View Full Version : Being discreet is what makes these sites attractive!

Jul 21, 2006, 11:03 AM
All these posts
about who you'd want to meet
or who you have already met ---- ON THESE main Forums

might put some people off........
who are already shy and concerned about being 'out there' .

Thus, turning them away from our community who for the most part.. is a very insightful, informative and supportive bunch of folks.. who understand the need to be discreet. imho.

i was wondering if anyone else feels the same way in regards to some of the recent posts?

Jul 21, 2006, 12:27 PM
I think it is important to show success stories and occasional negative experiences, it is a part of who we are. You have a valid point that we need to keep everyones feelings in mind so as not to push anyone out and just having this discussion will help do that.

I had a LONG conversation last night with a member of the site and she helped me work out allot things and I would never have struck up a conversation with her if it hadn't been for the forum. We talk about sex, "alternative" lifestyles and sometimes the humor gets, dry, sarcastic, twisted, ribald etc. Maybe a third section to the forum dedicated to new users with experienced moderators to keep it a safe place for new people or even established members who would prefer a tamed down envirment.

I am all for forming another section and dedicating one as a "SAFE" place, moderators could move off topic subjects into the appropriate forum

Jul 21, 2006, 12:31 PM
. Maybe a third section to the forum dedicated to new users with experienced moderators to keep it a safe place for new people or even established members who would prefer a tamed down envirment.
Now there's an idea. I'm sure this place can be a tad imposing to the uninitiated.

Jul 21, 2006, 1:23 PM
I understand about the discreet thing. :-)
I'm pretty shy and discreet acting in real life.. I refuse to step inside a sex shop yet, I'll browse a sex shop online if its a discreet website!! (Although sometimes I wonder if in Real Life I just don't want to go in a sex shop alone.... but if someone asked me to go with them I'll consider it.)

When I first came to the forums on this site, I was actually new for a week, but had been lurking about. But I saw how friendly everyone was, how helpful they were to other's when advice was needed and such so I thought it was safe to post here :-) and IT IS!!
But maybe a separated forum is a good idea for those who are new but don't really want to talk about sex stuff "yet" or read posts about it, let them just read and response to friendly posts then when they feel comfortable, they can read the other forum. (this one)

I was reading the list of topics on this forum and I do have to say some may freak out newcomers from posting. Yes, you can always ignore posts you don't want to read (or will read later) but you do have to admit some of the topics are a bit too.... personal. Might bother some people into thinking the site is a porn site or something.

So maybe a separate forum for newbies till they feel comfortable with the site? :-) Just my thoughts and I love this forum cause of all the nice people. :-)

Jul 21, 2006, 4:46 PM
I think being discreet is good for people who feel that they need that until they are use to everyone else about things and when it comes to the newer people I hope that if they have questions to answer that they either come to the chat room and join us all for awhile to understand or even post something in the forums cause I do see some crazy things here on the forums but its also helpful to those who need it.


Jul 21, 2006, 5:28 PM
can we get some feedback on this from some senior moderators? Would it be possible to Moderate the main forum page and add a section for issues that may be a little too much for some of us?

Jul 21, 2006, 6:21 PM
I'm not sure I "get" how people posting to the forums would make someone feel like they could not keep as low a profile as they wanted. I am sure there are many people that just lurk through most of the site.

There are plenty of postings that I have no interest in myself, but I see their value as showing how diverse our interests are as a group are. I only see that as a positive thing.

Maybe someone could provide an example?

Jul 21, 2006, 6:31 PM
I'm not sure I "get" how people posting to the forums would make someone feel like they could not keep as low a profile as they wanted. I am sure there are many people that just lurk through most of the site.

True enough, sir. We are all adults here with the ability to ignore what we don't like or consider somewhat risque.

Jul 21, 2006, 6:52 PM
I'm not sure I "get" how people posting to the forums would make someone feel like they could not keep as low a profile as they wanted. I am sure there are many people that just lurk through most of the site.

There are plenty of postings that I have no interest in myself, but I see their value as showing how diverse our interests are as a group are. I only see that as a positive thing.

