View Full Version : I think I need 2 husbands!

Sep 27, 2013, 11:04 AM
Double the help with the kids, double the income and.......

double the fun ;)

All my female friends think I'm crazy, am I? :bigrin:

Sep 27, 2013, 11:30 AM
I just got a hankerin' for some Double-Mint gum

Sep 27, 2013, 12:12 PM
Double the help with the kids, double the income and.......

double the fun ;)

All my female friends think I'm crazy, am I? :bigrin:
Sounds very reasonable to me. But would you get double the laundry, cooking, dishes, housework too?:tongue:

Sep 27, 2013, 1:05 PM
Sounds very reasonable to me. But would you get double the laundry, cooking, dishes, housework too?:tongue:

I don't do the laundry or dishes. Sometimes the cooking, but could manage that

Sep 27, 2013, 1:06 PM
or could always get that au-pair I have dreamed of...... nice hot swedish guy ;)

But then I'd have 3 guys :tongue:

Sep 27, 2013, 1:50 PM
I doubt if a scenario like that would be too far out, today.

If both spouses were not jealous and willing to share, I think many virile women could easily keep two men, sated.....and...... in the process, be emotionally/sexually fulfilled, herself.

I would never suggest going into a similar situation, without some research and soul-searching, beforehand!

Sep 27, 2013, 4:19 PM
I doubt if a scenario like that would be too far out, today.

If both spouses were not jealous and willing to share, I think many virile women could easily keep two men, sated.....and...... in the process, be emotionally/sexually fulfilled, herself.

I would never suggest going into a similar situation, without some research and soul-searching, beforehand!

many men have open relationships and have more than 1 woman, I don't see the women doing it as often, why I don't know.

Sep 27, 2013, 4:28 PM
the ones who bave more than one woman dont want their women to have more than one man. thats why


Sep 27, 2013, 4:31 PM
the ones who bave more than one woman dont want their women to have more than one man. thats why


then those men are idiots :-)

Sep 28, 2013, 3:10 AM
If my wife asked me if I'd let her have a second guy I'd be cool with it. Especially if he was bi.

Now would I want a second wife? Not only no but, hell no. OK, I know a couple of women that I'd like to have join us for a night, or two, but to live here all the time? Like I said previously..., hell no!

Sep 28, 2013, 7:24 AM
I always thought that could be a practical situation .

Sep 28, 2013, 7:52 AM
If my wife asked me if I'd let her have a second guy I'd be cool with it. Especially if he was bi.

Now would I want a second wife? Not only no but, hell no. OK, I know a couple of women that I'd like to have join us for a night, or two, but to live here all the time? Like I said previously..., hell no!

no idea how men handle multiple women on an ongoing basis! I assume the girls must be bi for it to work

Sep 28, 2013, 8:40 AM
no idea how men handle multiple women on an ongoing basis! I assume the girls must be bi for it to work

This is one of the oldest form of relationship - it's called "adultery" - The men give each woman the perception that she's the solitary mate - while also keeping them isolated from each other so there is no conflict. Some people claim that it's an evolutionary tactic to spread genetic diversity although I find the morality questionable. I think the invention of the internet and cell phones has made this more complicated.


Unless of course they all know about each other, in which case it's called an "open relationship" or some other polygamist term.

If you can make it work, if everyone is healthy, has a healthy self image, can communicate well, genuinely want to share (not jealous) and are comfortable with themselves, there are enough financial and other resources to take care of each other and offspring I really don't see why this wouldn't work. It just doesn't mesh well with the Zeitgeist of Western society I suppose.


Sep 28, 2013, 9:06 AM
No, not crazy. I think many households could use that third adult to help with everything and if the three of them are sexually compatible the combination doesn't really matter.

Sep 28, 2013, 9:12 AM
I would like to have another woman with me & my husband, preferably bisexual. It's easier to share house duties, but I agree that everyone must be free minded with no jealousy.

Sep 28, 2013, 10:55 AM
I was in a polyamry relationship for while, a couple and me. The wife loved it, would help with everything, in and out of the bedroom. Was little strange at first, but after I started helping friends, then she wasn't as tired and got payed off with sex was hot.

