View Full Version : NEED to know if im bi. :eek:

Jul 18, 2006, 12:30 PM
Ok so . i have in the past couple of weeks been wonderin if i am bi. i dont know when it hit me btut i just started wolderin.
Can this help me? i have tryed the myspace forums and that has led me here, i am seekin help form people that wont be mean and hate becouse i dare to bee me.
Thanx and i hope to hear.

Jul 18, 2006, 12:47 PM
Speaking for the folks here--your are welcome here and we are glad you found us---you can be sure that you will be treated with respect. Just take part in chats and read the forumns--you will find that there are many who will help you sort things out---

Once again, welcome and all the best in your search to find out more about this part of yourself...

Jul 18, 2006, 12:59 PM
Hello and welcome. I agree with 12voltman. Check out the site, read the forums and you will find the most understanding and unjudgemental people I have ever met. Its a safe place here hun and very fun at times.

Jul 18, 2006, 1:21 PM
They speak the truth, to this I can attest ;) Allow me to extend a welcome myself. There are many wonderful people here who have given me copious amounts of moral support.

Jul 18, 2006, 1:41 PM
Hi. I agree with what everyone posted above. Now to talk about your question " am I bi " ? I have been trying to find the words to put it in a simple way and here goes my shot at it. On the gay side girls have sex only with girls and want at some time in life want to fall on love with a girl. It's the same way with guy's ... On the bi side you like to have sex with either gender but in a girls case she wants to love a guy and a guy wants to love a girl. Now their must be people out their that could care less what gender they fall in love with and have a relationship with " sex included "... Hope that doesn't give you the clear as mud feeling after you read this...

Jul 18, 2006, 3:40 PM
Ok so . i have in the past couple of weeks been wonderin if i am bi. i dont know when it hit me btut i just started wolderin.
Can this help me? i have tryed the myspace forums and that has led me here, i am seekin help form people that wont be mean and hate becouse i dare to bee me.
Thanx and i hope to hear.

This is THE place to find help! It has to be the top site on the web for honest, non-judgemental advice and support.

Only you can determine if you are bisexual, but trust me when I say, everyone here welcomes you and we are all happy to lend whatever help we can as you journey on your path of self-discovery! :)

Blessed Be~

Jul 18, 2006, 4:51 PM
Welcome to the group unsure! Hope you find your answers.

Jul 18, 2006, 4:51 PM
Ok thats good.(there are alot of jerks on myspace)
ANyways, i am glad to know i can trust you folks, so what i have heard it that if i am bi, i do not care if i find love in women or men. iswould just like men and women not just sexualy, but for love and and such.

Jul 18, 2006, 6:35 PM
Back again Unsure: it's not that we are at all perfect here-just like in any gathering of people--you have your good and your bad--some join simply to make hook ups of some kind whether it is for cyber, phone, caming or for real--they do tend to pass through a few times and just go ***POOF***
With some--they do have to be kind of shown the door either by simply being ignored by the membership itself or actually getting booted by Drew---they will come back a few times--

Just thought I should make you aware of that--but the majority of people on here are some of the best people you would ever want to meet and as I said before--they are more than willing to help you work your way through this.

As far as identifying for yourself "what you are"--that is for you to do for yourself, but I do believe it will be easier for you to do here if that is what you seek.

Take a deep breath, chill and make yourself at home here...

Jul 18, 2006, 9:21 PM
Welcome! I haven't been here very long but from what I have seen, this is a wonderful site with some of the most amazing folks. You'll get some really good ideas from reading the posts here and it'll hopefully give you an inkling as to whether you are Bi or not. But as others have said, only*you* can determin that for certain.

As to the question in your second post: Yes, many bisexuals love both genders. Bisexuality is a very individual experience. For instance I am married to a wonderful man and have chosen to be monogamous. Other people are in open relationships. It can get a little confusing, but PLEASE ask questions. Even if you think they're silly, ask. There's always someone here willing to answer them.