Maybe someone could provide an example?

for example ..

you are a person in a marriage.. this is the first time you are attempting to explore your bisexuality.. and you want some info and support anonymously.

[and yes tags provide some protection.. but for a person already a bit skittish- that may not be enough.. and those are the folks that really need the support the most.]

you find this site.

you look at the forum.. because it is the most prominent area of the page.... even more so than the actual chat page..

and the subjects. of the forum read...

guess who i was with last night from here..... and

who would you most like to meet from here......

or kiss and tell.

hmmmmmmmmmm... that might make someone hesitant or down right panic... that this is NOT the place to get discreet info or support.

how are they supposed to know that the people posting here are wonderful, caring folks who do respect privacy.

they may have the impression that this is another sex.. site.. with the added bonus of big mouths to boot.... hypothetically speaking.

if that makes sense to you.

i myself am pretty opened about my bisexuality... but i do know quite a few people who are not.. and are very concerned about being able to explore and get support and info discreetly...

and while yes, we are all adults and we can read or not read the forum..

why would someone already anxious about exploring...
want to stay and explore other areas of this site....

if their first impression of the site ... is a place where the atomsphere is so at ease that its members can publicly share who they were with the night before

they may get the impression this site is NOT the site for them to get what they need.... info and support.

when in actuality........... it is exactly the place that would provide such wonderful interaction.

stepping off the soap box...lol..............

Jul 21, 2006, 7:13 PM
I am NOT discreet or furtive, as I see these traits as ones that heteronormative male society tries to put on men to hide their sexuality.

By this I mean people who are married that cheat on their husband/spouse/partner of any gender.

Jul 21, 2006, 7:14 PM
Okay...Here are my :2cents: ....

This is an open site that has thus far talked about sex, songs, jokes, Dickman, tattoos, tasting cum, explicit pictures, heartbreaks, deaths, mental breakdowns, a few would be shrinks that want to explain to the world why we happen to be wierd, some gleeky tags, loved ones going of to war, loved ones having died, some that may be ill, some that are sick of life,...etc.

Some threads I don't respond to because quite frankly, I don't really know what to say...Some have made me sad while others have made me ponder some things in my life...There are people here who are str8 open about being Bisexual and then there are those that are just plain str8, but happen to have a loved one that is bi or bi-curious...If someone is worried about having a date with someone her and then worried about being exposed...WTF?...Exposed to who? Us? Half of us are in an open relationship while others are being discrete...If you hook up here, thats great. Just be care cause like everything else in the cyber-world, you have your punk predators that just wanna do you harm...But if you are worried that those people that are in your personal life may find out that your are wierd, fag, lezbo, joto, etc. by reading the forums/threads, I guess my first question would be, "Why are they on this site in the first place? To find out about you???" C'mon folks, interact a little with the people here and then use your better judgement...Don't know if I am off the mark by what was actually asked, but thats all I gotta say about that... :soapbox: :paw: :paw:

Jul 21, 2006, 7:17 PM
Okay...Here are my :2cents: ....

This is an open site that has thus far talked about sex, songs, jokes, Dickman, tattoos, tasting cum, explicit pictures, heartbreaks, deaths, mental breakdowns, a few would be shrinks that want to explain to the world why we happen to be wierd, some gleeky tags, loved ones going of to war, loved ones having died, some that may be ill, some that are sick of life,...etc.

Some threads I don't respond to because quite frankly, I don't really know what to say...Some have made me sad while others have made me ponder some things in my life...There are people here who are str8 open about being Bisexual and then there are those that are just plain str8, but happen to have a loved one that is bi or bi-curious...If someone is worried about having a date with someone her and then worried about being exposed...WTF?...Exposed to who? Us? Half of us are in an open relationship while others are being discrete...If you hook up here, thats great. Just be care cause like everything else in the cyber-world, you have your punk predators that just wanna do you harm...But if you are worried that those people that are in your personal life may find out that your are wierd, fag, lezbo, joto, etc. by reading the forums/threads, I guess my first question would be, "Why are they on this site in the first place? To find out about you???" C'mon folks, interact a little with the people here and then use your better judgement...Don't know if I am off the mark by what was actually asked, but thats all I gotta say about that... :soapbox: :paw: :paw:

Ha! I think i like you.

thanks baby-- i do like a person speaking their mind! and I did ask for how folks felt about the issue.. so i am damn happy folks are willing to share their opinions.... excellent feedback. TY.

