View Full Version : I played with fire and got burned

R. R. Wayne
Dec 11, 2013, 9:40 PM
I have been bi-sexual all of my adult life. I have sucked a lot of cock and eaten a fair amount of pussy. Much of this done outside of the marriage bed. I have been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of tongue, neck and one lymph gland.. I never smoked, rarely drink, don't chew tobacco and have not been exposed to asbestos. There is a better than 75% average that my cancer is from HPV. So far, my wife has not made a connection, but the knowledgeable sites give HPV a major role in the cancer I have. I hope to beat this disease. I have seven weeks of radiation and chemotherapy starting next week. So --- if you wonder if unprotected sex with indiscriminate partners is safe -- you might want to give it some more thought. I am done with sucking cock. Good luck to all of you.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 11, 2013, 9:52 PM
I wish you the best of luck and may the treatment be successful for your sake......tho I want to ask about your wife, is she going to be tested just in case she carries the hpv virus herself now and may run the risk of ending up with the same issues as you.

Dec 11, 2013, 10:35 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about this. USA today did an article on this, and thats why I'm very very careful about who i have oral sex with. I mean I admit it is too fun, I love it, but I havent done it in years. Used to give random guys blowjob all the time. I hope you make a full recovery and are healthier than you were before.

Dec 12, 2013, 12:17 AM
Actor Michael Douglas said that his throat cancer came from engaging in oral sex---he said always with women, so this is obviously a problem with having oral sex with both males and females----man it sure does suck that we thought we had pretty much beat down STDs in the early 20th century thanks to the development of antibiotics, but then things like HIV/AIDS came along, and now HPV--and don't forget about two forms of Hepatitis that can be spread via both coital and oral sex.

Its enough to say NO MORE SEX at all!! Kind of depressing!

I do wish you all the best with your health situation and that you make a full and healthy recovery.

Dec 12, 2013, 12:29 AM
Your assuming the cancer originated on your tongue rather than your neck. I had squamous cell carcinoma on my face that was from too much sun, not too much oral sex.

Dec 12, 2013, 3:20 AM
Good luck. I hope the treatments work for you. I know someone who had throat cancer but it was from alcoholism, they had treatment, and the cancer went into remission.

Long Duck is right you should tell your wife since she should know that she has HPV, and might have health issues now or need treatment for it.

Michele Mayelle
Dec 12, 2013, 10:19 AM
I have been bi-sexual all of my adult life. I have sucked a lot of cock and eaten a fair amount of pussy. Much of this done outside of the marriage bed. I have been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of tongue, neck and one lymph gland.. I never smoked, rarely drink, don't chew tobacco and have not been exposed to asbestos. There is a better than 75% average that my cancer is from HPV. So far, my wife has not made a connection, but the knowledgeable sites give HPV a major role in the cancer I have. I hope to beat this disease. I have seven weeks of radiation and chemotherapy starting next week. So --- if you wonder if unprotected sex with indiscriminate partners is safe -- you might want to give it some more thought. I am done with sucking cock. Good luck to all of you.

I was sorry to read about your predicament. I think you, & anyone else diagnosed with cancer should consider ALL options & search Shirleys Wellness Cafe. Then search Dr Johanna Budwig on that site. I think you will find, what you read there about cancer treatment will open your mind to the alternatives. She was medical adviser to the German Government & not some quack. This is not a site trying to sell you something, only facts. Please let me know your thoughts on the subject

Dec 12, 2013, 1:06 PM
ojibwateaoflife, I've been taking it for 2 years and have not even had a clod, check it out, research is free

R. R. Wayne
Dec 12, 2013, 3:55 PM
I am gonna take my chances with traditional medical care. Steve Jobs had all the money in the world and alternative care did not save him. But thank you for thinking of me.

Dec 12, 2013, 3:57 PM
I am gonna take my chances with traditional medical care. Steve Jobs had all the money in the world and alternative care did not save him. But thank you for thinking of me.

Steve Jobs died of AIDS because he refused to take any medications for HIV/AIDS.

