View Full Version : Knowingly or unknowingly everybody is bisexual

Oct 4, 2013, 8:31 AM
I got to add entirely different perspective to the matter. May be time has come for us to accept the new truths.(ref. MAN IS THE EXTENSION OF WOMAN). Its an universal equation it can not be denied.But look at the man. He is something more. He is X and Y. That means, he is essentially an ‘X ’plus something extra. What do I mean by that! Man is already a woman that is ‘X’, plus something extra. Does that mean first step towards manhood is womanhood? Now let’s talk in mathematical language. Here is the equation, Man = 22 autosomes + X + Y Woman= 22 autosomes + X + X= 22 autsomes + X (by logic not by mathematics). . . Man= (22 autosomes + X) + Y= Woman + Y (by mathematics, simply) So man is everything that woman is, plus something extra. Now the extra thing is not qualitatively different, but quantitatively. Hence Y here must be somewhat like X + 1, X+2 or X+ 3 or something like that. It would be ultimately proven that woman can potentially grow into man. Similarly man can reduce to woman, if he loses some part of ‘Y’.

Oct 4, 2013, 12:07 PM
I don't think you can work out sexuality with a calculator. Nor can you use gender & chromosomes as factors: two lesbians do not make a bi or gay male, and a bisexual female doesn't need that extra chromosome to be bi.:tongue:
Also the idea that a male is something more than a female is kinda 'cock Vs womb' to say the least, and a sh!tstorm waiting to happen.:eek2:

Oct 4, 2013, 12:26 PM
I used to believe that everyone was bisexual but that the powerful and bigoted, religions and state had for centuries conspired to deny people the right to be through historical prejudice and oppression.. that left to our own devices we would all just have sex with whoever took our fancy and that gender while we may have a preference we would not reject the other gender out of hand ...we would all be naturally bisexual... well, I grew up... I was bisexual in those days... I dont mean that disparagingly to bisexuals.. people who know me know what I mean.. I just moved on and became lesbian.. it happens.. not all bisexuals or str8 people move on and become something else, but some do... many.. i wouldn't say most... nowadays I wouldn't be so arrogant as to tell anyone what they are and am much less certain about sexuality except to say I am more certain that it is far more complex than I ever thought in the days I considered myself bisexual......

..and all the OP's waffle? It is nothing more than that... waffle.. sorry hun but it was.... it tells us nothing of what any sexuality means or what any sexuality is.. and tells us even less about what Human beings are: male or female...:)

Annika L
Oct 4, 2013, 12:34 PM
Yeah, gotta agree with Gear and Fran...it's problematic bollocks at best. You imply that chromosomes are amounts, that x+x = x rather than 2x, and that x+y > x (or 2x). Of course that assumes y > 0. Oh, but wait! You acknowledge that this isn't mathematical (you call it "logical", but it's hardly that either...it fits some aesthetic you like but haven't communicated). So why use mathematical notation to communicate nonmathematical notions? Mathematically, logically, and more relevantly, chromosomally, I disagree that x+x = x. Not all x chromosomes are identical (else all women would be identical). And x chromosomes carry a good deal more genes than y chromosomes. So x+x > x+y from that perspective. In general I think your "theories" need some more work before hitting prime time. But that said...how does anything you say relate to your thread title/claim that "Everyone is knowingly or unknowingly bisexual?" This claim is completely unaddressed.

Oct 4, 2013, 12:55 PM
All the commenting about woman and man made me wonder just wtf the Y chromosome is all about? Here is a bit that I found. Not sure that it answers my question but ...

Until now, some researchers had disdained the Y chromosome. Out of 23 million nucleotides -- the base components that make up all DNA -- that make up the Y chromosome, it contains only 78 genes. Its main function is making males, an important job, but one that's well understood.
The studies reveal, however, that 60 of these genes are involved in male fertility.

"The Y is definitely a hotbed of new mutations that cause infertility or predispose (men to) infertility," Rozen said.

But in the new study, they found that the male-making chromosome reshuffles its DNA continuously within its own borders. This mechanism helps the Y chromosome repair itself when mutations occur.
But the incestuous swapping might be a double-edged sword, said Rick Wilson, director of the genome sequencing center at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, who also worked on the project. The process also presents the opportunity for deletions of parts of the useful genes. Such deletions lead to infertility, among other problems, he said.

Since the DNA in the Y chromosome is so repetitious, it was difficult to decode. Huntington Willard of Duke University wrote a commentary published with the Nature publications, calling the effort "nearly heroic."