Jul 21, 2006, 7:38 PM
I guess you could call me one of the furtive…..

I have read a lot of forums and yet contributed very little - so far. But this is not because the forum has put me off quite the opposite it keeps me coming back to the site again and again. (Watch out Jonny V when I get going I will out post you yet, one day).

Thanks to this site I am feeling good about myself - thanks to the forum and yes all of it. We could hide the intimate stuff and be more clinical but that’s what it would be clinical and well I want it to be more than that.

We always see a lot of threads, when we log on, some a good some not - personally I want them all to stay where they are – (even this one). They all add to the sense of community - a community where people can join either by jumping straight in or slipping in slowly.

So thanks all and thanks Drew – it ain’t broke so don’t try and fix it!


Jul 21, 2006, 7:58 PM
Discression and expressing your opinion are not mutually exclusive. I value my relationships which I feel I am most fortunate to have developed on this site. I am proud of who I am and what I bring to a relationship. Being on this site and developing a wonderful dialogue with so many interesting, intelligent, humorous and caring people has been a benefit of this site that I never would have thought possible.

Much of what I have learned has come from the threads and posts. Perhaps I too may have wanted to ask a similar question but did not think of it. Or I too have had feeling much like someone who had posted to a thread. If the subject is not for you or for me, then I skip over it, or when looking I say no, I am not interested and move forward.

I have learned so much.

So much about my bisexual husband-his needs, his wants and desires
So much about being the wife of a bisexual man and what it takes to
be a supportive spouse which I admit is not always easy to be
So much about me as a woman- a woman who thought she knew
herself well but has learned so much from so many both from chatting,
reading threads and contacting the authors and from personal contact
So much about the world both sexually but also as an individual on this

I personally felt that the thread about whom you would like to me was not sexually related in any way. Rather what people, the whole person you would like to meet.

Perhaps I am somewhat slanted in my opinion of that particular thread as I believe that I am one of the few have had an opportunity to meet so many people in person. Some have been lovers, ALL have been friends. Some have been friends first last and always who have as we grow together become lovers and each has brought a new lesson learned into our live.

Above all, in both thought, words and written text, I believe that I have kept a most sacred of trust-confidence and they mine.


Jul 21, 2006, 8:06 PM
I learned a lot from this site as well.... there are so many questions I want to know but course I don't say anything in fear of being laughed at or being attacked :-(
But one of the things I learned is, say whats on your mind and you'll get good comments/advice :-)

I love these boards *hugs everybody*

Jul 21, 2006, 8:33 PM
No matter what you do anywhere in the world...you will never please everyone!!!!!! :rolleyes:

I agree with Belle and Codybear completely!

I am a str8 wife of a bi husband. I came here panic stricken and had no idea what my future held. But I knew I was going to have to be open minded and take things with a grain of salt. If I don't like the thread or feel I have nothing to add, I move on.

Jul 21, 2006, 8:39 PM
This discussion in and of its self is very informative to any lurkers or new people. it should be a required read. Even if no changes are made it has increased our understanding of eachother and hopefully anyone reading this who is considering joining the club will look favorably on us. NOW BRING ON THE RIBALD HUMOR :)

BTW some do not feel that anonymity is not an imprtant issue for them personaly but I understand anyone who needs it as I work in an environment where if my preference was known it would be very hard to work in my field.
39 states have no protection for LGBT employees and these people can be fired for there sexual preference whith little recourse (ohh shit, im getting political again).

