View Full Version : The Strangest Thing

Oct 31, 2013, 5:37 AM
Just had the strangest thing happen. I was enjoying a nice JO session with myself. I was right at the tipping point where you feel the cum working up your shaft and getting the first spasm in your balls. I shoot this huge gusher of cum,but never got that "AAAhhHHHHH",orgasm feeling. So, basically, I came without an orgsam. Never had that happen before..Kind of like finding out what you're getting for Christmas before Christmas.
Ever had that happen?

Oct 31, 2013, 6:03 AM
I hate it when I cum without orgasming, I feel so robbed for my effort.

Oct 31, 2013, 9:05 PM
Sometime I like to eat my come but once I come, I completely lose the desire. I have practiced coming without the orgasm for quite awhile and have it down pretty good. Plus I'm still hard and horny after so I can continue for a few seconds and have the orgasm.