View Full Version : The POPE said What?

Sep 20, 2013, 7:12 AM


Where is all this leading to.

Sep 20, 2013, 6:54 PM
The non-cynical version? They're only half a century late but fatima may finally be here

The cynical version? Change with the times or die

Personally I hope more people take this message to heart - Used to be that people could disagree with each other and still have respect for one another. Over the last 10 years there has been so much polarization in the world on different issues that at least according to the media you can't hold a differing view with someone unless you are their mortal enemy.

The Pope cannot outright approve of same sex behavior but he recognizes the worth and humanity of the people and that the church has caused much suffering.

"Religion has the right to express its opinion in the service of the people, but God in creation has set us free: it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person."

Francis said that someone once asked him if he "approved" of homosexuality.

"I replied with another question," he said. "`Tell me, when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person. Here we enter into the mystery of the human being."

The Church, he said, should see itself as "a field hospital after a battle" and try to heal the larger wounds of society and not be "obsessed with the transmission of a disjointed multitude of doctrines to be imposed insistently."

Sep 20, 2013, 9:54 PM
I was in Grand Rapids Michigan for 2 months and surprised to find how different the view of the world was on that side of Michigan from the Detroit side of the state. I doubt the Pope's message is making too many from there happy. What happens next in this total difference of opinion? He does not take his safety as a major priority and there are a lot of mister-fix-it people out there.

Sep 21, 2013, 2:29 AM
The writing is on the wall for the church, it's change or die..Here in Australia, most of the so called "young christians" believe in same sex marriage. And as the old saying goes, if you can' t beat them, join them. Take a look at some of the countries which has allowed same sex marriage, Brazil, Spain, Portugal Uruguay, all strong Catholic countries.What is the POPE supposed to say.
Well, we just have to wait till the old ones die out.

Sep 21, 2013, 8:22 AM
I was in Grand Rapids Michigan for 2 months and surprised to find how different the view of the world was on that side of Michigan from the Detroit side of the state. I doubt the Pope's message is making too many from there happy. What happens next in this total difference of opinion? He does not take his safety as a major priority and there are a lot of mister-fix-it people out there.

Well the LAST guy who said he wanted to abolish the Vatican Bank died rather suddenly, I always wondered growing up why there wasn't a "John Paul I" .. Hopefully they've moved past that now - I am not Catholic but I am optimistic that this man, at least on the surface seems to care about people more than dogma.

Sep 21, 2013, 8:29 AM
I think that Jem's warning is very sad if not a frightening thought about the world or at least people's fears in the USA. I had not thought that Francis may be killed by some radicals for his words. I think that his messages are wonderful. I have not read the OP attachment but heard it on the news. I think that what Elian wrote as referenced to Francis is right and appropriate for the Church. Imo by the way Christians are not Catholics although technically Catholics are Christians...if that makes any sense to you.

I agree with Francis when he says that far too much energy has been spent on condemning dogmatic positions like abortion, same sex, no married priests. I agree that the Church has lost its way and been too dogmatic. It will be interesting what Francis does next. I believe that he is a jesuit and as such has been trained differently than many other orders. I'm not sure how many Jesuits have become Pope but they are liberal and thinkers not prone to dogma or so I am told.

Sep 21, 2013, 10:08 AM
I think that Jem's warning is very sad if not frightening thought about the world or at least people's fears in the USA. I had not thought that Francis may be killed by some radicals for his words. I think that his messages are wonderful. I have not read the OP attachment but heard it on the news. I think that what Elian wrote as referenced to Francis is right and appropriate for the Church. Imo by the way Christians are not Catholics although technically Catholics are Christians...if that makes any sense to you.

I agree with Francis when he says that far too much energy has been spent on condemning dogmatic positions like abortion, same sex, no married priests.

Read the Apostles Creed, Tenni.. recited by members of most Christian Churches whatever their denomination, part of which says "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church: the communion of saints"... Me luffly ole grandad, a presbyterian kirk elder 1ce told me it meant the universal (catholic) church and not the Roman Catholic Church which is but a single branch of the greater tree.. not being a Christian of ne kind it still plays havoc wiv me understanding.. wen is a catholic not a catholic... and wen can being a member of the catholic church not mean that one is a catholic?? Fun hey? I do know the answers 2 the questions but it don't haff confuse the minds of some..

...and I do have much fun wiv so called religious peeps (orangemen principally and similar twisted bigots) who loathe kafflics but being gud presbyterian church goers have never even noticed the content of the Apostles Creed even as they recite it.. I have gr8 fun at football matches wiv them as the screech ther anti kafflic poison... I kno.. am terrible... and moren 1ce nice policeman over the years has threatened to arrest me for teasing the getts at such times... troublemaker at footie?? Moi??? Naaaa.. nev.. just a nice Jam Tart letting some of her more dim fellow Jam Tarts (normally male but not always) y they r arseholes...:impleased

Sep 21, 2013, 6:54 PM
It's simple Fran, there is only "The Church" - at least that is the way they would've wanted it .. but human nature being what it is it's hard to stop those pesky other ideas..

Anyone who has more than 15 minutes of fame can be a target, and none of us live forever, but the fact that "the friggin' Pope" said "Don't judge gays" is something I will always remember regardless of how long his actual life is.

Nov 28, 2013, 12:25 PM
I am sure a lot of you have heard the latest from him. I found it encouraging that the Pope say all this. It is good reading the full 80+ pages.

Pope Francis Slams Trickle-Down Economics, Calls Out Republican Economic Policy


But what really got me was the response from some:

Leading Republicans Bash Pope Francis, Claim He Doesn’t Know Anything About Christianity



Where is all this leading to.

Nov 28, 2013, 12:40 PM
Read the Apostles Creed, Tenni.. recited by members of most Christian Churches whatever their denomination, part of which says "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church: the communion of saints"... Me luffly ole grandad, a presbyterian kirk elder 1ce told me it meant the universal (catholic) church and not the Roman Catholic Church which is but a single branch of the greater tree.. not being a Christian of ne kind it still plays havoc wiv me understanding.. wen is a catholic not a catholic... and wen can being a member of the catholic church not mean that one is a catholic?? Fun hey? I do know the answers 2 the questions but it don't haff confuse the minds of some..

...and I do have much fun wiv so called religious peeps (orangemen principally and similar twisted bigots) who loathe kafflics but being gud presbyterian church goers have never even noticed the content of the Apostles Creed even as they recite it.. I have gr8 fun at football matches wiv them as the screech ther anti kafflic poison... I kno.. am terrible... and moren 1ce nice policeman over the years has threatened to arrest me for teasing the getts at such times... troublemaker at footie?? Moi??? Naaaa.. nev.. just a nice Jam Tart letting some of her more dim fellow Jam Tarts (normally male but not always) y they r arseholes...:impleased

Ah, I missed your comment darkeyes. Well, we could go on all day about Roman Catholicism versus the rest of the Christian heretics…lol The Roman Catholic church was presented to me from birth as "the" Church. I wouldn't put money down as a bet but I think that I recall that the Apostle's Creed (which I was suppose to memorize but didn't) is different from the Anglican Apostles Creed as I recall. (only minor word change). The Catholic Lord's prayer is definitely different from the Protestor Christian heretics…lol

Bijoe That is a very funny comment about the Pope not knowing anything about Christianity.

Nov 28, 2013, 2:03 PM
Just a note, on my above post about the Pope. It is true what he said BUT, if you read close its a Satire the comments by the Leading Republicans. A bit of humor by the writer.