Jul 21, 2006, 10:02 PM
How much more descreet can you be sitting behind a computer screen safe and sound in your own home, apartment, or the local coffee shop. You can be anyone you want to be in cyberspace. However, I feel the folks here are who they are, bi, gay, st8, or in between, I have found them to be genuine people in all walks of life. I personally don't see anything that would put people off. Just my :2cents:

Jul 22, 2006, 3:46 AM
Like Reprob8 implied, I think this thread should be thumbtacked (or whatever the term is here for keeping it at the top of the forum) so that all new or shy people can easily find it and get an idea of how we view the issue...

I do fall into the new category, and I don't post too much. I guess I feel (in all aspects of my life) that I slowly have to earn a place in a new group. I've tried to speak with relative neutrality thus far, so that nobody gets the wrong impression of me--I'm *very* opinionated, yes, but I don't presume that my opinions should be anyone else's, and I think I'm pretty nice anyway... Apparently I'm also pretty rambly today, so I apologize.

That all said, I'm gonna risk sounding creepy... :tong: I read the forums almost addictively, and I'm a person who usually avoids forums with the fury of a thousand suns. I've come to feel attached to people I've never even talked to. Their stories hit me in ways I didn't imagine when I first stumbled upon the site. Just reading has helped me define and polish aspects of my own life (and here I was, thinking I had it all figured out. :tong: )

The lurk factor makes it possible to choose your level of involvement in discussions. Although I'm sure there are a few "bad" elements in the wings, I've never felt their presence here. The forums are so casual and inviting, even for someone cautious like me, and that's something I've never seen *anywhere* else on the internet. Maybe I'm not "in" yet, but I've certainly never felt like I'm on the outside.

So maybe my opinion doesn't hold much water, but I love it here just the way it is. :2cents:

Jul 22, 2006, 4:12 AM
I really enjoy the forums...some things I don't need to read, others I do for the curiosity of the topic and responses.
Everyone enters here with their own set of ideas, interests, needs and personality. That's the main reason why I stayed! To see a full spectrum of comments (and it shows!!) make some friendships, and when I need to discuss something personal, I'd do so with ease with those I have developed that 'trust' with.
We are adults...aren't we? Make our individual choices and comments based on where and who we are. Even better to pose a question and see what sparks in the responses. Now and then, I see a perspecive I wouldn't have considered...yet it adds some value. I may not agree with everything, but hey...who does?

For those who are shy or put off...that's a shame. My guess is that they are at a start of a journey or time is needed. This site may not be what they are after...others find it 'home' at last because there is a light at the end of their tunnel (and it isn't a train!!).
The honest responses and clarity of thought shines through in the responses. There is an amazing wealth of experiences when you combine the 'real life' from those here. Someone has gone through it, someone knows, someone understands...and I am yet to see a volume of responses to a thread, that didn't have a good balance of ideas.

Freedom to be who we are.
(I feel good being able to say 'we' now...guess I feel at home too)

Jul 22, 2006, 4:25 AM
Maybe I'm not "in" yet, but I've certainly never felt like I'm on the outside.

So maybe my opinion doesn't hold much water, but I love it here just the way it is.I believe everyone here is "in" and all opinions are of value. Everyone here has a voice and brings something to the group. We may dissagree in our views but the differences can also open up a whole new area of thinking when put together. So don't be afraid to say what you feel Sunshine.

As far as someone finding the site to get information then becoming afraid by reading the forums... How can you be afraid of exposure when you're the one in control of how much information you give out about yourself? If you don't set up to meet someone, there's no problem of hooking up. You can't really be "out there" if you don't put yourself in that position.

I understand discression but don't really understand this thread. :2cents:

Jul 22, 2006, 1:50 PM
I believe everyone here is "in" and all opinions are of value. Everyone here has a voice and brings something to the group. We may dissagree in our views but the differences can also open up a whole new area of thinking when put together. So don't be afraid to say what you feel Sunshine.

And it's precisely words like these that make this place great. Thank you.

Jul 22, 2006, 2:24 PM
I don't understand this thread either. What recent post are you talking about?