I don't see a connection between the ideas stated by the OP and sexuality. I read an attempt to negate? the role of the X & Y chromosome..maybe? Sex is what anatomical parts that a person is born with (I think). The Y chromosome has the body re arranging certain anatomical parts but I'm not sure how clearly scientist understand the arranging. Is the brain of a male being altered during gestation? I read somewhere where it is due to the hormone "rush" exposing the fetus to drastically differing messages from the female. I read a theory (right or wrong) where the testorone? hormone rush can impact the psychological gender identity...I suspect that is a weak theory and still evolving. We just do not know. Male and female are not interchangeable after a certain point during gestation..I'd think.

Oct 4, 2013, 12:57 PM
I appreciate your theory. I love science. I have theories too. Maybe we can chat some time.

Oct 4, 2013, 8:21 PM
Depending on how you define bisexual there could be some truth in platonic love and/or attraction. However I assure you that there really are people out there who are only sexually attracted to the opposite gender. I've had awkward conversations with a few of them.

I kind of get what you are hinting at - everyone starts out with an X chromosome, but the "Y" chromosome is a variation, a mutation.

I am reading a book right now about "American Manhood" that traces the social expectations and forces that shaped American male youth for the last ~ 200 years. There definitely seems to be a push toward "feminizing" boys - that is environmental though.

Big surprise, people who cooperate rather than act selfishly survive longer - so if there is an evolutionary basis for bisexuality that is a more likely hypothesis to me.


I don't necessarily like to compare human beings to animals but the Bonobo uses sex to promote bonding, relieve tension, conflict and aggression. Of course according to what researchers have observed the sex isn't monogamous either.

Oct 6, 2013, 1:57 PM
Yeah, gotta agree with Gear and Fran...it's problematic bollocks at best. You imply that chromosomes are amounts, that x+x = x rather than 2x, and that x+y > x (or 2x). Of course that assumes y > 0. Oh, but wait! You acknowledge that this isn't mathematical (you call it "logical", but it's hardly that either...it fits some aesthetic you like but haven't communicated). So why use mathematical notation to communicate nonmathematical notions? Mathematically, logically, and more relevantly, chromosomally, I disagree that x+x = x. Not all x chromosomes are identical (else all women would be identical). And x chromosomes carry a good deal more genes than y chromosomes. So x+x > x+y from that perspective. In general I think your "theories" need some more work before hitting prime time. But that said...how does anything you say relate to your thread title/claim that "Everyone is knowingly or unknowingly bisexual?" This claim is completely unaddressed.
Its true that woman is two x. But other x is just a back up It never expresses itself . If at all expressed it produce some genetic aberration . So logically speaking woman is just one x. (ref. MAN IS THE EXTENSION OF WOMAN) So the theory holds..........To take to another level have you ever notice that y is nothing but the x with one leg missing...........

Oct 6, 2013, 3:05 PM
I agree with Gearbox...basing our notions of what it means to be a man or a woman on this idea of chromosomes is sketchy at best. Even when Intersexed children are born with ambiguous genitalia and the parents opt for gender reassignment, the doctors don't do chromosome testing to make that call. Doctors understand that there are people who are xxy, xyy, etc. In fact, there are over twenty different intersexed conditions, many of which make those people neither male nor female. Besides, I think we (myself included) often oversimplify and confuse the differences between Gender Identity and Biological Sex. It's pretty much a well established concept at this point that our notions of gender--what it means to be a "Man" or "Woman"--vary from culture to culture and are performative at best. And I don't think it benefits any of us to turn our misogyny on its head, privileging the female over the male. I'd much rather we further equality.

Oct 8, 2013, 3:07 PM
x and y are almost similar except that y is little bit shorter and miss some genetic locations....

Oct 23, 2013, 12:49 PM
let me think

Oct 23, 2013, 2:55 PM
I think most bisexual people would consider that their sexuality was a product of 'nature' + 'nurture'. There may be a genetic predisposition to bisexuality, but we all have stories of how we believe our formative years have influenced our development and put our sexuality somewhere on the sliding scale between being totally gay and totally straight.

Things my Dad said: When a person puts their finger inside you, that’s sex. When a doctor does the same thing, that’s not sex.