Dec 12, 2013, 7:42 PM
Hi RR Wayne
I'm terribly sorry that this has befallen you. I wish you well in fighting this cancer. I have heard attempts to link HPV with tongue mouth cancers lately. I did a little research (probably not enough yet) and found that there are over 40 different types of HPV. In my province young people both girls and boys (12 yr to 26 years) have been offered free HPV vaccinations for the four most common types of HPV that lead to cervical cancer. I'm unsure if this vaccine works for to prevent the type of cancer that you seem to have. It was reported in one document that 50% of men and women who are sexually active have had HPV but most do not have any symptoms and recover without any medication. This indicates to me that not all HPV virus forms are as dangerous as others.

Did they specify what type of HPV virus that causes this tongue cancer or just use the general term HPV?

Again, I do wish you well with your cancer battle. It is very sad that a long time poster like yourself has had this happen.

Dec 12, 2013, 11:39 PM
A little more research on HPV and oral cancer brings conflicting results but they are very interesting. Check out the link.


How do people get oral HPV?
Only a few studies have looked at how people get oral HPV, and some of these studies show conflicting results. Some studies suggest that oral HPV may be passed on during oral sex (from mouth-to-genital or mouth-to-anus contact) or open-mouthed (“French”) kissing, others have not. The likelihood of getting HPV from kissing or having oral sex with someone who has HPV is not known. We do know that partners who have been together a long time tend to share genital HPV—meaning they both may have it. More research is needed to understand exactly how people get and give oral HPV infections.

Dec 12, 2013, 11:50 PM
Actor Michael Douglas said that his throat cancer came from engaging in oral sex---he said always with women, so this is obviously a problem with having oral sex with both males and females----man it sure does suck that we thought we had pretty much beat down STDs in the early 20th century thanks to the development of antibiotics, but then things like HIV/AIDS came along, and now HPV--and don't forget about two forms of Hepatitis that can be spread via both coital and oral sex.

Its enough to say NO MORE SEX at all!! Kind of depressing!

I do wish you all the best with your health situation and that you make a full and healthy recovery.

Michael Douglas lied and claimed he had throat cancer from HPV from giving oral sex but it was really tongue cancer that he got from smoking and too much alcohol.


Dec 13, 2013, 11:15 AM
NMCowboys Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer, nowhere was it mentioned he had HIV or Aids ? Another internet conspiracy theory ?

Dec 13, 2013, 1:57 PM
NMCowboys Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer, nowhere was it mentioned he had HIV or Aids ? Another internet conspiracy theory ?
Try searching more. No it's not an internet conspiracy theory. The hundreds of thousands of Chinese who are forced to work as slaves Apple's Foxconn factories rejoiced when the cult leader died.

Dec 13, 2013, 3:07 PM
Sorry to hear that good luck with the treatment.Hope all goes well.

Dec 13, 2013, 5:55 PM
I went through chemo and radiation for SCC in my right tonsil and neck in 2010. I was stage four and lost 100 pounds during the course of treatment. I've been in remission for 4 years now. Feel free to write me if I can offer any help or advice. How you got the disease is somewhat immaterial now. It's quite survivable and I wish you the best!

Dec 15, 2013, 12:42 AM
Feeling better now having kick somebody while they are down? There is a reason why such acts are called "low blows".

Dec 15, 2013, 12:53 AM
I have been bi-sexual all of my adult life. I have sucked a lot of cock and eaten a fair amount of pussy. Much of this done outside of the marriage bed. I have been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of tongue, neck and one lymph gland.. I never smoked, rarely drink, don't chew tobacco and have not been exposed to asbestos. There is a better than 75% average that my cancer is from HPV. So far, my wife has not made a connection, but the knowledgeable sites give HPV a major role in the cancer I have. I hope to beat this disease. I have seven weeks of radiation and chemotherapy starting next week. So --- if you wonder if unprotected sex with indiscriminate partners is safe -- you might want to give it some more thought. I am done with sucking cock. Good luck to all of you.

RR, you and I have had our disagreements but I wouldn't wish anything like this on anyone. Please get better and please urge your wife to be checked.