Jul 22, 2006, 2:32 PM
You know, the thread which asked for our names, addresses, credit card numbers, and the contact information for every person of the opposite sex that we have happened to sleep with. :tongue:

Seriously, though, I can see what the original poster meant. I will say that if you put a similar thread up on another board, it would make people nervous. BUT the fact that so many people freely responded to this thread here leads me to believe that this board's members are incredibly close, and feel an unusually tight bond to each other. That bond is forged in our common bisexuality. Whereas others on the outside may see their bisexuality as something that sets them apart, and something to hide away lest it be discovered, it has done the opposite here. That being said, a newbie might not get this and might be threatened.

Jul 22, 2006, 5:41 PM
This is an interesting topic, but a bit confusing. Am I missing something? lol

If someone cannot handle the topic of a particular thread, that person can just click off of it. Just like TV? Just my :2cents:

:) Lance

Jul 22, 2006, 5:42 PM
You know, the thread which asked for our names, addresses, credit card numbers, and the contact information for every person of the opposite sex that we have happened to sleep with. :tongue:

Oh, shit!!! We weren't supposed to divuldge that info??? lol



Jul 23, 2006, 1:05 AM
Well--I sure as heck have not been reticent to make comments on here--My God I am now a 'senior member' or something...

While out in the real world-I have not disclosed to anyone close to me my bisexual side, I have most certainly disclosed a great deal to other members of this site...and I thank them for being able to do that...

Someone mentioned something about whether or not there should be seperate sections for more explicit subjects and whether there should be moderators in some fashion...

I say no to both suggestions--I think that the way this place seems to work, so, "it ain't broke--don't need to fix it."

Anyone who comes here is an adult and as such---they can decide for themselves what is appropriate for them to read or not read---as others noted--if a forum topic is something I am not interested in---I don't pay attention to it or not make any comment and move on...

As far as moderators are concerned--since this site is not a "live" one--it would mean several things: 1.) postings would be delayed in being posted to the site 2.) a screening process would mean that a degree of censorship is in place 3.) in order to have a moderator--they would either have to be paid staff members or volunteers from the site would be needed and who has that kind of time in addtion to working, living life and spending time on here chatting, reading posts or making posts? I don't have the time or desire to do that....

For those who are new to exploring their bisexual side-I can understand their reticence but for that --I suggest patience---to those who fall into that category and might happen to read this--I say--take your time in visiting the site--get comfortable and bit by bit--start to take part--I was like that at first myself---I would imagine most who come here can say the same thing...

To the issue of disclosing information and anyone possibly being "found out' due to posts on here--I can't imagine many employers or whoever would have the wherewithal to find this site and spend the time necessary to peruse all that is here in order to find out if you are here---that is--if you only do this from home and not work--if you do come here using a computer that belongs to your employer or connect using the I-net access they provide--well then you just might be found out---and you can't say you did not know--the law here in the states and most likely elsewhere, allows employers to find out what their employers are doing with company property--so if being exposed is a problem--don't come here on your company's dime...

Long Duck Dong
Jul 23, 2006, 5:53 AM
lol, I have to agree with 12 voltman....no moderators...at all....let drew and the site as a whole keep the high standards of posting as they are and we will not need mods

I was a mod in nz's top community site ( over 120,000 members ).. and the moment you interfere with a persons post or thread... you start ww# 3
members questioned my right to moderate in the site as they didn't believe or think what i did... they were opposed to my opinion etc, and it got to the point where posting for me was not a option as i would get flamed and spammed by people who felt that their right to post was being infringed upon by me.... never mind the fact their threads contained personal attacks, swearing, pornographic pics and articles, things totally against the rules

now in bisexual.com... we have a open layout and it is working... do we truely need to start having seperate sections for seperate things....or is it actually a case of some people want to take the posting to the next level of sexually explicit language and pics in the forum place


bisexual.com is a open sexuality, informative, community site...we need to keep it that way or risk turning it into just another meat market / porn site and losing our community

Jul 23, 2006, 6:12 AM
lol, I have to agree with 12 voltman....no moderators...at all....let drew and the site as a whole keep the high standards of posting as they are and we will not need mods

