View Full Version : Chubby

Sep 23, 2013, 9:33 AM
HI all

I am what everyone calls chubby!!!
I was just wondering how many bi or Gay guys prefer a chubby Guy.
If you prefer, why and if you don’t , why?
The reason I ask is it is all good and fine when chatting to a guy and all things go well till her finds out you are a chubby.
9 out of 10 will say sorry not my Type.

Sep 23, 2013, 9:37 AM
I try not to be picky. I'm a few pounds heavier than I would like to be (not fat, just a belly), but I don't discriminate. Same with couples: I would feel out of place with a couple of model style people, man or men, woman or both...

Sep 23, 2013, 9:58 AM
well its always best just to send recent pictures right at the start. that way you wont set urself up for wasted time. unfortunately the world of meeting people for sex on the internet is very superficial. i think if u are nervous about how someone will react to ur body,meeting random people off the internet is probably not a good idea. it carries too much risk for immediate and swift rejection. try dating. or goto to sites which appreciate ur body type. or send pics first off and get the worry off ur chest straight away.
or lie about what u really look like if ur sure there is no chance ur going to be meeting these people in the flesh.

photoshop enables everyone on the internet to reduce, reuse and recycle their image.

chubbiness does not put me off someone. my weight has been up and down over the years anyway so i try to treat people as i wish to be treated.

interesting post. thanx


Sep 23, 2013, 11:13 AM
From your pics it appears that you are just that, chubby. Most of us of a certain age are a bit. Chubby, a little overweight, I have no problem with. Grossly fat is a whole different story!

Sep 23, 2013, 11:35 AM
I've been tall and slim most of my life. There's some extra around my waist, now, but some of my most memorable intimate relationships have been with chubby people.

My early sensual (non orgasmic) experiences, with a chubby female cousin ......and later, my first orgasmic experience with an older large male, ensured I'd be attracted to those with fuller figures.

On a superficial level, I definitely prefer voluptuousness to skinny! I mentioned Superficiality, because personalities and mutual interests will always be the most magnetic for me!

Sep 23, 2013, 11:54 AM
Chubbiness is not a turn off.Your uncut cock is a turn on and that will stop any question on chubbiness.

Drunk Uncle
Sep 23, 2013, 12:47 PM
I've always been drawn to a chubby person - man or woman.

When I'm holding either, it just "feels" good, my hands are full, my legs are wrapped around something warm and fleshy.
Now that I'm thinking about it...I'm trying to do the quick "last 10 people you slept with" list...there wasn't a thin or slim person on there.

It's not something I'm opposed to, I guess it's something I've never really thought of. Usually when I *click* with someone and we're talking and then there's the "oh-this-might-go-somewhere" vibe, I'm not thinking about body type...I'm usually thinking real naughty thoughts. :oh:

I do agree with dafydd; when you're out looking for this/these types of connections on the ole Internet, it's best to put the Deal Breakers out there right at the start, so as not to waste anytime. It can be frustrating but if you put that all out there on the front side, it can make for an easier time trying to find someone to have some fun with and also cut short the time that you would spend trying to connect with someone before you present a possible Deal Breaker.

Sep 24, 2013, 1:45 PM
I am chubby as is my wife. I have always like chubby women and men.

Sep 24, 2013, 4:18 PM
I've always believed in chemistry with the person. I've been with chubby guys when i was skinny and since i've put on some weight I consider myself chubby and still meet people. So don't worry for ever no they're are 5 yeses for you.

Sep 24, 2013, 5:34 PM
I don't mind chubby women. Chubby men are not for me. I prefer guys that at least look like they take care of themselves.

That out of the way, truth be told, appearances don't matter much if I know someone. I had an old f-buddy I screwed around with over a couple decades. I never would have looked twice at the guy from his appearance. Dreadfully mediocre overall and not in particularly good shape- a bit pudgy on his better days.

I was acquainted with him from a local National Guard unit and never gave him a second thought, until I ran into him at the local steam baths. Then we ended up seeing each other off and on over the years. Despite his chubbiness, he was actually quite the stud.

Sep 24, 2013, 9:30 PM
It's easy to perceive fault in ourselves and much less easy to recognize and celebrate our own merits; never allow others, friends or not, to become substitute arbiters for one's own true value and uniqueness; that's our job. No one [should be] willing to acknowledge a fault in himself when a more agreeable motive can be found for the estrangement of his acquaintances. M.T.

Sep 26, 2013, 12:56 PM
i like all

Sep 26, 2013, 1:02 PM
I enjoy all types, I'd only have a problem with a guy if he was so obese that he couldn't get his cock into me. Other than that, as long as he's healthy, clean and stable enough to handle a NSA occasional friends-with-benefits arrangement, it's all good. Some of the best sex I've ever had was with a chubby guy plowing me from behind, or on my back on the bed with my legs up beside me... :)

Sep 26, 2013, 11:20 PM
I like chubby women and men. There's just more of them to play with, they're obviously more comfortable to cuddle against, and the plump look (but not too plump) is irresistible.

