View Full Version : Bi Visibility Day 23rd Sept

Sep 23, 2013, 1:54 PM
looks like a great site and idea


Drunk Uncle
Sep 23, 2013, 2:47 PM
Tried the link using Firefox and it did not work, thought you should know.

Just for giggles I also copied & pasted it into my browser and it didn't work either.

Both times got the "Server Not Found" and "Firefox can't find the server at www.september23.bi.org." error message.

Sep 23, 2013, 2:58 PM
Doesn't work for me either with Chrome. It's a shocking disgrace!:tongue:

Sep 23, 2013, 3:13 PM
right well fuck that then. i take it back. obviously a shit website if u cant access it. hehe

i had some trouble accessing it but i just thought it was my ipad or poor wifi connection. i did end up going there though. its worth the effort.

maybe try googling it and clicking on the google link. or try this


im on it right now. its ALIVE!
its all purple and shiny and everything.

the lack of presence of this day or information about it on bisexual.com speaks volumes.
these days are the kind of things half of the people here WANT shoved down their throat.
site moderators/managers take note.

Sep 23, 2013, 3:14 PM
FYi I'm using Safari.
google chrome? urghhhh

Drunk Uncle
Sep 23, 2013, 3:20 PM
Oh, it is purple and shiny!

Tried it again and yeah, it seems to be working now although the page takes quite a bit of time to load as do all the other links at the top of the page.

And, as you mentioned, quite a bit of good information there, so thanks for the post and the link.

Sep 23, 2013, 3:26 PM
That's better! Can't beat a bit of purple.
Bit late in the day to make a flag to wave out the bedroom window, but we should be well prepared for next years events.:bounce:

"Maybe try googling it", indeed.lol

Sep 23, 2013, 6:14 PM
That's better! Can't beat a bit of purple.
Bit late in the day to make a flag to wave out the bedroom window, but we should be well prepared for next years events.:bounce:

"Maybe try googling it", indeed.lol

dont effing start..

Sep 23, 2013, 6:41 PM
I love it when your gander's up, lovely man.:oh: Will kiss it all better.

Sep 23, 2013, 7:00 PM

D: whats the matter? what are you hinting at?
G: why? is there something to hint at?

its us. all the way.

Sep 23, 2013, 7:33 PM
Ain't no soldiers or hoovers in the way.;)

Sep 23, 2013, 7:44 PM
OMG. its even got ur lampshade in the background, at the end when theyre shagged out.
its like our motif

Sep 23, 2013, 10:57 PM
Great website. I'll be sure to bookmark and save.


Long Duck Dong
Sep 24, 2013, 12:11 AM
I was talking to some of my friends... and their reaction is its like valentines day, one day of the year where people make a big deal about how much they love their partners and the rest of the year, they do it because they love their partners

one of them said that they embrace bisexuality and bisexuals every day of the year, why would they want one day a year for telling others * look at me, my life is hard, its mean, the world is full of people that do not accept me, embrace me and have any interest in me * when they can do that any day of the year.....and if people were really qenuinely interested in getting to know them as people that were also bisexual, there is also every other day of the year as well lol

Sep 24, 2013, 6:52 PM
I was talking to some of my friends... and their reaction is its like valentines day, one day of the year where people make a big deal about how much they love their partners and the rest of the year, they do it because they love their partners

one of them said that they embrace bisexuality and bisexuals every day of the year, why would they want one day a year for telling others * look at me, my life is hard, its mean, the world is full of people that do not accept me, embrace me and have any interest in me * when they can do that any day of the year.....and if people were really qenuinely interested in getting to know them as people that were also bisexual, there is also every other day of the year as well lol

those friends sound like a bunch of misanthropic wankers.