View Full Version : Got it bad for a young stud at the gym

Dec 13, 2013, 4:09 PM
I can't stop thinking about this guy. He is fucking gorgeous, and he's there all the time. I see him constantly. I want to suck his cock so fucking bad. I have never sucked a cock before, and I never really experienced these feelings before, but this young guy does it for me. He's probably 20 years younger than me. As I was working out and watching him, I fantasized about just walking up to him and saying, "Hey. My name's Joe. I see you hear all the time. You've got an amazing body. I would love to suck your cock." Does that stuff work?

Dec 13, 2013, 4:23 PM
I can't stop thinking about this guy. He is fucking gorgeous, and he's there all the time. I see him constantly. I want to suck his cock so fucking bad. I have never sucked a cock before, and I never really experienced these feelings before, but this young guy does it for me. He's probably 20 years younger than me. As I was working out and watching him, I fantasized about just walking up to him and saying, "Hey. My name's Joe. I see you hear all the time. You've got an amazing body. I would love to suck your cock." Does that stuff work?

Leave him alone. Guys that try to pick up other men at a gym, or in the locker room are creepy. He's probably heterosexual and even if he is gay or bi what makes you assume he's interested in having sex with you, or OK with some random dude propositioning him for sex? Real life is not a gay porn movie. Seriously what's with the creepy gay and bi men who are too obsessed with men or man crazy and treat other men like a piece of meat, calling them a stud, etc.?

Dec 13, 2013, 5:25 PM
Leave him alone. Guys that try to pick up other men at a gym, or in the locker room are creepy. He's probably heterosexual and even if he is gay or bi what makes you assume he's interested in having sex with you, or OK with some random dude propositioning him for sex? Real life is not a gay porn movie. Seriously what's with the creepy gay and bi men who are too obsessed with men or man crazy and treat other men like a piece of meat, calling them a stud, etc.?

Disagree entirely. Picking up guys or girls is a natural human endeavor. Being that forward about it could certainly turn someone off, even if the guy is queer, but there's nothing wrong with being attracted to someone sexually, emotionally or both. We all end up in that position at one time or another.

And sometimes upfront pick ups like that work! Problem is, they usually don't and it could make things pretty awkward later on if the guy freaks out. That's true even if the guy is bisexual or gay. He needs to find a better way to approach the guy that doesn't have the potential of scaring the guy off or making it real weird around the gym later on.

How to do it? I'm not sure. That's the tough question, even among hetero folks. I suppose the age old technique of starting up some small talk to find common interests with the guy might be a place to start.

Dec 13, 2013, 5:39 PM
If you were twenty years younger and an older man approached you and asked to suck your cock while at the gym, what would your reaction be? What if you approached a woman twenty years younger than you, is that part of your sexual practices?

The first issue is approaching him in a casual manner. That is all fine. If he is on the weights, you could go over and ask him about a technique that he uses to start a conversation. Go slow and cautious. If he is on a treadmill and there is a vacant one next to him use it. Nod hello. Find some inoffensive reason to comment to him. Introduce yourself. See how receptive he is to chatting with an older guy. Long journey before you are going to come anywhere near sucking his cock. Give it a try if you want but do be considerate.

Dec 13, 2013, 6:52 PM
I was working out and a younger guy next to me was alternating between lying on his back on a bench and raising a dumbbell over his head, and then getting back up to switch to another weight and then back down on the bench again
i innocently, with no ulterior motive at all, asked him if he wanted me to save him a step so he wouldn't need to keep getting up. Not sure if it really freaked him out, but he made a point to let me know he had kids.
i finished my bench work, kinda did the head nod, goodbye, and walked off to work out my abs (they do need work).
so, I'm not sure how anyone, male or female would react to actually being 'hit on' while they worked on their glutes

Dec 14, 2013, 1:07 PM
Hmm. it might've been what your eyes were saying, even if it didn't come outta your mouth - our body language can still say a lot about the way we are feeling toward others.

Dec 14, 2013, 8:45 PM
Have to agree. If a guy 20 years older than me made such a comment at the gym, I'd have him kicked out. If I were to ever do that to someone 20 years younger I'd expect a similar reaction.

And I am someone who has played with men 20 years older than myself and age doesn't matter much. It is all about appropriate behavior in public. You're in a gym, not gloryhole booth.

Top fucker
Dec 17, 2013, 3:34 PM
Ask him directly if he wants his dick sucked or catch him in the locker room and ask there. ;)

Dec 17, 2013, 3:55 PM
Other than the age difference (and NMCowboys constant negativity please STFU), nothing wrong with a somple "hey what's up ?". Get to know him on a friendly basis, and see where it leads. You never know if he might not say "wanna grab a beer ?" or want to take things further. As long as you are not overtly "creepy", or sexual, nothing wrong with striking up a casual friendship and seeing where it might go. I had this kind of friendly introduction a few times in the past, and regret not saying "yeah, why not ?"...

Top fucker
Dec 19, 2013, 7:17 PM
hot4sc did you ever approach this guy? If you do just be honest and tell him how you want to suck him off, or look for men who want to suck and fuck in the locker room! ;)

Dec 20, 2013, 5:25 PM
Myself, being a bi bottom, I like to drop hints by how I dress, to show men (and any kinky women ;-) ) that I may be married, but I am available for sex! So far no one has taken me up on it, but my strategically placed tattoos, and pierced belly button, break the ice real well when I'm naked in the sauna! I wear tiny 7-8" women's net microshorts, showing off some of my tattoos, and my shaved body at the gym :) In the summer all I wear is the micro shorts outside, unless its early morning, when I run nude :) I also wear thongs and g-strings to the lakes!

Top fucker
Dec 20, 2013, 9:23 PM
Myself, being a bi bottom, I like to drop hints by how I dress, to show men (and any kinky women ;-) ) that I may be married, but I am available for sex! So far no one has taken me up on it, but my strategically placed tattoos, and pierced belly button, break the ice real well when I'm naked in the sauna! I wear tiny 7-8" women's net microshorts, showing off some of my tattoos, and my shaved body at the gym :) In the summer all I wear is the micro shorts outside, unless its early morning, when I run nude :) I also wear thongs and g-strings to the lakes! Do you wear that pantyhose in the gym or in the men's locker room???

Bisexual Explorer
Dec 21, 2013, 7:34 AM
Do anything direct (per TF's suggestion), and you're likely to get punched out, big time. Plus, I doubt you don't need everyone in the gym to know your sexual preferences. Go slow... if he's interested he'll let you know.
Bisexual Explorer

Dec 21, 2013, 8:30 AM
I like looking but don't approach them. Some do know your looking. I had one guy we were in the shower room he seen I glanced at his cock as he did mine and smiled. I had a towel wrapped around me sitting on a bench at my locker. He came over wrapped in a towel to started taking with me all small talk. We introduced our selfs to each other. He put one foot up on the bench, putting his fore arm on his thigh. There was his cock and nuts right at eye level. He then pulled his towel back a little to give me a better view. We ended up at his place.