View Full Version : What is the most prominent age group in this forum?

Oct 29, 2013, 5:00 AM
Title says it all, just select your age group and lets see which age group is openly talking about their sexuality on here. I'll start.

Oct 29, 2013, 10:32 AM
The numbers to me are amazing. Not sure if it is because of the audience here or that there are so few votes but the fact that the vast majority, 27 of 31 are 40 yrs old and older. Is it because so many of us have "discovered" that we might be bi later in life?

Oct 29, 2013, 11:43 AM
I've gotten the impression that a bisexual Yahoo group I'm a member of has the same sort of age range, with 50s and 60s being the average. I suspect it's because us older fellows have spent most of our lives hiding our sexuality and are greatly relieved to finally be able to openly discuss it.

Oct 29, 2013, 12:22 PM
I figured there would be more of an older crowd, but I thought there were more people around my age on here.

Oct 29, 2013, 2:01 PM
Older people can have more time to talk. Talking leads to opportunities. Plus the talking is not just about selling something or settling down to have babies.

Oct 29, 2013, 2:22 PM
18-29 (340 votes [42.13%])

30-39 (182 votes [22.55%])

40-49 (161 votes [19.95%])

50+ (124 votes [15.37%])
The above are interesting stats from a different bisexual website.

Oct 29, 2013, 2:25 PM
What website is that?

Oct 29, 2013, 4:26 PM
Very very well said Fredtyg

Oct 29, 2013, 6:25 PM
18-29 (340 votes [42.13%])
30-39 (182 votes [22.55%])
40-49 (161 votes [19.95%])
50+ (124 votes [15.37%])
The above are interesting stats from a different bisexual website.

I just noticed the Yahoo Bisexual Buddies group, that I referred to earlier, has an old membership poll on file asking for ages. Here's the numbers of 50 year olds and older, keeping in mind only a relative small number of members participated::
50-59 years= 35%
60-68 years= 35%
70+ = 11%
That's 81% over 50. I was pretty much right in there with my guess.

Oct 29, 2013, 7:05 PM
This website caters for older men who are not out, and have spent years finally coming to terms or not coming to terms with homosexual attraction. For these men it happens at the end of marriage, or later in life when there is less societal pressure to act like a straight 'man' e.g. Forty plus.
this explains the demographic.
Any demograph on this site must be taken in the context that the majority of people here are closeted. Feel free to disagree on that point. But this is what I suspect.

Oct 29, 2013, 7:07 PM
In my experience, young bisexuals are just not interested in wearing thongs, dressing up in panties, furtive sexual encounters in public toilets or not being out.

Oct 29, 2013, 7:32 PM
In my experience, young bisexuals are just not interested in wearing thongs, dressing up in panties, furtive sexual encounters in public toilets or not being out.211302113121132

I wear mens thongs almost exclusively, and I've started wearing women's pants in public...the last pic is of me in a thong and yoga pants at the dog park. and I'm not in the closet.

Oct 29, 2013, 8:59 PM
That is not a pic of u in a thong.

Oct 29, 2013, 9:19 PM
I am over 60, but, voted for 40 to 49 as my estimate of mean membership age. I think dafydd, may be right about a lot of us on this site. It would be interesting to know the true distribution of member ages as well as motivations.

Oct 30, 2013, 2:28 AM
That is not a pic of u in a thong.

I'm wearing a thong with those yoga pants but here you go.

Oct 30, 2013, 10:11 AM
Did I misread the intent of the poll? I thought the poll was asking our own age...not our opinion of which age group we feel is most represented. I voted in my own age bracket. Jems post has me rethinking if I responded correctly. ~D~

Oct 30, 2013, 10:57 AM
Did I misread the intent of the poll? I thought the poll was asking our own age...not our opinion of which age group we feel is most represented. I voted in my own age bracket. Jems post has me rethinking if I responded correctly. ~D~

I hadn't thought of it that way. I assumed the title of the poll was the reason for the poll and thus we were supposed to "vote" our own age. It wouldn't make sense to set up a poll to guess what other's ages are. We could guess without a poll. A tally of reader ages makes more sense so I'd suggest the proper "answer" would be your own age.

Oct 30, 2013, 6:34 PM
I am over 60, but, voted for 40 to 49 as my estimate of mean membership age. I think dafydd, may be right about a lot of us on this site. It would be interesting to know the true distribution of member ages as well as motivations.