Oct 23, 2013, 3:59 PM
Things my Dad said: When a person puts their finger inside you, that’s sex. When a doctor does the same thing, that’s not sex.
It IS if he's masturbating at the time tho!:tongue: I know my rights!!lol

Oct 25, 2013, 4:26 AM
No not everyone is bisexual. People can and are heterosexual and gay/lesbian. It's just as bad as the opinion that "nobody is bisexual" to say that "Everyone is bisexual".

Oct 25, 2013, 12:48 PM
I used to believe that everyone was bisexual but that the powerful and bigoted, religions and state had for centuries conspired to deny people the right to be through historical prejudice and oppression.. that left to our own devices we would all just have sex with whoever took our fancy and that gender while we may have a preference we would not reject the other gender out of hand ...we would all be naturally bisexual... well, I grew up... I was bisexual in those days... I dont mean that disparagingly to bisexuals.. people who know me know what I mean.. I just moved on and became lesbian.. it happens.. not all bisexuals or str8 people move on and become something else, but some do... many.. i wouldn't say most... nowadays I wouldn't be so arrogant as to tell anyone what they are and am much less certain about sexuality except to say I am more certain that it is far more complex than I ever thought in the days I considered myself bisexual......

..and all the OP's waffle? It is nothing more than that... waffle.. sorry hun but it was.... it tells us nothing of what any sexuality means or what any sexuality is.. and tells us even less about what Human beings are: male or female...:)

Darkeyes, I still think you're in the bisexual family....you have tasted both. You are now exclusively lesbian, but you have, apparently, enjoyed men. I think that's different from the "born gay" person who has never had a desire for the opposite sex.

As to "moving on" and becoming something else, that's of great interest to me, as I'm finding myself more and more interested in men, and I have chatted and met with many who moved from bisexuality to becoming, and viewing themselves as, homosexual. Some men have expressed their marriage as "doing what was expected", but others were fully involved, and then simply changed. You are right, it's very, very complex, and I'm intrigued to see my own feelings unfolding as the inhibitions to same-sex desires are released.

Oct 25, 2013, 1:26 PM
Darkeyes, I still think you're in the bisexual family....you have tasted both. You are now exclusively lesbian, but you have, apparently, enjoyed men. I think that's different from the "born gay" person who has never had a desire for the opposite sex. As to "moving on" and becoming something else, that's of great interest to me, as I'm finding myself more and more interested in men, and I have chatted and met with many who moved from bisexuality to becoming, and viewing themselves as, homosexual. Some men have expressed their marriage as "doing what was expected", but others were fully involved, and then simply changed. You are right, it's very, very complex, and I'm intrigued to see my own feelings unfolding as the inhibitions to same-sex desires are released. Someone can be gay or lesbian and have had sex or even a relationship with the opposite gender. It's very common. I know gay men who have had girlfriends or wives, and who did have sex with women but this was when they were younger and either closeted or they did not want to accept that they're gay or lesbian. The idea that someone who is gay or lesbian who has had sex with a person of the opposite gender is somehow bisexual or part of the "bisexual family" is akin to how there are some gays and lesbians who brag about being "gold star" which to them is slang that they've never had sex with the opposite gender and many of them look down upon gay men and lesbian women who have.

Oct 25, 2013, 2:24 PM
Someone can be gay or lesbian and have had sex or even a relationship with the opposite gender. It's very common. I know gay men who have had girlfriends or wives, and who did have sex with women but this was when they were younger and either closeted or they did not want to accept that they're gay or lesbian. The idea that someone who is gay or lesbian who has had sex with a person of the opposite gender is somehow bisexual or part of the "bisexual family" is akin to how there are some gays and lesbians who brag about being "gold star" which to them is slang that they've never had sex with the opposite gender and many of them look down upon gay men and lesbian women who have.
I don't know, or care about "status" issues about being "pure" gay or lesbian, but I do think there is a different experience. I myself find it hard to fully understand the feelings of friends who have always and only been attracted to their same sex, and have never had any other desires.

Oct 25, 2013, 2:55 PM
I don't know, or care about "status" issues about being "pure" gay or lesbian, but I do think there is a different experience. I myself find it hard to fully understand the feelings of friends who have always and only been attracted to their same sex, and have never had any other desires. Why is it difficult to understand? That's just how gay men and lesbian women are as they're not sexually attracted to the same gender and never have been. The many gay men and lesbian women I've met who after I came out to them said how they'd had sexual experiences with the opposite gender described their opposite gender sexual experiences as being boring, lacking, and that their opposite gender sexual experiences just showed them how they're not sexually attracted to the opposite gender at all. A lot of them find the "gold star" gay/lesbians to be silly and find it even more silly when they've heard gay men and lesbian women describe the opposite gender's sexual organs as being "gross" to them.

