 position. I knew this would get him to give me his load. well he slowly hung that red throbbing member just out of reach of my mouth .every time I lifted up to it he would pull up higher. were drunk and im sucking him off and he has the nerve to fuck around well finally I grabbed it and pull it hard to get him know no more games.. as he pumped in my mouth he got faster and faster. I was in heaven when the precum arrived and it tasted wonderfull. then the four long large squirts of his hot white sticky cum came and I knew what it was like to please a man. I licked him clean . I sucked him for while longer before my turn came...I miss

Dec 26, 2013, 10:16 AM
When I was very young a group of about 6 boys had a sleep over at our house. Someone came up with the idea to make faces on our dicks with a magic marker and do a puppet show. From then on it was always something like that when we were out of site. One day when I was about 6 or 7 I figured out masturbating with spit felt pretty good. I imagined a mouth on my cock would feel nice. I could not reach my own so I thought to try it on my friend and see if he liked it. My bad, he got a boner instantly in my mouth but was in total shock of what I just did. That was my first experience that this kind of thing was not acceptable by everybody. My first clit was only a few months later. A girl was doing a little show for us boys laying on the kitchen table. No idea where I got the idea but kissing her on the clit was the most natural thing to do. She screamed, "Don't touch me there!" From that moment on I new exactly what I wanted to do with a girl, I just needed to get better at it so they would let me do it more often. My life has been a never ending quest with both boys and girls to get better at it so I could do it more.

Dec 26, 2013, 11:15 AM
I looked older for my age, was 13 and at a party with some much older people. I went outside and there was a lady on a porch swing, so we started chatting and kissing. Found out she was 21 and was hot. We ended up in the back yard and I was between her legs eating her pussy (my first time), she loved it and came as she rode my face (kinda set standard for my dom fetish with lady). She jerked me off then got dressed and left.

Dec 26, 2013, 11:46 PM
First experience was when i was 10 a bunch of us were in a cardboard box from a refrigorator and we all had out dicks out one guy was uncut. I was ammazed at the way it looked we all had hardons. The next was a few days latter at a frineds we played with each other cocks he wanted to do more but never said what. The next was at the boys club a friend said while we were in the shower lets do what guys do to girls. I said what he said lay down and he got on top of me and stuck his dick between my legs and humped me. I did the same to hime. It wasnt till i was 13 that I had the first cock in my mouth it was a forced thing he fucked my mouth till he came I swallowed his big load. been sucking ever since.

Dec 27, 2013, 1:38 AM
At 11 I got raped for over a year.
My parents never spoke to me about sex.

At 12-13 I got on the internet and unfortunatelly threw my whole life away by finding out more and more
ad having some sexual encouters.
I only had anal sex BY MY OWN WILL I think at 15-16.
I was always bottom back then.

Dec 27, 2013, 2:27 AM
This question came up awhile back. The response was pretty heavy. Since I also hang out in a fairly popular swinger site, I posed the same question there. The population of that forum is made up of mature, active swingers. I got quite a bit of response, nothing like here. The most "freaky" childhood sex was one girl would force her barbies to have sex. omg, get the shrink!!
Bisexuals, it would appear, are aware of and acting on sexual urges very young. Not all obviously but WAY more than the swinger world and I would assume the vanilla world but have no idea really.

Personally, as a little tyke, about 5, I was having exploratory sex with another little boy. We would suck each other, finger our asses, "act" out fucking. Doing everything we could think of. I think of that dude now and then. I wonder if he's as fucked up as I am.

Dec 27, 2013, 2:45 AM
Wow, well with me, I had a lot of early experiences with females, not as many with males because I wasnt allowed to be alone with male boys growing up, but I did have one experience with a boy that made me touch his penis. Not gonna say how old I was but there were girls who would try to kiss me growing up. I remember going over my cousins house one time, and this one girl saying that girls arent suppose to kiss other girls. I remember thinking: Why not? My mom caught me and my step cousin in bed together and lets just say this: I felt the wrath of her anger that day. Also my step sister would come over and do different things to me too. It was crazy! I thought these kinda things just happened to me. Boy was I wrong.

Dec 27, 2013, 1:47 PM
I was 12 and was staying with my mom over the summer. She'd go to work and I'd be bored. I started hanging out at her neighbors and he was really cool. He let me hang out in his basement and play video games, swim in his pool.

He said he'd pay me to mow his lawn so I went out and did it. When I was done he asked if I wanted to go swimming and I said sure, I'll go home and get my trunks. He said it was ok, I could borrow his and he led me to his room.

We got into his room. He handed me trunks. I expected him to walk out but he didn't. I figured maybe it was like a locker room, so i started to undress and he watched me. Then he told me he wanted me to check something out and told me to sit on the bed. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. He had a straight porn on.

My eyes were fixed on it. I was aware of sex but i had no clue how the mechanics of it worked. A girl was on her knees in front of a guy putting his cock in her mouth.

Then he sat next to me and we both watched not saying anything. I sat straight up so he wouldn't notice me get hard. He started running his hand up my thigh and i was in complete shock. I tensed up but i didn't stop him. He reached in and took my cock out. I was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. It just felt really good when he touched it.

He leaned down and put my cock in his mouth. It kind of tickled and I could barely move still. It didn't take long and I came.

He guided me on my knees and took his cock out as he stood in front of me. I was nervous but I decided to try it. I just trief to mimick the girl and him as best as I could but I could tell that I wasn't doing it that good. I asked him if I was doing it right and he said I was doing good. Thats when i felt a little more comfortable with it and got into it.

i did it for a while and i more felt his cum hit the back of my mouth more than I tasted it. I just kind of reacted and swallowed.

Dec 27, 2013, 2:18 PM
I was about 11 or 12 when my best friend and I used to go to the garage and pull our pants down to look at each others cocks. I was amazed at how his looked compared to mine. His not as big as mine ;) but nice. I never thought of sucking it....ewwww.

Then when I was about 13 or 14, on my paper route collecting money, one of my customers...maybe late 20's, early 30's....asked me in to stay and visit. We're on the couch and I'm completely oblivious to anything, he put his hand on my knee and started to move his hand up my thigh as we chatted. I was nervous and excited at the same time and before long I had a huge hardon. He moved up to my crotch area to rub it. I almost came in my pants. He asked me if I had ever been sucked and did I want to be. I said no I hadn't, but I said...I guess wanted to be. He started to unbuckle my jeans and I think it might have happened, but his roommate came home so it didn't. But I think I wanted to see what it would feel like. After that, I thought I was gay and ashamed of it, but as time passed I figured it out like most of us do. Bi didn't seem half as bad.

the sacred night
Dec 27, 2013, 8:24 PM
I'm jealous of some of these! Only the consensual ones, of course. It's so nice to imagine being innocent and carefree and just pleasuring each other like it's the most natural thing in the world, because it is :) I was in high school and properly ashamed by the time I started getting sexual with anyone else, but I did have some interesting experiences alone as a young child. When I was about 4-5 I remember sticking small toys in the folds of my labia and walking around my room to feel them moving, although now as an adult my awareness of the germs gets in the way of enjoying the memory. My mother tells me when I was an infant, I would try to look at my vulva, though I doubt I managed it.

Dec 27, 2013, 9:08 PM
As I've related before, my first sexual introduction became bisexual.

A female cousin, born the same day I was, was a life-long confidant and mentor. She was he first to encourage me swim naked with her, which I found breathtaking! Swimming without bathing suits, or towels, she decided we should lick each other dry. That lead to us working diligently on our gentiles, to ensure they were dry, too! (She required much more time than I did! She never spent as much time on me!)

At about 8, she began to have orgasms. (as she directed where I should touch, lick, and suck, her) But, at that time, not understanding sexual dynamics, I was convinced something was bad wrong with her. I suspected she was an epileptic.........even though she seemed to be delighted by the convulsions she was having!!

Then, my life got even more exciting! Cuz talked me into swapping oral sex with her neighbor boy, who was about our age. As a natural-born director, she delighted in thinking up things for the boy and me to do. As the Queen Bee, we were often commanded to service her! What fun! He and I would get so hard that our little penises hurt...and we understood when we heard the term,"hurt so good" the first time! I do remember seeing him leak a little clear fluid, at times, but at the time, I'd never heard of pre-cum.

I'm not sure about the other boy, but I know I didn't have an orgasm during those early days. I doubt if most boys actually ejaculate at that age, but I think I would have known if I'd had one. But, I loved every minute we spent together!

It would be years later before I had my first real orgasm, but those days were some of the most idyllic and rewarding of my early life.

Apr 1, 2014, 5:34 PM
So much I can say so many great stories but I dont want Drew to ban me

Apr 2, 2014, 2:48 AM
I was a very late bloomer.
My childhood experiences were school aths, netball, climbing trees, swimming, riding bikes and so on.
Then one day I discovered I had lumps on my chest and a bit of fluff between my legs and Mum handed me a dirty great pad just "in case." "Just in case what???"
That's when it all changed.
............ but it took another 4 or 5 years. I was the embodiment of naivity and innocence

Apr 2, 2014, 3:16 PM
I was very young, maybe 8 or 9 and there was a group of us boys who all hung out and did crazy stuff together. The three brothers who lived down the street had a big barn in their back yard and we used to play in it all the time. A couple of the older ones, maybe 10-12, had began jerking off and showed us younger ones how to do it. There was also some old, weird actual coffin in the barn so we would lay in the coffin and play with our dicks in front of each other. That happened several times before again, one of the older kids, suggested that I give him a blowjob. I actually didn't think it sounded that bad and I could imagine myself that it probably felt pretty good. I went down on his dick and everyone else was in disbelief that I had his cock in my mouth. I felt like I had been tricked into doing something wrong but I didn't really mind so I just kept on sucking away. Eventually, a couple other boys started sucking each others dicks so I felt vindicated for what I had done.
Several weeks later, a few boys were sleeping over at my house and we started putting tampons up our butts. I really like this at the time I remember. I also said I wanted to try putting my dick up someone's butt and also putting someone's dick up my butt. We tried to do this, but it just didn't work out mechanically due to our small boy-sized penises. However, I did suck another cock and felt a dick at the entrance to my ass and I remember I really like that feeling. It's great that this thread exists because I've never admitted any of this to anyone, ever, since then. Thanks for the great thread!

Apr 2, 2014, 5:04 PM
It must have been when I was 7 or 8, I and a friend used play in the forest near my house. One time we hanging in a tree bench off the ground about 20-30'.
After we climbed down we sat under the trees and started talking about girls and our body parts. We pulled out our penises and played with them, stroking them
and pulling on them like puppy on a toy. One thing led to another and then I was sucking on his little hardon while rubbing mine. I played along time with his in my mouth
but to no avail, we were to young to know about ejaculation or cumming. After that I knew I liked boys as well as girls. Funny enough I did not have any other contact with
boys or girls until I was 19 and then only briefly. I still remember that occasion as my fist sexual encounter which steered my direction in life!

Apr 3, 2014, 7:54 AM
My first was when I was 6 or 7 with a guy that was the same age... I had played show and tell with a few others before this... We were at my house playing firemen (running around pretending to put out fires) Well we realized firemen dont put out fires 24/7... They have to sleep sometime... So we started in between "fires" to strip to our undies (briefs for him boxers for me) get in my bed and pretend to sleep then get dressed and put out another "fire..." Then it became firemen shower too so before "sleep" we'd get naked and pretend to take showers in my room... As time went on we spent more and more time with our clothes off... We one day decided we wanted to see what it would feel like for our dicks to "kiss" (rub them together) that was a life changing moment I didnt know anything could feel THAT GOOD... That's my first you can inbox me if you want I have LOTS more to tell

Apr 3, 2014, 10:03 PM
When I was in my early teens I experimented around with these two girls who lived on either side of me. It never got to penetration but a lot of sucking tits and fingering told me I liked the feel of a woman. I was stalked and beaten to a pulp by the jocks and bullies on a regular basis for supposedly being gay. I was at an age that I really didn't understand what that meant. I did have one encounter with another boy later on... I hesitantly sucked his cock but he really got into sucking mine though neither of us came.

When I went into the military I was still a virgin. As soon as I could I lost it to a prostitute in a massage parlor. I already knew about eating pussy but she introduced me to the pleasure of rimming. She sucked me to orgasm then; cause she knew I was a virgin, coaxed to another erection and rode me to another orgasm. I loved it. I knew I was attracted to women, but what about men? I still had questions from the abuse I experienced in school so one evening I went to an adult movie theater and allowed myself get picked up by a man. We had a great time of it. We sucked rimmed and fucked each other until we both came, then a little while later we did it again. It was my first anal sex and I loved getting fucked. Still do. It was only after awhile that I learned about bisexuality and I knew immediately that was what I was.

Apr 4, 2014, 1:20 AM
My earliest sexual memories were a couple of neighbor girls named Nancy, who wanted to show me their private parts. I guess we were in elementary school at the time. I remember telling my female cousin about the experience and she showed me hers. We spent quote alot of time as "kissing cousins". We touched, smelled, kissed one another and our private areas, and got really close to having sex, but never got there. Later on I got into guy play, which was in middle school, and I've described it before here. After school porno jack off sessions that ended up in oral and anal sex with a few jock friends....

May 28, 2014, 12:39 PM
I was about twelve maybe thirteen my brother was ten or eleven. We started playing some pretending we were secret agents thing that somehow turned into we had to be decontaminated so we would lay in our own beds completely naked under the covers. That went on for a while then I suggested that we get completely naked in separate rooms, after a while I ran into the room he was in, he tried to cover up and I wrestled him onto the couch all the while we were laughing. We sat on the couch for a while comparing cocks, my brother has this great curve that I now wish he had fucked me with cause it would totally hit my p spot. While comparing cocks we were playing with our own cocks and they were getting hard. They were so different that I suggested that we touch each other to see if they felt different which of course got us harder. We played with our cocks for a while and I suggested we try sucking each other and it felt incredible. We continued to suck each other for almost a year we tried anal but never figured it out, if only we had thought of lube! One day he was sucking me and he brought me to my first orgasm, I came in his mouth and he ran to the bathroom to spit it out and wash his mouth out. Sadly it came to an end that day I was shocked I had never cum before and I was scared and after an unexpected mouth full of cum so was he. To this day I wish it had continued longer. We never talked about it but to this day I jerk of an fantasize about giving him a blow job and taking his load.

May 29, 2014, 1:20 AM
My First Sexual Thoughts.
I was 11 and stayed home from school because I had a tummy ache. My mom suspected it was because I was constipated and told em to sit on the toilet. After about 30 minutes and no activity, my mom told me she was going to have to give me an enema. I didn't know what that was but when she told me I definitely didn't want it. Nevertheless she insisted. She asked if she could come in so I sat on the toilet seat down with my pants up while she sat up the chairs in our slim narrow restroom for me to lie on. She got the old red enema bottle out and I saw the tip that would soon be placed in my anus. What was odd though was that she had an anatomy book with the pages turned to the cross section of a male genital area opened up in plain view. I thought well doesn't she know where my bottom is? It was interesting though seeing the curve of the penis around the scrotum and curbing into the anus. I saw the rectum and was anxious thinking about fluid pumping up into my body in a few minutes. I felt though my penis start to get a little hard in my pants and was sort of turned on by the thought of exposing myself to my mom. Yet at the same time very nervous and full of contradictions.

She prepared the enema and told me to lie down on the chairs with my pants down. I was shy and yet wanted to see what my mom would think of my body and was just conflicted in feelings. Shyness won out and I undid my pants and only showed my crack as I laid on the chairs. My mom pulls the down all the way to my ankles. I wont forget it because it hurt...my shorts caught on my penis and that was the first time I became aware of its presence. She took her fingers and spread my bottom and it seemed to take a little while before she put it in. She told me I needed to clean better. I just said okay but while she had my bottom spread my slightly older sister walks in from behind. I turned and she was looking at my ass fully opened not saying a word. I began to cry. My mom said to be quiet and turned it into an object lesson for my sis.

My First Thoughts about a Guy
I never talked to my sis about the enema. In fact I sort of kept to myself. About a month later my best friend (same age) spent the night at my house and slept in the same room with me. I told him about my enema incident and it was turning both if us on. He wanted to see so he got under the covers and I pulled my pj's down and spread my bottom. I don't know what he was looking at back there but he was fascinated. I wanted to see his too s he pulled down his pj's and I got under the sheets and watched him spread his bottom. I do remember it very well because it was the first naked thing I ever saw in my life. I asked him to turn over and his undershorts were stuck on hard penis. I asked if I could see and his penis was so smooth and I still remember the slight pee musty smell down there. Each night we had a sleepover we would explore more that led to massaging and rubbing. Then we started rubbing our cocks taking turns not knowing what it would do. One night he rubbed me to where I thought I was going to pee I watched him but was concerned about peeing in the bed. When it came close I remember peeking at my red hard penis under the sheets amazed at how big it was getting and sort of sore. Then I told him I had to pee and I had my first orgasm but it was a few squirts of pee. I did him and he was the same. It was a few months later that we both started squirting semen. He moved a little after that and the rest went underground as far as anything with a guy.

My First Thoughts and Times with a Gal
I became curious about females during that time but didn't do anything about it. When I was 12, about 6 months after I started shooting semen, my sister had a slumber party and was supposed to be babysitting me. I was in my room asleep. My sis had this friend that was more of a bully but was around 14 and knew the ropes I guess. While the girls were asleep as well as I in my room. I was awakened by this girl who told me to be quite. She said she heard about my enema and that I better not say anything but she wanted to see. Gosh like a repeat performance of some kind but with a girl. She said she would show me hers and I was curious so I turned over. She spread my bottom and looked and touched inside a little. It sort of hurt but felt good. She told me to turn over and she asked if I had ever been sucked and I wasn't about to tell her about my time with my friend so said no. She asked if she could do it to me so I pulled down my undershorts. Apparently she had done it before so she starts sucking me. One of her friends comes in and catches us and the other friend sort of freaked out. Asked what she was doing and her friend said she wanted to see too and she agreed. So these two girls are watching my privates while one of them sucks me. The girl sucking told the other one to show her pussy to me so I got to see and touch it. When I came close to cumming I guess she could tell and started masturbating me. They both watched when I shot and then quickly pulled my underwear back up. The next morning I had to go wash the stickiness off but I wont forget that time. I guess we all have seeds of bi in us on this site. That is how mine started.

May 29, 2014, 10:00 PM
I was about 12 when my step father introduced me to masturbation. I was very innocent and had no idea there was such a thing. We didn't actually jerk off together, but he instructed me on how to do it and demonstrated first on himself and then on me. He said it was perfectly normal for guys to jerk off together. It was the first time I ever saw or touched another guy's cock. Years later he gave me the first of many blow jobs. It went on for a number of months before my mother walked in and caught us. It was a massive betrayal of parental trust, but after it was over there was no denying if felt wonderful.

Jun 1, 2014, 5:54 AM
My best buddy lived on farm next to ours. They moved there when we were both 4yo. We did everything together. Were closer than most brothers. He had an oler brother.
We were 10 & started checking out our cocks when we peed. One day we walked into the barn & his older brother was masterbating. We were quite & watched until he finished.
He said he knew we were there & he called us in. he made us drop our pants. He got on his knees & started sucking his brother. He did not sperm but orgasmed. he then did me.
Then he made us suck him. That was the first sperm i had ever seen. his bro later got girlfriend & did not want us anywhere around.

Buddy & I sucked every day. We were almost 12- one day I was sucking him & started tasting pre- suddenly he spurted- about 1/4 teasoon- not much but it was real.
I swallowed it. Was so envious- about 3 months later i was stoking off in the barn- alone- I came. I ran next door & told buddy. he was disappointed he did not share that with me. We went to barn & sucked ea other. I cud not cum agian but the next day..

We continued to suck - later got girlfriends and did not as much. We later married sisters. he & i are still- 60yrs later BEST friends... another story.

Jun 1, 2014, 9:55 AM
My First Bisexual Experience Was MFM...

(This all took place in the late 1970s in Florida, between friends who were all in their early 20s at the time…)

I'm not sure of the details that occurred before our encounter, but I assume that it involved a little alcohol & a little weed at a small party. However it came about, my girlfriend and I wound up with a friend of mine at our place. There was really never any thought of anything happening, until we got back there, and it became clear to me that she was very interested in fucking my friend. I can't say that I blame her; after all, he was a good-looking and friendly guy, & she was, at the time, the most sensuous & sexual woman I had ever known.

Our bedroom had single oversized mattress on the floor. We had all been laying there talking; my friend got up to take a leak. That's when I said something to my girlfriend, and she acknowledged that she was more than a little interested; it was also very clear that he wanted to fuck her. I asked her if she wanted me to step aside and go someplace else so that she could be with him; she said," Please don't leave…".

My friend came back into the room, and resumed his position to her left on the bed. I broke the ice by kissing her; he took that as a signal to go ahead and start running his hands over her body. She had on her favorite Danskin outfit, with the spaghetti straps; those straps slipped down her shoulders very easily; you could smell her excitement. He and I kissed and caressed her as we peeled the tight garment off of her; at the same time, we were taking off our T-shirts and shorts. It didn't take very long until we were all naked. I took a peek at his throbbing erection, and I was excited.

Being a gentleman, I told him to go first. I took her hand, and lay at her side at arm’s length from the two of them. She kissed him deeply as he entered her, and proceeded to find a rhythm that she enjoyed. I kissed her hand as I watched intently. She surrendered herself to the moment, but never let go of my hand; in short order, she had an orgasm, and he followed shortly thereafter.

I couldn't wait to be inside of her. She was warm, wet from her excitement, and incredibly slick from the load that he had deposited inside of her. It was arousing beyond words; I entered her wet cunt… And then I felt his hand cradling my testicles. It was so unexpected; it was so exciting. I went with it; she came again, and I did for the first time that evening.