Dec 15, 2013, 5:46 AM
how regrettable.
As a Catholic, I believe in a god of love.
In loving, you (everyone) submits yourself to dangers.
Pregnancy, STDs, emotional attachment, etc.
It's safer to not love, to not risk.
It's unsafe to love and risk.
While I highly recommend safe sex practices... as often as practicable.
Love is most dangerous, in all of it's aspects, else it would not be a virtue.
Do not feel ashamed or regret the love you have given. I feel that will be our glory in leaving this existence.
My hope is that you will be okay and live a long time.

But if I understand the genesis of this thread you started...
You risked (sexually) loving others... and may suffer serious consequences.
Remember that Jesus knowingly came to save the very people that would beg his death and crucify him. That is love above what I'm capable of. It is an ideal to strive for... if this existence has any meaning at all...

My most sincere and strongest best wishes to you - that I have ever wished to anyone on this site,

Dec 15, 2013, 8:01 AM
Is there a test for HPV in men?

Currently, there is no HPV test recommended for men. The only approved HPV tests on the market are for screening women for cervical cancer. They are not useful for screening for HPV-related cancers or genital warts in men.

Screening for anal cancer is not routinely recommended for men. This is because more research is needed to find out if it can actually prevent anal cancer. However, some experts do recommend yearly anal cancer screening (anal Pap tests) for gay, bisexual, and HIV-positive men – since anal cancer is more common in these men.
There is no approved test to find genital warts for men or women. However, most of the time, you can see genital warts. If you think you may have genital warts, you should see a health care provider.
There is no test for men to check one’s overall “HPV status.” But HPV usually goes away on its own, without causing health problems. So an HPV infection that is found today will most likely not be there a year or two from now.
Screening tests are not available for penile cancer.

You can check for any abnormalities on your penis, scrotum, or around the anus. See your doctor if you find warts, blisters, sores, ulcers, white patches, or other abnormal areas on your penis—even if they do not hurt.

Is there a treatment or cure for HPV?
There is no treatment or cure for HPV. But there are ways to treat the health problems caused by HPV in men.
Genital warts can be treated with medicine, removed (surgery), or frozen off. Some of these treatments involve a visit to the doctor. Others can be done at home by the patient himself. No one treatment is better than another. But warts often come back within a few months after treatment—so several treatments may be needed. Treating genital warts may not necessarily lower a man’s chances of passing HPV on to his sex partner. If warts are not treated, they may go away on their own, stay the same, or grow (in size or number). They will not turn into cancer.
Cancers of the penis, anus, and oropharynx can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Often, two or more of these treatments are used together. Patients should decide with their doctors which treatments are best for them.

Are there ways to lower my chances of getting HPV?
A safe and effective HPV vaccine (Gardasil) can protect boys and men against the HPV types that cause most genital warts and anal cancers. It is given in three shots over six months. [See vaccine recommendations below.]
Condoms (if used with every sex act, from start to finish) may lower your chances of passing HPV to a partner or developing HPV-related diseases. But HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom—so condoms may not fully protect against HPV.
Because HPV is so common and usually invisible, the only sure way to prevent it is not to have sexual contact. Even people with only one lifetime sex partner can get HPV, if their partner was infected with HPV.

I heard about a new HPV vaccine – can it help me?
If you are 26 or younger, there is an HPV vaccine that can help protect you against the types of HPV that most commonly cause problems in men. The HPV vaccine (Gardasil) works by preventing four common HPV types, two that cause most genital warts and two that cause cancers, including anal cancer. It protects against new HPV infections; it does not cure existing HPV infections or disease (like genital warts). It is most effective when given before a person’s first sexual contact (i.e., when s/he may be exposed to HPV).

CDC recommends the HPV vaccine for all boys ages 11 or 12, and for males through age 21, who have not already received all three doses. The vaccine is also recommended for gay and bisexual men (or any man who has sex with men), and men with compromised immune systems (including HIV) through age 26, if they did not get fully vaccinated when they were younger. The vaccine is safe for allmen through age 26, but it is most effective when given at younger ages.
The HPV vaccine is very safe and effective, with no serious side effects. The most common side effect is soreness in the arm. Studies show that the vaccine can protect men against genital warts and anal cancers. It is likely that this vaccine also protects men from other HPV-related cancers, like cancers of the penis and oropharynx (back of throat, including base of tongue and tonsils), but there are no vaccine studies that have evaluated these outcomes.

