View Full Version : CODE RED: A new troll alert!!!

Dec 15, 2013, 1:57 PM
It never fails--we seem to either attract new ones or a few people who are obsessed about the same things or most likely-- my money is that the newest troll to the site "Lansana's Princess" is a person who has been on here over the years--because the things this person bitches about seems to be the same things that has been the focus of untold number of "new members" in such quantity---it really is hard to believe that every new troll is focused on the same things and says them in pretty much the same fashion.

Just thought I would let everyone know if you haven't figured it out already.

My suggestion--add Lansana's Priestess to your ignore list and don't respond to them or he or she. That is only "feeding the troll!" No sense in wasting any energy or time to the things this person says, you are not going to get them off the things that he, she or they are fixated on.

Dec 15, 2013, 2:06 PM
Keep your eyes open for another one coming up on the inside birthed the same day as another profile was placed in the cooling off area. Aliens bursting forward from his chest?…lol or just coincidental bigots.

Dec 15, 2013, 2:19 PM
Keep your eyes open for another one coming up on the inside birthed the same day as another profile was placed in the cooling off area. Aliens bursting forward from his chest?…lol or just coincidental bigots.

*LOL* good call tenni... I put them BOTH on ignore... such histrionics from newbies tire me

Dec 15, 2013, 2:25 PM
Yeah Peg--me too--it used to really bug me that we had this sort of thing that happens on here---now it sort is funny----but its also very sad that we either attract a number of such people or that its just one or a few such people who have hung on to vex us all these years--(I suspect it is just one or maybe no more than three or four people who do this)----because for those who first come here----and are really seeking to try to work out their feelings, desires and such about their sexuality--no matter what category it might be placed in----I am sure that such things as this have scared many "newbies" away and it might have been good for them to stay here awhile to talk to others in the same situation.

A fearsome grue
Dec 15, 2013, 3:38 PM
It is trolling when she doesn't have all or enough information about someone's situation and PM that person to belittle them.

Dec 15, 2013, 3:46 PM
Call them what you will. Or better yet, don't respond and just put them on the naughty/ignore list. Name calling gets nothing resolved, and they aren't going to change their opinions regardless of what you respond with.

Dec 15, 2013, 3:59 PM
It does not make someone a bigot if they are telling the truth that having lots of sexual partners leads to them and you getting infected with an STD or that cheating on a partner or helping someone to cheat is wrong.

No, it only makes you a sanctimonious fool proselytizing and attempting
to project your morals unto others. And others get rather annoyed over
such actions. So, knock it off.

Just talk to folks. You don't like their side of the conversation,
politely excuse yourself, move along. It is not a difficult concept to
comprehend. And most conversationalists will gracefully understand your
moving along, as a gentle message of "okay, I don't like this view of
the subject matter."

Nothing says you must agree with all. Nor does anything say you need
to like all. But you at least ought to try respecting all, yourself
inclusively. Being seen as Harpies or Trolls only discredits yourself
and degrades you. How can that be respecting yourself?

Dec 15, 2013, 4:00 PM
Yeah, I got the same above message from Princess, and I asked "And this pertains to Me How?" I dont care if some idiot has sex with animals, that His dilemma, not mine. And with me being sick right now, I'm not a nice person, so
"Go the Fuck AwaY" is my mantra for now...
Mean ole Cat.

Dec 15, 2013, 4:03 PM
Fzmr9t has sex with animals that's sick. [Fzmr9t]As I started searching the net for porn, I went from mainstream to somewhat extreme always looking for that extra shock value to get the next "hi". i found that golden showers, scat, BDSM really didn't do it for me. However, incest and bestiality and the stories, both "true", real, and fantasy based, were, and continue to be a real turn on.[/QUOTE]

*just sits, sighs ... moves on.*

Dec 15, 2013, 4:05 PM
Yeah, I got the same above message from Princess, and I asked "And this pertains to Me How?" I dont care if some idiot has sex with animals, that His dilemma, not mine. And with me being sick right now, I'm not a nice person, so
"Go the Fuck AwaY" is my mantra for now...
Mean ole Cat.

I nearly replied in similar fashion ... "Um, what the fuck all do I care? What the jack shit it got to do with me? So the fuck what, let it be. Not my thing but so what?"

Instead I did reply rather tamely, mildly, diplomatically but conveyed that same sentiment.

Hindsight? Well, erm ... *just keeps moving on*

Lisa (va)
Dec 15, 2013, 4:09 PM
So funny, folks complaining about trolls for years. Simple answer, don't feed into them. Agree or disagree with another person's ideals, fine, but one should not expect other folks to live by your ideals, or vice versa


hugs n kisses

Dec 15, 2013, 4:20 PM
I didnt say GTFW at that precise moment, but I Thought about it. And I told him/her/it to not drag me into that person's drama. "Fzmr9t has sex with animals that's sick. "

This is why I said 'And this pertains to Me How?"

Say bad things about other people, but dont just randomly IM me like I know you and drag me into stuff..
CLICK. Problem solved..
Mean Sick Old Cat.

