View Full Version : Advice for first-time anal experience...

Oct 4, 2013, 9:12 PM
Just the briefest of setups...

I'm a 62 year old guy who's lived most of his life believing to be straight. I have always had a nylon fetish, and spent many of my waking hours wishing that I were a girl. But I accepted reality and have enjoyed a good life as a husband, father, and grandfather. Upon retiring several years ago, my wife and I started to explore our kinky sides, and eventually it led to swinging/cuckolding. My wife really wasn't into cuckolding me, but we did have several MFM situations where my primary interest was watching her get fucked by the other guy.

One time, I guided the guy's cock into her, and it was the first time I'd ever touched a hard cock other than mine. I liked it. We played with this guy on another occasion, and I was standing next to him while he was kneeling at the foot of our bed, eating my wife's pussy as she lay draped and spreadeagled over the end. Suddenly, with no indication that it was going to happen, he turned his head and briefly took my dick into his mouth. I was surprised that I wasn't repulsed. I liked it. It feels good to have your cock sucked, no matter whose mouth is on it!

This was the first inclination that I had that I had any interest in sexual contact with other men. A lot has happened since then, but the entire history isn't necessary to recount here. The bottom line is, I know readily acknowledge a strong interest in bisexual play. Like others have professed, I am not at all attracted to or interested in men, in general. However, put me in a room with a hard, naked cock, and I want to touch it, suck it, make it cum.

My wife and I two other MFM situations with a very nice gentleman who is amenable to intentional M-M contact. On these two occasions, I sucked his cock, and he masturbated me as part of our scene. It was at that time that we both acknowledged that I am BI. I was very comfortable with it, but I'm not so sure that she is. We no longer play with others as a couple.

I met one time briefly with this gentleman alone this past summer. We didn't have a lot of time, so we basically just sucked each other off and that was it. But now, another opportunity to get together has arisen, and we both want to explore more, as we'll have much more time to play this time. It will happen very soon.

I've been fantasizing about feeling his cock in me, and hope that he'll agree to it. I acknowledge that I may not like actually being fucked, but I do like have something up my ass. It's the in-out sensation that I'm not crazy about. I do want to have a real cock in my ass at least once in my life, and it could happen this weekend.

What I'm asking for is some hints on preparing for it. I know most of the common-sense things: squeaky-clean hygiene, both oral and physical. Plenty of lube and easy-does-it. I'll be freshly shaven and wearing some silky hose and panties. My concern is anal preparation. I don't have a lot of experience with enemas, but feel I should probably use one for cleanliness and for both his comfort and mine.

How close to 'zero hour' should I use the enema? Should I just use the bottle, or should I follow-up with a plain water rinse?

I know that most of you will probably caution me about the use of a condom. I know that that's best, even for anal sex between monogamous husbands and wives. But I want to feel, however briefly, a real, bare cock in me. He can put it in, take it out and then we'll do the condom. I know, I'm stupid for even considering this, but

Any other tips or suggestions on how to make our time together most pleasurable would be appreciated. This will very likely be the only time in my life that I get to do this and I want it to be a (good) unforgettable experience.