I was a mod in nz's top community site ( over 120,000 members ).. and the moment you interfere with a persons post or thread... you start ww# 3
members questioned my right to moderate in the site as they didn't believe or think what i did... they were opposed to my opinion etc, and it got to the point where posting for me was not a option as i would get flamed and spammed by people who felt that their right to post was being infringed upon by me.... never mind the fact their threads contained personal attacks, swearing, pornographic pics and articles, things totally against the rules

now in bisexual.com... we have a open layout and it is working... do we truely need to start having seperate sections for seperate things....or is it actually a case of some people want to take the posting to the next level of sexually explicit language and pics in the forum place


bisexual.com is a open sexuality, informative, community site...we need to keep it that way or risk turning it into just another meat market / porn site and losing our community

I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!! but then again i know personaly what this nz site was like and i know how LDD was treated and i hated it so bad, LDD did what he had to do as a Mod and is a gr8 person. i also know coz i was treated with out respect along with LDD, this site is far better then many others i have been on, and i feel plp on here have the right to post what they would like, biandu i notced this was set around one of my threads that upsets me a lil... the way i see it is if plp dnt like wat they read int he first post then dnt read the rest jsut leave it as that and as for my thread about whom would u like to meet i think it is a cool way for plp to know that they are loved, some of us know to many plp they want to meet so do not say half the plps names, they know who they are! i knwo that all my friends know i want to meet them!


Jul 23, 2006, 1:03 PM
Informative Feedback from everyone! Thanks.... all.

i like the forum and site as is!

i in no way want to change the format.

I just wanted to represent a different point of view

and find out how people felt about it that was my only intention.

Again, i do like the way this community puts themselves out there and are able to accept others around them.. even if their opinions differ!


Jul 23, 2006, 2:04 PM
ok , i gotta agree with cody, mrs. f and scubaman... thanx for putting my thots into a good set of expressions...

discretion is a two way street...learn both sides of it..

Jul 23, 2006, 3:53 PM
I want to start by saying I love this place. I feel so comfortable and accepted here. But I *do* want to play Devil's Advocate for a few minutes with your indulgence, of course.

I can understand how some people might feel put off by some of the topics that have recently appeared on the boards. For instance, "Addicted to Cum" springs to mind. Of course I feel that there was nothing wrong with voicing that question and as adults we can choose to ignore or read threads.

However, in my personal experience, when you're just comming out to yourself and trying to figure out whether you're gay, straight bi or bi curious, EVERYTHING can be frightening. And if you don't find a kind, supportive community like this one, you can be in for a really rude shock.

For instance, when I first started investigating the possibility of my own bisexuality, I stumbled across a chat site and was told that since I hadn't actually slept with a woman I wasn't bisexual. Talk about a slap in the face. I was crushed.

Now I like to think of myself as pretty openminded so those "kiss and tell" threads don't bother me. But as i said before, they might be a little intimidating for someone who is just comming out.

The solution? I don't see that there IS one. If we suggest that Drew supress certain types of posting, I think that would take away from the site. Getting over the initial fear is hard and it takes a long time. At least it has for me (still working my way out of the closet). But once people see how awesome this community is, they'll learn to relax and just be themselves just the same as I have.

Jul 23, 2006, 6:33 PM
I don't post as much as I would like to because I keep getting that "error 504 gateway timeout" and can't get to the forums.
But I am here now
I can't think of any threads that I considered threatening. everyone is so helpful and supportive. even the chat is informative and welcoming. But I can see how newcomers might be intimidated with our candid banter. My hubby was looking over my shoulder a couple of nights ago and was surprised how explicit sexually we can get with eachother, I told him that is how we get comfortable with our selves, finding out that we aren't freaks in the world. :2cents: :soapbox:

Jul 23, 2006, 7:30 PM
I want to start by saying I love this place. I feel so comfortable and accepted here. But I *do* want to play Devil's Advocate for a few minutes with your indulgence, of course.

I can understand how some people might feel put off by some of the topics that have recently appeared on the boards. For instance, "Addicted to Cum" springs to mind. Of course I feel that there was nothing wrong with voicing that question and as adults we can choose to ignore or read threads.