I couldn't have been more surprised; this was a friend, a former roommate, who seemed to all a pretty macho guy, and here he was initiating this kind of activity.

It was his turn again, and he wasted no time in mounting her. This time, I stayed as close as he had stayed when I was on top of her, and I did the same thing to him that he'd done to me, and it felt both strange yet familiar. I also slipped my hand between their bellies down to where their bodies joined; my hand over her cunt, I could feel him thrusting into her as his shaft slid between my fingers. That's when I got another surprise: he was stroking my cock as I felt them up.

When I took my next turn, I did the same; my girlfriend reached down to stroke him, and found my hand already there. She gasped; we kissed deeply as we fucked and stroked him at the same time. I was amazed at how soft the skin of his penis felt, while at the same time I could feel his rock-hard shaft pulse to the beat of his heart.

We continued long through the evening, and into early morning. He and I both sucked each other; it was a unique sensation, & I was especially excited by the smell of his manhood as I licked his balls. At one point, she was on her back as we knelt over her stroking each other while we fondled her; she was deeply excited by this, and lent us both a hand as we stroked the other.

At another point, they lay face to face on their sides, and I reached up between her legs, took his cock, and rubbed it against her incredibly wet pussy. I then re-positioned myself so that I could put my cock in there with his, and I rubbed both of our cocks together against her moist cunt. We all groaned in delight as our bodies connected.

We took turns fucking her, with breaks for sucking & stroking each other. The taste of our mingled loads inside her cunt was amazing; the feel of our bodies together was incredible.

After we had all exhausted ourselves, we slept deeply. I awoke to them fucking once more, and joined in again. I passed out again; & when I woke my friend was gone. My girlfriend and I talked about the experience and went at it one last time with great passion, reveling in our shared experience.

I cannot express sufficiently just how it made me feel except to say that I felt more completely masculine in a very profound way than I ever had before.

My first bisexual experience was amazing…

Jun 1, 2015, 6:28 PM
My earliest sexual memories were a couple of neighbor girls named Nancy, who wanted to show me their private parts. I guess we were in elementary school at the time. I remember telling my female cousin about the experience and she showed me hers. We spent quote alot of time as "kissing cousins". We touched, smelled, kissed one another and our private areas, and got really close to having sex, but never got there. Later on I got into guy play, which was in middle school, and I've described it before here. After school porno jack off sessions that ended up in oral and anal sex with a few jock friends....
That's creepy and disturbing that you abused your cousin this way.

It's incest, and clearly was not consensual even if you will claim it was.

This argument that it's all about "love", "sexual exploring", etc. is just a cover-up of a deeper issue here. Somewhere down the family line no proper boundaries were given, and sexual abuse happened or is happning. I wouldn't be surprised if most of your family line had some severe sexual abuse going on. So, this isn't about love in the family or exploring of sexuality, but disrespect, power, abuse/sex abuse, and control.

Jun 1, 2015, 6:32 PM
If anyone wants to hear more of mine inbox me

Jun 3, 2015, 10:51 AM
My first experience with another male was when I was 14. There was a group of us - all males - sitting around in a secluded area. I should add, it was at a boarding school I attended. One of the boys started talking about the size of his penis, and a couple of boys wanted to see it. He got it out, and from there it became basically dares as to who would touch it, then as to who would suck it. I was fascinated by it, and really fascinated when all of us started comparing sizes. Eventually we were all touching each other. I think we could have impregnated 100 women by the time we were finished. Later, in the dormitories, one of the boys that was there confided that he had really want to take each guy's penis in his mouth. I admitted that I had the same urge. He asked if he could do it to me, and I told him yes, if I could reciprocate. We did it in a hidden space, and I was hooked! Eventually, we formed a hard-core group of eight boys. I think we had sex on an almost daily basis for two more years, with few breaks. The guy I started with eventually came out as gay, but after he left school. Another of the boys and I kept seeing each other for a few years on and off, but we were both very much bi. I had my first anal experience with him, and he with me. That was very difficult. These days, so many years later, it's a very risky business. I still consider myself primarily into male/female sex, but do very much enjoy male/male contact, if there is a solid friendship there.

Jun 5, 2015, 11:53 AM
Hey Oztrich and any others I have lots of experiences from when I was young inbox if you want to chat.

Jun 5, 2015, 3:42 PM
I was about 12 when my step father introduced me to masturbation. I was very innocent and had no idea there was such a thing. We didn't actually jerk off together, but he instructed me on how to do it and demonstrated first on himself and then on me. He said it was perfectly normal for guys to jerk off together. It was the first time I ever saw or touched another guy's cock. Years later he gave me the first of many blow jobs. It went on for a number of months before my mother walked in and caught us. It was a massive betrayal of parental trust, but after it was over there was no denying if felt wonderful.
WTF that's fucked up, and seriously sick. No wonder why you have lots of issues as that's what sexual abuse does to people, who unfortunately have had it happen.

It's never a good thing for anything like that to happen between people even if they're not related especially if they're living together. Your sick Step-Dad should have been put into prison since he's into abusing people like that. But so should Woody Allen.

This argument that it's all about "love", "sexual exploring", etc. is just a cover-up of a deeper issue here. Somewhere down the family line no proper boundaries were given, and sexual abuse happened or is happning. I wouldn't be surprised if most of your step-dad's family line had some severe sexual abuse going on. So, this isn't about love in the family or exploring of sexuality, but disrespect, power, abuse/sex abuse, and control.

Jun 6, 2015, 6:28 AM
I was an early bloomer and I seduced my 11 year old friend - slowly, carefully, cunningly, and so so erotically. I tested the waters at the start with some vague ambiguous and totally non-explicit conversations and I knew immediately that he had the potential to be turned on by thoughts of gay sex, and by enough to want to actually do it for real at least once, and also by enough to consider doing just that. And with me as well. I went step by step and got more explicit and direct each time, and I had the two of us wearing nothing but our white briefs and groping each other all over for two or three minutes but we both stopped short of shooting a load in our undies. There was no next step other than real sex and I was careful not to coerce or force him to do something he really wasn't into since I was older and the alpha but we also were best friends and that was more important to me than sex from the day I realized I was hot to get naked with him. And he reaffirmed his total excitement and sexual desire by giving me a surprise present on my 13th birthday which of course was him and his body and his first ever sex encounter of his life - and mine as well - which happened in the garage at my house and was just incredible.

So I was exactly 13 and he was about 11 and a half and his special birthday present for me turned into a six year secret teen gay sex affair with about 150 total sex hookups. We were sort of but not exactly boyfriends and we both had lots of fun and occasionally some hotter than fuck boy boy teenage gay sex as well.

Jun 6, 2015, 7:12 AM
My 1st time was at age 22. I was walking home later after drinking. Stopped at a store, 7-11, to get breakfast food. Some guy just walked up and started talking to me. At first i was annoyed but, slowly i realized he was trying to pick me up. I decided to see where it went. He asked if i wanted to walk to his place and i said sure. Small talk & introductions on the way and when arriving at his place. We began watching TV, he then asked if i had ever been with a man, and i said no, and he asked, do you want to, and i said yes. He smiled and said let's take a shwr. We got in started touching, soaping each other etc.. for a second i thought this isn't doing anything for me. Then I thought, while i am here, i might as well see what it feels like to suck a dick. I got down on my knees in the shwr and slowly took his nice dick in my mouth. My whole life changed!! I liked it immediately and i knew i wd always like it. I remember how big and soft and delicious his mushroom head was. I thought to myself ..... "How could Anyone not like this?" ..... He and I ended up sucking each other all over his place for about an hour and half .... Wow! it was a good first experience for me. After that, i got married, had kids and began a career so, I tried not to think about it. Even though, i loved it.

Jun 6, 2015, 10:58 AM
I started when I was 13 with a friend. We were both in the same grade and after school we would go to his house and look at his dad's Playboys before anyone got home. Eventually one thing led to another and we started masturbating in front of each other until one day he said "we are going to get horny" and proceeded to pull down my pants and start to suck me. I have been bi ever since! We were lovers for three or four years and we ended up doing everything together. Sadly he moved away after our Sophomore year of high school.

Jun 6, 2015, 1:12 PM
…I must have had a real deprived childhood…because I had no early experiences…

Jun 6, 2015, 9:46 PM
My first real sex was early teens It was summer and I was fishing and camping on a small river about 2miles from my house it was the second morning of my week of freedom away from home and by myself I had been swimming and was getting ready to eat a bit it was around 10 am just before I got out of the water I heard a odd sound coming from down and across the river this was a fairly remote spot so I quietly went to check it out .i swam across got out of the water and could hear the noises growing louder suddenly I almost walked right into a campsite.but what was happening in the camp was what made me do a double take ,there not 24 ft ahead me was qqerof and girl naked. He was Standing there with the girlhanging by her legs over his shoulders his face burried between her legs it sounded like he was growling as he kissed and.licked her ,she was moaning and making all sorts of noise I could not believe my eyes ,I ducked behind some brush and being just a kid watched as he bent forward and lowered her to a pile of blankets she was so pretty and her tits were heaving up and down I had never seen a live naked woman before as she sat up that was when I saw his monster dick as he slapped her in the face with it ,she must have like it though because she reached out and grabbed it with both hands an pulled it to her hell it was as big as her arms she started licking and working it into her mouth and he grabbed her long light hair like bridles and groaned loudly. I by then caught myself rubbing my own tiny by his standards dick couldn't help it this was way more fun than the old playboy I had in my camp.i slid my shorts down and started pound myself .by then he had bent her down and was fucking her from behind still hold Ing long hair in both hands pulling her back as he pushed in she was bent facing me her eye seemed to be rolling back in her head and her pants and moans were all could hear, about that time I felt my self begin to shiver and I lost my balance and fell forward I just Layed there for a second and as I tried to stand my shorts were still around my feet and I crashed down again .well as I stood this time I saw that they were now standing just a foot or two away from me and staring right at my shorts on the ground and shrinking little dick I was suddenly terrified and embarrassed at the same time .i was told to come with and she grabbed my arm leading me as he followed behind and as she got to the,blankets she stopped suddenly and fell to a sitting position he walked right into me with the monster still hard and stabbing.they asked me why I was out there and what I was doing besides being sneaky andjacking off in the woods.i explained about camping and fishing but didn't know what to say about the other .by now they had shared a glass of some funny tasting punch with me and gave me another after idrained it. I couldn't help staring at her beautiful naked body and they both new it she was really enjoying teasing me he I didn't know what to expect because his monster dick was ever present .by my third glass of punch.i was kinda light,headed that was when as she caught me staring off into her tanned inner thighs,suddenly she grabbed me and pushed my head down for a closer look and more .kiss my pussy she suddenly growled and wrapped her legs around my head grinding her wet girl against my face I didn't know what to do but I just licked and kissed after a short time she spun me and spread me open and swallowed my doc and balls all into her mouth it was the best thing i had ever felt sitting on my ,chest and mid section I could see her dripping pussy open as she leaned down to swallow my junkit must have turned her on though because she really worked me over .i was starting to hump my hips around when she slid her tongue into my ass spreading me more all I could do was shake I felt like electric tingle s all through my body that's when she slid her fingers one ,two into my wet sloppy ass in.and out she rolled me up fingering and telling me to suck her puss or she would stop fingering and sucking tell me you like your little sneaking pussy fucked you dirty slut. Well I couldn't speak because her ass was grinding into my face but it didn't slow her down by now she had something else in mind because a warm liquid suddenly early drowned me as she lifted just enough and something was bouncing off my forehead and nose I then realized that the monster was slapping her ass and a huge balls sack was resting and bouncing off my face.I was pinned and could only groan assh lifted up again and the monster slid right into her soaking wet cuntshe screamed out and set uptold him that their little slut boy love to be their toy girl he was pumping her and smashing his balls into my face I heard her tell me to keep licking and to Su k on his balls they were so big I could barely get my mouth on them I could hear moans but not what was said but he got off suddenly and she stood uptold me to stand up and bend over I did as told she slid he fingers deep in me an told me to tell her wha t a slut boys pussy wanted I was so.fucked up and she slapped my ass and said to tell them how much I wanted my pussy to be finger fucked .he meanwhile was poking his giant dick at my face telling me to kiss it I tasted the head and she once again smacked my ass I screamed out dont stop fucking it smack fucking who's what? This little sluts pussy please fuck it more she made a sound somewhere between a laugh and groan and intensely fingered me until my ass was humping to her rhythm do you like it I heard someone say if you don't tell me I'm gonna stop bitch suddenly it stopped and I felt her pull her fingers out an d lean down and swallow my dick and balls again what do you like little girl I heard and without pause I moaned being fucked fuck my pussy please I am a good girl and suddenly I realized. He slipped the monster cock into me and pushed us both down and started into and out I screamed as he literally picked me up with his dick holding me up she stood and sucked so hard on my ball I erupted in spasms shaking so hard I passed out.anyway that was my first
and it was terribly fantastic.it was also , after the week ended my only bi experience that year and for sometime

Jun 6, 2015, 10:43 PM
My first real sex was early teens It was summer and I was fishing and camping on a small river about 2miles from my house it was the second morning of my week of freedom away from home and by myself I had been swimming and was getting ready to eat a bit it was around 10 am just before I got out of the water I heard a odd sound coming from down and across the river this was a fairly remote spot so I quietly went to check it out .i swam across got out of the water and could hear the noises growing louder suddenly I almost walked right into a campsite.but what was happening in the camp was what made me do a double take ,there not 24 ft ahead me was qqerof and girl naked. He was Standing there with the girlhanging by her legs over his shoulders his face burried between her legs it sounded like he was growling as he kissed and.licked her ,she was moaning and making all sorts of noise I could not believe my eyes ,I ducked behind some brush and being just a kid watched as he bent forward and lowered her to a pile of blankets she was so pretty and her tits were heaving up and down I had never seen a live naked woman before as she sat up that was when I saw his monster dick as he slapped her in the face with it ,she must have like it though because she reached out and grabbed it with both hands an pulled it to her hell it was as big as her arms she started licking and working it into her mouth and he grabbed her long light hair like bridles and groaned loudly. I by then caught myself rubbing my own tiny by his standards dick couldn't help it this was way more fun than the old playboy I had in my camp.i slid my shorts down and started pound myself .by then he had bent her down and was fucking her from behind still hold Ing long hair in both hands pulling her back as he pushed in she was bent facing me her eye seemed to be rolling back in her head and her pants and moans were all could hear, about that time I felt my self begin to shiver and I lost my balance and fell forward I just Layed there for a second and as I tried to stand my shorts were still around my feet and I crashed down again .well as I stood this time I saw that they were now standing just a foot or two away from me and staring right at my shorts on the ground and shrinking little dick I was suddenly terrified and embarrassed at the same time .i was told to come with and she grabbed my arm leading me as he followed behind and as she got to the,blankets she stopped suddenly and fell to a sitting position he walked right into me with the monster still hard and stabbing.they asked me why I was out there and what I was doing besides being sneaky andjacking off in the woods.i explained about camping and fishing but didn't know what to say about the other .by now they had shared a glass of some funny tasting punch with me and gave me another after idrained it. I couldn't help staring at her beautiful naked body and they both new it she was really enjoying teasing me he I didn't know what to expect because his monster dick was ever present .by my third glass of punch.i was kinda light,headed that was when as she caught me staring off into her tanned inner thighs,suddenly she grabbed me and pushed my head down for a closer look and more .kiss my pussy she suddenly growled and wrapped her legs around my head grinding her wet girl against my face I didn't know what to do but I just licked and kissed after a short time she spun me and spread me open and swallowed my doc and balls all into her mouth it was the best thing i had ever felt sitting on my ,chest and mid section I could see her dripping pussy open as she leaned down to swallow my junkit must have turned her on though because she really worked me over .i was starting to hump my hips around when she slid her tongue into my ass spreading me more all I could do was shake I felt like electric tingle s all through my body that's when she slid her fingers one ,two into my wet sloppy ass in.and out she rolled me up fingering and telling me to suck her puss or she would stop fingering and sucking tell me you like your little sneaking pussy fucked you dirty slut. Well I couldn't speak because her ass was grinding into my face but it didn't slow her down by now she had something else in mind because a warm liquid suddenly early drowned me as she lifted just enough and something was bouncing off my forehead and nose I then realized that the monster was slapping her ass and a huge balls sack was resting and bouncing off my face.I was pinned and could only groan assh lifted up again and the monster slid right into her soaking wet cuntshe screamed out and set uptold him that their little slut boy love to be their toy girl he was pumping her and smashing his balls into my face I heard her tell me to keep licking and to Su k on his balls they were so big I could barely get my mouth on them I could hear moans but not what was said but he got off suddenly and she stood uptold me to stand up and bend over I did as told she slid he fingers deep in me an told me to tell her wha t a slut boys pussy wanted I was so.fucked up and she slapped my ass and said to tell them how much I wanted my pussy to be finger fucked .he meanwhile was poking his giant dick at my face telling me to kiss it I tasted the head and she once again smacked my ass I screamed out dont stop fucking it smack fucking who's what? This little sluts pussy please fuck it more she made a sound somewhere between a laugh and groan and intensely fingered me until my ass was humping to her rhythm do you like it I heard someone say if you don't tell me I'm gonna stop bitch suddenly it stopped and I felt her pull her fingers out an d lean down and swallow my dick and balls again what do you like little girl I heard and without pause I moaned being fucked fuck my pussy please I am a good girl and suddenly I realized. He slipped the monster cock into me and pushed us both down and started into and out I screamed as he literally picked me up with his dick holding me up she stood and sucked so hard on my ball I erupted in spasms shaking so hard I passed out.anyway that was my first
and it was terribly fantastic.it was also , after the week ended my only bi experience that year and for sometime

That's fucked up. People like the two adults you encountered who abused you belong in prison...if it really happened.

Jun 7, 2015, 1:54 PM
My first real sex was early teens It was summer and I was fishing and camping on a small river about 2miles from my house it was the second morning of my week of freedom away from home and by myself I had been swimming and was getting ready to eat a bit it was around 10 am just before I got out of the water I heard a odd sound coming from down and across the river this was a fairly remote spot so I quietly went to check it out .i swam across got out of the water and could hear the noises growing louder suddenly I almost walked right into a campsite.but what was happening in the camp was what made me do a double take ,there not 24 ft ahead me was qqerof and girl naked. He was Standing there with the girlhanging by her legs over his shoulders his face burried between her legs it sounded like he was growling as he kissed and.licked her ,she was moaning and making all sorts of noise I could not believe my eyes ,I ducked behind some brush and being just a kid watched as he bent forward and lowered her to a pile of blankets she was so pretty and her tits were heaving up and down I had never seen a live naked woman before as she sat up that was when I saw his monster dick as he slapped her in the face with it ,she must have like it though because she reached out and grabbed it with both hands an pulled it to her hell it was as big as her arms she started licking and working it into her mouth and he grabbed her long light hair like bridles and groaned loudly. I by then caught myself rubbing my own tiny by his standards dick couldn't help it this was way more fun than the old playboy I had in my camp.i slid my shorts down and started pound myself .by then he had bent her down and was fucking her from behind still hold Ing long hair in both hands pulling her back as he pushed in she was bent facing me her eye seemed to be rolling back in her head and her pants and moans were all could hear, about that time I felt my self begin to shiver and I lost my balance and fell forward I just Layed there for a second and as I tried to stand my shorts were still around my feet and I crashed down again .well as I stood this time I saw that they were now standing just a foot or two away from me and staring right at my shorts on the ground and shrinking little dick I was suddenly terrified and embarrassed at the same time .i was told to come with and she grabbed my arm leading me as he followed behind and as she got to the,blankets she stopped suddenly and fell to a sitting position he walked right into me with the monster still hard and stabbing.they asked me why I was out there and what I was doing besides being sneaky andjacking off in the woods.i explained about camping and fishing but didn't know what to say about the other .by now they had shared a glass of some funny tasting punch with me and gave me another after idrained it. I couldn't help staring at her beautiful naked body and they both new it she was really enjoying teasing me he I didn't know what to expect because his monster dick was ever present .by my third glass of punch.i was kinda light,headed that was when as she caught me staring off into her tanned inner thighs,suddenly she grabbed me and pushed my head down for a closer look and more .kiss my pussy she suddenly growled and wrapped her legs around my head grinding her wet girl against my face I didn't know what to do but I just licked and kissed after a short time she spun me and spread me open and swallowed my doc and balls all into her mouth it was the best thing i had ever felt sitting on my ,chest and mid section I could see her dripping pussy open as she leaned down to swallow my junkit must have turned her on though because she really worked me over .i was starting to hump my hips around when she slid her tongue into my ass spreading me more all I could do was shake I felt like electric tingle s all through my body that's when she slid her fingers one ,two into my wet sloppy ass in.and out she rolled me up fingering and telling me to suck her puss or she would stop fingering and sucking tell me you like your little sneaking pussy fucked you dirty slut. Well I couldn't speak because her ass was grinding into my face but it didn't slow her down by now she had something else in mind because a warm liquid suddenly early drowned me as she lifted just enough and something was bouncing off my forehead and nose I then realized that the monster was slapping her ass and a huge balls sack was resting and bouncing off my face.I was pinned and could only groan assh lifted up again and the monster slid right into her soaking wet cuntshe screamed out and set uptold him that their little slut boy love to be their toy girl he was pumping her and smashing his balls into my face I heard her tell me to keep licking and to Su k on his balls they were so big I could barely get my mouth on them I could hear moans but not what was said but he got off suddenly and she stood uptold me to stand up and bend over I did as told she slid he fingers deep in me an told me to tell her wha t a slut boys pussy wanted I was so.fucked up and she slapped my ass and said to tell them how much I wanted my pussy to be finger fucked .he meanwhile was poking his giant dick at my face telling me to kiss it I tasted the head and she once again smacked my ass I screamed out dont stop fucking it smack fucking who's what? This little sluts pussy please fuck it more she made a sound somewhere between a laugh and groan and intensely fingered me until my ass was humping to her rhythm do you like it I heard someone say if you don't tell me I'm gonna stop bitch suddenly it stopped and I felt her pull her fingers out an d lean down and swallow my dick and balls again what do you like little girl I heard and without pause I moaned being fucked fuck my pussy please I am a good girl and suddenly I realized. He slipped the monster cock into me and pushed us both down and started into and out I screamed as he literally picked me up with his dick holding me up she stood and sucked so hard on my ball I erupted in spasms shaking so hard I passed out.anyway that was my first
and it was terribly fantastic.it was also , after the week ended my only bi experience that year and for sometime …cool…

Jun 8, 2015, 10:14 AM
I had a very active, and bi, early sex life. However, what is the point of posting it if it is to be criticized by others? We all can draw information and comfort from each others' early life's stories that it happened with others in like manner, but then to be hammered down and criticized as to who's a "sick fuck" and should be arrested and thrown in jail belies the intention of this thread. Just not right.