Sep 28, 2013, 11:45 AM
That means you are home alone all day while husbands are at work!

Sep 28, 2013, 1:41 PM
No, not crazy. I think many households could use that third adult to help with everything and if the three of them are sexually compatible the combination doesn't really matter.

See I knew it made sense :-)

Always seems to be 2 women and a guy, I just like to be different I suppose :-)

That means you are home alone all day while husbands are at work!

working from home rocks! LOL

Sep 28, 2013, 11:40 PM
wouldnt you think the men should bi also,ease the fraustration some

Sep 29, 2013, 7:24 AM
wouldnt you think the men should bi also,ease the fraustration some

of course, as long as they don't leave me out the fun! LOL

Sep 29, 2013, 8:42 AM
Not at all. I would have 2 husbands. I am horny slut with bi man. We would rock every night. I would love it.

Sep 29, 2013, 9:04 AM

Sep 29, 2013, 9:53 AM
See I knew it made sense :-)

Always seems to be 2 women and a guy, I just like to be different I suppose :-)

working from home rocks! LOL
My late wife and I rented a room to a friend that called herself a chick with a dick, for several years. Several times a month she would come and play with us. You can see one pic of her and I together, Pic taken be wife. It was a very good thing.

Drunk Uncle
Sep 29, 2013, 10:18 AM
I say it's a dang fine idea.

Esp. whoever pointed out that if they were both bi...ahh, what a wonderful world indeed! :bigrin:

It sounds like it's all fun and games here but if you were thinking about trying this, someone already sent you the link to the polyamory website.

In addition to that I would strongly suggest "The Ethical Slut" by Dossie Eaton and Janet W. Hardy. I read it (a couple of times) years ago and it really addressed a lot of the real-life dynamics you run into. Changed my life for the better.

As for the 2 women and 1 guy leanings...yeah, I get a little weary of that myself. Let's mix it up a little and have some fun (and orgasms) while we're at it.

Drunk Uncle

Sep 29, 2013, 11:18 AM
I think the wife would love this arrangement. Extra help, extra money, lots of extra sex.

MMF sex beats FMF sex every day. Sure the fantasy to have 2 women is great but the reality is that MMF just allows more variation. Watching FMF porn usually entails one woman sitting to the side frigging herself, waiting her turn. No one is left out of MMF!!

I like the idea of renting a room. Allows for a relationship but keeps the discretion.

Oct 23, 2013, 9:21 AM
the last bite is fun lol

Oct 24, 2013, 4:04 PM
I'm trying to put the shoe on the other foot and figure what I would do with more than one wife. The thought panics me. One is more than enough. I've seen these TV shows about Mormons with multiple wives. Who needs the competition for attention, the infighting, the different personalities, the meltdowns, the expense, etc? What a nightmare!

Oct 31, 2013, 4:39 PM
I'm trying to put the shoe on the other foot and figure what I would do with more than one wife. The thought panics me. One is more than enough. I've seen these TV shows about Mormons with multiple wives. Who needs the competition for attention, the infighting, the different personalities, the meltdowns, the expense, etc? What a nightmare!

That type of polygamy would be very unhealthy as far as I'm concerned because it's only the man who gets attention from all of the people involved, but in a relationship where everyone is capable of being intimate with each other love each other equally who knows...

My wife has fantasies about this sort of thing I read about a "triple" in Holland that entered into a 3-way civil relationship which are celebrated as a marriage. I have written stories for my wife about us being married to another man for her own satisfaction. The story starts out with us exploring mmf sex with a male lover of mine and ends with us getting married to one and other and of course the honeymoon night where we consummate our marriage.

Oct 31, 2013, 5:30 PM
There are many people already in this country who are "married" (not legally) to more than one person. The relationship was chronicled in a study in the '70's in a book called Multilateral Marriage by Larry and Joan Constantine. I think that in theory it would be ideal. You would have more people contributing income, more people to raise the children, more variety in sex, more variety in characters to fulfill your emotional needs. It takes the pressure off the partner in a conventional marriage who has to fulfill all of your needs.