I just found out that my partner has HPV …

What does it mean for my health?
Partners usually share HPV. If you have been with your partner for a long time, you probably have HPV already. Most sexually active adults will have HPV at some time in their lives. Although HPV is common, the health problems caused by HPV are much less common.
Condoms may lower your chances of getting HPV or developing HPV-related diseases, if used with every sex act, from start to finish. You may want to consider talking to your doctor about being vaccinated against HPV if you are 26 years or younger. But not having sex is the only sure way to avoid HPV.
If your partner has genital warts, you should avoid having sex until the warts are gone or removed. You can check for any abnormalities on your penis, such as genital warts. Also, you may want to get checked by a health care provider for genital warts and other sexually transmitted disease (STDs).

What does it mean for our relationship?
A person can have HPV for many years before it is found or causes health problems. So there is no way to know if your partner gave you HPV, or if you gave HPV to your partner.

HPV should not be seen as a sign that you or your partner is having sex outside of your relationship.


Dec 15, 2013, 8:05 AM
Some posters are telling Wayne to tell his partner to get checked. You can get HPV from French Kissing as long ago as twenty plus years ago. It may be killed by your own immune system. There is no test to detect HPV in men. There are tests to detect HPV that causes cervical cancer in women and not HPV that may cause oral cancer in women.

The only way to avoid HPV is to not have any sexual contact, including kissing, with anyone for your entire life.

Don't you think that any person who has a partner with oral cancer would be told to get checked by their doctor for oral cancer(not HPV)? Facts not moralizing is best. Get your sons and daughters under 26 to take the HPV vaccine or take it if you are under 26..both men and women. The four more common forms of cancer causing HPV could disappear in a generation if all people took the vaccine. If governments paid for the vaccine, this would reduce the tragedy of cervical and maybe oral cancer in a generation.

Bisexual men (and women?) who do anal sex should be tested with an anal pap smear test annually.

Learn the fact people. Don't be a dumb moralizing arse accusing bisexuals of this or that disease. You're a troll if you do this intentionally.

Dec 15, 2013, 8:36 AM
It's not a low blow. It's the truth. If you suck lots of dick or eat lots of pussy you're gonna get HPV and probably herpes too. This guy should tell his wife if he actually cares about her, their relationship, and her health since now she has HPV too and may need cancer treatment. But his profile says he's gay so maybe they stopped having sex decades before he got the HPV?

Are all of your posts inspired by hate?

This guy did something he regrets and needs help. Now look, if his wife comes back on him hard, that would be karma. He wouldn't need YOUR opinion to make it worse, though I wouldn't protest that.

However, we're talking about cancer here. And combined with you calling a group of people pedophiles, with you identifying as a woman in a lesbian relationship (yet dissatisfied with your penis per post), it makes me wonder if you're on here only to wish us bisexuals get disease and troll.

I hope your therapies go well, OP. HPV or not, hopefully it is treatable. As far as guilt over other things which you think may have caused it...it is in the past, you have the future to look forward to!

Dec 15, 2013, 2:18 PM
God have mercy on you, NMCowboy/LP/BiVirgo. You have a cold heart and a mean spirit.
It's a dreadful shame the damage that's been done to you.
I pray for your soul.
Then I pray that you just f*cking go away.


Dec 15, 2013, 2:27 PM
I am in love with ya By!!!! You said it all!!!

Dec 15, 2013, 3:18 PM
I'm new on here and haven't posted much, but I, really, wish to meet Lansana's Princess because in all my 52 years I've yet to meet a perfect person. To R.R. Wayne, my prayers go with you.

Dec 16, 2013, 1:10 PM
I'm new on here and haven't posted much, but I, really, wish to meet Lansana's Princess because in all my 52 years I've yet to meet a perfect person. To R.R. Wayne, my prayers go with you.