However, in my personal experience, when you're just comming out to yourself and trying to figure out whether you're gay, straight bi or bi curious, EVERYTHING can be frightening. And if you don't find a kind, supportive community like this one, you can be in for a really rude shock.

For instance, when I first started investigating the possibility of my own bisexuality, I stumbled across a chat site and was told that since I hadn't actually slept with a woman I wasn't bisexual. Talk about a slap in the face. I was crushed.

Now I like to think of myself as pretty openminded so those "kiss and tell" threads don't bother me. But as i said before, they might be a little intimidating for someone who is just comming out.

The solution? I don't see that there IS one. If we suggest that Drew supress certain types of posting, I think that would take away from the site. Getting over the initial fear is hard and it takes a long time. At least it has for me (still working my way out of the closet). But once people see how awesome this community is, they'll learn to relax and just be themselves just the same as I have.

thank you very much for playing devil's advocate..

your opinion means a lot.

you summed up quite nicely what i was trying to bring to the table
and your answer about there not really being any clear solution
to me is right on...

Jul 23, 2006, 7:38 PM
I so enjoy this community..

just wanted to thank everyone who participated, read and shared their opinions regarding this topic!

i wanted to add..

as i said.. the intention of the post was just to bring to the forefront the perspective of someone who is just beginning to explore their sexuality.. and all that implies..

the insecurites.. and rationalizations.. and just plain old uneasy feeling one can get when trying to deal with their own haunts....

. although we are comfortable with ourselves.. and each other here... someone just starting out might be a little on guard by seeing some of the posts... granted they are adults and should be able to see all the posts not just the ones that are more explicit....lol

I'm not suggesting we change our behavior radically.. i just think we do need to keep in mind.. that this is a place where not only us veterans come to congregate but it's also a place where people struggling with their newfound insecurities also come to get info and support.

and while i so enjoyed the post.. addicted to cum..---

imagine a man.. who is struggling.. and is having a hard time.. dealing with the fact that he is attracted to men... but he also gets a hard on with women... and he so does NOT want to identify himself as being gay...

and then he logs on here............ and sees the post.... Addicted to Cum...

'run like hell' thoughts might cross his mind

............. or thoughts of.............

"hell yeah.. maybe there are others like me"....

so you see.. everything here has duality.. not just us. . lol.

i hope this topic, at the very least, has made us... just step back and remember the time when we ourselves.... were trying to reconcile and deal with our own insecurities...

and how little things.. said, and done..read .. impacted us, maybe irrationally so.. but nevertheless.... made an impact.

i am so pleased by the varying responses..

woohoo FrEeDoM let it ring!

Jul 24, 2006, 12:14 AM
I guess for me one of the appeals for the site is the diversity of input. Yes, there are numerous things that I don’t read. But, there are numerous things that appeal to me based on the honesty of the emotions.
As someone who was recently a new comer, did the subject of some of the postings intimated me at first, yes. But, I started to sort out what I wanted from this community based on my needs. Just like I would in actual life. It is nice to just hear people going through life even when it’s the cyber version of them telling it.
I was surprise that one of the postings mentioned included one of my postings as being somehow lurid. “Kiss and Tell,” But this was a honest story that came out of a real life situation. More to the point my celebration of it was due to the time and energy I have put into being me and not living with the guilt and dishonesty that society thinks I should have about myself. This is the appeal of this site. All the dirty jokes and funny moments, no matter how outlandish, is what keeps bring people back. But that is just the surface. We realize that we are not alone and others have gone through the same things or are going through them that we are.
So back to the original poster, stay, you will get out of this what you put into it. As for my Kiss and Tell post being surprising or putting people off; I am sorry, but I was proud of my relationship. Trust me, many nights talking and talking with my wife is the only thing that has allowed us to keep a great marriage together. This site helped me find the words to put my thoughts together. And still does.

Jul 24, 2006, 10:08 AM
I wonder if talking about them (lurkers and what not) will make them even more nervous and not willing to sign up or post on the forums.