That said, I think that it would be so very hard to achieve. It took me 49 years to find my wife, the truest love of my life. Can you imagine how hard it would be to find, say, four people each of whom was compatible emotionally, romantically, and sexually with each other? I can't believe that this could be achieved unless each member was bi. Still, it would be incredibly difficult to find such compatible partners. There are websites on the internet devoted to such relationships. I guess going onto those sites would help, but…

I still dream about being in such a relationship. I can almost "taste" what it would be like to love and be loved by more than one other person. Maybe in another life!

Oct 31, 2013, 5:40 PM
Best scenario in my opinion; a marriage between two men and two women, with everyone being bi.

Nov 1, 2013, 10:09 AM
Best scenario in my opinion; a marriage between two men and two women, with everyone being bi.
I'll drink to that!

Nov 1, 2013, 11:22 PM
Best scenario in my opinion; a marriage between two men and two women, with everyone being bi.

Great arrangement!! Only problem might be getting anything accomplished if everyone's "moods" were in synch!!

Cheryl P
Nov 2, 2013, 12:09 AM
2 bi husbands sounds ideal to me! But very few (if any?) seem to want to give it a shot in real life.

Nov 2, 2013, 3:55 AM
I just have to say, I came across this thread more or less accidentally, and was thrilled to read so many well thought out and intelligent comments. Kudos guys. I read and post regularly on another site and the general maturity and intelligence level here is whooping it's ass. Not sure quite what to make of that yet. Please continue. I'll get back to me on this.

Nov 2, 2013, 6:51 AM
Have had 2 guy 3somes on occasion.. but have guys permanently? God forbid.. even wen I fancied guys found 1 hubbie, for all he wos (and is) luffly man and not the worst of his gender by long chalk, wos more than I cud bear in me life :eek2:. We r still friends and close 1s and am glad of it... but will stick wiv me own gender tyvm:impleased

But we all have different needs and wants.... and that's wot makes our species so interesting and life so much fun and so rich:bigrin:...

Nov 2, 2013, 8:53 AM
My absolute best, most idyllic relationship, ever, was with an older married couple. I was 20, they were 39 and 40. (she was the older one) I lived with them for about 13 months....there was no jealousy, very few disagreements......and, on a compatibility scale, it was about as good as it could get.

Sadly, I was never able to duplicate that relationship.

Later, I did live with two women, for 2 years. That time was fairly interesting and rewarding, but there is no way one guy can keep two healthy women sated 24/7! If the girls hadn't been lovers, too, they probably would have killed me!

Nov 4, 2013, 12:31 PM
More power to you I say...you go girl

Nov 5, 2013, 8:59 AM
My wife has always wanted another bisexual male to live with us and share our lives on all levels, but we find it's exceedingly hard to find that one guy who is as open-minded and adventurous as we are.

Nov 5, 2013, 8:59 AM
Get one that is Gay, he can do the cooking and decorate the house, keep it clean. ( just kidding, no offense to the gays) :2cents:

Nov 5, 2013, 10:42 AM
Marriedbimale , I think I can be that man, something I always had dreamed about but it's extremely hard to find an openminded couples like you two.

Nov 5, 2013, 11:12 AM
No you are not .Go for it girl

Nov 5, 2013, 11:58 AM
I think that is a great idea! I would love to add to our family.

Nov 7, 2013, 2:33 PM
My wife and I have finally found a boyfriend. This is the first guy that we have ever thought of having a long term thing with... who knows what the future holds in store.

Nov 8, 2013, 8:01 PM
2 bi husbands sounds ideal to me! But very few (if any?) seem to want to give it a shot in real life.

so canada is a bad place to look? LOL

Get one that is Gay, he can do the cooking and decorate the house, keep it clean. ( just kidding, no offense to the gays) :2cents:


My wife and I have finally found a boyfriend. This is the first guy that we have ever thought of having a long term thing with... who knows what the future holds in store.

hope it works out!

Cheryl P
Nov 8, 2013, 8:52 PM
so canada is a bad place to look? LOL

So far! Still looking. I would think it wouldn't be that difficult in the Bay Area???

