View Full Version : What is the best pickup line?

Oct 27, 2013, 1:59 PM
if Having the opportunity to have alone time with a stranger.. you thought it might be a good idea to say something...because you really didn't know but you really wanted to know,, if you and he could:yikes2:..... what would you say? how did it work out?

Oct 27, 2013, 4:06 PM
Who uses pickup lines?

Oct 27, 2013, 7:49 PM
Most hookups are worked out online these days. However, back in the pre-internet/grindr days, when I used to have to pick up trade in the cruising areas, conversations usually began something like, "Hey, Man. What's up? You like to party?" We all knew what we were there for anyway. It's not like anyone was fooling anyone. I sometimes miss cruising. There was a definite skill involved, and when you actually scored, it was a little bit sweeter, because you actually had to get dressed, leave the house and work for it. ;)

Oct 28, 2013, 1:35 AM
True story.
Some years ago (many actually) I went solo to a party and had a little flirtatious time with the lady host.
She invited me upstairs to see her etchings ........ this has to be the oldest pick up line in history.
naturally I said yes, hoping we'd have a bit of a snog and a bit of a boob rub.
Real ones. She was very proud of them! Norman Lindsey. rather important in the scheme of Australian art.
I said all the right noises and never even got near that snog.

Oct 28, 2013, 11:48 AM
When I worked for the Army, I used to go to the Officer's Club to eat lunch with a female captain, (Juanita) who worked in the same building. Although, that was before DADT and one's sexuality wasn't discussed, I suspected she was attracted to women.

One day, we were eating and every table was full, except ours. A stunning nurse, asked if she could sit with us. Of course, we invited her! The nurse, also a captain, set her food down, then went to get something else.

In the nurse's absence, Juanita said, "I'm gonna "get" her!"

During our meal, the two struck up a conversation and obviously hit it off. They were laughing and touching arms and hands. At one point, they were talking about camping and traveling.

Juanita had a decked-out van; they were very popular, then.

After eating, she looked straight into he nurse's eyes and asked, "Do you wanna see my van?"

The nurse's face flushed and she replied, "Oh yeah!"

As they were leaving, Juanita got by my ear and said, "Go by my office and tell my NCOIC that I have "some business" to take care of!"

I had ridden with her, so she offered to take me back to work, but I decided to walk off the meal. They drove past me and the horn tooted cheerily!

I got back to work at about 12:45.

Juanita called me at about 3:15 and said, "Mission accomplished!"

I guess, "You wanna see my van?" was a pretty good pick-up line!

Oct 28, 2013, 12:15 PM
dunno wot is but can tellya wot isnt... wot isn't is me x hubbie asking me to nip behind some bushes so he cud sort me out.. I thought he meant slip me 1.. wot he actually meant wos pull me skirt from inside of me knickers!!!

For God's sake.. wot is more embarrassing? Walking about wiv ya skirt in knicks and peeps laffin atcha... gadgie pulling skirt out of ya knicks and peeps laffin atcha.. or the daft bugger making big fuss and drawing attention to ya and peeps laffin atcha:eek2:...

Not much 2 choose lemme tellya:(... men.. no wonda I gave them up:eek2:!!!

Oct 28, 2013, 1:01 PM
"Where are you based?".:eek: That's the worse one (on-line) I can think of. I like confidence and not opposed to a bit of cheek....but THAT? Pisses me off a treat that does! I could rant about that for a few paragraphs, but won't.lol

My fave pickup line that I use on & off-line is "Wanna pop to mine for tea & light refreshments?".:rolleyes:

Bisexual Explorer
Oct 28, 2013, 2:16 PM
I don't have a best pick up line. However, I've been picked up by guys telling me I have a nice ass. I must say the line only works when I'm attracted to the guy to begin with.
Bisexual Explorer

Oct 28, 2013, 5:37 PM
Most hookups are worked out online these days. However, back in the pre-internet/grindr days, when I used to have to pick up trade in the cruising areas, conversations usually began something like, "Hey, Man. What's up? You like to party?" We all knew what we were there for anyway. It's not like anyone was fooling anyone. I sometimes miss cruising. There was a definite skill involved, and when you actually scored, it was a little bit sweeter, because you actually had to get dressed, leave the house and work for it. ;) Since you would pick up trade or male prostitues or hustlers how much would they charge you for sex? I have never done that either way, but I know bi and gay men who have and they said they would just ask the other man if he "wanted a date" and then discuss prices. I have been to areas where bi and gay men would have public sex but either nobody was around doing that, or it was an adult bookstore and I was there to buy porn and leave. I have met people who asked me if I liked to, or wanted to party but that just means they want to use drugs.

Oct 28, 2013, 6:38 PM
Seems kind of odd to ask 'Do you come here often?' when ur on an internet chat site.

Oct 31, 2013, 11:44 PM
lol Last horrible come on line I used was to a young Marine on leave. He was fresh back from the Sand, and had always had a hidden fetish for larger, older women. I looked him straight in his deer-in-the-headlights eyes and purred, "I'll just bet you put the Ooooo in Oorah, dont ya Darlin?" Man blushed clear to his toes. He was ravished a bit later.

Next was a pretty young Trans-Lady that had cuddled up to me at a house party. I grinned after something delightfully hard was poking me in the side. I said silly-like, "Is that a candy cane in yer pocket, or are you just happy to be sittin' on Mama's lap, Babygirl?"

And last Saturday night at the Tavern there was a Adorable young lady dressed in a Cowgirl's outfit. To see if I could make her blush I said, "Wanna play Cowboys and Indians, Darlin'? I gots rope in my Tee-Pee." lol
Its cheesy as hell, but its fun. And rewarding too sometimes! lol
Silly Cat

Jun 5, 2014, 5:54 PM
The best pick-up line is a hand on the thigh!