Sep 30, 2013, 10:29 AM
HI all

I am what everyone calls chubby!!!
I was just wondering how many bi or Gay guys prefer a chubby Guy.
If you prefer, why and if you don’t , why?
The reason I ask is it is all good and fine when chatting to a guy and all things go well till her finds out you are a chubby.
9 out of 10 will say sorry not my Type.
At the moment the poll says that 92.40% of voters are all for sex with chubs. This is very strangely the opposite reaction of what you claim to get.:eek:
Were you mistaken, incredibly unlucky or has the tide turned?

Sep 30, 2013, 2:21 PM
I really don't care one way or the other if a person is heavy, thin or whatever. Its not that looks don't have any play in my desire for a person---but they are not that important as a rule--what matters to me is whether they are "nice" or not----with what all entails that is no so easy to say. I am more interested in the internal qualities of a person over their looks-----in fact----if someone, female or male----look too good---that can make me reticent to be with them because all too often--I have found really physically attractive people to be totally reprehensible people and not one I want to be anywhere near, but surely have found some physically "ugly" people to be the "nicest," sweetest, kind, fun, generous, etc people ever--and that is more important to me than how someone looks.

Sep 30, 2013, 3:01 PM
I'm definitely not attracted to obese men in particular. A woman who has a little extra weight but a knock out face is just fine. If there are rolls that come out from her torso the same size as her breasts, no I don't think that I am interested. I remember being a bit overweight for the first time in my life in my 40's. I went to the gym and saw naked guys really really obese to the point that their dick was not that visible. No, I would not be attracted to them. I'm not in a good shape as I was four or five years ago. I know it. I'm sure that chubby people know it. I know that some can not really lose the weight. I'd be their friend if they were fun. Who knows if anything else might develop but I would want to meet the obese person as a starting point. I don't think that is shallow..sexual attraction is what it is.

Oct 1, 2013, 1:48 AM
I'm a little overweight at the moment (working on it) but I'm so short that i dont carry weight very well. I'm surprised at the amount of men who like women with more meat on their bones.

Oct 1, 2013, 5:48 AM
I've often wondered if our attraction, or repulsion, of different body types were impacted by early experiences?

The earliest of my sexual experiences were with larger people of both genders. My first regrettable experience was with someone who was slim. Could these experiences be imprinted in my subconscious?

Even though I went on to have rewarding connections with various body types, it seems the early impressions were the longest-lasting ones.

As I grew and matured, personalities became a bigger motivating factor for me, but, on a superficial level, my initial reaction to meeting someone is to gravitate toward the more voluptuous ones.

I'm no psychiatrist, but there seems to be a correlation, here.

Oct 1, 2013, 8:02 AM
I've been with women of all body types but prefer chubby women. I've been trying to explore my bi side and chubby men are the only men that I have the desire to be with. couldn't tell you why for sure but I have no interest in fit men never have .older and chubby are all I fantasize about. if it ever works out chubby men are who its going to be with soon hopefully lol

Oct 1, 2013, 12:45 PM
I am overweight, have been since I was a kid. I'm not a fat slob, and am not hampered by the extra weight, but I do have a belly. I find that I prefer skinnier guys but it's not etched in stone that I wouldn't go with a guy of my build. I am definitely not attracted to morbidly obese guys. Had a guy want to meet once and when we did he was about 5'8" and 300+, he said he was chubby and listed his weight at 180. Why lie? Did he not think I was going to notice the weight difference? Needless to say that went nowhere. I am more interested in the personality then the body but be honest. I have a guy I play with occasionally and he is thin but really likes chubbier guys.
So for meeting someone just be upfront and honest and sooner or later you will find a match.

Oct 1, 2013, 4:03 PM
I've been with different body types and prefer average bodies. I've been with chubby men for mutual fun. In moving around the logistics of body shapes gets interesting and fun. As long as the dicks long enough with personality I can look past the weight. As for women I find it more difficult as moving the belly up to get to the clit is a little off putting. I think it relates to past experience and what we grew up with in our own home. My mom was average and dad was a little overweight by about 15-20 pounds. My preferences in both sexes reflect that. Whatever floats the boat as they say!!

Oct 1, 2013, 5:19 PM
I enjoy men and women who are chubby. I do not care for skinny people, just my preference. A chubby guy with a big dick is awesome.

Oct 2, 2013, 5:23 AM
For me it's about the fun. I don't mind what the persons body type is. I'm a chubby too, and still have its if fun.

Oct 2, 2013, 10:31 AM
Thanks all for the feed back
Really means a lot to ME
It seems I am living in the wrong country at the moment, but then again bisexuality in South Africa is frowned upon a lot
If you are Bi you ARE GAY.
And yes not all, but most people in this place (South Africa) are so stuck up they would not open there mind to facts.
I LOVE being BI and I am a Chubby and I LOVE it.

ONCE again thanks all

Oct 25, 2013, 3:42 PM
No it's a major turn off. It's not that difficult to keep your body in shape, eat right, and be height/weight proportional.