Hi jem, I don't understand why u didn't vote for ur true age. Can u explain again? Sorry. Thanks

Oct 30, 2013, 7:24 PM
It's just as I expected it to be!

Oct 30, 2013, 7:49 PM
I thought it was asking what age group we thought was the majority age on here--so I voted for the 40-49 age range even though I am in my 50s. I definitely think that on this site--the majority of people----at least those who stay here over time----are age 35 and beyond-----event though we do have our share of those in their 20s and up---I really think that most of us are older.

I really do find that interesting, I really don't have any feeling about why that is so.

Oct 31, 2013, 9:30 PM
Hi jem, I don't understand why u didn't vote for ur true age. Can u explain again? Sorry. Thanks Drew is the one to ask for the actual age statistics. As a question to the members of this site, it is likely that my impression of other members has more validity to the poll than reporting my individual age.

Nov 10, 2013, 11:06 AM
i am proudly, and just very recently, 49! i've been bisexual since i was 15...34 yrs bisexual, and about 5 yrs open about it

Nov 10, 2013, 11:41 AM
I am almost 66 and am sure I am not the median. I would like to make this observation. I started coming to this site before it's current format, December of 2004. Shortly thereafter Drew changed the site somewhat. It was a wild and crazy place for a long time and women were a large part of its contribution. I occasionally stop by and I rarely see any women logged on. Appears this has become a male dominated site.

Nov 10, 2013, 1:14 PM
Appears this has become a male dominated site.

Hope nobody takes offense with this as none is intended, but I've always been surprised at the number of women that do show up here. Seems to me that much of the sex talk wouldn't seem relevant to a lot of women. Relationship issues, sure, but wouldn't most feel left out with subjects about dick size and such. Even anal sex discussions seem oriented toward guys.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just the way it is, at least as I see it.

Annika L
Nov 10, 2013, 9:49 PM
Hi jem, I don't understand why u didn't vote for ur true age. Can u explain again? Sorry. Thanks

Dafydd, I completely get where jem is coming from...and I think it's brilliant!

The question on the poll asks "What is the prominent age group on this forum?" And then he starts his post with "Title says it all...." Typical Americans don't read beyond the headline, so he never got to the part where the OP says to "select your age group"...so he answered the question that was asked. Beautifully simplistic. Wish I'd thought to be confused by it! :tongue:

Nov 11, 2013, 2:40 PM
Fred, I've been noticing that a lot lately too. The topics seem to be geared more towards Bi Men and their experiences, questions, concerns and comments. But that all good. We women sit back and observe, then jump in when something interests us. Its all good..:}

Nov 11, 2013, 3:12 PM
Dear me, I'm practically a youngster on here.:bounce:

Nov 11, 2013, 5:13 PM
Fred, I've been noticing that a lot lately too. The topics seem to be geared more towards Bi Men and their experiences, questions, concerns and comments. But that all good. We women sit back and observe, then jump in when something interests us. Its all good..:}

I'm wondering if it's because men tend to be more promiscuous minded (and I say that being one of them), thus they have more stuff to chat about and more questions to ask? I'm not sure I can recall one instance here where one of the gals has asked questions or started a discussion regarding boobs, their pussies or whatever, when guys do it fairly often.

Nov 11, 2013, 10:53 PM
I dunno, Darlin. Maybe because some of us are old. (That's the whole premise of this thread, after all) When people think "Bi-sexual" they automatically think "Male" Most of the time that's what we see here. I've been here seven years, and its seeming that this site is becoming a "Good Ole Boys" club, and that sorrows me immensely. :(
I enjoy the topics and enjoy chatting with the friends I have made here, regardless of their ages. It may be time for us girls to start 'recruiting' some more ladies to join tho...And No..I dont Wanna go to an all woman/Lesbian site. I like the friends I have Here...
Concerned Cat.

Nov 13, 2013, 5:23 AM
Having a "5" in my tally of years (finally) actually came as an eye-opener of how completely irrelevant it was.
....... except I believe I am wiser than I was and my daughters still don't know as much as they think they do!
Two marriages (1 was 9 months, 1 was 21 years) and one current relationship, two serious affairs, three mortgages, one near bankruptcy, two births and one termination, far too many casual sexual partners of both sexes, nowhere near enough serious dieting, no dogs as pets and faaaaaaar too many bottle of champagne consumed... well I'm satisfied and happy still to be here on this forum.