Dec 15, 2013, 4:31 PM
I didn't respond to the message "she" sent about the person who said they like animal sex---for all we know--that was just another personality this person made up, putting up something controversial just to stir up the pot.

My response to this person was to post this thread up as an FYI to everyone that we obviously have another manic raging troll at loose again and suggested that people put "her" and the others on ignore---it really is best to not reply directly to this person or these persons---that only "feeds the troll!" Doing this much was probably bad enough.

I do wish that people would not respond to the sorts of things posted by names like NMCowboy---because that also feeds the fire--it is obvious if you read what that person says----he might not be a or the troll--but he is obviously a nasty, cranky and negative sod!!! :yikes2:

Dec 15, 2013, 4:40 PM
Wow. First of all, I never said that I had sex with animals. This person persisted, in a personal message, in asking me my other facets, of interest and I told her that I searched other types of porn.
Im not excusing my behavior or habits, nor trying to explain it, or myself. I'm only posting a response to this because this person chose to post in public, what was said in private. So, it's my fault entirely for expecting someone to behave in a respectful and adult manner.

Dec 15, 2013, 4:50 PM
So funny, folks complaining about trolls for years. Simple answer, don't feed into them. Agree or disagree with another person's ideals, fine, but one should not expect other folks to live by your ideals, or vice versa


hugs n kisses

Sorry, I had to emphasize what I perceive as a truth. Thank you for posting it.

Dec 15, 2013, 5:02 PM
Do NOT respond to any messages from lansana's priestess, unless you expect to see them on public display.

good luck to all!

Dec 15, 2013, 5:02 PM
Wow. First of all, I never said that I had sex with animals. This person persisted, in a personal message, in asking me my other facets, of interest and I told her that I searched other types of porn.
Im not excusing my behavior or habits, nor trying to explain it, or myself. I'm only posting a response to this because this person chose to post in public, what was said in private. So, it's my fault entirely for expecting someone to behave in a respectful and adult manner.

Well, I am glad that you are not one of the troll's many fake people they create----and too bad that this person took you to task as they did----I do think that most reasonable people do realize that many of the things we say on here---its just us trying to work out what we are thinking about, feel, etc when it comes to our "bisexuality" and its not something to be taken as gospel. You do have to understand----the person who is doing this---I really think it is the work of one person---the pattern of this person's operating manner is well established---he or she---I think it is actually a he----is a very mentally ill person---the person is probably a manic depressive and most of the time--things run at "his normal" which is mostly calm--but then once in awhile--something happens and he goes off into a major rage--right now---he is having one of those. We just have to hunker down and let this rage take its course.

One thing for sure----we can all be lucky that he only is in our virtual world here--and we are not near him where he lives in the real world---you can be sure----he makes life a trial for his family, friends and those who just happen to cross his path and he becomes fixated upon and makes their lives a living hell.

I also do think that he comes from a family that is well off--because when he started ---he lived in the Los Angeles area and now--with his new personalities---he says they are from New Mexico---so he might have moved there now.

This is all conjecture on my part----but I think I have a pretty good sense of this person and am not too far off the mark about him.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 15, 2013, 5:07 PM
Wow. First of all, I never said that I had sex with animals. This person persisted, in a personal message, in asking me my other facets, of interest and I told her that I searched other types of porn.
Im not excusing my behavior or habits, nor trying to explain it, or myself. I'm only posting a response to this because this person chose to post in public, what was said in private. So, it's my fault entirely for expecting someone to behave in a respectful and adult manner.

I got the Pm about your viewing habit and laughed..... I fix computers and I have seen some interesting viewing habits on their computers.... there are times that they have gone red in the face and tried to explain how the sites got there.... I just say it must have been a browser hijacker and that I found a couple of them so its no big deal......
they would not be the first people to explore the world of porn and they will not be the last lol......

and lets be honest, there are some good sites out there for alternative sexual interests that would make even the most straight laced, pillar of society wanna take a second or 3rd look lol

Dec 16, 2013, 12:21 AM
She sent me same PM, Fzmr9t, I don't know her, never talked to her just noticed she sent to three others besides me at same time.. just forwarded to Drew. Looks like he dealt with her.

Dec 16, 2013, 8:17 AM
I am personally looking for something that many others here are not looking for so I put enough on my profile to be specific. If I get private messages from someone looking for something different I can politely let them know that we are looking for different things and good luck. I do not need to convince everyone on every post who is looking for something different that they are wrong. Live and let live and do not drive the members nuts trying to shove your point of view down their throat. It is a great place to look for compatible people and to move on when when see others who are not. Thanks for providing it Drew!

Dec 16, 2013, 1:20 PM
She sent me same PM, Fzmr9t, I don't know her, never talked to her just noticed she sent to three others besides me at same time.. just forwarded to Drew. Looks like he dealt with her.