Jun 8, 2015, 11:23 AM
I sent you a private message

UOTE=cslutt;288763]I had a very active, and bi, early sex life. However, what is the point of posting it if it is to be criticized by others? We all can draw information and comfort from each others' early life's stories that it happened with others in like manner, but then to be hammered down and criticized as to who's a "sick fuck" and should be arrested and thrown in jail belies the intention of this thread. Just not right.[/QUOTE]

Jun 8, 2015, 11:55 AM
usually the people who call names and spew stuff about being thrown in jail ect- have no clue about what a lot of humans do- and fail to look at them selves to see why they think the way they do

Jun 8, 2015, 11:57 AM
and some people would say that because you did this with a certain intention in mind that you should be in jail ect- what utter nonsense

Jun 8, 2015, 9:00 PM
I was ten. With my stepdad. He raised me since my father and mother had split when I was a baby and my father died shortly after. So he was the only dad I had known. Dad took me for a drive one day and explained the birds and the bees. Besides the usual info of sex between man and woman, he told me all the slang terms and said there might be men who try to get me to stick their dicks in my mouth or butt. I asked why would they want to do that? Dad said because it felt good to them, just like intercourse with a woman feels good. I asked why would a boy let them? And he explained about how a lot of women AND men enjoyed anal sex, because it felt good to them as well. And people would perform oral sex on someone because they enjoyed making someone feel good, especially someone they cared about or loved.
Dad had me looking through some porn magazines, and said he'd hoped that there would have been a picture of a hard on so I could see what it looked like. He then asked if I wanted to see one, and I said I guess so. Dad unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick and started stroking it. I remember being amazed at how much it grew and what it looked like hard. As he stroked it he asked if I wanted to touch it, and I said yes, and touched it with my fingertips. Dad asked if wanted to see what cum looked like and again I said yes, so he wrapped my hand around it and showed me how to stroke it. As I was stroking it I had laid my head against his stomach and was watching his dick. after a few minutes he said I could put it in my mouth if I wanted to, before I could think much about it he said it again, then gently pushed my head. I went ahead and put my mouth on it. Dad told what to do from there on.
When he came, I choked and coughed on his cum. I remember him laughing a little because some came out my nose. I sucked my dad's cock for years after that.
I was 13 when I got my first blow job, and had anal sex. It was with a guy around thirty. I was supposed to spend the night at my friends house around the corner, and we'd walked to the bowling alley. While there we bumped into a guy that was a friend of his family's. I think his name was Terry. Anyway, Terry invited us to stay at his place, so my friend called his mom and got it ok'd. Terry got us drunk, playing quarters. He showed us a lot of porn too. My friend got sick and passed out on the couch. Terry said I needed a shower to sober up, and took me to the bathroom. After helping me undress and putting me in the shower, he stepped in with me. I remember his cock pressing again the small of my back as he lathered me up, and scrubbed me all over, especially my butthole. He kept playing with it alot, before he turned me to face him and give a downward push on my shoulders. I knew from my dad what this meant he wanted so a got down on my knees and started sucking his cock. After he came, we got out and went to the bed. Terry started giving me a blow job, and remember how good it felt, and understanding why dad liked it so much. Terry worked his to tongue to my butt, and started kicking it. I remember this was an incredible feeling to me, and I liked it a lot. He put something cool and slippery on it, and started fingering me while he sucked me. It didn't hurt until he put 2 fingers in. I came pretty quickly. It was the first time I had cum from anything other than masturbation. Terry kept fingering me for a long time, I don't know how many fingers he got in me, yet it didn't hurt anymore.
After a while he stopped and had me role onto my tummy, and got on top of me a stuck his cock inside me. I don't remember it hurting much, just a lot of discomfort at first. He was very gentle with me, and went very slowly, and kept asking of I was ok. He kissed my neck and shoulders as he fucked me, and told me how sweet I was and how good I felt. It seemed like he fucked me for hours, yet I know it probably was just a half hour or so. When he came, the swelling of his cock hurt a little with each throb. I can vividly recall feeling his cock throbbing inside me.
The next morning I wake up to him putting more lube in my asshole. This time he had me get on all fours. When he entered me it hurt quite a bit, yet he took it slow and the pain went away. He became more vigorous, and I could feel his balls slapping above mine. He moaned and grunted a lot too, and he his thrusting became harder and harder and there was a loud slapping sound from it. He didn't last as long as the first time, and I thought something was wrong when he came because he moaned aloud so much.
When I came out of the bedroom my friend was awake and sitting on the couch. I felt so uncomfortable because I was afraid he'd heard it all. I'm pretty sure he did because he didn't say much to me on the walk home. He never said anything about it at all. I also remember how sore my ass was, and the wet sticky feeling of cum seeping into my underwear.
A few days later I told my dad about it. He asked if I was hurt, and if I was ok. After I assured him I was, he asked how I felt about it, and pressed me for details. After I told him EVERYTHING, he told me that if I ever wanted him to do that to me, just ask.
Dad offered to fuck me a lot, especially when I was sucking him. After a few weeks, I told him he could. So he started fucking me on a regular basis.
When I was barely 17, he had me in my bed, fucking the hell out of me, my ass up in the air, my head down on the bed facing the door......when my mom opened it. I freaked inside....my dad turned and looked at her and never stopped fucking me. She didn't say a thing, just stood there for a few seconds and then shut the door. She never did say anything about it.
Years later, in my mid twenties, she and I had an intimate talk, in which I came out to her that I was bi, and asked why she never said anything about my stepdad fucking me. She told me it was no surprise to her, that my father had been bi, she was bi, that they had been swingers, and her and my stepdad were swingers, yet he was straight. She said about a year before she walked in on us, he told her about me asking him about sex with men. And I'd asked him to show me. She said they discussed it in depth, and decided if I wanted him to, then it would be better than me hooking up with someone who might hurt me, or give me a disease. She said he kept her informed about each time we had sex.
I never told her the whole story.

Jun 8, 2015, 9:28 PM
I was ten. With my stepdad. He raised me since my father and mother had split when I was a baby and my father died shortly after. So he was the only dad I had known. Dad took me for a drive one day and explained the birds and the bees. Besides the usual info of sex between man and woman, he told me all the slang terms and said there might be men who try to get me to stick their dicks in my mouth or butt. I asked why would they want to do that? Dad said because it felt good to them, just like intercourse with a woman feels good. I asked why would a boy let them? And he explained about how a lot of women AND men enjoyed anal sex, because it felt good to them as well. And people would perform oral sex on someone because they enjoyed making someone feel good, especially someone they cared about or loved.
Dad had me looking through some porn magazines, and said he'd hoped that there would have been a picture of a hard on so I could see what it looked like. He then asked if I wanted to see one, and I said I guess so. Dad unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick and started stroking it. I remember being amazed at how much it grew and what it looked like hard. As he stroked it he asked if I wanted to touch it, and I said yes, and touched it with my fingertips. Dad asked if wanted to see what cum looked like and again I said yes, so he wrapped my hand around it and showed me how to stroke it. As I was stroking it I had laid my head against his stomach and was watching his dick. after a few minutes he said I could put it in my mouth if I wanted to, before I could think much about it he said it again, then gently pushed my head. I went ahead and put my mouth on it. Dad told what to do from there on.
When he came, I choked and coughed on his cum. I remember him laughing a little because some came out my nose. I sucked my dad's cock for years after that.
I was 13 when I got my first blow job, and had anal sex. It was with a guy around thirty. I was supposed to spend the night at my friends house around the corner, and we'd walked to the bowling alley. While there we bumped into a guy that was a friend of his family's. I think his name was Terry. Anyway, Terry invited us to stay at his place, so my friend called his mom and got it ok'd. Terry got us drunk, playing quarters. He showed us a lot of porn too. My friend got sick and passed out on the couch. Terry said I needed a shower to sober up, and took me to the bathroom. After helping me undress and putting me in the shower, he stepped in with me. I remember his cock pressing again the small of my back as he lathered me up, and scrubbed me all over, especially my butthole. He kept playing with it alot, before he turned me to face him and give a downward push on my shoulders. I knew from my dad what this meant he wanted so a got down on my knees and started sucking his cock. After he came, we got out and went to the bed. Terry started giving me a blow job, and remember how good it felt, and understanding why dad liked it so much. Terry worked his to tongue to my butt, and started kicking it. I remember this was an incredible feeling to me, and I liked it a lot. He put something cool and slippery on it, and started fingering me while he sucked me. It didn't hurt until he put 2 fingers in. I came pretty quickly. It was the first time I had cum from anything other than masturbation. Terry kept fingering me for a long time, I don't know how many fingers he got in me, yet it didn't hurt anymore.
After a while he stopped and had me role onto my tummy, and got on top of me a stuck his cock inside me. I don't remember it hurting much, just a lot of discomfort at first. He was very gentle with me, and went very slowly, and kept asking of I was ok. He kissed my neck and shoulders as he fucked me, and told me how sweet I was and how good I felt. It seemed like he fucked me for hours, yet I know it probably was just a half hour or so. When he came, the swelling of his cock hurt a little with each throb. I can vividly recall feeling his cock throbbing inside me.
The next morning I wake up to him putting more lube in my asshole. This time he had me get on all fours. When he entered me it hurt quite a bit, yet he took it slow and the pain went away. He became more vigorous, and I could feel his balls slapping above mine. He moaned and grunted a lot too, and he his thrusting became harder and harder and there was a loud slapping sound from it. He didn't last as long as the first time, and I thought something was wrong when he came because he moaned aloud so much.
When I came out of the bedroom my friend was awake and sitting on the couch. I felt so uncomfortable because I was afraid he'd heard it all. I'm pretty sure he did because he didn't say much to me on the walk home. He never said anything about it at all. I also remember how sore my ass was, and the wet sticky feeling of cum seeping into my underwear.
A few days later I told my dad about it. He asked if I was hurt, and if I was ok. After I assured him I was, he asked how I felt about it, and pressed me for details. After I told him EVERYTHING, he told me that if I ever wanted him to do that to me, just ask.
Dad offered to fuck me a lot, especially when I was sucking him. After a few weeks, I told him he could. So he started fucking me on a regular basis.
When I was barely 17, he had me in my bed, fucking the hell out of me, my ass up in the air, my head down on the bed facing the door......when my mom opened it. I freaked inside....my dad turned and looked at her and never stopped fucking me. She didn't say a thing, just stood there for a few seconds and then shut the door. She never did say anything about it.
Years later, in my mid twenties, she and I had an intimate talk, in which I came out to her that I was bi, and asked why she never said anything about my stepdad fucking me. She told me it was no surprise to her, that my father had been bi, she was bi, that they had been swingers, and her and my stepdad were swingers, yet he was straight. She said about a year before she walked in on us, he told her about me asking him about sex with men. And I'd asked him to show me. She said they discussed it in depth, and decided if I wanted him to, then it would be better than me hooking up with someone who might hurt me, or give me a disease. She said he kept her informed about each time we had sex.
I never told her the whole story.
WTF that's fucked up, and seriously sick.

It's never a good thing for anything like that to happen between people even if they're not related especially if they're living together. Your sick Step-Dad should have been put into prison since he's into abusing people like that.

This argument that it's all about "love", "sexual exploring", etc. is just a cover-up of a deeper issue here. Somewhere down the family line no proper boundaries were given, and sexual abuse happened or is happning. I wouldn't be surprised if most of your step-dad's family line had some severe sexual abuse going on. So, this isn't about love in the family or exploring of sexuality, but disrespect, power, abuse/sex abuse, and control.

Jun 9, 2015, 1:49 PM
What site? I'd love to chat with others about this

UOTE=Hypersexual11;261775]This question came up awhile back. The response was pretty heavy. Since I also hang out in a fairly popular swinger site, I posed the same question there. The population of that forum is made up of mature, active swingers. I got quite a bit of response, nothing like here. The most "freaky" childhood sex was one girl would force her barbies to have sex. omg, get the shrink!!
Bisexuals, it would appear, are aware of and acting on sexual urges very young. Not all obviously but WAY more than the swinger world and I would assume the vanilla world but have no idea really.

Personally, as a little tyke, about 5, I was having exploratory sex with another little boy. We would suck each other, finger our asses, "act" out fucking. Doing everything we could think of. I think of that dude now and then. I wonder if he's as fucked up as I am.[/QUOTE]

Jun 9, 2015, 7:48 PM
I was 7 or 8. Another Sunday at my aunt and uncles house. My favorite cousins were a boy - one year older than me, and his little sister who was one year younger than me. For some reason I don't remember only the sister was there on this day. It was just her and me watching TV in the den, and out of nowhere she asks me if I wanted her to show me her girly parts. I'm a horny dude and I was a horny kid so of course my answer was "sure that sounds like fun - do you want to see my dick too? I can make it get hard and you can touch it as much as you want." Her answer to that was "no that's okay I play with my brother's dick a lot so I'll just show you what I have." This was a bizarre awakening for me about my two beloved cousins but thinking about that was for later since I didn't want her to change her mind or become bashful before we got things going.

So we went into one of the bathrooms and I locked the door and she pulled down her skirt and panties and said I could touch her down there if I wanted. This was new territory for me so I went for all I could get. I was tentative and scared at first but that passed quickly and soon I had about half an inch of my index finger in her 6 or 7 year old pussy and I felt it get wet almost as soon as my finger was inside her. She gave me a surprise hug followed by a another surprise which was a full out make out tongue kiss - another first for me on a day of many first sex experiences with my slutty and also very pretty cousin.

She was in control the whole time which I later took to mean this wasn't her first time doing this. I liked the french kissing as much as I liked having the tip of my finger in her wet girl pussy (she told me no more of my finger than that and I followed her orders). Then she suddenly pulled her mouth from mine and said she was feeling extra naughty right then and she wanted us to go back into the den with the TV (and with no lock on that door) so I could watch her finger herself by herself until it gave her that really good feeling (we both were too young to know the word orgasm but not too young to know how good it felt to her and to me when we made it happen to ourselves. I was too sexually excited to care about the door without a lock or the risk of someone walking in during her finger show meant just for my eyes only. She sat on the couch with me on a big chair that was facing her and she pulled her skirt up and her panties down only enough to do it and for me to also see it all happen. She came 3 minutes later and I helped her do that by pulling out my still small but little boy boner and I had my own dry orgasm a few seconds after watching hers.

Then we pulled up and zipped up our clothes and I went over to the couch to sit next to her once again and we watched more TV together until it was time to leave for home. We didn't talk about what we just did on that day and we never mentioned it to each other after that day either.

We're now all somewhere near our mid-fifties and we've always been friendly and close. Me and him much more so than me and her which you'd expect. He's married and she came out as a lesbian about 10 years ago and I'm divorced and with a new close girlfriend. I never had the guts to follow up on what she told me right before our naughty play session was underway about her playing with his dick so many times before and enough to pass on even seeing mine. And I'm also smart enough to know to leave this alone forever.

Short, strange, new, totally unexpected, and really sexually thrilling. One of those day's I'll always remember. We all have had days like that and I'm glad this one was all good and nobody caught us doing it...

Jun 9, 2015, 9:59 PM
I was 7 or 8. Another Sunday at my aunt and uncles house. My favorite cousins were a boy - one year older than me, and his little sister who was one year younger than me. For some reason I don't remember only the sister was there on this day. It was just her and me watching TV in the den, and out of nowhere she asks me if I wanted her to show me her girly parts. I'm a horny dude and I was a horny kid so of course my answer was "sure that sounds like fun - do you want to see my dick too? I can make it get hard and you can touch it as much as you want." Her answer to that was "no that's okay I play with my brother's dick a lot so I'll just show you what I have." This was a bizarre awakening for me about my two beloved cousins but thinking about that was for later since I didn't want her to change her mind or become bashful before we got things going.

So we went into one of the bathrooms and I locked the door and she pulled down her skirt and panties and said I could touch her down there if I wanted. This was new territory for me so I went for all I could get. I was tentative and scared at first but that passed quickly and soon I had about half an inch of my index finger in her 6 or 7 year old pussy and I felt it get wet almost as soon as my finger was inside her. She gave me a surprise hug followed by a another surprise which was a full out make out tongue kiss - another first for me on a day of many first sex experiences with my slutty and also very pretty cousin.

She was in control the whole time which I later took to mean this wasn't her first time doing this. I liked the french kissing as much as I liked having the tip of my finger in her wet girl pussy (she told me no more of my finger than that and I followed her orders). Then she suddenly pulled her mouth from mine and said she was feeling extra naughty right then and she wanted us to go back into the den with the TV (and with no lock on that door) so I could watch her finger herself by herself until it gave her that really good feeling (we both were too young to know the word orgasm but not too young to know how good it felt to her and to me when we made it happen to ourselves. I was too sexually excited to care about the door without a lock or the risk of someone walking in during her finger show meant just for my eyes only. She sat on the couch with me on a big chair that was facing her and she pulled her skirt up and her panties down only enough to do it and for me to also see it all happen. She came 3 minutes later and I helped her do that by pulling out my still small but little boy boner and I had my own dry orgasm a few seconds after watching hers.

Then we pulled up and zipped up our clothes and I went over to the couch to sit next to her once again and we watched more TV together until it was time to leave for home. We didn't talk about what we just did on that day and we never mentioned it to each other after that day either.

We're now all somewhere near our mid-fifties and we've always been friendly and close. Me and him much more so than me and her which you'd expect. He's married and she came out as a lesbian about 10 years ago and I'm divorced and with a new close girlfriend. I never had the guts to follow up on what she told me right before our naughty play session was underway about her playing with his dick so many times before and enough to pass on even seeing mine. And I'm also smart enough to know to leave this alone forever.

Short, strange, new, totally unexpected, and really sexually thrilling. One of those day's I'll always remember. We all have had days like that and I'm glad this one was all good and nobody caught us doing it...
WTF that's fucked up, and seriously sick.

It's never a good thing for anything like that to happen between people when they're related.

This argument that it's all about "love", "sexual exploring", etc. is just a cover-up of a deeper issue here. Somewhere down the family line no proper boundaries were given, and sexual abuse happened or is happning. I wouldn't be surprised if most of your step-dad's family line had some severe sexual abuse going on. So, this isn't about love in the family or exploring of sexuality, but disrespect, power, abuse/sex abuse, and control.

Jun 10, 2015, 7:18 PM
Iwas 13. Met a guy in a chatrolm back when they were a thing. He wanted to meet up at a nearby lake thst had a big room where you could change and shower so he coukd see me naked. I went during the week so few people would be there. It was exciting to get naked in frint if him. He started rubbing by butt cheeks and grabbed my dick and i came. That wad my firdt encounrer about 13 years ago.

Jun 10, 2015, 7:59 PM
Iwas 13. Met a guy in a chatrolm back when they were a thing. He wanted to meet up at a nearby lake thst had a big room where you could change and shower so he coukd see me naked. I went during the week so few people would be there. It was exciting to get naked in frint if him. He started rubbing by butt cheeks and grabbed my dick and i came. That wad my firdt encounrer about 13 years ago.
That's creepy that when he met up with you he actually abused you like that. People like him belong in prison.

Jun 10, 2015, 8:57 PM
…this is a tuffy for me…when I read stories about 5-7-or whatever age childern bring abused sexually by adults I’m like pole…I think prison…but it most cases it seems so long ago that the child (now an adult) has come to terms with it so involving the police would be next to useless…even counter productive…the stories about the young kids beinging abused (in most cases voluntairly playing with) slightly old kids doesn’t strike me as criminal as much as youthfull experimentation…if the poster hasn’t come to terms with it & wants advice…otherwise I just read the story in the spirit it was told & enjoy it…

Jun 10, 2015, 11:07 PM
Well said. But you didn't mention same age guys.Despite what ps thinks were not all sick all my experiences were beautiful.

Jun 12, 2015, 2:18 PM
Well said. But you didn't mention same age guys.Despite what ps thinks were not all sick all my experiences were beautiful.

I totally agree, so were mine, both with my twin brother and my elders. No one forced anybody to do anything they didn't want. If anything, I was the agressor!

Jun 12, 2015, 2:39 PM
I totally agree, so were mine, both with my twin brother and my elders. No one forced anybody to do anything they didn't want. If anything, I was the agressor!

WTF that's fucked up, and seriously sick.

It's never a good thing for anything like that to happen between people when they're related.

This argument that it's all about "love", "sexual exploring", "it wasn't forced", etc. is just a cover-up of a deeper issue here. Somewhere down the family line no proper boundaries were given, and sexual abuse happened or is happning. I wouldn't be surprised if most of your step-dad's family line had some severe sexual abuse going on. So, this isn't about love in the family or exploring of sexuality, but disrespect, power, abuse/sex abuse, and control.

