View Full Version : What am I

Oct 10, 2013, 4:17 AM
Ok this is what i feel.
I get cravings to go with another man, I love him to give oral and i do love the feeling as he gets hard in my mouth.
I love to be taken and not given much of a choice.
I love for someone to put me on my knees and take me then turn me round and make me take it all.

Now I hate all the touchy feel and would never kiss another guy.
I get turned off by all the stroking and the kissing on my neck and any where by my face.

I hate the love part i do not want love i just want sex.

Oct 10, 2013, 6:32 AM
Sorry I had to cut this thread short.
I hate the love part i do not want love i just want sex.
Why do i ?
I love the feeling of someone taking charge of me and making me do things i would not normally do.
I like to be the "bitch" told what to do and taken.
This is the fun for me.

I have been taken a few times and i love the feeling of some stranger unloading over me.

Is this normal >?

Oct 10, 2013, 7:09 AM
You make no reference to women and how you sexually/emotionally interact with women? Since you see yourself as mostly attracted to women this is a bit curious.

You are not the first man who separates sex from emotional love but whether this is something to be concerned about is unknown due to lack of information. You enjoy being sexually submissive. That is what you enjoy and the normality is irrelevant unless it is interfering with your life functioning.

Oct 10, 2013, 7:30 AM
Yes that's very 'normal' for many, and nothing to worry yourself about.:)
Why? Doesn't really matter why! You like it that way coz you like it that way.

My GUESS is that being a 'bitch' leaves you with no pressure at all to perform or please. THAT leaves you with just the pleasure of HIS performance. You don't even have to get into a position coz he'll do that for you.
If he were to kiss you or show you any affection, you'd feel obligated to respond and take an active part in the moment. Instead, you prefer to be almost voyeur to him as you would if you were watching him in a porn film. That's how you relate to him IMO.

It doesn't matter!! It's as purely sexual to him as it is for you, and as long as both are ok with it, there's no prob.:)

Oct 10, 2013, 7:38 AM
I like women a lot but just didn't and the part about them in.
I am as i said married and have been for many years now.
ok but the lack of sex is not so nice some times.
I have a girl friend who (Is a friend) no sex, I see from time to time and she hates the Bi part about me and is dead against it.
In my life i have never seen a woman go off like she does.
The Bi part of me is a small part of me may be two or three times a year at the most.
What i put was what i "like" and proberley gave the wrong impression.
I like a woman who speaks out and are game for a laugh.
So yes i feel trapped and what's wrong with having another man to have a good time with.
I AM Bi but can not tell anyone !!!

Oct 10, 2013, 9:01 AM
"So yes i feel trapped and what's wrong with having another man to have a good time with.
I AM Bi but can not tell anyone !!!"

Yes, that is the sad part for some bisexuals. You know what you enjoy. It seems from what you wrote that you are isolated and the one person (woman) that you feel comfortable confiding in is very judgmental. Are there any bisexual organizations or meetings near you? Sometimes they are connected to GLBT community organizations. Just sitting down with a group of biguys and talking about things might help you. The one that I am aware of takes place away from the GLBT organization building due to the stigma many biguys feel about going to such a place.