I do hope that you are joking, right???

Dec 19, 2013, 6:13 PM
I'm joking about meeting "the princess", but I'm serious about my prayers.

R. R. Wayne
Jan 22, 2014, 7:18 PM
http://dribrook.blogspot.com/2014/01/no-increased-risk-of-infection-for-sex .html

(http://dribrook.blogspot.com/2014/01/no-increased-risk-of-infection-for-sex .html)I found something interesting today ad wanted to share it.

The one/two punch of chemo and radiation a real bitch.

Jan 22, 2014, 10:46 PM
Some posters are telling Wayne to tell his partner to get checked. You can get HPV from French Kissing as long ago as twenty plus years ago. It may be killed by your own immune system. There is no test to detect HPV in men. There are tests to detect HPV that causes cervical cancer in women and not HPV that may cause oral cancer in women.

The only way to avoid HPV is to not have any sexual contact, including kissing, with anyone for your entire life.

Don't you think that any person who has a partner with oral cancer would be told to get checked by their doctor for oral cancer(not HPV)? Facts not moralizing is best. Get your sons and daughters under 26 to take the HPV vaccine or take it if you are under 26..both men and women. The four more common forms of cancer causing HPV could disappear in a generation if all people took the vaccine. If governments paid for the vaccine, this would reduce the tragedy of cervical and maybe oral cancer in a generation.

Bisexual men (and women?) who do anal sex should be tested with an anal pap smear test annually.

Learn the fact people. Don't be a dumb moralizing arse accusing bisexuals of this or that disease. You're a troll if you do this intentionally.

I agree about your common sense approach to disease. I do not understand the you/I deserve punishment attitude for not being perfect or worse not being perfect by other's standards. You get to live once, leave without regrets is my advise. Something is going to kill you even if you never have sex with anyone else. I almost died when I was 30 yrs old. That had nothing to do with sex, other than I was lucky to live to enjoy more.

R. R. Wayne
Jan 23, 2014, 7:30 PM

You are a great guy. Thanks for the support.

Jan 23, 2014, 7:57 PM
R. R.
I could not get into the link. Are you in the middle of the therapy or can you see the end of therapy being closer now? Good luck.

Jan 23, 2014, 10:19 PM

You are a great guy. Thanks for the support. I am not so great. I just like people like you and others that love life and are determined to overcome adversity.
I wish the best for you and am happy you have had a lot of good experiences come your way.

R. R. Wayne
Jan 24, 2014, 7:18 PM

I am kind of in mid treatment. One more chemo and 16 more radiation blasts. Basically the link said tat head and neck cancer can not proven to come from orl sex. You can get it from kissing and it can take decades to show up. So if I did get it from sex I did not et it from cheating onn my wife

Feb 2, 2014, 10:33 PM
If you actually care about your wife and love her and are not one of those selfish fags who only think about their own sexual needs while cheating on their wives and lying to them-which you did-you must tell her how you are gay and have had sex with other men and have HPV because of cheating on her since she may need treatment for HPV and other STDs. You are motivated by arrogance and the desire to insult others that do not agree with you. Thus, you craft your vile replies in total ignorance of the facts of their lives. The facts, mean nothing to a know-it-all like you. So given your unhealthy compulsion to espouse your dogma, you can’t let that get in your way of treating people like shit.

Feb 16, 2014, 11:36 PM

I am kind of in mid treatment. One more chemo and 16 more radiation blasts. Basically the link said tat head and neck cancer can not proven to come from orl sex. You can get it from kissing and it can take decades to show up. So if I did get it from sex I did not et it from cheating onn my wife

Well, well?
Dammit, how are you doing now?
Please don't leave us hanging for so long.

Best Wishes,

Feb 20, 2014, 4:04 PM
sadly to say sex will never be the same, no matter which partner you choose:confused:

Mar 15, 2014, 8:43 PM
Oh, come off it. Yes, Apple is a crappy company that makes mediocre products they sell to sycophants, but that has nothing to do with what Steve Jobs died from. He had pancreatic cancer, NOT AIDS.