Jul 23, 2015, 5:18 PM
When I was around 9 or 10 years old Another boy and I were playing In a patch of woods near our homes . This woods also served as a lovers lane. We would sometime find couple parked making out having sex of every kind . Intercourse cock sucking and guys eating out their girlfriends. We would watch without getting caught. One day while playing a car pulls in it has two guys in it. they sit talking for a bit The driver gets out walks to the other side . That door opens the man turns opens his pants an get his cock out. The driver reaches out an takes it in his hand . The leans over taking the cock in his mouth.. The man get out an stands making it easier for the man sucking him this go on for who knows how long , thrusting his cock in the mans mouth . Suddenly he grab the mans head holding him in place Then pulling back with ano longer hard cock the guy sucking takes it back in his mouth I guess making sure he had it all. He stood with a big smile they dressed an d left we had never seen to guys together one sucking the others coc My buddy was several year older him going to high school He was much wiser knowing about blow jobs He said the man really enjoyed doing that why don't you try it to see what its like. He unzipped his pants taking his cock out . He pushed me to my knees with his cock in my face I opened my mouth an let him push his cock in . I started to use my lips holding it in as he when he began a fucking motion holding my head . It didn't take long till his cock seem to get harder and bigger Then with a throbbing he started to cum and it was quite allot holding me so i could only swallow. I found I liked sucking him and his cum didn't taste bad either This was the first of many times I sucked his cock A few weeks later I sucked my first adults cock . Ed (the Boy) let slip to the man he helped doing lawn work that he was having his cock sucked regularly. Ed finally told him who Ed took me to his house and I ended up sucking both their cocks. I was sucking one or the other just about once each day this went on till Ed moved away. Red the older guy soon shared me with a friend of his . We would have sessions with both everyother week it seemed. That lasted for nealy three years till we moved then there was a dry spell..

Jul 23, 2015, 5:26 PM
When I was around 9 or 10 years old Another boy and I were playing In a patch of woods near our homes . This woods also served as a lovers lane. We would sometime find couple parked making out having sex of every kind . Intercourse cock sucking and guys eating out their girlfriends. We would watch without getting caught. One day while playing a car pulls in it has two guys in it. they sit talking for a bit The driver gets out walks to the other side . That door opens the man turns opens his pants an get his cock out. The driver reaches out an takes it in his hand . The leans over taking the cock in his mouth.. The man get out an stands making it easier for the man sucking him this go on for who knows how long , thrusting his cock in the mans mouth . Suddenly he grab the mans head holding him in place Then pulling back with ano longer hard cock the guy sucking takes it back in his mouth I guess making sure he had it all. He stood with a big smile they dressed an d left we had never seen to guys together one sucking the others coc My buddy was several year older him going to high school He was much wiser knowing about blow jobs He said the man really enjoyed doing that why don't you try it to see what its like. He unzipped his pants taking his cock out . He pushed me to my knees with his cock in my face I opened my mouth an let him push his cock in . I started to use my lips holding it in as he when he began a fucking motion holding my head . It didn't take long till his cock seem to get harder and bigger Then with a throbbing he started to cum and it was quite allot holding me so i could only swallow. I found I liked sucking him and his cum didn't taste bad either This was the first of many times I sucked his cock A few weeks later I sucked my first adults cock . Ed (the Boy) let slip to the man he helped doing lawn work that he was having his cock sucked regularly. Ed finally told him who Ed took me to his house and I ended up sucking both their cocks. I was sucking one or the other just about once each day this went on till Ed moved away. Red the older guy soon shared me with a friend of his . We would have sessions with both everyother week it seemed. That lasted for nealy three years till we moved then there was a dry spell..

WTF that's sick and disgusting that you were sexually abused by some older guy in high school when you were a kid.

Jul 24, 2015, 9:43 AM
Bisexuals, it would appear, are aware of and acting on sexual urges very young. Not all obviously but WAY more than the swinger world and I would assume the vanilla world but have no idea really.

I'm not sure if it's mainly because we are bisexual or we are hypersexual deviates who enjoy having sex with both sexes so much so that some consider us sex addicts. I've noticed a theme here. Some of us, myself included, are aware of sex play, extremely curious, and start very early. I was playing naked games with cousins, neighbors, and friends around my age by the time I was 5. I loved sex games and though I didn't know what sex was I did enjoy playing with each other's naughty bits. It was fun and felt real good. I played with myself constantly too. I've noticed some of us wait till we are much older before branching out so to speak. To each their own and everyone has their own pace. I started my sex life fairly young too. I too started having sexual relations with older adults at a young age. Thank goodness in my case was 100% consensual and very loving and enjoyable for me. I have read with horror for some who it wasn't that way and I'm very sorry that happened. In my case I really enjoyed it and regret mainly the opportunities that I missed.

Jul 24, 2015, 10:36 AM
My absolute first sexual memory is of touching my tiny cock in the bath tub, feeling it get hard and my mother having a fit about how bad it was to "play with it." Southern Baptists...need I say more? Beyond that there were several girls that I played doctor with at different times between ages 6 and 13 and my two closest cousins, one male, one female would check out each others genitals whenever we got the chance. That male cousin and I would get naked and watch each other jack off and cum every chance we got throughout our teen years, but neither ever touched the others cock. At age 13 I went home with a classmate after school. Talking about sex got us both hard which led to size comparison, touching, jacking off and, finally, sucking. That became a regular thing for us through high school and college breaks until age 22 when He went east and I went west for jobs. My first actual sexual experience with a woman happened at age 21 so I guess I was a late bloomer there.

Jul 24, 2015, 9:05 PM
In the late '60's I was 14 yr old 9th grader when I gladly gave away my virginity. I had been your typical awkward, clueless, horny, girl-crazy virgin teenage boy. I frequently masturbated, dreaming and fantasizing about the day I could fuck a girl, but having no idea how I'd ever meet a girl who would fuck LOL. My neighborhood bud Rob's female cousin was visiting for a few days. I met her at my pal Rob's house that Sunday afternoon when I went to see if he wanted to hang out. It turned out that Rob and his family had gone out of town early that morning to visit an ill grandmother. She didn't want to go with them and she was expecting them home around 5 or 6 PM. Terri was 21, a college student and absolutely gorgeous. I told her I would be back later to see Rob. I said goodbye rather hurriedly and turned to walk off, hoping she hadn't noticed my raging boner. I was shocked when she asked me if I wanted to hang out with her. My heart was racing and I remember almost saying no, that's OK and leaving. At the same time I sensed that this could be my big chance with a girl, so I said yes. I was considered good looking and was tall and lean (though not particularly muscular) and I had a lifeguard's tan. The way it all happened, I'm pretty sure she'd taken note of my lean body and also had indeed noticed my boner and thought me to be ripe for seduction. She wasted little time. She invited me into the house and got us both a soda. After a few minutes of chitchat, she asked me flat out if I'd ever been to bed with a girl before. I admitted I hadn't but that I wanted to very badly. She said she'd teach me about what girls like to do in bed, but that I must never tell Rob or anyone else. I promised I wouldn't tell anybody, although afterward I wanted to proclaim it to all my braggart buds who teased me about being a virgin. It wasn't until many years later I broke my promise and have recounted this experience to others in many forums on this and other sites. I won't go into detail except to say that I passionately kissed a girl for the 1st time, ate pussy for the 1st time, had my cock sucked for the 1st time and fucked a girl for the first time and all in the same day and in Rob's bed LOL ! She said I was a quick learner. I didn't have sex with another girl again until I was a senior in high school, but not for lack of trying. It was early in college that I finally 'blossomed' and gained the self confidence to go after and get girls instead of waiting for them to show interest in me.

My 1st and only homoerotic experience as a youth happened about a year after Terri had busted my cherry. I was 15 and camping out with a neighborhood bud (not Rob) who was 17. Around the campfire we drank whiskey he'd snuck from his Dad, smoked cigarettes I'd swiped from my Mom and looked at Playboy mags he'd also brought along. I knew what queers were, but only in the context of my Dad telling me as part of his Birds & Bees speech. He'd said only that some older men liked to do things with boys that should only be done with girls. I was to run away and tell my Dad or Mom or a policeman if any man ever asked me to take off my clothes or tried to touch my privates or if a man ever exposed his privates to me. My bud seduced me, first by suggesting we both take off our clothes and watch each other jack off to the naked centerfold models. Since he was not an older man I thought nothing of it except that we were being naughty by drinking, smoking, getting naked and masturbating. We were both hard and before either of us came, he suggested that we should jack each other off and imagine that we were fucking the centerfold girls. He had even brought a jar of Vaseline. I was a little loose from the alcohol and again thought nothing about going along with him. He lubed up my dick with the Vaseline and I did the same for him. I had never used any kind of lube when I masturbated, but I did after that night LOL. I remember feeling a little weird stroking his slick hard dick and hearing the squishy sounds it made. My bud said he'd done this with several of our common friends, not naming names. I had heard a couple of other buds talking about jacking off with other guys, so I figured it was only for fun and normal for guys to do. We both came very quickly, then cleaned up. Without another word said, we laid down naked on our sleeping bags and drifted off to sleep, at least I did. Sometime later I awoke to him sucking and slurping my cock. It felt every bit as great as when Terri had done me orally. I faked sleep and he never knew that I was aware of what he was doing. I moaned and thrust my cock in and out of his mouth in my 'sleep' and it made him suck me faster and harder until I came explosively. He swallowed every drop and licked my cock and balls clean. I was debating on whether I should "wake up" and return the favor. I decided to continue feigning sleep and not do him, for fear he might tell other buds of ours about it and name names. Although it was weird, I didn't really think it was a big deal. We never again repeated it, although he hinted at it several times. I shrugged it off and pretty much forgot about it until I was 32, never even thinking about men sexually until my 1st wife began coaxing me to try oral sex with men in our swinging escapades. I was hesitant at first but the more she talked about it and encouraged me, the more I wanted to try it to please her. It was only then that I remembered my teen experience and how it wasn't a big deal and it hadn't made me turn me gay. I have to say that sucking my 1st cock at age 32 instantly made me bi, at least orally bi. From then on until today, I can't get enough of men and their cocks.

Jul 25, 2015, 1:41 PM
In the late '60's I was 14 yr old 9th grader when I gladly gave away my virginity. I had been your typical awkward, clueless, horny, girl-crazy virgin teenage boy. I frequently masturbated, dreaming and fantasizing about the day I could fuck a girl, but having no idea how I'd ever meet a girl who would fuck LOL. My neighborhood bud Rob's female cousin was visiting for a few days. I met her at my pal Rob's house that Sunday afternoon when I went to see if he wanted to hang out. It turned out that Rob and his family had gone out of town early that morning to visit an ill grandmother. She didn't want to go with them and she was expecting them home around 5 or 6 PM. Terri was 21, a college student and absolutely gorgeous. I told her I would be back later to see Rob. I said goodbye rather hurriedly and turned to walk off, hoping she hadn't noticed my raging boner. I was shocked when she asked me if I wanted to hang out with her. My heart was racing and I remember almost saying no, that's OK and leaving. At the same time I sensed that this could be my big chance with a girl, so I said yes. I was considered good looking and was tall and lean (though not particularly muscular) and I had a lifeguard's tan. The way it all happened, I'm pretty sure she'd taken note of my lean body and also had indeed noticed my boner and thought me to be ripe for seduction. She wasted little time. She invited me into the house and got us both a soda. After a few minutes of chitchat, she asked me flat out if I'd ever been to bed with a girl before. I admitted I hadn't but that I wanted to very badly. She said she'd teach me about what girls like to do in bed, but that I must never tell Rob or anyone else. I promised I wouldn't tell anybody, although afterward I wanted to proclaim it to all my braggart buds who teased me about being a virgin. It wasn't until many years later I broke my promise and have recounted this experience to others in many forums on this and other sites. I won't go into detail except to say that I passionately kissed a girl for the 1st time, ate pussy for the 1st time, had my cock sucked for the 1st time and fucked a girl for the first time and all in the same day and in Rob's bed LOL ! She said I was a quick learner. I didn't have sex with another girl again until I was a senior in high school, but not for lack of trying. It was early in college that I finally 'blossomed' and gained the self confidence to go after and get girls instead of waiting for them to show interest in me.

My 1st and only homoerotic experience as a youth happened about a year after Terri had busted my cherry. I was 15 and camping out with a neighborhood bud (not Rob) who was 17. Around the campfire we drank whiskey he'd snuck from his Dad, smoked cigarettes I'd swiped from my Mom and looked at Playboy mags he'd also brought along. I knew what queers were, but only in the context of my Dad telling me as part of his Birds & Bees speech. He'd said only that some older men liked to do things with boys that should only be done with girls. I was to run away and tell my Dad or Mom or a policeman if any man ever asked me to take off my clothes or tried to touch my privates or if a man ever exposed his privates to me. My bud seduced me, first by suggesting we both take off our clothes and watch each other jack off to the naked centerfold models. Since he was not an older man I thought nothing of it except that we were being naughty by drinking, smoking, getting naked and masturbating. We were both hard and before either of us came, he suggested that we should jack each other off and imagine that we were fucking the centerfold girls. He had even brought a jar of Vaseline. I was a little loose from the alcohol and again thought nothing about going along with him. He lubed up my dick with the Vaseline and I did the same for him. I had never used any kind of lube when I masturbated, but I did after that night LOL. I remember feeling a little weird stroking his slick hard dick and hearing the squishy sounds it made. My bud said he'd done this with several of our common friends, not naming names. I had heard a couple of other buds talking about jacking off with other guys, so I figured it was only for fun and normal for guys to do. We both came very quickly, then cleaned up. Without another word said, we laid down naked on our sleeping bags and drifted off to sleep, at least I did. Sometime later I awoke to him sucking and slurping my cock. It felt every bit as great as when Terri had done me orally. I faked sleep and he never knew that I was aware of what he was doing. I moaned and thrust my cock in and out of his mouth in my 'sleep' and it made him suck me faster and harder until I came explosively. He swallowed every drop and licked my cock and balls clean. I was debating on whether I should "wake up" and return the favor. I decided to continue feigning sleep and not do him, for fear he might tell other buds of ours about it and name names. Although it was weird, I didn't really think it was a big deal. We never again repeated it, although he hinted at it several times. I shrugged it off and pretty much forgot about it until I was 32, never even thinking about men sexually until my 1st wife began coaxing me to try oral sex with men in our swinging escapades. I was hesitant at first but the more she talked about it and encouraged me, the more I wanted to try it to please her. It was only then that I remembered my teen experience and how it wasn't a big deal and it hadn't made me turn me gay. I have to say that sucking my 1st cock at age 32 instantly made me bi, at least orally bi. From then on until today, I can't get enough of men and their cocks.

The first story sounds made up, and like complete bullshit.

Why would a 21 year old college student want to hang out with a 14 year old, let alone sexually abuse one like you're claiming happened?

The 2nd story is more believable but why would anyone that's bisexual need coaxing from a woman to give oral sex to a man or to have sex with a man? :rolleyes:

Jul 25, 2015, 6:56 PM
As I think back I didn;t see it as being abused . If you were not forced and like sucking hiscock where is the abuse ? I could have stopped

Jul 25, 2015, 7:23 PM
As I think back I didn;t see it as being abused . If you were not forced and like sucking hiscock where is the abuse ? I could have stopped

That's creepy that you are in denial like this, as it was sexual abuse even if you want to pretend it was not. People like that guy who abused you when you were 9 or 10 are sick predators and belong in prison.

Jul 25, 2015, 7:33 PM
Step right up, folks -- share your interesting personal stories and be judged, insulted and called sick by an annoying ASSHOLE!

Jul 25, 2015, 8:10 PM
Step right up, folks -- share your interesting personal stories and be judged, insulted and called sick by an annoying ASSHOLE!
use the ignore button, he is like a turd that won't flush, don't feed him!

Jul 25, 2015, 11:15 PM
Step right up, folks -- share your interesting personal stories and be judged, insulted and called sick by an annoying ASSHOLE!
LMAO you have problems with reading comprehension. I simply post that people who are children, teens, or adults who are into sexually abusing children or their relatives are the ones that are sick and fucked up, and yes it's true that these people who are into doing this to other people are sick and fucked up. :rolleyes:

Jul 26, 2015, 8:20 AM
I agree it's why I keep asking about private messages so we can talk without judgment

UOTE=silkyhoselover;292064]Step right up, folks -- share y

our interesting personal stories and be judged, insulted and called sick by an annoying ASSHOLE![/QUOTE]

Jul 26, 2015, 11:41 AM
I think that there can be a fine line between mentoring a young guy and sexual abuse. If the person enjoyed the sexual encounter and saw it as an awakening that would usually be fine if they are over 17. If the person is older by say more than four years or so, and the younger person is under 18 then it should not probably happen. If the younger person is the aggressor I don't know if it should be looked at as sexual abuse. Things are not as black and white as church ladies are inclined to perceive.

Jul 26, 2015, 1:31 PM
Some children, preteens and teenagers develop sexually at earlier ages than other kids their age. It's caused by hormones kicking in earlier than in other kids. There's nothing sick or unnatural about that. Combine hormones with natural human curiosity and the tendency for kids to be in a hurry to do "grown-up" things (ie. drinking, smoking, sex, driving and many other things) and you have a sexually precocious kid. It is not a perversion or sickness to explore sex at an earlier-than-usual age. It is a sickness and perversion when an adult takes advantage of a kid, whether the kid initiated it or not, but is certainly not unnatural or sick when a precocious kid or teenager undertakes to explore hetero or homo sex with someone near them in age. If either kid says 'NO!" then it's wrong for the other kid to press or force the issue. Innocent sexual experiences at young ages do happen (and have been happening for centuries), as is evidenced by the number of posters to this topic.

No one on this thread should be judged or condemned for willingly and naturally exploring their sexuality at a young age. Almost every poster here looks back on their experience/s as exciting and even liberating. Some may have struggled with guilt or self esteem or confusion for a time, but it seems most of them came to terms with it and adjusted well as adults. They are being being forthright about their experience/s and most of them seem to still get excited remembering the experience/s. This the opposite behavior of true victims of sexual abuse, molestation and predation. They sweep it under the carpet and tell nobody else about it and it seriously affects their future sexual development and desires and fucks up their lives.

Jul 26, 2015, 2:15 PM
Some children, preteens and teenagers develop sexually at earlier ages than other kids their age. It's caused by hormones kicking in earlier than in other kids. There's nothing sick or unnatural about that. Combine hormones with natural human curiosity and the tendency for kids to be in a hurry to do "grown-up" things (ie. drinking, smoking, sex, driving and many other things) and you have a sexually precocious kid. It is not a perversion or sickness to explore sex at an earlier-than-usual age. It is a sickness and perversion when an adult takes advantage of a kid, whether the kid initiated it or not, but is certainly not unnatural or sick when a precocious kid or teenager undertakes to explore hetero or homo sex with someone near them in age. If either kid says 'NO!" then it's wrong for the other kid to press or force the issue. Innocent sexual experiences at young ages do happen (and have been happening for centuries), as is evidenced by the number of posters to this topic.

No one on this thread should be judged or condemned for willingly and naturally exploring their sexuality at a young age. Almost every poster here looks back on their experience/s as exciting and even liberating. Some may have struggled with guilt or self esteem or confusion for a time, but it seems most of them came to terms with it and adjusted well as adults. They are being being forthright about their experience/s and most of them seem to still get excited remembering the experience/s. This the opposite behavior of true victims of sexual abuse, molestation and predation. They sweep it under the carpet and tell nobody else about it and it seriously affects their future sexual development and desires and fucks up their lives.
Yes, and you're in denial about how you were sexually abused by that college aged woman at 14...if it actually even happened. ;) :rolleyes: :smilies15

Jul 26, 2015, 2:27 PM
I agree it's why I keep asking about private messages so we can talk without judgment

UOTE=silkyhoselover;292064]Step right up, folks -- share y

our interesting personal stories and be judged, insulted and called sick by an annoying ASSHOLE![/QUOTE]

Please do not contradict Dr. Smoker. That is what is wrong with the American Medical system, we question our medical experts.

Jul 26, 2015, 3:30 PM
another know it all expert. I'm still enjoying the occasional feeling of a cock slipping in and out of my mouth and like the throbbing as it shoots spurt after spurt of cum for me to swallow! .

Jul 26, 2015, 11:44 PM
ALERT: the following post contains narrative that may be considered sick by some particular entities, prompting them to ask WTF. If the following prompts you to ask WTF and feel that the poster is sick/abused/in denial, feel free to keep your opinions unposted. If opinion persists, consult your husband, revel in your wholesome monogamous and faithful existence, and try not to choke on all that sanctimony.

i was young. I hadn't started school yet, but it's a period if my life containing a lot of vivid memories. The boy next door was a couple years older and came I play now and again. On this particular day, we found ourselves in the laundry, pressing the tips of our penises together at his direction... and mom caught us. She went off, banishing him from our yard for all time, giving me a single smack on the ass and bellowing about what we did being dirty. It alarmed me, because it didn't seem dirty, it seemed like fun... and so much so that the inference my young mind took away from the incident was that I shouldn't get caught doing it again. And so at an undetermined point in the future (fast forward no more than three years) I described what we had done and how it felt nice to my closest cousin - a month younger than me and always a close and great friend. I asked I he was interested, and he was, so we concealed ourselves and conducted and examination of each other's bodies. This became a frequent ritual, at least for a while, and then the interest waned.

when I started fourth grade, another neighbourhood boy would invite me over to play computer games, which were a new and exciting development... his mother was away one day a week and he recruited me to play a game similar to some I'd played before. He was several years older, in the bloom of puberty, an so larger, hairier an my skier than my smoothness. I was fascinated, and happy to comply when he asked me to suck his large, livid thing. We played this game for a couple years on and off. I never saw him cum - when he reached that point, he would (I later realised) take himself off to the bathroom and finish himself by hand.

