View Full Version : Bisexuality and Androgyny?

Sep 30, 2013, 3:03 AM
Do any of you remember The Star Trek 'next generation' episode, 'The Outcast'? It's the episode where Riker falls in love with Soren, a member of an androgynous race known as the J'naii.

I remember watching it and thinking how it really wouldn't matter what gender the person turned out to be if you'd already fallen for them.

Androgyny is pretty popular with young people right now and I think it's cool as can be when I see a young clerk or cashier who I think is cute and wonder what they're hiding under those clothes.

I guess that bisexuality has something to do with it though because being bisexual means that you can get into someone's underwear and be happy with whatever you find there. :)

Personally, I think it would just be very exciting to go out on a date and not know until you get them in bed.

Sep 30, 2013, 6:51 AM
There was a supply clerk where I worked, who was like a camelian...instead of changing colors, she/he changed genders! Some times she'd step out of her androgynous appearance, to define one gender, or another; one day she'd be a really cute boy...or maybe a delicious young girl..........then she'd show up and you wouldn't know, for sure, what she was! (That's how she usually presented herself)

She was the best example of androgyny I've experienced. No matter the role she chose for that day, there was a very strong magnetism that drew diverse people to her. Over a period of 10 years, I got to know her and understand what a quirky, but free lifestyle she lived. I admired her; she did her own thing, regardless to what anyone thought.

Her bosses didn't think much of her appearance, but she was good at her job, so they learned to put up with it.

Sep 30, 2013, 8:53 AM
I have to wonder if the OP is really referring to pansexuality. If I find what appears to be a woman attractive and we end up discovering that what is in her pants is a penis, that doesn't mean that as a bisexual I will be pleased. I may be...in which case wouldn't I be a pansexual? A bisexual is attracted to both genders physically and or emotionally. If the gender doesn't matter I think it more appropriate and you are attracted to transexuals in transition, I see that as pansexuality. In the same incident, if the person is vague about how they present their gender and it is unclear, they may be presenting an androgenous self. Then again, they may be presenting an ayndrogenous exterior for some other reason. It is possible to present an androgenous facade and be completely heterosexual...could it not? It is possible that a person may present an ayndrogeous facade for purely fashion sake. They may appear dressed ayndrogenously but the minute that they open their mouth the voice may indicate their sex. They may present gender behaviour. It is also possible that their behaviour and other physical traits may leave their gender vague.