Oct 27, 2013, 9:23 PM
​Nope. Most people are straight.

Oct 27, 2013, 9:35 PM
I believe labels lead to judgement and that sucks for everyone. If I had to pick one I am bi and wish there was more of it and no judgement.

Oct 28, 2013, 8:54 AM
I used to think, in much younger days, that everyone was bi. Real world experience simply doesn't bear that out. We all know many straight people who are perfectly happy and have no desire for sex with their own gender. If everyone were indeed bisexual repression, and the attendant neurosis, would be rampant. One might argue that homophobia is repressed homosexual desire, and in some cases that might be true. In general though that's like saying that all racists secretly want to be black. If the "shaped by experience" argument were strictly true then any of us who had same sex contact in our youth ( ie. almost all of us ) would be bi or gay. Again, not true. Anyone who has had a gay/lesbian person tell us that we are not really bi, but repressed, knows this much, we are a sub-strata of a sub-strata. If roughly ten percent of the population is gay/lesbian, then we represent a much smaller percentage still. People are naturally sexually curious, and the jury is out on whether more of us might be bi/gay were it not for social and religious conditioning, but I suspect it would still be a rather small percentage of the population. I'd love to hear opposing thoughts on the matter though.

Oct 28, 2013, 11:00 AM
I agree with Twoforyou. I think bisexuality is a very small portion of the population. This is a popular forum for bisexuals of all levels to come and learn about themselves. The level of activity here is pretty low if compared with forums based on straight relationships or gay issues.

Following the formula would appear to place everyone in a specific category. We fit into myriad categories. I don't consider myself bisexual because I have no need or desire to have a romantic relationship with a dude. I do however, have a strong need for the relationship I have with my wife. Just because someone likes to suck a dick now and then doesn't rate getting the label "bisexual".

Oct 28, 2013, 7:09 PM
As a past participant of an all-rounded school science education (as I hope we all are), and a graduate of A-Level Biology (woohoo!) I now do feel the need to chip in rather pompously ..quaff quaff..etc.

Ur use of genetics to solve the bisexual conundrum is flawed.
U are mistakingly using the genetics of gender, (and incorrectly at that).
To explain:

In eugenics...
XY does not equal 1+1.
XX equals 1+1.

In eugenics....
Y= half of X.
So XY actually equates to 1+0.5.

this results in women having more full chromosomes than men, which means genetically men are less than women.

In ur lingo therefore the correct verbage should be:

"Y is half of X and therefore woman is man with something extra"
(and not the other way around)

in any case ur looking at the wrong chromosomes, as chromosomes that determine gender are not the chromosomes that determine sexuality. The two are unrelated at this genetic stage.
To conclude:
you are thinking about bisexuality at the genetic level, which is fine, but you are looking at the wrong chromosomes.

adjust ur microscope, and add the sociological context to the mix and u might have something.


Oct 28, 2013, 10:37 PM
Well, being rather simple I'll just put :2cents: here. All people are people. :)

Feb 22, 2014, 11:14 PM
A tomato tree is growing . Its not male or female. Its just a tree. Letz call it male. Now the season change .The flowers are ripening into red tomatoes. The tree itself feel different from within . The structure is same only the feelings are different . Its blushing like a woman. But wait . Its not going to last like this. Soon the tomatoes will fall. Aloha its a male again,(ref. Man is the extension of woman)

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Feb 23, 2014, 9:13 AM
Finally, another Math nut.

Remember this:
-∞................................0................ ................∞


* Gay and Straight are merely the extremes of Bisexuality/Pansexuality.

Feb 25, 2014, 6:11 PM
While I understand the logic, the extension into humanity falters. My husband doesn't find any man sexually attractive. I've tried pushing him and even if he finds some men good looking, it doesn't follow that he's sexually attractive to them. I, on the other hand, find men and women attractive. At the end of the day I'm not interested in reducing attraction to an either/or phenomenon. But I also know that I'll never find an extra man in our bed (but I'm perfectly fine with that).
And no - he's not secretly gay/bi. I lost my virginty to a man who just celebrate 6 years with his boyfriend - and he was adamantly homophobic. I didn't "know" but he fit the "thou dost protest too much" category.