.fast forward another two or so years, and the beginnings of puberty are upon me. I've noted the changes, experienced nocturnal emissions, but haven't yet got the masturbation to orgasm thing happening. On one of the increasing rare visits to my cousin's he pulls me aside and murmurs that he wants to "show me something". We leave the house quietly and trek to a far-off farm shed. He doesn't tell me much on the walk, but it fits the pattern of some of our past games, so there stirs the beginnings of arousal...

We reach the shed, and select a spot where we do have some view of access points with te benefit of seclusion, and he pulls down his shorts, his penis tumescent, hairier, larger and altogether more beautiful than I recall. He spits into his palm and begins to stroke. His feet are splayed wide, his pelvis thrust forward, his buttocks clenched. He works his shaft hard and then his hand becomes a blur...

i am mesmerised, and move closer, my heart beating strong and fast. His almost frantic movements are drawing me like a moth to a flame. I have read all about the mechanics of ejaculation, and despite soiling the front of my pyjamas as I'm awakened from the most vivid and erotic dreams, I know nothing about what happens other than some dry prose about sperm, and emissions from an awkward text... but I am compelled to show my cousin something I've learned since we last enountered each other like this: I drop o my knees in front of him, and for the first time take his livid and engorged penis in my mouth, bobbing a few inches up and down. He gasps, and the beautiful phallus between my lips swells and starts to heave. My mouth fills with surges of thick salty sweetness, and I swallow the bulk if it, removing his cock from my mouth to see the last of his pearlescent seed well at his opening.

we clean up hastily and rejoin the family before we are missed; I can't wait to go home and do that to myself... and the next week, as we pass in the corridor at school, he quickly whispers "next time, I want to suck your dick".

and so begins an intense period of my life where every opportunity is seized with him, indoors, outdoors, often with a real risk of discovery, with escalations in our activities which grow within two years to include full penetrative sex with one another, and hitch continues until our mid-20's...

Jul 27, 2015, 8:38 AM
I have told something of my early experiences over the years in forums, but have no intentions of doing so again, but I am 35 now.. soon I will b 36 and for some reason have of late found myself thinking a great deal of those earliest experiences. Some were boys and girls of and around me own age... some men and women older, a few a good bit older 2.. thinking fondly for the most part, even of the experiences with guys tho I have no intention of renewing and do not have the desire to renew sexual aquaintance with mankind, but I do think fondly of much of even that... even the very first cock-up.. or rather non cock-up.. of my then bf making a rite mess of my knickers and legs in his first failed attempt 2 deflower me... he almost never got a second attempt but I am nice and relented:tongue:... o he managed... just... not long after, I had my first sex with a girl which I have to admit was a far lufflier experience.. teased... used.. but beautifully.. made me realise that this sex lark isn't so bad after all..:bigrin:...

I suppose it is a little sad, but I have a triffic sex life, a love life I have always dreamed of, a family I adore.. I have it all I think. Yet I do think fondly of the earliest experiences of my life... a few even turn me on just remembering and sometimes hanker for some of them.. but I don't want to be 14 or 15 again... 2 stressful.. but those early hits in a way were some of the most powerful and memorable sexual experiences of my life... even the less successful ones in their own way. I was talking to Kate a few times about it.. she thinks it is a sign I am getting old! Cheeky tart...:eek2:

Jul 27, 2015, 2:37 PM
I will keep this in the "same species" context and go with... I first experience was with another 5-6 yo . i was friends with her 2 older brothers,and she, like most little sisters, loved to hang around us. I was just like I said 5-6 myself and not really into girls or sex or any of that. But one time Wes were all in her parents garage and she said, for 10 cents (big money in the 60s) I'll pull down my panties and let you see! Well we all said yes, and I'm not sure which of us came up with the cash (someone probably gave up ice cream money) but she did just what she said. She laid down, and arched her hips up and pulled down bother her shorts and her panties. We all stared, even her brothers, and then we all ran out of the garage to go onto the next adventure (bikes, skates, etc)

my next time was when I was about 10-11 with my best friend Travis. Travis had a younger brother and 2 older sisters we used to sneak up to where his dad kept his porn magazines pictures and playing cards with nekked girls on them. We'd get ourselves all excited and then go harass his older sister Blanche. We would sneak up on her and pull her skirt up so we could see her panties, then we'd run,like hell to keep from getting our asses kicked. Truth be told I think that Blanche was into it 'cuz she never told on us, and when we went back to try it again we were always successful at getting to see her panties. One time after doing this over and over, we tired of this game and went into his room. There we pulled out one of the mags and it showed a couple engaged in sex not sure who decided this first , but we both wound up pulling our little cocks out,and stroking them together then I turned around and let him Rub his hard cock, on my butt, and then he in turn returned the favor. There was no penetration,that day,and no subsequent episodes like this in the future. Travis and his family moved away so afterfor parts unknown and I was left to discover sex on my own

Jul 27, 2015, 3:58 PM
I will keep this in the "same species" context and go with... I first experience was with another 5-6 yo . i was friends with her 2 older brothers,and she, like most little sisters, loved to hang around us. I was just like I said 5-6 myself and not really into girls or sex or any of that. But one time Wes were all in her parents garage and she said, for 10 cents (big money in the 60s) I'll pull down my panties and let you see! Well we all said yes, and I'm not sure which of us came up with the cash (someone probably gave up ice cream money) but she did just what she said. She laid down, and arched her hips up and pulled down bother her shorts and her panties. We all stared, even her brothers, and then we all ran out of the garage to go onto the next adventure (bikes, skates, etc)

my next time was when I was about 10-11 with my best friend Travis. Travis had a younger brother and 2 older sisters we used to sneak up to where his dad kept his porn magazines pictures and playing cards with nekked girls on them. We'd get ourselves all excited and then go harass his older sister Blanche. We would sneak up on her and pull her skirt up so we could see her panties, then we'd run,like hell to keep from getting our asses kicked. Truth be told I think that Blanche was into it 'cuz she never told on us, and when we went back to try it again we were always successful at getting to see her panties. One time after doing this over and over, we tired of this game and went into his room. There we pulled out one of the mags and it showed a couple engaged in sex not sure who decided this first , but we both wound up pulling our little cocks out,and stroking them together then I turned around and let him Rub his hard cock, on my butt, and then he in turn returned the favor. There was no penetration,that day,and no subsequent episodes like this in the future. Travis and his family moved away so afterfor parts unknown and I was left to discover sex on my own
So you've had sex with animals, that's disgusting and people like you should be in prison. But it's well known you are on sites for people who are into abusing animals like you are. :rolleyes: This site is a magnet for subhuman bottom feeders who abuse animals and people, or who condone that fucked up shit. :rolleyes:

Jul 27, 2015, 5:36 PM
When I was 7 or 8 my brother and I were babysat by a neighbor teenaged boy. He came out the bathroom with an erection. I had never seen such a large penis. I was fascinated, curious and excited. He offered it to me and told me to put it in my mouth. I did gladly and remember the smooth skin and how it filled my whole mouth. My brother freaked out and we stopped. He never sat for us again. I don't know if my brother told. Life went on and in puberty I was in to girls. But later when I began to realize that I was interested in having sex with men I would think about that high school boy. I imagine he was just a horny teenager. Probably totally hetero, now married, whatever. But now whenever I am with a man and his penis is in my mouth I fantasize that he is that teenaged boy and i am myself as the most sexually curious person I know, then and now. And he is able to keep his penis in my mouth. Keep it in my mouth and enjoy the warm wetness of my mouth. Keep it in until he came in my mouth. I imagine how surprised I would have ben. Not knowing about ejaculation. Not knowing that the purpose of a penis is to ejaculate semen. No doubt I would have been somewhat grossed out. Perhaps thinking it was pee. Perhaps it would have made me consider my sexuality and have given me psychological concerns. Or perhaps it would have helped me want to explore my bisexuality earlier. Would have freed me up to want to explore having sex with men earlier. At this time in my life I wish I had started having sex with men earlier. Now the most perfect heaven in my life is having a man ejaculate his semen into my boy mouth.

Jul 27, 2015, 7:00 PM
When I was 7 or 8 my brother and I were babysat by a neighbor teenaged boy. He came out the bathroom with an erection. I had never seen such a large penis. I was fascinated, curious and excited. He offered it to me and told me to put it in my mouth. I did gladly and remember the smooth skin and how it filled my whole mouth. My brother freaked out and we stopped. He never sat for us again. I don't know if my brother told. Life went on and in puberty I was in to girls. But later when I began to realize that I was interested in having sex with men I would think about that high school boy. I imagine he was just a horny teenager. Probably totally hetero, now married, whatever. But now whenever I am with a man and his penis is in my mouth I fantasize that he is that teenaged boy and i am myself as the most sexually curious person I know, then and now. And he is able to keep his penis in my mouth. Keep it in my mouth and enjoy the warm wetness of my mouth. Keep it in until he came in my mouth. I imagine how surprised I would have ben. Not knowing about ejaculation. Not knowing that the purpose of a penis is to ejaculate semen. No doubt I would have been somewhat grossed out. Perhaps thinking it was pee. Perhaps it would have made me consider my sexuality and have given me psychological concerns. Or perhaps it would have helped me want to explore my bisexuality earlier. Would have freed me up to want to explore having sex with men earlier. At this time in my life I wish I had started having sex with men earlier. Now the most perfect heaven in my life is having a man ejaculate his semen into my boy mouth.

That's fucked up that someone who was supposed to be a temporary guardian and caretaker, and have the responsibility of an adult abused that trust, and sexually abused you. Does your wife know that this happened to you?

Jul 27, 2015, 9:46 PM
I discovered sex at a very young age. Suffice it to say, those experiences hard-wired my sexuality later in life. Nurture not nature.:2cents:

Jul 27, 2015, 10:27 PM
That's fucked up that someone who was supposed to be a temporary guardian and caretaker, and have the responsibility of an adult abused that trust, and sexually abused you. Does your wife know that this happened to you?

I have read most of the stories that you find disgusting. I do not see any evidence that the people telling their stories are fucked up and belong in prison. I find their experiences to be very much human stories. It is likely these experiences were factors that had some influence their lives today. But, we all have good and bad experiences that profoundly change our lives. Our lives are not perfect, but we still love them, imperfections as well. So, I just do not understand your intolerance of how real people live their lives.

Jul 27, 2015, 10:32 PM
Like Cher said imperfect beauty is still beautiful

UOTE=jem_is_bi;292160]I have read most of the stories that you find disgusting. I do not see any evidence that the people telling their stories are fucked up and belong in prison. I find their experiences to be very much human stories. It is likely these experiences were factors that had some influence their lives today. But, we all have good and bad experiences that profoundly change our lives. Our lives are not perfect, but we still love them, imperfections as well. So, I just do not understand your intolerance of how real people live their lives.[/QUOTE]

Jul 27, 2015, 10:36 PM
I have read most of the stories that you find disgusting. I do not see any evidence that the people telling their stories are fucked up and belong in prison. I find their experiences to be very much human stories. It is likely these experiences were factors that had some influence their lives today. But, we all have good and bad experiences that profoundly change our lives. Our lives are not perfect, but we still love them, imperfections as well. So, I just do not understand your intolerance of how real people live their lives.
Learn how to read, and comprehend what you are reading. :rolleyes: I don't say that the victims of sexual abuse belong in prison; but I do frequently post that it is fucked up that peers, teenagers, adults, friends, or even family members do sexually abuse people and have done this to people who post about it, that these people who do this to young people are fucked up and belong in prison. The one guy Fzmr9t is into sexually abusing animals and he's sick and belongs in prison.

Jul 27, 2015, 10:38 PM
Like Cher said imperfect beauty is still beautiful

UOTE=jem_is_bi;292160]I have read most of the stories that you find disgusting. I do not see any evidence that the people telling their stories are fucked up and belong in prison. I find their experiences to be very much human stories. It is likely these experiences were factors that had some influence their lives today. But, we all have good and bad experiences that profoundly change our lives. Our lives are not perfect, but we still love them, imperfections as well. So, I just do not understand your intolerance of how real people live their lives.[/QUOTE]

LOL you like Cher, you're such a queen! :suave: Albeit a deeply closeted queen. :rolleyes: :smilies15

Jul 27, 2015, 10:56 PM
I have read most of the stories that you find disgusting. I do not see any evidence that the people telling their stories are fucked up and belong in prison. I find their experiences to be very much human stories. It is likely these experiences were factors that had some influence their lives today. But, we all have good and bad experiences that profoundly change our lives. Our lives are not perfect, but we still love them, imperfections as well. So, I just do not understand your intolerance of how real people live their lives.

I watched Stephen King's masterpiece. The Shawshank Redemption, once again over the week-end. He had such an uncanny knack for portraying " life on the inside" without ever actually having been there. And then there's the quandary of who actually belongs there. An innocent man, wrongfully convicted, sacrificing 20 yrs of his life, vs. a corrupt, evil warden hiding behind the camouflage of sanctimonious religion and who couldn't endure one sole day of incarceration himself. So, who decides? :rolleyes: Such is the real world we live in.

Jul 27, 2015, 11:40 PM
I was young, won't be specific. My first and all my experiences were with friends. I like to share and will if you message me.

Jul 28, 2015, 7:49 AM
Learn how to read, and comprehend what you are reading. :rolleyes: I don't say that the victims of sexual abuse belong in prison; but I do frequently post that it is fucked up that peers, teenagers, adults, friends, or even family members do sexually abuse people and have done this to people who post about it, that these people who do this to young people are fucked up and belong in prison. The one guy Fzmr9t is into sexually abusing animals and he's sick and belongs in prison.
I did comprehend your posts. You want to put too many people in prison.

Jul 28, 2015, 1:17 PM
I did comprehend your posts. You want to put too many people in prison.Indeed he does.Many, if not most, of those who abuse the young were themselves abused when young themselves and never given the therapy and help they so badly needed.. and many had been imprisoned without reabilitation and treatment, which did little or nothing to help them. If ne thing it exacerated their condition. There is little argument that prison has a place in dealing with those who sexually abuse of the young.. but not the pre-eminent place Poley gives it, especially as he himself tells us those who abuse the young are sick, which many (no arguments from me) are ... Mr Compassion is he not?

... and I have great compassion for the young who r abused b4 I am informed my own compassion is misplaced, for while I was sexually active from age 14 with my peers, and 15 with men and women older than me, I never felt or even now consider myself abused.. indeed as I have said b4 on this site, I was predator at least as much as prey. However, this was not the case when a male member of my own family was abused by a family friend as he entered adolescence and I know all 2 well the family pain and disruption caused and the agonies it caused him... so I do not speak out of complete ignorance.

Jul 28, 2015, 1:34 PM
Indeed he does.Many, if not most, of those who abuse the young were themselves abused when young themselves and never given the therapy and help they so badly needed.. and many had been imprisoned without reabilitation and treatment, which did little or nothing to help them. If ne thing it exacerated their condition. There is little argument that prison has a place in dealing with those who sexually abuse of the young.. but not the pre-eminent place Poley gives it, especially as he himself tells us those who abuse the young are sick, which many (no arguments from me) are ... Mr Compassion is he not?

... and I have great compassion for the young who r abused b4 I am informed my own compassion is misplaced, for while I was sexually active from age 14 with my peers, and 15 with men and women older than me, I never felt or even now consider myself abused.. indeed as I have said b4 on this site, I was predator at least as much as prey. However, this was not the case when a male member of my own family was abused by a family friend as he entered adolescence and I know all 2 well the family pain and disruption caused and the agonies it caused him... so I do not speak out of complete ignorance.
That's denial on your part since you were sexually abused as a teenager. :rolleyes:

Jul 28, 2015, 3:10 PM
My aunt and uncle lived in a Subdivision in Tempe, Arizona when I was a kid. They invited me out for summer when I was 13, and it gave me a perfect opportunity to get out of South Dakota.

Now, mind you, I'd played doctor a few times, but it was a self-discovery thing, not sexual on purpose

Well, an emergency meant that they had to head out of town for a weekend, which left me run of their house, and in the watch of their neighbors, who had 2 kids...a boy, 11 and a girl who was 16. We spent some time in their pool, and my hormones went ballistic at the sight of the girl...Well, the second night in, she and I started fooling around, sort of "truth-or-daring" stuff, until I had 1. gotten sucked for the first time (not to finish), 2. had eaten a girl out (definitely not to finish) and 3. had screwed a girl (me? Oh yes, finish...her, not so much).

The next night, the kid's uncle (who was staying with them) confronted me after he'd had a few drinks about me and the girl, and that he'd seen it. I was terrified (as 13 year olds are) that 1. I was going to be punished and 2. that I wouldn't get to do it again. He told me if I sucked him off, he'd keep his mouth shut. So I went down on him...it took me about 10 seconds to realize I loved it.

The next day, he tried to back out, claiming he was drunk...I pushed him the other way...and we ended up screwing around the entire vacation...the girl and I did as well, and I took to it like I was meant to.

I didn't even know what bisexual really was at the time. When I figured it out, it was like a light bulb had gone off on my head.

Jul 28, 2015, 3:17 PM
pole smoker what makes you an expert ? Your entitled to your opinions- don't you have something else better to do

Jul 28, 2015, 4:25 PM
My aunt and uncle lived in a Subdivision in Tempe, Arizona when I was a kid. They invited me out for summer when I was 13, and it gave me a perfect opportunity to get out of South Dakota.

Now, mind you, I'd played doctor a few times, but it was a self-discovery thing, not sexual on purpose

Well, an emergency meant that they had to head out of town for a weekend, which left me run of their house, and in the watch of their neighbors, who had 2 kids...a boy, 11 and a girl who was 16. We spent some time in their pool, and my hormones went ballistic at the sight of the girl...Well, the second night in, she and I started fooling around, sort of "truth-or-daring" stuff, until I had 1. gotten sucked for the first time (not to finish), 2. had eaten a girl out (definitely not to finish) and 3. had screwed a girl (me? Oh yes, finish...her, not so much).

The next night, the kid's uncle (who was staying with them) confronted me after he'd had a few drinks about me and the girl, and that he'd seen it. I was terrified (as 13 year olds are) that 1. I was going to be punished and 2. that I wouldn't get to do it again. He told me if I sucked him off, he'd keep his mouth shut. So I went down on him...it took me about 10 seconds to realize I loved it.

The next day, he tried to back out, claiming he was drunk...I pushed him the other way...and we ended up screwing around the entire vacation...the girl and I did as well, and I took to it like I was meant to.

I didn't even know what bisexual really was at the time. When I figured it out, it was like a light bulb had gone off on my head.
That girl's dad is creepy. He should be in prison.

Jul 28, 2015, 4:37 PM
That's denial on your part since you were sexually abused as a teenager. :rolleyes:I know there are those who would agree with u... but I was never taken in those years when I did not want.

No1 forced me in those early years as I searched, yes, searched and strove for sexual fulfilment. It can be and is argued that those older men and women with whom I had sex, being older, should have shown restraint in the face of a young girl who was offering them favours the law forbade. I do have sympathy with that view as a mother myself, yet knowing how deeply felt were my desires and feelings at that time, and how ardently they were pursued, and God were those wants pursued , I am unable accept what happened between those older men and women and myself as abuse so I am not in denial at all... those people may have taken advantage of a young girl's wants and needs, and what was done was certainly illegal, and in the eyes of many morally wrong, but it can never be considered abuse.

Jul 28, 2015, 9:03 PM
That girl's dad is creepy. He should be in prison.

Like Gomer Pyle just said, "You're gonna go to hell for that one!"

Jul 28, 2015, 9:30 PM
I know there are those who would agree with u... but I was never taken in those years when I did not want.

No1 forced me in those early years as I searched, yes, searched and strove for sexual fulfilment. It can be and is argued that those older men and women with whom I had sex, being older, should have shown restraint in the face of a young girl who was offering them favours the law forbade. I do have sympathy with that view as a mother myself, yet knowing how deeply felt were my desires and feelings at that time, and how ardently they were pursued, and God were those wants pursued , I am unable accept what happened between those older men and women and myself as abuse so I am not in denial at all... those people may have taken advantage of a young girl's wants and needs, and what was done was certainly illegal, and in the eyes of many morally wrong, but it can never be considered abuse.
You do not have to be "taken" or "forced" in order for sexual abuse to happen.

The fact that they were adults and you were just a kid or young teenager speaks volumes as to how it was sexual abuse, and yes you are in denial about it. Get help.

Jul 28, 2015, 10:14 PM
I love sex. Sex is very spiritual. Then there is life's happiness. True happiness is living your life for others. Think for a moment about that. Think about that when with someone. Think about that feeling of gratification when helping some one get off. This may be the wrong thread to express this,but; it has a lot to with your first experience and what,why and how you moved through it unscathed and ready for more.

Jul 29, 2015, 6:48 AM
You do not have to be "taken" or "forced" in order for sexual abuse to happen.

The fact that they were adults and you were just a kid or young teenager speaks volumes as to how it was sexual abuse, and yes you are in denial about it. Get help.
I don't need help tyvm.. the only sexual abuse I ever got was unwanted molesting from guys anything from 11-18 while at school, the occasional grope by silly pre-pubescent boys on a bus or a busy street, the occasional unwanted grope and clinch by sneaky getts at parties and busy pubs or clubs which mostly I have been well able to deal without things getting out of hand.. I know what abuse is, and in year or so I ventured in2 the adult world of sex as an adolescent of 15, I never was by any adult..

Societies have arbitrary sexual ages of consent because of the difficulty in judging individually just when people become sufficiently physically and mentally mature to be considered old enough to embark on their sexual and sensual adventure.. a century ago in Scotland it was 12 for girls and 14 for boys when arguably girls mature usually a little earlier than boys.. now it is 16 across the board. Some young people are mature enough to begin their sex life at 14.. some not till 18 or older. Some, a few, never. The young experiment as we all know.. and some embark on a full blown sex life before the law allows.. I judged myself mentally and physically mature enough to start having sex with my age group, teen boys mainly, of 15-18, but girls too when I was 14.. at 15 I began to actively enjoy myself with both genders well into their 20s and older... it doesn't matter whether u think I was abused or not.. I was treated well, and with respect, and those adult people and I enjoyed the time we had together.

