View Full Version : Bullying

Nov 18, 2013, 2:45 AM
I have started this thread just to highlight the prevalence of non-consenting abuse in our society, it may have been done before and if so, apologies. We have seen occurrences from the very mild bullying of nonsensical posting, to outright flaming of peoples opinions on these boards, but it seems more rife than ever in modern life, especially online and especially amongst our children. I'm not trying to promote any namby-pamby or overly politically correct or protective attitude, but that we just take an extra moment to assess what we are saying and to see if we would still say it if we were looking into that person's eye. If you've been affected by bullying, let us know.

Nov 18, 2013, 7:00 PM
well Darlin, we've had our share of Bullys and Trolls on this site over the years, and we all have learned how to deal with their idiocy. We have one who gets off in degrading, belittling, and demeaning everyone he thinks he Can bully. He derives pleasure from running down folks who doesnt meet up with his standards, and often goes after them publicly, and privately as well. He likes putting them down for their size, ethnic background, and even where they hail from. These kind of people get their jollies from trying to make others feel bad about themselves. He must have such a shitty life that he feels the need to make other feel badly about themselves, he does it because it makes him feel Bigger, more powerful and possibly in control for the first time in his puny little life.
BUT, then there are some of us who Dont tolerate his actions, Wont tolerate his bullying antics, and does often call him on it. Most of the time here peer comments gets the best of him, and he slinks away, or gets banned only to come back a bit later with another persona, and yet another tired, worn out tirade and dreary insults. Sad really.
But for the most part, we have some fantastic folks here with interesting lives, points of views, humor, and good souls. I hope it Them that you encounter, Sweetie..:} And always remember: The Ignore button IS your friend! lol
Hugs Hon
Everybody's Cat

Nov 19, 2013, 5:19 AM
That cuts both ways, Mr Heinlein. I went to prep school with his Grandson!

Nov 19, 2013, 5:30 AM
I don't worry about bullies, or trolls. Keep in mind that these people probably have had miserable sex lives, and they lash out in pain. They need help. I'm not talking about a sympathy fuck; give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, TEACH a man to fish and you feed him for life. The John Alanis Attraction Course helped my game quite a bit, and an ex gf taught me about something that blew my mind....brushing, flossing, and dressing like Hathaway's Man in the Eyepatch instead of Rodney Dangerfield. What a concept! A male fwb taught me how to walk into Goodwill with $50 and walk out looking like Old Money. Another thing I learned from this site; you don't need a mortgage and a picket fence to get the love and sex you need! All you need is a little style, a flattering photo, and some PERSONAL AUTHORITY. (Thanks, Mr Alanis!)

Nov 19, 2013, 2:07 PM
Uhmm...ok....Not sure what your thesis statement is here, but good on ya..:}