I think that "she" sent the same sorts of messages to more than just three people--it seems that pretty much anyone who is at all active on the forum got the same crap from "her"---it does seem that this profile, BiVirgo.25 and NMCowboys have either been banned or in cool off mode from Drew---thankfully---but I think that this person creates so many profiles and kind of lets them sit for awhile before using them--that some of the things getting posted on the board since those profiles have been shut down come from this person----but he is not doing the blitzkrieg thing with those names and just putting up "crazy talk" with them---just look at some of the things posted up by "new people" on the board to see what I mean--looking not only at their posts on here--but take a look at their profiles.

There is a pattern to the profiles this person puts up---they have some rather "odd" or skewed names----very little information is put on or if there is--its about them wanting something really weird and kinky which is a bit "off" for a real person who is just deciding they are going to explore their "bisexual" desires and urges----most real people are actually kind of reticent and shy about it all when they are first starting out, not talking and thinking about all sorts of wild and kinky stuff they want to do right out of the starting gate.

Dec 16, 2013, 1:32 PM
'She' was a right kinky trollop PM'ing everybody about beastiality. Bet 'she' got off on it and had to go lay down for a while after.:rolleyes:

Dec 16, 2013, 2:20 PM
Huh.. he/she/it deserved 2 b booted 'n banned... is sex discrimination.. every 1 did not get pm'd bout bestiality.. Fran did't:eek2:... o well.. we must b thankful for small mercies:impleased...

Dec 16, 2013, 3:43 PM
Does it count as trolling when DMCowboy is being sarcastic as Top Fucker?:confused:

Dec 16, 2013, 3:56 PM
"every 1 did not get pm'd bout bestiality.. Fran did't:eek2:"

Would you like some of us to forward the PM to you so that you do not feel left out? ;)

Annika L
Dec 16, 2013, 4:21 PM
Does it count as trolling when DMCowboy is being sarcastic as Top Fucker?:confused:

I just wish he'd masturbate with his genitals like everyone else, rather than using websites. Sad, sad, sad.

Annika L
Dec 16, 2013, 4:27 PM
There is a pattern to the profiles this person puts up---they have some rather "odd" or skewed names----very little information is put on or if there is--its about them wanting something really weird and kinky which is a bit "off" for a real person who is just deciding they are going to explore their "bisexual" desires and urges----most real people are actually kind of reticent and shy about it all when they are first starting out, not talking and thinking about all sorts of wild and kinky stuff they want to do right out of the starting gate.

It's masturbation, pure and simple, Volty. First he puts out a bunch of bait to get people talking and confessing to wanting or doing things...then he kicks in with a new (or sometimes even the same) persona to slam those people for what he got them talking about. So really, it's all about him getting himself off, and not caring who gets sprayed (sorry for that lovely bit of imagery, but it seemed ever so appropriate)...or rather wanting to spray as many as possible. Such a pathetic soul.

Dec 17, 2013, 12:04 PM
It's masturbation, pure and simple, Volty. First he puts out a bunch of bait to get people talking and confessing to wanting or doing things...then he kicks in with a new (or sometimes even the same) persona to slam those people for what he got them talking about. So really, it's all about him getting himself off, and not caring who gets sprayed (sorry for that lovely bit of imagery, but it seemed ever so appropriate)...or rather wanting to spray as many as possible. Such a pathetic soul.

I think you are right, Annika. You want to give people the benefit of the doubt to people--but this person or persons--is/are not exactly a mentally healthy individual(s).

It does look like this newest "troll storm" thankfully has passed on and like when a hurricane, tornado or bad thunderstorm has gone through---you just go on and pick up the pieces.

Dec 17, 2013, 1:17 PM
I think the troll is back--with a totally new way of doing things-----take a wild guess what new personality I am talking about who is posting up on the board now. If this guy really is this way---why would he need to come to a site like this?---the dude would be on some hard core, "Pig" gay web site.

Got to hand it to the troll if I am correct----it is a pretty inventive and new manner of doing his thing---if the dude is real----I think he will get bored of us pretty quick!! :yikes2:

Dec 17, 2013, 2:32 PM
It is not too difficult to figure out which "new" poster is posting hard core "pig" gay web site talk. I just have to see if I get a feeling in my stomach..lol What is more difficult to determine is this a sexual practice that I am not interested or involved in and that the poster(s) have a right to discuss this without persecution or being accused of being trolls? I notice that some members are responding in the affirmative that they enjoy these sexual practices. Not all the sexual practices are being commented by other posters though. Some of his threads are mostly comments from him. Interesting.

Dec 17, 2013, 4:04 PM
As someone said in an earlier post on this thread or another. "If you don't like the content or what's being discussed, don't read it and move along".

If they want to post stuff to get a rise out of someone (bad pun?) and no one responds, then they will probably just move along themselves at some point.

Dec 17, 2013, 6:55 PM
Omg! I bet nmcowboy could really go off on that Top Fucker guy because he seems a little nasty, even for me. Yuck!

Dec 18, 2013, 12:59 PM
I just wish he'd masturbate with his genitals like everyone else, rather than using websites. Sad, sad, sad.
Well now he's getting all his sexual fantasies out, he's prob doing quite a lot of that.:tongue:
Shame his partner is makebelieve tho, coz I bet he'd love the new look.lol