For ur information, the consensual act of sexual intercourse between a 15 yo girl and an adult here is not and never was considered abuse or rape unless the perpetrator was in a position of trust (guardian or teacher for example). For an offence to be considered abusive or rape factors other than just sex had to come into play. When I was young what I did was considered unlawful sexual intercourse, and now it is Unlawful Sexual Intercourse with an Older Child. The "position of trust" aspect remains.. None of those adults I had sex with were in positions of trust vis a vis me... what we did was serpently illegal, arguably immoral.. but never abusive either in law or in fact, and the only regrets I have about any if those encounters is about the ones which did not live up 2 me hopes and expectations.. and fyi the law which covered what I did in 1994 and 5 now in 2015 affects young people of 13-15. There are seperate child protection laws for children of 12 and under.

I no more need help now for anything I did with adults then than for any of the quite legal relationships I had from age 16 (the age of consent) up save possibly 2, one when I was 19 for which I did have some therapy, and another when I was 25 for which I did not.. but shit happens... tho it never did when I was 15 except for a bit of bf trouble now and again like any 15yo has... stressful but bearable and generally brush-offable.

Jul 29, 2015, 6:54 AM
I don't need help tyvm.. the only sexual abuse I ever got was unwanted molesting from guys anything from 11-18 while at school, the occasional grope by silly pre-pubescent boys on a bus or a busy street, the occasional unwanted grope and clinch by sneaky getts at parties and busy pubs or clubs which mostly I have been well able to deal without things getting out of hand.. I know what abuse is, and in year or so I ventured in2 the adult world of sex as an adolescent of 15, I never was by any adult..

Societies have arbitrary sexual ages of consent because of the difficulty in judging individually just when people become sufficiently physically and mentally mature to be considered old enough to embark on their sexual and sensual adventure.. a century ago in Scotland it was 12 for girls and 14 for boys when arguably girls mature usually a little earlier than boys.. now it is 16 across the board. Some young people are mature enough to begin their sex life at 14.. some not till 18 or older. Some, a few, never. The young experiment as we all know.. and some embark on a full blown sex life before the law allows.. I judged myself mentally and physically mature enough to start having sex with my age group, teen boys mainly, of 15-18, but girls too when I was 14.. at 15 I began to actively enjoy myself with both genders well into their 20s and older... it doesn't matter whether u think I was abused or not.. I was treated well, and with respect, and those adult people and I enjoyed the time we had together.

For ur information, the consensual act of sexual intercourse between a 15 yo girl and an adult here is not and never was considered abuse or rape unless the perpetrator was in a position of trust (guardian or teacher for example). For an offence to be considered abusive or rape factors other than just sex had to come into play. When I was young what I did was considered unlawful sexual intercourse, and now it is Unlawful Sexual Intercourse with an Older Child. The "position of trust" aspect remains.. None of those adults I had sex with were in positions of trust vis a vis me... what we did was serpently illegal, arguably immoral.. but never abusive either in law or in fact, and the only regrets I have about any if those encounters is about the ones which did not live up 2 me hopes and expectations.. and fyi the law which covered what I did in 1994 and 5 now in 2015 affects young people of 13-15. There are seperate child protection laws for children of 12 and under.

I no more need help now for anything I did with adults then than for any of the quite legal relationships I had from age 16 (the age of consent) up save possibly 2, one when I was 19 for which I did have some therapy, and another when I was 25 for which I did not.. but shit happens... tho it never did when I was 15 except for a bit of bf trouble now and again like any 15yo has... stressful but bearable and generally brush-offable.

He doesn't care about whether you need help, he just wants to be able to tell you that you do.

Jul 29, 2015, 6:57 AM
He doesn't care about whether you need help, he just wants to be able to tell you that you do...and I can tell him where to get off...;)

Jul 29, 2015, 1:27 PM
I don't need help tyvm.. the only sexual abuse I ever got was unwanted molesting from guys anything from 11-18 while at school, the occasional grope by silly pre-pubescent boys on a bus or a busy street, the occasional unwanted grope and clinch by sneaky getts at parties and busy pubs or clubs which mostly I have been well able to deal without things getting out of hand.. I know what abuse is, and in year or so I ventured in2 the adult world of sex as an adolescent of 15, I never was by any adult..

Societies have arbitrary sexual ages of consent because of the difficulty in judging individually just when people become sufficiently physically and mentally mature to be considered old enough to embark on their sexual and sensual adventure.. a century ago in Scotland it was 12 for girls and 14 for boys when arguably girls mature usually a little earlier than boys.. now it is 16 across the board. Some young people are mature enough to begin their sex life at 14.. some not till 18 or older. Some, a few, never. The young experiment as we all know.. and some embark on a full blown sex life before the law allows.. I judged myself mentally and physically mature enough to start having sex with my age group, teen boys mainly, of 15-18, but girls too when I was 14.. at 15 I began to actively enjoy myself with both genders well into their 20s and older... it doesn't matter whether u think I was abused or not.. I was treated well, and with respect, and those adult people and I enjoyed the time we had together.

For ur information, the consensual act of sexual intercourse between a 15 yo girl and an adult here is not and never was considered abuse or rape unless the perpetrator was in a position of trust (guardian or teacher for example). For an offence to be considered abusive or rape factors other than just sex had to come into play. When I was young what I did was considered unlawful sexual intercourse, and now it is Unlawful Sexual Intercourse with an Older Child. The "position of trust" aspect remains.. None of those adults I had sex with were in positions of trust vis a vis me... what we did was serpently illegal, arguably immoral.. but never abusive either in law or in fact, and the only regrets I have about any if those encounters is about the ones which did not live up 2 me hopes and expectations.. and fyi the law which covered what I did in 1994 and 5 now in 2015 affects young people of 13-15. There are seperate child protection laws for children of 12 and under.

I no more need help now for anything I did with adults then than for any of the quite legal relationships I had from age 16 (the age of consent) up save possibly 2, one when I was 19 for which I did have some therapy, and another when I was 25 for which I did not.. but shit happens... tho it never did when I was 15 except for a bit of bf trouble now and again like any 15yo has... stressful but bearable and generally brush-offable.
Even you admit that you started when you were 12 and 14 which is illegal in the UK...so yes it was sexual abuse.

Jul 29, 2015, 2:22 PM
Even you admit that you started when you were 12 and 14 which is illegal in the UK...so yes it was sexual abuse.
I haven't said anything about starting at 12... the grown ups in question were guilty of having unlawful sexual intercourse when I was 15, not of abusing me. Try reading what folk say and not making things up as u go along...

Jul 29, 2015, 3:20 PM
I haven't said anything about starting at 12... the grown ups in question were guilty of having unlawful sexual intercourse when I was 15, not of abusing me. Try reading what folk say and not making things up as u go along...
Don't bother debating with polesmoker, because he isn't interested in serious dialogue. Be that as it may, what you described is considered statutory rape in the US.

Jul 29, 2015, 3:53 PM
I know, Jamie.... that has always seemed a harsh offence to me, but horses for courses I suppose. Somehow I prefer my horse to yours and our course... :)

Jul 29, 2015, 4:11 PM
I know, Jamie.... that has always seemed a harsh offence to me, but horses for courses I suppose. Somehow I prefer my horse to yours and our course... :)

Darkeyes, I was born and raised in Australia. Here in the USA (where I now live), it is often deemed that America is the moral guidepost and bastion for the entire planet. The fact that Jerry Lee Lewis LEGALLY married his THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FIRST COUSIN seems to escape the sensibilities - and general knowledge - of most people. It was not all that long ago that arranged marriages, and marriages to girls under 13 years of age was thought to be perfectly acceptable.

Trying to convince certain people that we do not all think alike - and DEFINITELY do not think the way a lot of Americans do - is plain impossible. This is a country in which a person can be fired for being the victim of a nipple-twister, or denied a job based on not being someone the employer would invite to a barbeque. This is a weird place, and a lot of people have fixed ideas that are incapable of contemplating variations in cultures.

Jul 29, 2015, 4:18 PM
I know of only one fucked up, sexually maladjusted individual on this site. His vehemence against having sex early in life indicate that he himself was most likely sexually abused or humiliated as a kid or teen. He may have even enjoyed the experience and his puritanical nature led to a life of self-loathing and guilt which to this day torments him. His resentment of those who have healthy, exciting and diverse sex lives could indicate that his childhood experience fucked him up so badly that he didn't have sex again until he was well over 30 years old. Perhaps he is jealous of those who are sexually well adjusted. There is rage and hate in this man and he is in extreme denial that he's a very fucked up sociopath because he's never even considered getting help to deal with his psychological issues. Just because his early life sexual experiences were not pleasant, not pleasurable and maybe not consensual, he lashes out at anyone else who did enjoy their own experiences.

Jul 29, 2015, 4:19 PM
I haven't said anything about starting at 12... the grown ups in question were guilty of having unlawful sexual intercourse when I was 15, not of abusing me. Try reading what folk say and not making things up as u go along...
It was still sexual abuse even though you were 15.

The adults and women and men who were vastly older than you are simply nothing but sexual predators who are into sexually abusing underage people, and teens; but you were sexually abused and had statutory rape done to you.

Jul 29, 2015, 4:26 PM
I know of only one fucked up, sexually maladjusted individual on this site. His vehemence against having sex early in life indicate that he himself was most likely sexually abused or humiliated as a kid or teen. He may have even enjoyed the experience and his puritanical nature led to a life of self-loathing and guilt which to this day torments him. His resentment of those who have healthy, exciting and diverse sex lives could indicate that his childhood experience fucked him up so badly that he didn't have sex again until he was well over 30 years old. Perhaps he is jealous of those who are sexually well adjusted. There is rage and hate in this man and he is in extreme denial that he's a very fucked up sociopath because he's never even considered getting help to deal with his psychological issues. Just because his early life sexual experiences were not pleasant, not pleasurable and maybe not consensual, he lashes out at anyone else who did enjoy their own experiences.
LMAO!!!!!!! You're just trolling, and talking out of your ass about me. :rolleyes: You know nothing about me.

I started having sex as a young adult with other adult women and men who were also young adults and my age. I have never been abused and that includes sexually, physically, or psychologically. I had sex many times with a few male and female partners during my 20s, 30s and 40s.

I've never had horrible sexual experiences either, or been humiliated sexually or otherwise. Nope I'm not a sociopath either but you certainly do have some psychological issues. ;)

I don't have rage issues but you and other trolls/haters here certainly do.

But the truth is that nobody who posts here of sexual abuse they've had when they were a teenager or young kid with an adult, peer/friend, or teenager is sexually well adjusted. :rolleyes: But there are also adults here who are not sexually well adjusted like you cutting2dachase since you live in your mom's spare guest room, and stay deeply closeted since no woman or man wants you. :suave: :smilies15

Jul 29, 2015, 4:31 PM
Darkeyes, I was born and raised in Australia. Here in the USA (where I now live), it is often deemed that America is the moral guidepost and bastion for the entire planet. The fact that Jerry Lee Lewis LEGALLY married his THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FIRST COUSIN seems to escape the sensibilities - and general knowledge - of most people. It was not all that long ago that arranged marriages, and marriages to girls under 13 years of age was thought to be perfectly acceptable.

Trying to convince certain people that we do not all think alike - and DEFINITELY do not think the way a lot of Americans do - is plain impossible. This is a country in which a person can be fired for being the victim of a nipple-twister, or denied a job based on not being someone the employer would invite to a barbeque. This is a weird place, and a lot of people have fixed ideas that are incapable of contemplating variations in cultures.
Yes and Jerry Lee Lewis' career tanked because of how he had incest, and married his underage cousin; but his music always sucked. :rolleyes:

The United States has same gender marriage in all 50 states, and even territories; but same gender marriage is not legal in all Australian states and territories.

Jul 29, 2015, 6:47 PM
I know of only one fucked up, sexually maladjusted individual on this site. His vehemence against having sex early in life indicate that he himself was most likely sexually abused or humiliated as a kid or teen. He may have even enjoyed the experience and his puritanical nature led to a life of self-loathing and guilt which to this day torments him. His resentment of those who have healthy, exciting and diverse sex lives could indicate that his childhood experience fucked him up so badly that he didn't have sex again until he was well over 30 years old. Perhaps he is jealous of those who are sexually well adjusted. There is rage and hate in this man and he is in extreme denial that he's a very fucked up sociopath because he's never even considered getting help to deal with his psychological issues. Just because his early life sexual experiences were not pleasant, not pleasurable and maybe not consensual, he lashes out at anyone else who did enjoy their own experiences.

Wouldn't you love to dig around in there and write a book about what you find. There has to be weird shit out the ying-yang! Call it Dreamscape II.

Jul 29, 2015, 7:19 PM
Wouldn't you love to dig around in there and write a book about what you find. There has to be weird shit out the ying-yang! Call it Dreamscape II.
Yes you're simply describing yourself and Cuttin2dachase. :rolleyes:

But neither of you have ever had relationships based on love, and this is why you are both so full of hate. :rolleyes: Which is pathetic, and sad.

Jul 29, 2015, 8:51 PM
I haven't said anything about starting at 12... the grown ups in question were guilty of having unlawful sexual intercourse when I was 15, not of abusing me. Try reading what folk say and not making things up as u go along...

Here ya go, Dark, my personal anthem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvlTJrNJ5lA Welcome to the Fire In the Belly Club ! ;):oh:

Jul 29, 2015, 10:28 PM
Here ya go, Dark, my personal anthem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvlTJrNJ5lA Welcome to the Fire In the Belly Club ! ;):oh:
Yeah your "club" is all about being a troll and hater on the internet, and you are the only member LMAO...but that's because nobody can stand your presence either on the internet or in person. ;) :smilies15 :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Yes but you and dark are both trolls, and she was sexually abused/statutorily raped by creepy adults who should have known better. No wonder why she's so fucked up and had to spend time in a mental hospital. :rolleyes:

https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11825548_10205008815122239_1631175317248126303_n.j pg?oh=4356c1bd3de90f0cad08521a4ebf2e53&oe=56433FF6

Jul 30, 2015, 4:32 AM
Yeah your "club" is all about being a troll and hater on the internet, and you are the only member LMAO...but that's because nobody can stand your presence either on the internet or in person. ;) :smilies15 :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Yes but you and dark are both trolls, and she was sexually abused/statutorily raped by creepy adults who should have known better. No wonder why she's so fucked up and had to spend time in a mental hospital. :rolleyes:

https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11825548_10205008815122239_1631175317248126303_n.j pg?oh=4356c1bd3de90f0cad08521a4ebf2e53&oe=56433FF6

Carry on, sweetums.. I kno u r enjoying urself;). Twisting what peeps say as ever. I said I'd had therapy when I was 19. I have never spent any time in a mental hospital u will no doubt be sad 2 hear and what therapy I did have had nothing whatever to do with anything I did when aged 15.

Fucked up? No... not in the least. Not as fucked up for sure as one who aggressively and contemptuously slags off those he claims 2 believe r disturbed due 2 childhood sexual abuse. Not much compassion and sympathy there, hey? Now that behaviour shows a real level of mental illness and serious disturbance in the mind. That.. and a lot else besides!!!

Jul 30, 2015, 5:48 AM
darkeyes, please don't quote the troll, when you do, peeps that have it on ignore list are force to see is crap, thanks

Jul 30, 2015, 9:54 AM
Here ya go, Dark, my personal anthem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvlTJrNJ5lA Welcome to the Fire In the Belly Club ! ;):oh:
Just cos my anthem is more www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxkhBvO8_kM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxkhBvO8_kM) doesn't mean I don't have fire in the belly, darlin'.. wouldn't have thought of the song tbh in connection wiv Poley but we r off 2 a commemoration and remembrance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at weekend and have been listening 2 peace and anti war songs for last cuppla hours and feeling quite moved and a lickle sad.. their meaning has even made me feel well disposed 2 Dimwit. Would ya credit it? Hard I kno 2 believe but ther ya r!:tongue:

Jul 30, 2015, 11:24 AM
Another misunderstanding, Dark. I wouldn't have invited you if I felt you didn't have it. ;)

The flag from my dad's funeral is in a display case, prominently perched atop the middle of my living room entertainment center. It's surrounded by pictures of family members. On one side, my grandmother who was French, abused by the Nazis. On the opposite side, an uncle who died at Normandy. My mother, who, as a young woman, lost her home to the Allied bombing raids over Germany and became a refugee. And of course, my dad, a career military man.

It's impossible for me to watch television without being constantly aware of that commanding presence.

" They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore. " Isaiah 2:4

Jul 31, 2015, 5:54 AM
Another misunderstanding, Dark. I wouldn't have invited you if I felt you didn't have it. ;)

The flag from my dad's funeral is in a display case, prominently perched atop the middle of my living room entertainment center. It's surrounded by pictures of family members. On one side, my grandmother who was French, abused by the Nazis. On the opposite side, an uncle who died at Normandy. My mother, who, as a young woman, lost her home to the Allied bombing raids over Germany and became a refugee. And of course, my dad, a career military man.

It's impossible for me to watch television without being constantly aware of that commanding presence.

" They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore. " Isaiah 2:4
Aaaaaahh.. if only, Pep... I live in hope and someday after we r long gone, who knows....:)

Jul 31, 2015, 9:40 PM
Another misunderstanding, Dark. I wouldn't have invited you if I felt you didn't have it. ;)

The flag from my dad's funeral is in a display case, prominently perched atop the middle of my living room entertainment center. It's surrounded by pictures of family members. On one side, my grandmother who was French, abused by the Nazis. On the opposite side, an uncle who died at Normandy. My mother, who, as a young woman, lost her home to the Allied bombing raids over Germany and became a refugee. And of course, my dad, a career military man.

It's impossible for me to watch television without being constantly aware of that commanding presence.

" They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore. " Isaiah 2:4
You're French? So that explains why you're such a delicate individual, hypocritical, sleazy, hater troll, and weak minded person. ;) :rolleyes: :smilies15:shades:

Here's something you will love and frequently fill out:
https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11825071_10205022992716670_3951518721119285998_n.j pg?oh=e6214b2ac31b5e20b7685690d38729f0&oe=5644B7B0

Jul 31, 2015, 11:14 PM
Aaaaaahh.. if only, Pep... I live in hope and someday after we r long gone, who knows....:)

Yes, someday. In the meantime : " Turned the stone and looked beneath it...."Peace on Earth" was all it said. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh-JoW_8qw0 :bulb: Btw... he was protecting a school of pacifists!

Aug 1, 2015, 6:18 AM
Yes, someday. In the meantime : " Turned the stone and looked beneath it...."Peace on Earth" was all it said. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh-JoW_8qw0 :bulb: Btw... he was protecting a school of pacifists!
Very nice if him I am sure:)... but the last thing pacifists want is protection when it involves non-pacifism. It defeats the object of the exercise and is considered philosophically and morally obscene... :love87:. A lot more obscene than who a 15 yo girl happened to b consensually and happily fucking 20 years ago!!! Ne ways.. wont say ne more on that cos it is straying from the topic dotcha think? However interesting a discussion... and it is 2 me...:).

Aug 1, 2015, 6:31 AM
You're French? So that explains why you're such a delicate individual, hypocritical, sleazy, hater troll, and weak minded person. ;) :rolleyes: :smilies15:shades:

Here's something you will love and frequently fill out:
https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11825071_10205022992716670_3951518721119285998_n.j pg?oh=e6214b2ac31b5e20b7685690d38729f0&oe=5644B7B0
... racist bastard. Take it from me, dimwit, the French r no more ne of little lot than ne other nationality, and overwhelmingly, a lot less of it than u..

Aug 1, 2015, 4:19 PM
So you've had sex with animals, that's disgusting and people like you should be in prison. But it's well known you are on sites for people who are into abusing animals like you are. :rolleyes: This site is a magnet for subhuman bottom feeders who abuse animals and people, or who condone that fucked up shit. :rolleyes:
..and every time i check into this site you seem to be here posting your disgusting "polls" each one more lurid than the last complete with pics that you have searched for diligently at considerable time and effort to present.... and yet you seem to think that it's all the others that are sick and belong in prison...have you at last sir, no sense of decency or shame?

Aug 1, 2015, 4:24 PM
You do not have to be "taken" or "forced" in order for sexual abuse to happen.

The fact that they were adults and you were just a kid or young teenager speaks volumes as to how it was sexual abuse, and yes you are in denial about it. Get help.

hey Pole...you should try having sex sometime to see for yourself what it is really like...not just the vicarious thrill you get from reading about others who actually have a life

Aug 1, 2015, 5:18 PM
... racist bastard. Take it from me, dimwit, the French r no more ne of little lot than ne other nationality, and overwhelmingly, a lot less of it than u..

C'mon, Dark, why do you insist upon engaging him with a rational point of view? You mentioned yourself on this thread that he's having fun with all of this. He's a complete waste of time & mental & emotional energy. He's a demented " bottom feeder" spouting out of his "arse" ;) right? :smilies15

Aug 1, 2015, 5:58 PM
... racist bastard. Take it from me, dimwit, the French r no more ne of little lot than ne other nationality, and overwhelmingly, a lot less of it than u..
:rolleyes: Being French is not a "race", and I'm not racist. :rolleyes:

Have you even ever been to France besides Paris? I have been to France, and to more areas of it than you've had fingers or hands up your ass or cunt.