Nov 9, 2013, 11:38 AM
So far! Still looking. I would think it wouldn't be that difficult in the Bay Area???
Don't give up hun... Newfoundland is desolate lol... but we have found a possible 3rd for us just be patient and picky and you might be surprised :)

Nov 9, 2013, 12:50 PM
I've been in two polyamorous relationships in the past...one was me with a married couple and the other one consisted of two women and two men all living in the same house. There's nothing theoretically wrong with the idea, but the logistics killed it for me in the end. Imagine how difficult and time consuming it is to maintain a relationship with two people and then multiply that, which means more arguments, more jealousy, more miscommunication, more micromanaging the chores, more people to cook for, etc. And it seems there's always one person either unhappy with the situation or who has expectations that are not getting met. It would be a perfect situation of all involved knew exactly what they wanted out of the relationship and were able to effectively communicate those needs and wants. Everyone involved has to be committed to compromise, because everyone is not going to be happy 100% of the time. And in my experience, it helps if there's one person involved who actually enjoys more time alone and is fine with being a secondary spouse. That's how the experience with the married couple was, and it lasted a lot longer and was more enjoyable for all. The couple was already married and were primary partners, and I was like a secondary. That's not to say that I wasn't important, but I enjoyed my autonomy and alone time more. The arrangement allowed me to be part in a serious, monogamous relationship with two people and still not be as tied down or involved as I would have been in a one on one experience. The relationship lasted for several years, and would have lasted longer had I not come out as bi. The couple wasn't exactly thrilled that my orientation announcement changed the dynamic of the relationship. Again, it was all well and good as long as I was being what they wanted me to be, but once I made demands that the guy either satisfy that desire for me or that I be allowed to satisfy those desires elsewhere, all bets were off. But I would encourage anyone to give it a try, and I certainly still daydream that one day I'll find the perfect polyamorous relationship again.

Apr 19, 2015, 10:08 AM
2 bi husbands sounds ideal to me! But very few (if any?) seem to want to give it a shot in real life.

With you and another BI guy, I would jump at the chance.

Apr 19, 2015, 11:59 AM
Double the help with the kids, double the income and.......

double the fun ;)

All my female friends think I'm crazy, am I? :bigrin: …my ex needed 5 grown men to take care of her sexually…I just didn’t know about the other 4 until I was getting divorced…

Apr 19, 2015, 2:15 PM
We had a bi guy third wheel for a number of years. Worked out quite well until he got transferred to the other side of the state. Everyone got along quite well without any issues. It took us close to three years to find him but it was worth the wait.

Apr 19, 2015, 6:36 PM

Apr 19, 2015, 6:42 PM
Yeah, because there's such a high percentage of monogamous relationships among healthy people with healthy self images who communicate well, not jealous and are comfortable with themselves. You make it sound as if the divorce rate isn't 50%...

Apr 19, 2015, 6:45 PM
Hmmm, if your FMF is boring you must not be doing it right.

Apr 19, 2015, 7:34 PM
I would love two husbands personally! The hard part is finding somebody we click with.

Apr 20, 2015, 2:20 AM
I would be OK with a second husband who is bi.

Apr 24, 2015, 6:11 AM
I would love for my wife to have two husbands, especially if the other husband was bi as well and the three of us could all have fun either together, or separately, with no jealousy issues. My oldest friend and I have played together since we were kids, and he has joined me and my wife in the bedroom a couple of times for some hot fun. We all love and trust each other, and my wife has no problem with me playing with him when she's not around, and she's free to see him as often as she likes as well. He would be the perfect candidate for us; alas, he's married and his wife is not as free-thinking as we are.

Apr 24, 2015, 7:52 AM
After my divorce, i stayed with my best friend and his wife. He and i worked at same company, and sometimes we worked different shifts. She got more than a fair share of sex. And when we worked different shifts, he would come home and want me to tell him what her and i did, and then some bi stuff happened. Win Win

Apr 24, 2015, 8:42 AM
After my divorce, i stayed with my best friend and his wife. He and i worked at same company, and sometimes we worked different shifts. She got more than a fair share of sex. And when we worked different shifts, he would come home and want me to tell him what her and i did, and then some bi stuff happened. Win Win

sorry u got divorced, but it looks like at least u had alot of hot fun come out of it for consolation :)

Apr 25, 2015, 8:01 PM
I've been married twice and have no desire to ever marry again. I'd like to have 3 bisexual girlfriends with benefits and 3 bisexual boyfriends with benefits. The 7 of us would form a casual sex club, all get to know each other sexually and have frequent 1 on 1 sex and bisexual group sex. We'd be non-jealous, open and honest about everything.