Of course not all French people are like that; but Pepperjack certainly is those stereotypical French things, as well as being a total coward, phony, and hypocrite who has no actual friends in real life. ;) :smilies15 No wonder why his wife divorced him, and why he's stuck with having to have sex with random bottom feeders like himself who he meets on Craigslist who he can trick or coerce into having quick sex with. Sweet pathetic life. :rolleyes:

If you want to see someone that's actually racist read your own posts where you claim that black men have large penises, and Asian men have small ones all because some junk science study you believe claims so. :rolleyes:

Aug 1, 2015, 5:59 PM
hey Pole...you should try having sex sometime to see for yourself what it is really like...not just the vicarious thrill you get from reading about others who actually have a life
I have sex multiple times daily with my husband, while you're stuck with your hand and in a sexless marriage with your "wife" who you cheat on. ;)

Aug 2, 2015, 6:43 AM
:rolleyes: Being French is not a "race", and I'm not racist. :rolleyes:

Have you even ever been to France besides Paris? I have been to France, and to more areas of it than you've had fingers or hands up your ass or cunt.

Of course not all French people are like that; but Pepperjack certainly is those stereotypical French things, as well as being a total coward, phony, and hypocrite who has no actual friends in real life. ;) :smilies15 No wonder why his wife divorced him, and why he's stuck with having to have sex with random bottom feeders like himself who he meets on Craigslist who he can trick or coerce into having quick sex with. Sweet pathetic life. :rolleyes:

If you want to see someone that's actually racist read your own posts where you claim that black men have large penises, and Asian men have small ones all because some junk science study you believe claims so. :rolleyes:
We r all no matter what our colour or ethnic origin of but 1 race.... tho the French like most European people are an amalgam of many different ethnic groups and indeed are becoming more so... technically u may be right about my use of word, and I could replace it with the expression xenophobic bastard, but that too is not a perfect fit tho serpently appropriate, just as in my opinion my use of the word racist is appropriate.... so I retract neither, but add to them the word francophobe since u so obviously loathe the French.

I have been going to France almost every year since I was a child of 4. I know Paris better than any other city because I love it so, my best friend used to live there and since I was 20 have spent time ranging from 3 days to 3 weeks in the city every year... but being a francophile, my visits to France have included visits to Marseilles, Lille, Nice, St Tropez, Lyon, Strasbourg, Rheims, Orleans, Le Havre, Caen, Angers, Calais, Boulouge and others... some only once for afew hours but some far more often and for much longer.. I have also visited much of rural France and am paricularly fond of Brittany and Normandy which is where most years my family and I take our annual holiday....

U made no claim that Pepper is like the sterotypical French person.. the claim was being French, he was such a... that is racist, xenophobic and francophobic... there is no qualification... weasel out of it all u like... it makes no difference. U r wot u r... and having visited France many times, and even had u lived there all if ur life, does not remove from u the stigma a loathing of the French... but then u loathe everyone.. sad bugger...

Aug 2, 2015, 7:10 AM
Right on, Dark ! If the loathsome " bugger" had any intelligence to begin with, he would have comprehended that I'm part French through my lineage. I'm also part German through my grandfather & mother and part Cherokee through my American father. Yes, an amalgam as you said. Here we fondly refer to that as being " Heinz 57." As for a stereotypical French person, how about " romantic, passionate, lovers ? " Yeah, I'm like that. :smilies15

Aug 2, 2015, 7:22 AM
C'mon, Dark, why do you insist upon engaging him with a rational point of view? You mentioned yourself on this thread that he's having fun with all of this. He's a complete waste of time & mental & emotional energy. He's a demented " bottom feeder" spouting out of his "arse" ;) right? :smilies15
For the most part, Pep, I have tried not to engage with it.. but new members innocently and unsuspectingly write posts and dimwit rips into them with hysteria and loathing and things build from there.. longer term members also react to him and so it goes on.

Unless no-one reacts to it at all so the thought goes, he will get bored and eff off.. but people always do and some always will... the only way is for no-one to post even the most innocuous post in forums, but then the site really will be in the shite... no chat no posts.. then what would be the point of .com? Maybe best just to let the site die which I am quite sure is the evil little shit's aim and has been in most of, if not all it's apparitions... without an active site owner to monitor and control it's hatred and loathing then we just have to let things slide or do what we can to keep things going, and shutting up isn't doing the trick...

Spouts through it's arse? Yup...

Aug 2, 2015, 7:27 AM
Right on, Dark ! If the loathsome " bugger" had any intelligence to begin with, he would have comprehended that I'm part French through my lineage. I'm also part German through my grandfather & mother and part Cherokee through my American father. Yes, an amalgam as you said. Here we fondly refer to that as being " Heinz 57." As for a stereotypical French person, how about " romantic, passionate, lovers ? " Yeah, I'm like that. :smilies15Have met a few of them over the years, Pep... off 2 France in a week so who can tell, hey?

Aug 2, 2015, 7:41 AM
I have a lady friend of many years who loves Paris. Has never been there but it's been a lifelong dream for her. Tempted to tell her of your upcoming trip but it might be sweet torture for her. ;) Looking forward to any of your amusing & colorful anecdotes concerning the trip, which I might be able to share with her. :bigrin:

Aug 2, 2015, 9:03 AM
I have a lady friend of many years who loves Paris. Has never been there but it's been a lifelong dream for her. Tempted to tell her of your upcoming trip but it might be sweet torture for her. ;) Looking forward to any of your amusing & colorful anecdotes concerning the trip, which I might be able to share with her. :bigrin:
We wont go to Paris this trip, Pep. Brittany, near the Normandy border to the same place we went last year... I wanted to go to southern France to an old medieval city called Carcassonne down in Languedoc not that far from the Spanish border... I was over-ruled by me m8s and Kate who felt it wuldnt be fair on Kit because of the heat as she wud only b just over 2 months... I'm not really complaining cos I love where we are going and kno it well... overlooking Mont St Michel from our Gite can't b bad and having the beach at the bottom of the garden! Luffly, hey? And who knos... I may renew me aquaintance wiv a ver tall sexy French policewoman who chatted me up last year! We can but hope, hey? :impleased

We r however going 2 Paris in mid-September as we usually do for the Edinburgh September holiday.... only 3 nights but mum has sed she will have babba for the weekend wile we sight-see, boogey 'n shop.. 'n stuff:tongue:;).. ask me about Paris then...:impleased

Aug 2, 2015, 9:25 AM
... tall sexy French policewoman ...

* sits pondering this and envisioning a screen mid room, would sit and watch through screen without being aroused, watching as artistry not pornography ... envisions pure beauty in motion ... sighs .. continues pondering this vision as well as one involving gazelles carrying rhino loaded bazookas, another involving some bit of silly putty dominating a planet in a different dimension ... ponders he ought to ponder more upon the dastardly blank pages .. cringes ... toddles along *

Aug 2, 2015, 12:07 PM
Right on, Dark ! If the loathsome " bugger" had any intelligence to begin with, he would have comprehended that I'm part French through my lineage. I'm also part German through my grandfather & mother and part Cherokee through my American father. Yes, an amalgam as you said. Here we fondly refer to that as being " Heinz 57." As for a stereotypical French person, how about " romantic, passionate, lovers ? " Yeah, I'm like that. :smilies15
So that's why you're a twisted asshole alcoholic. ;) :rolleyes:

Everyone knows the French are shitty lovers unless you consider cheating on your wife or husband to be a good thing. ;) But you're not romantic or passionate at all. Just a person that's promiscuous or who tries to be. :rolleyes: :smilies15

Besides everyone knows the best romantic and passionate lovers are Italian, which my husband and I are.

Aug 2, 2015, 12:15 PM
U made no claim that Pepper is like the sterotypical French person.. the claim was being French, he was such a... that is racist, xenophobic and francophobic... there is no qualification... weasel out of it all u like... it makes no difference. U r wot u r... and having visited France many times, and even had u lived there all if ur life, does not remove from u the stigma a loathing of the French... but then u loathe everyone.. sad bugger...
Whatever, now you're just twisting my words around to suit your own agenda when I told you that being French is not a race. :rolleyes:

You're a typical lesbian, getting totally worked up over nothing, being a know-it-all who does not actually want to keep an open mind or learn or accept that you're incorrect about things, and being way too politically correct and butthurt over everything and everyone that does not agree with you or who does not conform to your tiny bubble of political correctness.

Try following your own advice in your signature for once, instead of being a troll. :rolleyes:

No I do not loathe everyone, or everything. :rolleyes: But you don't even know me; but you're a troll.

Aug 2, 2015, 1:27 PM
Whatever, now you're just twisting my words around to suit your own agenda when I told you that being French is not a race. :rolleyes:

You're a typical lesbian, getting totally worked up over nothing, being a know-it-all who does not actually want to keep an open mind or learn or accept that you're incorrect about things, and being way too politically correct and butthurt over everything and everyone that does not agree with you or who does not conform to your tiny bubble of political correctness.

Try following your own advice in your signature for once, instead of being a troll. :rolleyes:

No I do not loathe everyone, or everything. :rolleyes: But you don't even know me; but you're a troll.
U loathe every1... and everything.. mostly urself I suspect...

...and knowing u isn't top of me xmas list... doubt if it is ne1 elses.:)

Aug 2, 2015, 1:44 PM
Look who's talking about " twisting words ! " :rolleyes: Absolutely the most " pot calling the kettle black" degenerate I've ever come across.:shades:

Aug 2, 2015, 2:00 PM
U loathe every1... and everything.. mostly urself I suspect...

...and knowing u isn't top of me xmas list... doubt if it is ne1 elses.:)
LMAO No I do not loathe everyone and everything, or myself. :roleyes: Quit projecting your own issues, low/non-existent self esteem, poor self image, lack of confidence, etc. onto me.

Aug 2, 2015, 2:06 PM
Look who's talking about " twisting words ! " :rolleyes: Absolutely the most " pot calling the kettle black" degenerate I've ever come across.:shades:
Yes, coming from you one of the biggest trolls on this site that loves to be vindictive, twist people's words, etc. and loves to be a total coward and hypocrite; but everyone here knows you're full of shit, and a total phony. :rolleyes: :smilies15

Aug 2, 2015, 2:14 PM
So that's why you're a twisted asshole alcoholic. ;) :rolleyes:

Everyone knows the French are shitty lovers unless you consider cheating on your wife or husband to be a good thing. ;) But you're not romantic or passionate at all. Just a person that's promiscuous or who tries to be. :rolleyes: :smilies15

Besides everyone knows the best romantic and passionate lovers are Italian, which my husband and I are.
O well... we will just have 2 disagree. I found French guys far more considerate and proficient in love and sex than Italian... French girls 2 sexier and better as lovers tho it is a much closer run thing...

Italians have allus made triff ice cream tho... Luca's in Musselburgh just about me fave.. and used 2 have a reputation for triff chippies an all.. but not so much nowadays, and I prefer French to Italian food... a matter of taste, but it is my taste after all. Used to fancy the pants off an Italian footie player when I was a young girl called Robert Baggio like no other footie player on earth. Once upon a time 15 years and more ago I would have died for a few hours with that bugger...but have had the odd Italian guy in me time, and a few girls... none as rancid as u, Poley dear. In fact very nice really they wer... u shud try nice sometime. U mite find u like it...;)

Aug 2, 2015, 2:17 PM
Wikipedia provides that an alternative definition for "faggot" is "a repellent male". That leaves no doubt that our little New York skid mark is indeed a "faggot".

Aug 2, 2015, 2:19 PM
LMAO No I do not loathe everyone and everything, or myself. :roleyes: Quit projecting your own issues, low/non-existent self esteem, poor self image, lack of confidence, etc. onto me.
Not much u don't... it oozes out of every word u post.. any issues projected onto u I am afraid u do for urself.:)

Aug 2, 2015, 5:26 PM
For the most part, Pep, I have tried not to engage with it.. but new members innocently and unsuspectingly write posts and dimwit rips into them with hysteria and loathing and things build from there.. longer term members also react to him and so it goes on.

Unless no-one reacts to it at all so the thought goes, he will get bored and eff off.. but people always do and some always will... the only way is for no-one to post even the most innocuous post in forums, but then the site really will be in the shite... no chat no posts.. then what would be the point of .com? Maybe best just to let the site die which I am quite sure is the evil little shit's aim and has been in most of, if not all it's apparitions... without an active site owner to monitor and control it's hatred and loathing then we just have to let things slide or do what we can to keep things going, and shutting up isn't doing the trick...

Spouts through it's arse? Yup...

Speaking of new members, I made an interesting discovery. One such member, young&ready and I connected here recently. As you would expect, pole_shit viciously attacked us both. He has done nothing but constantly berate & condemn me for creating trysts with younger men on CL. So what does he do? He advises young to do just that, get on CL & try to find an older man there! And he wants to call me a " total hypocrite?" :rolleyes:

I agree with you. For the most part, I keep him on ignore, which seems pretty effective. Occasionally, I'll stumble onto one of his comments through another's repost & feel compelled to respond. I know he thrives on the feedback. I think many of the members respond with some pretty good comebacks.

You're right. "It's" an "evil little shit." ;)

Aug 2, 2015, 6:01 PM
Speaking of new members, I made an interesting discovery. One such member, young&ready and I connected here recently. As you would expect, pole_shit viciously attacked us both. He has done nothing but constantly berate & condemn me for creating trysts with younger men on CL. So what does he do? He advises young to do just that, get on CL & try to find an older man there! And he wants to call me a " total hypocrite?" :rolleyes:

I agree with you. For the most part, I keep him on ignore, which seems pretty effective. Occasionally, I'll stumble onto one of his comments through another's repost & feel compelled to respond. I know he thrives on the feedback. I think many of the members respond with some pretty good comebacks.

You're right. "It's" an "evil little shit." ;)
:rolleyes: I did not attack Young and ready. I simply said the truth that it is pathetic that he joined this site just to have random people masturbate over his profile and what he posts when they do not even know what he even looks like. :rolleyes: It's also even more pathetic that you obsess and masturbate over him simply because he claims to be 18. :rolleyes:

Yeah I said how if that guy was really serious about having sex with people he would go out and do it or find a sex partner, and not post about wanting to do this on the internet. :rolleyes:

Aug 2, 2015, 6:05 PM
It's really creepy when someone like pepperjack who is a troll in every definition of the word obsesses over and becomes predatory to a new person on here simply because they claim to be 18, and when a guy that old wants to be with younger men in a certain age range. In reality people who are his own age would laugh him out of bed!

I prefer to be with people who are my own age or around my age give or take a year or two and I did this as a young adult and all through my 20s, 30s, and early 40s when I was single and dating women and men.

Aug 2, 2015, 6:06 PM
Not much u don't... it oozes out of every word u post.. any issues projected onto u I am afraid u do for urself.:)
Keep telling yourself that. :rolleyes: But hey, you don't even know me. You really should get out more instead of spending all your time on this site and claiming to know strangers on the internet when in reality you do not at all. ;) :smilies15

Aug 2, 2015, 6:19 PM
yadda, yadda, yadda ...:rolleyes:

Aug 2, 2015, 8:11 PM
I was 4-5 when my uncle took an interest in me. It started with naked games and led to me on top of him learning to stroke him and suck him while he sucked and fingered me. It grew in complexity until I was 9. By then, there was pretty much nothing I had not tried. My dad found some pictures and almost killed him. He spent some time in the clink. At about six or seven, I found myself befriending several boys who were hyper sexual and I remember getting naked with and sucking off all of them at some point. I seemed to attract older guys. My swim coach and a boy scout leader both had their fun with me, and me with them. I snuck over to my uncles many times after he got out. Each and every time I asked to, and enjoyed sucking his big fat uncut dick. Then in college found girls.....

Aug 2, 2015, 8:36 PM
I was 4-5 when my uncle took an interest in me. It started with naked games and led to me on top of him learning to stroke him and suck him while he sucked and fingered me. It grew in complexity until I was 9. By then, there was pretty much nothing I had not tried. My dad found some pictures and almost killed him. He spent some time in the clink. At about six or seven, I found myself befriending several boys who were hyper sexual and I remember getting naked with and sucking off all of them at some point. I seemed to attract older guys. My swim coach and a boy scout leader both had their fun with me, and me with them. I snuck over to my uncles many times after he got out. Each and every time I asked to, and enjoyed sucking his big fat uncut dick. Then in college found girls.....

That's fucked up, that you were taken advantage of and sexually abused by your sick uncle, and the coach and scout leader all who belongs in prison. It's a pity your dad did not off your uncle since anyone who does that to kids and teenagers is fucked up and sick in the head.

This argument that it's all about "love", "sexual exploring", etc. is just a cover-up of a deeper issue here. Somewhere down the family line no proper boundaries were given, and sexual abuse happened or is happning. I wouldn't be surprised if most of your uncle, coach, and scout leader's family lines all had some severe sexual abuse going on. So, this isn't about love or respect in anyone's family or exploring of sexuality, but disrespect, power, abuse/sex abuse, and control.

Aug 3, 2015, 2:49 AM
But hey, you don't even know me. You really should get out more instead of spending all your time on this site and claiming to know strangers on the internet when in reality you do not at all. ;) :smilies15

Nope I don't know u, luckily....not knowing peeps however dusn't prevent u prattling telling us wot's wot about our lives and wot we' r about... we kno only wot peeps choose 2 tell us and try and gain insight from it and I have never claimed ne more than that.. some, a very few, but 1 in partic, I can b a smidge more definite about..;)

.. and giving peeps advice about the amount of time they spend on this site is rich coming from u..

Aug 12, 2015, 5:50 PM
Darkeyes, I was born and raised in Australia. Here in the USA (where I now live), it is often deemed that America is the moral guidepost and bastion for the entire planet. The fact that Jerry Lee Lewis LEGALLY married his THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FIRST COUSIN seems to escape the sensibilities - and general knowledge - of most people. It was not all that long ago that arranged marriages, and marriages to girls under 13 years of age was thought to be perfectly acceptable.

Actually this is very relevant. The infantilization of teens and extension of childhood is a fairly recent phenomena. Its only been the last generation of so that the age of consent has creeped up to the current ages. There is nothing magical about 18. As recent as two generations back the age of consent was usually between 12-14. In most of the rural US, where I'm from, girls were usually married off sometime between 12 to 15 years of age and most of them were pregnant within a year. If you weren't married by the time you were 18 many were considered an unmarriageable old maid. The men they married were usually between 15-to early 30's but many would also marry an older widower with kids as old or older than they were. Life was harsh back then and kids were forced to grow up fast. Of my great-grandmothers, and great-great aunts, my grandmothers and great-aunts all married between the ages of 12 to 16. The men they married ranged from 17 to a 42 year old widower.

Go back a century or two and there wasn't even a legal age of consent, a lot of places understood it to be seven or so and there were numerous marriages at age 7. A good number of them were arranged marriages between children and weren't consummated till the kids got older but not all of them fell into this category. This is also still very common today in other parts of the world.

Aug 12, 2015, 7:23 PM
There is nothing magical about 18. As recent as two generations back the age of consent was usually between 12-14.

Still is, in Europe, countries like Germany or Italy the "age of consent" is 14, Spain just raise it to 16, like the UK, France is 15, by the way, "age of consent" means:

The age of consent is the age at which a person is considered to be legally competent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legally_competent) to consent to sexual acts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sexual_activity), and is thus the minimum age of a person with whom another person is legally permitted to engage in sexual activity

Aug 12, 2015, 8:08 PM
I don't know how accurate this is, but I remember once reading somewhere that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was 16 when she became pregnant.

Aug 12, 2015, 8:25 PM
Yeah, but you have to remember, back then if you lived to 35 that was considered a wise old age..

I think, at least for the folks on here - it was very natural to "play doctor" when they were kids..and I suspect -a lot- of people probably have since people are naturally curious. For me I think the line is when a) there is a large difference in age/maturity between the two people involved and/or b) one person is in a position of authority over the other. That type of scenario seems more likely to result in the less mature person feeling abused.

Having said that I still think anyone can be abused and it is something to be taken seriously .. no one deserves to have security/intimacy taken from them without asking..and even if you ask, a young child or teen really doesn't have carnal knowledge so how would they know what they are consenting to?

I might sound like a grumpy old man but the culture where Miley Cyrus comes out on stage in ripped up jeans and prostitute boots sickens me. Let kids be kids..

Growing up I wish that sex was less prominent in my life - I feel as though it has ALWAYS been a part of my life. If people didn't want me for what I could physically do for them back then maybe I would have a much healthier view and enjoyment of sex right now.

As far as infantilization - it makes perfect sense to me - the longer marketers can convince us to act like entitled teenagers, the easier it will be to part with money...go ahead, you "deserve" it.

I guess people are also living longer, feeling less pressure to grow up and get married these days..I mean used to be that you'd have to wait to get married to have sex right? Some of them probably couldn't move out on their own anyway if they wanted to with the way the economy is going right now. All anecdotal for entertainment purposes of course, I have no actual facts to back up anything I am saying.

Aug 12, 2015, 8:34 PM
I'm well aware of that, Elian. All things in life are relative.

Glad to see you back here; feels like old times.

I discovered sex at a VERY YOUNG AGE ! I could tell a story that would probably freak everyone out.

Point is, I survived & it's an early reason I'm such a strong man now, mentally, emotionally, physically. :2cents: :shades:

Aug 12, 2015, 8:45 PM
Canada's age of sexual consent is presently 16. Unfortunately the Conservative Party has been in government for ten years...Elections are Oct. 16...nice if we kicked them out. The previous age of consent was lower at 14 but it had an interesting aspect that unless you were 18 your partner could be no more than three (or four) years either way. I may have some of the detail wrong but you get the idea that is permitted the age spread to be fairly reasonable excluding adult youth sex as viable.

Aug 13, 2015, 6:13 AM
Yes tenni, a few of the states in the United States have a similar age based sliding scale. I think it makes a lot of sense.

I mean, I know there are a lot of people who didn't have bad experiences, and that's great - I am glad - it's just taking me a while to get over mine..need to replace it with some -good- memories but sex -always- seems forced to me, even when I want it still takes a while to get there - never seems to just come naturally. It's weird.

Aug 13, 2015, 11:59 AM
around the summer i was about 12 or so, my pal and i used to go the our basement in the apt building where we lived, one time we found a nudist magazine, we took it to our secret place and took our cocks out to masturbate. eventually we were naked, rubbing cock to cock, jerking and making believe we were having sex putting our cocks against each others asses. we did this the whole summer, eventually including some light oral play. around the same time my older sister and i were in the back of the building and she asked me if i liked girls, of course, then she asked me if i got red down there when i was around girls, i said i didnt understand, she said, u know, does it get hard and red. i admitted it did., then she blew me away by asking to see it. i guess she was about 13, i said yes if u show me your tits. she agreed, we went into the back hallway, and i went first, taking my pants down, i was hard and she touched it. when she seemed satisfied she opened her top and i saw my first real tits, she allowed mt to touch the nipples, then i said, what about down there? with no hesitation her pants were down and i was staring at my first pussy, i touched the smooth folds and asked what is that? she said thats my twat, a word not used too much today. that summer we exposed ourselves to each other a lot, she would come out of the shower and drop her towel, id leave my door ajar so she could 'catch' me jerking off. one time we built a makshift tent in the rear yard, we we had our pants down and she was squatting, i asked if my friend can see her and maybe fuck her, she said absolutely not. pop whistled for dinner and we went home. eventually my pal and i discovered girls and the cock to cock play ended. years later after she had finished school and moved away, she came home for a weekend visit. parents were out and she was walking around in her panties and bra. i was so horny watching her, i wrapped myself in a towel and went to her room, she was sitting on the bed in undies, i dropped my towel to show off my now bigger hardon and asked point blank, can i feel u up? she looked at my cock and then said, what we did was wrong and brothers and sisters dont do that sort of thing, i was so disappointed, but she continued to walk around in her panties and bra cock teasing me. i still left my door ajar and jerked off hoping she would catch me and come in. probably the hottest summer of my life.

Aug 14, 2015, 6:30 PM
You're a typical lesbian, getting totally ....

Know you were speaking to Fran. I have a point here though so I'll interject as Fran is nothing to me if not a friend. That noted, I so would bed her, this typical lesbian as you call her. She is that extremely hot, that well thought out of a person, that loving of a person that she at times grinds my gears. ;)

Now, I know it's unlikely Fran would consent to being bedded by a man, much less me. You know what? That means fuck all to me. Her choice is nothing personal against me or any man, really. It is her choice though. Ladies make choices. It is for the men to honor and respect those choices. You keep abasing her for her being herself and making choices, seems to me you're lacking in something. Not hugged enough as a child? Need a hug, now? * stretches arms wide open to offer hug *

Come sit here in this lap, talk to poppa, he'll solve your problems. You don't need to keep bashing your skull in over those who are untenable. They may not know the real you well enough to see what they miss. On the other hand, I am highly empathetic, nearing actual telepathic at times. Sure, I may not know you specifically but I do know your archetype persona and that for me is enough to learn all regarding you. No, I'm not talking about hacking your computer, your stuff, nothing like that. Poppa won't be mean.

You need to relax because nobody here says anything to hurt you. If they do upset you with what is said, you may not want to read them. Like they're pointing out, they have you ignored. You can ignore them as well. Some of us dislike using that aspect of the site yet often have little choice. And it's alright, really it is. Again, nobody here is intentionally saying anything to hurt or frighten you. Matter of fact I wager that if you were a bit more gentle in manner, people would be more open to you. There was a story once about a bee and spider. The spider marveled over how the bee kept tossing away hordes of flies.

"How do you manage to catch so many flies," the spider asked the bee one day.

The bee thought about it a minute, "well, I guess flies like honey better than webs."

Your harsh manner is similar to the spider's webs. Now, I'm not saying you need to change or sugar coat things. You might consider a few dabs of honey more than you use though.

Really? If people don't know you, why is it of such importance to defend what they don't know? How could anything they say be germane to injuring you, personally? Further, why is it important to also go out of your way to attack others? You too don't know them. How can anything you say effect them personally? You are in fact fighting and quarreling for nothing, over nothing. I hesitated saying it before but here it is. Actions like yours are stupid. You keep acting stupid, I begin to formulate an opinion you are stupid. And yes, I know my opinion doesn't matter, right?

So please, try acting intelligent, mature. You embarrass me amongst my friends. Poppa may well need to find the old wood shed, you keep on as you are. I really don't desire it coming to that. And no I'm not saying this to frighten you. I'm saying it so you comprehend the implications, consequences of your actions. * holds arms out again for hug * Poppa loves you.

Aug 16, 2015, 10:27 PM
Yeah, but you have to remember, back then if you lived to 35 that was considered a wise old age

Well truthfully that was the average age. The infant mortality rate was over 50% so if you survived to adulthood the chances were actually decent you'd live to 60-80

Aug 17, 2015, 6:17 AM
Mine was actually being molested by an adult male and it's something I really enjoyed and started my desires as continuing in my adult life
I was around 12 and had had j/o sessions with a neighbor kid my age . We never touched each other , but looked at porn magazines and laid side by side jacking off .
His mom had set him up in the Big Brother program and we used to stay the night with his "brother" on weekends . One night my friend and I were in the bedroom playing with our cocks and the brother walked in on us and caught us in action . It was a total setup for them to include me in what they had already been engaging in . My buddy said brother was going to tell our parents and we were going to be in big trouble . The next night he tells me that if we go lay in bed with brother and let him j/o with us he would keep our secret . I fell for it hook line and sinker as I was scared to death of my parents finding out .
I was too young to ejaculate at the time but my friend wasn't and it always intrigued me . The next night we are all 3 laying in brothers bed stroking our cocks as brother gives us advice on what feels good . As my friend anounces he is going to cum brother bends over and takes his cock in his mouth and takes the load . It was the first time I had ever been exposed to any kind of oral sex and was very turned on by it . I wanted him to suck on my cock too .
After that night we continued on for a couple years and my friend and I would take turns sucking each other . I never let him cum in my mouth but if brother was with us he would eagerly take the load . We had many many j/o sessions with brother and they all ending with him catching our cum in his mouth . He wasn't interested in sucking our cocks for pleasure . He liked to watch us j/o and loved to swallow our cum
Looking back now it was a pretty fucked up situation but I did enjoy it immensely

Aug 17, 2015, 6:26 AM
Mine was actually being molested by an adult male and it's something I really enjoyed and started my desires as continuing in my adult life
I was around 12 and had had j/o sessions with a neighbor kid my age . We never touched each other , but looked at porn magazines and laid side by side jacking off .
His mom had set him up in the Big Brother program and we used to stay the night with his "brother" on weekends . One night my friend and I were in the bedroom playing with our cocks and the brother walked in on us and caught us in action . It was a total setup for them to include me in what they had already been engaging in . My buddy said brother was going to tell our parents and we were going to be in big trouble . The next night he tells me that if we go lay in bed with brother and let him j/o with us he would keep our secret . I fell for it hook line and sinker as I was scared to death of my parents finding out .
I was too young to ejaculate at the time but my friend wasn't and it always intrigued me . The next night we are all 3 laying in brothers bed stroking our cocks as brother gives us advice on what feels good . As my friend anounces he is going to cum brother bends over and takes his cock in his mouth and takes the load . It was the first time I had ever been exposed to any kind of oral sex and was very turned on by it . I wanted him to suck on my cock too .
After that night we continued on for a couple years and my friend and I would take turns sucking each other . I never let him cum in my mouth but if brother was with us he would eagerly take the load . We had many many j/o sessions with brother and they all ending with him catching our cum in his mouth . He wasn't interested in sucking our cocks for pleasure . He liked to watch us j/o and loved to swallow our cum
Looking back now it was a pretty fucked up situation but I did enjoy it immensely
That's extremely fucked up, and it's something you should get help for. It's sick and fucked up that this guy and his brother sexually abused you.

Aug 17, 2015, 6:35 AM
That's extremely fucked up, and it's something you should get help for. It's sick and fucked up that this guy and his brother sexually abused you.

I agree , it is totally fucked up . My friends mom did find out about the abuse and turned the guy in to the police and the Big Brother foundation and he was prosecuted a few years after it began . I seen a therapist regularly almost until my 18th bday . My friend was a victim as well . We were both 12 and the "Big Brother" was 28
Karma caught up with him and he passed from a heartattack in the 90s or I would find the guy and whoop his ass

Aug 17, 2015, 6:39 AM
I agree , it is totally fucked up . My friends mom did find out about the abuse and turned the guy in to the police and the Big Brother foundation and he was prosecuted a few years after it began . I seen a therapist regularly almost until my 18th bday . My friend was a victim as well . We were both 12 and the "Big Brother" was 28
Karma caught up with him and he passed from a heartattack in the 90s or I would find the guy and whoop his ass
OK that's good you got help for being sexually abused. A lot of people here who were sexually abused have not done this, or some are in denial that it even happened to them but it's clear they were victims of sexual abuse by adults, peers, "friends", or other people.

Aug 18, 2015, 2:49 AM
I lost my virginity to a beautiful girl @ the age of 15, but I remember erections and stroking as early as 9 and could hit the jack pot @ 11

Joan Soloman
Oct 28, 2015, 8:11 AM
I was sexual almost as far back as I can remember. I got toiled trained around 3 and somewhere around then, I started getting the greatest (for a 3 year old) hardons. I loved playing with my ass too, it just felt good. The problem was when my folks had a party.

I loved being naked around all the people and playing with myself. My folks didn't like it so well though and put a quick stop to it, leaving me frustrated.

That was only the first of many times I tried to enjoy my body growing up. Unlike many of you though, I never got to enjoy anything to completion, nothing with kids my own age, nothing with any of the older kids who used to babysit me and nothing with any of the adults.

I'd have loved to explore my body with another kid or a teenager, it just never happened. Even someone older would have been good a lot of the time. I still remember when I got blocked from having an affair with a 45 yr old gorgeous woman when I was 14. If I had messed around with someone older, it wouldn't have been molestation, I was willing and eager.

Oct 28, 2015, 3:14 PM
I started with a kid who was in high school He talked me into sucking him Then an older man took me the rest of the way . giving me a taste for cum and swallowing.

Nov 3, 2015, 5:34 PM
When I was 10 a boy in my class invited me to his house one Saturday afternoon. He wanted us to take a walk to the nearby stores. We walked until we reached a hole in the fence in the back of the stores. That's when a group of 5 older boys on bicycles came up to us. They were mean and rough and their leader said they would beat us both up unless we did exactly what they told us to do. That's when I saw my "friend" begin to gyrate and I knew this was all a set up. They pulled down his and my pants and took turns groping our bodies and jerking us off. Then the leader - he was by far the oldest looking - made me get on my knees so he could put his dick in my mouth. His dick seemed huge to me then since it was the first one I ever saw except for my own dick and after a few seconds of sucking his dick I no longer resisted and I began to have lots of fun! Two other boys pulled out their dicks and made me stroke them with my two hands so there I was with a big 7 or 8 inch dick in my mouth and jerking off two other dicks at the same time. Three others were doing the same thing to my friend next to me. The leader soon shot his load in my mouth and then told me to finish off the other two guys which I did. Three blow jobs by force -at first - and then voluntarily. I made myself cum when I was blowing that third guy. They all got off and the leader told us to never tell anyone else about this or he'd kill us both. We both said yes we won't ever tell anyone and then they left us on our knees, both of us with their 6 loads of jizz dripping down our faces. So perverted so nasty and so fucking hot!!! I think about this incident often even now that it's more than 30 years later.

Nov 4, 2016, 2:26 PM
Starting at about 12 I had a close group of male friends and their was alot of jacking off together looking at porn together playing with each other. This continued and by the time we were 14-15 and had girlfriends we still liked to meet up at one of our houses go swimming and watch a porno out of our huge collection. By now we dont care who sees wos cock we would sit around naked jacking off together passing lube around and I used to get cum shot on me from time to time which I did not like. I don't know about the other guys but my little girlfriend knew about our sessions and she did not care as long as she got fucked daily. My step brother and I explored bisexuality together and to this day I still have a "straight" male friend that likes to jerk off with me. I believe that from very young guys are interested in experimenting with other males. You and another guy are on the same page when your trying to get off together. Your not going to permanently hurt my feelings if you just have to cum all over my stomach.

Nov 10, 2016, 11:12 PM
When I was 10 a boy in my class invited me to his house one Saturday afternoon. He wanted us to take a walk to the nearby stores. We walked until we reached a hole in the fence in the back of the stores. That's when a group of 5 older boys on bicycles came up to us. They were mean and rough and their leader said they would beat us both up unless we did exactly what they told us to do. That's when I saw my "friend" begin to gyrate and I knew this was all a set up. They pulled down his and my pants and took turns groping our bodies and jerking us off. Then the leader - he was by far the oldest looking - made me get on my knees so he could put his dick in my mouth. His dick seemed huge to me then since it was the first one I ever saw except for my own dick and after a few seconds of sucking his dick I no longer resisted and I began to have lots of fun! Two other boys pulled out their dicks and made me stroke them with my two hands so there I was with a big 7 or 8 inch dick in my mouth and jerking off two other dicks at the same time. Three others were doing the same thing to my friend next to me. The leader soon shot his load in my mouth and then told me to finish off the other two guys which I did. Three blow jobs by force -at first - and then voluntarily. I made myself cum when I was blowing that third guy. They all got off and the leader told us to never tell anyone else about this or he'd kill us both. We both said yes we won't ever tell anyone and then they left us on our knees, both of us with their 6 loads of jizz dripping down our faces. So perverted so nasty and so fucking hot!!! I think about this incident often even now that it's more than 30 years later.

This is an interesting anecdote and just one of many that point out a peculiar aspect of early (pre pubescent) sexual activity. Contrary to what one would expect, sexual acts engaged in early in life whether consensual or not seem to dispose a person toward that type of activity later in life. My own sex-life began with an instance of abuse when I was molested by an older boy at the age of five. Unlike M4GG4M I did not find myself enjoying the incident a few minutes in. To the contrary, I felt ashamed and dirty. As time went on and I discovered masturbation, the attendant fantasies would mostly be about girls but occasionally about boys. One fantasy in particular was very confusing when I tried to analyze it.

In that one I encountered the boy who had molested me so many years before and I seduced him! Luring him into a skating rink washroom, I drop to my knees and rip his fly open to suck his cock. When he's good and hard I drop my pants and order him to take me. "Come on, this is what you want isn't it?....You made me into this so enjoy your handiwork!" and he would..and I got off on it. For years I was puzzled that things that once made me feel so bad now excited me so much.
My theory is that it was a matter of my brain making the abuse seem less terrible by putting myself in the driver's seat. By owning the abuse...making it a thing I initiate and enjoy.... it was no longer the demon that tortured my five year old self. I've found that emotional survival mechanism has evolved of late to include submissive bondage play. I've enjoyed M2M sex and being a sub....and with a plausible theory of why I am as I am....I can continue to enjoy it.

I'm no psychiatrist and I could be all wrong in my hypothesis. Furthermore, it seems unlikely that that kind of mental gymnastics can be at work when someone...male or female, finds themselves actually enjoying being sexually abused as it's happening. I'd like someone with some background in psychology to weigh in on this topic.

Nov 11, 2016, 9:23 AM
Very nice story that must have been a lot of fun. I had some young experiences that determined my later likes too...and they were all very awesome and wonderful!

Mine was actually being molested by an adult male and it's something I really enjoyed and started my desires as continuing in my adult life
I was around 12 and had had j/o sessions with a neighbor kid my age . We never touched each other , but looked at porn magazines and laid side by side jacking off .
His mom had set him up in the Big Brother program and we used to stay the night with his "brother" on weekends . One night my friend and I were in the bedroom playing with our cocks and the brother walked in on us and caught us in action . It was a total setup for them to include me in what they had already been engaging in . My buddy said brother was going to tell our parents and we were going to be in big trouble . The next night he tells me that if we go lay in bed with brother and let him j/o with us he would keep our secret . I fell for it hook line and sinker as I was scared to death of my parents finding out .
I was too young to ejaculate at the time but my friend wasn't and it always intrigued me . The next night we are all 3 laying in brothers bed stroking our cocks as brother gives us advice on what feels good . As my friend anounces he is going to cum brother bends over and takes his cock in his mouth and takes the load . It was the first time I had ever been exposed to any kind of oral sex and was very turned on by it . I wanted him to suck on my cock too .
After that night we continued on for a couple years and my friend and I would take turns sucking each other . I never let him cum in my mouth but if brother was with us he would eagerly take the load . We had many many j/o sessions with brother and they all ending with him catching our cum in his mouth . He wasn't interested in sucking our cocks for pleasure . He liked to watch us j/o and loved to swallow our cum
Looking back now it was a pretty fucked up situation but I did enjoy it immensely

Nov 11, 2016, 11:08 AM
I had just turned 12 and during the summer, I was visiting my Aunt and her 16 year old son in a nearby town. On Monday morning, my Aunt went to work and left my and my cousin sleeping in bed together.
when we awoke, my cousin asked me if I wanted to look at some porn? I did and he got out a box of magazines and we started looking at them. It didn't take long before we were both hard and my cousin pulled his briefs down to his knees and began to stroke his big cock. I noticed an soon did as he had done and lowered my briefs down and started to stroke my much smaller cock. As we were playing with our cock, he looked at my cock and asked if he could touch me? I told his it was ok and so he reached over and started to stroke my boy cock! I could not believe how good it felt as this was the first time anyone had ever touched me. As he continued to stroke me he asked if I wanted to touch him, so I did and started to stroke his much larger and thicker cock, I started to move my hand up and down his cock as he was doing to me. I was really enjoying what we were doing and suddenly, he leaned over and takes my cock into his mouth and starts to suck me. OMG, did it feel so good, his warm and wet mouth sucking me, the best feeling I had ever felt. I was really enjoying his sucking me and his stroking my boycock when he stops and ask me if I wanted to suck him too? I really didn't but I really didn't want him to stop sucking me, so I leaned over and tasted the precum that now covered his large mushroom head. I gingely tasted if with my tongue and it was sweet so as he continued to suck me, I wrapped my lips over his much larger cockhead and started to suck him. I was enjoying him sucking me and I suddenly realizized that I was about to cum in his mouth. I leaned up and started to cum in his mouth but noticed he had his eyes closed and was enjoying sucking my cum. At this point, I was really enjoying cuming in his mouth but suddenly my cock became very sensitive to his mouth and his sucking action and started to push his lips off of my cock. HE asked me if I liked it and I told him I was afraid he would be be mad at me for cumin in his mouth, but he told me he loved the taste of cum. He told me that he was seduced by his 40 year old boss. He had gone with his boss to a job site and his boss told him to stay in the truck and that he would be back in twenty mins. My cousin noticed 3 or 4 porn magazines in the truck so he started to look at them. Soon, he was hard and since his boss wouldn't be back for another 15 minutes, he pulls out his cock and started to stroke when his boss suddenly appears and was watchin him jacking off. He tells my cousin not to worry, that he does that too. He gets into the truck and asked my cousin if he likes the porn, he can have them if he would allow him to touch his cock. Well the next thing, he has my cousins cock in his mouth and sucks his off. my cousin tell me that if becomes a weekly sex meeting every Friday afternoon and his boss introduced his to not only suck each others cock but also into anal sex.
As I listen to my cousin tell me his story, he has continued to stroke my cock and I am enjoying his story, I have recovered and am hard again. My cousin noticed and starts to suck me again. This time I don't need any encouragemen so I lean over and take his cock into my mouth and start to suck him off.
As I am sucking him, I notice his cock enlarging and I suspect that he is about to cum in my mouth. I try to think what I am going to do, spit if out or swallow? Before I know it, his cock is spurting a large load of cum into my mouth! It is so much that I just swallow it and then he spurts another large load, I swallow it again at it is turnin me on again and I begin to cum again in his mouth. we continue to suck out that last drops from each others cocks and I am hooked of sucking cock and cum.

Nov 11, 2016, 12:00 PM
I was 9 or 10 and my older sister had a friend over to swim in our pool. I vividly remember my sister calling me into the basement with her friend. She had me drop my pants so they could fondle my cock and balls all the time asking questions about how it felt. Did it hurt if they squeezed my balls or pinched my cock. Looking back on it now I think it really fucked me up sexually. I didn't have another sexual encounter until I was 17 when I was living with my other sister. She had a friend over and they had been drinking. I came across her friend passed out on her bed wearing nothing but a bra and panties, that got me hard. I wasn't sure what I was doing but ended up jerking off for the first time. It was like someone turned on the light and all I could do was jerk off after that...two or three times a day. I didn't actually have sex until I was 19 in the service.

Nov 12, 2016, 11:20 AM
I always knew I was Bi and was hoping to meet another Bi Guy. There was no internet back then so it was difficult to do. An older guy invited me up to his place. I had a feeling he wanted to get together with me. We had a few drinks and then he showed me some porn picks. Then he started to rub my penis. He seemed surprised when I suggested we get naked. This was my first time so I just followed his lead. He had me lay on my back. He gave me some oral and then masturbated me until I came on myself. Then he straddled me and I masturbated him until he came on me. I guess he liked cumming on guys and I liked being cummed on.

Nov 14, 2016, 5:14 PM
Mine was early....my dad's girlfriends son and I would play with each other's cocks....resting them between each other's but cheeks and pump back and forth. My sister was sleeping once and we rubbed our cocks on her pussy.
My older step sister would have me pretend to fuck her with our clothes on....we tried it once naked but our parents came home before we figured it all out. A few years later my sister sat on my feet...I wiggled my toes and slipped into her a bit. She kinda ground herself onto my toes and had a small orgasm. That happened one more time when she came home drunk in high school. Nothing else happened but she came and sat on my feet and ground on my toes...
In college my friend and I used to watch porn and then go in separate rooms and jack off.
My girlfriend in college would whisper in my ear that she want to see me suck a cock whenever she wanted me to cum....