Apr 26, 2015, 1:31 PM
usually the men are too jealous or controlling!! I, however LOVE to see my wife fucking other men!!! Its a hell of a turn on for me.

Melody Dean
Apr 26, 2015, 3:08 PM
"I'd like to rent a wife
Then rent a husband to keep her for life
The three of us, we could be so happy
Then with each other, meet with company"

-Bad Wine And Lemon Cake by Amanda Palmer with The Jane Austen Argument

Apr 26, 2015, 4:26 PM
"I'd like to rent a wife
Then rent a husband to keep her for life
The three of us, we could be so happy
Then with each other, meet with company"

-Bad Wine And Lemon Cake by Amanda Palmer with The Jane Austen Argument
Jane Austen is rolling in her grave at the thought of Amanda Palmer renting out male and female whores as a "wife" or "husband". :rolleyes:

Melody Dean
Apr 27, 2015, 10:47 AM
Jane Austen is rolling in her grave at the thought of Amanda Palmer renting out male and female whores as a "wife" or "husband". :rolleyes:
LOL, you're right there! Even worse, I'm pretty sure The Jane Austen Argument are the ones that wrote that particular lyric (judging from who sings that part live).

Jun 8, 2015, 11:34 AM
My ex-wife wanted two husbands. She LOVED two men at a time. I lost count of the number of times I have seen her having sex with men other than me. No... Some men and women just need more... We divorced because of me, not her. I was an ass and wish we were still married. I definitely could have handled a permanent extra man around.

Jun 8, 2015, 12:21 PM
Double the help with the kids, double the income and.......

double the fun ;)

All my female friends think I'm crazy, am I? :bigrin: …my ex could have used another husband…I didn’t know it until for about 10 years into our marriage…that she needed so much sex…hell I was banging her twice a day & 3 times on Sunday…but even then she was getting it on the side…& if the screaming & carrying on was any indication I was doing a good job…she just needed more than one man…

Jun 8, 2015, 12:25 PM
Married to another woman, but could I live wiv being married 2 2? It is something we have discussed on occasion since we both have (different) regular lovers for whom we have deep feelings... we have shared and shall again, but while we are attracted to each other's lover, like and are fond of them and the sex is deliciously yummie, I doubt there is quite the depth of feeling all round to make any 3 (or 4 person for that matter) marriage or partnership work.. Sex is 1 thing... living together in a marriage or partnership (formal or loose) quite a different matter.. not impossible as a principle, but not with Kate, myself and one or even both of the others..

Jun 10, 2015, 12:21 AM
I really loved it when my wife had a boyfriend. She had the guy (he was married) when I met her, and I kind of had to take a number while we were dating. We - the two men - are both very different lovers, and that appealed to her. He was jealous of me, but I was not in the least bit jealous of him. After she had seen him she was happy, horny, smelled like heaven, and was far more out there and adventurous. Our conversations were much more interesting. She once came home after seeing him once and started talking the instant she saw me, "Oh my God! I can hardly walk! Roger fucked my ass! We didn't just have "anal," I mean he really fucked my ass! The next thing I knew she was bent over telling me to look at her ass and tell her how it looked. But it was not sleazy, or dirty, she was just stating facts and what she had happened that afternoon in a local motel room. Another time she walked in talking about how a maid had come into the motel room while she had her legs almost over her shoulders right as he was cumming in her. "I have never been so embarrassed!" she told me.

I did not find any of it obscene. If anything it was a massive turn on, and we had the most marvelous marriage. There were certainly zero secrets! So a woman having two husbands sounds really good to me.

PS here: Sorry if anything I said in my post was offensive. I do not mean it to be. More that sharing between men is possible, and openness can be pretty amazing.