Jul 18, 2006, 10:48 PM
this is a wonderful site and the people here are nice and helpful come chat with us cause we could help you learn alot about yourself. you will find a mix of people here straight,lez,gay, and bi we are all good people to chat with if you give us a chance.


Jul 19, 2006, 4:08 PM
kool so what you all are sayin, is that it is very me, and if i am that mabey i shold make the desion and tell a few people and let them see the reaction and then if they dont see it as a big deal tell to all, or should i just keep it to myself, untill i am going to be with pl that i dont know and not with people that i will spend the next 3 ears with?

Jul 19, 2006, 5:12 PM
tell who you want to about that side of you if you feel the time is right and your sure about yourself but remember there is people out there that may not like it and it could be very hard on you at that moment in time but also people that are fine with it so just use caution to who you let know about yourself. if anything start here on the site plus come and visit the chat room cause you might learn even more than you know already.

good luck,

Jul 20, 2006, 12:18 AM
This is a site filled with the greatest people. take time and sort things out we are all here to help. you might also check out the site www.shi-Bi-Guys.com
good luck :2cents:

Jul 20, 2006, 8:05 AM
ANyways, i am glad to know i can trust you folks, so what i have heard it that if i am bi, i do not care if i find love in women or men. iswould just like men and women not just sexualy, but for love and and such.
Not necessarily. You might want to check out the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid. The best reference I can find for it right now (bisexual.org is currently down) is on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klein_Sexual_Orientation_Grid

Basically, you can have differing levels of interest in the two sexes, along multiple different scales. So you could, for example, primarily interested in men for sex and women for emotional relationships and pretty equal in social relationships... etc. And where you are at any given time is pretty fluid... Myself, I jump all around that grid depending on the day, my mood, what I had for breakfast, and who knows what other variables... :)

Jul 20, 2006, 1:37 PM
I have not been on this site very long, but have only met nice people. In my humble opinion, being bi is more about sex than just "love". I think a person who is bi is someone looking for more than just friendship with a same gender person. I think a bi person is someone looking for both the personal and sexual intimacy found in the same gender. That being said, I think it is definitely a personal thing, you have to decide what it is you really want. As far as telling friends, I would be a little cautious. Some people put being bi in the same category as being gay, and do not think there is really a difference. I would recall that some friends have some severe reservations about friends being bi or gay. Either way... good luck!!

Jul 23, 2006, 12:02 AM
Ok though this, i hvave decide that im would like to try and encounter withaanother man.
NNow e don't have any gay bars around her so how would i go about doing this? it there a way to get somone to help you out and if so , how do i find them, i mean is there a place that i could find someone to do this with?

Jul 23, 2006, 1:22 AM
Pretty sure that I am.. I have never had anal with a guy and have not been one on one with a guy. I have only been in a mfm situation. But I really get into and enjoy going down on a guy and getting him off ... I will probably go further in time with the right people, but if I enjoy being with another male I think I am Bi ... not sure where or if there is a line ?

Jul 23, 2006, 5:03 AM
you could do a search on here, and see if you can find anyone in your area. then you could message them and see if they're interested in the same thing as you are.

Jul 23, 2006, 11:16 PM
I do not know anything about you since you do not have anything in your profile---I have to make an assumption then--something I don't like to do--but here it goes anyway--I apologize if I am wrong about this--but I have a feeling that you are fairly young...

No matter about your age though---just as I said in a post to unsure--I would advise just being patient--taking your time and spending some time here checking things out--getting to know the people in here and seeking their counsel--they will freely give it--some of the advice you will like--some you won't...

I would caution you as well---don't rush into anything in the real world with another person until you have a pretty good idea of where they "are coming from" as we used to say and he knows the same about you and that you both are on the same page as it were.

Even though I would say that most of those who are here are great people--there are still some whose motives may not be the best--i.e.--as long as they get their nut off--to hell with the other person----

That tends not to be the case as a rule on this site, but some who have this modus operandi do come here just to try to find cyber, cam, phone or real world sexual hook-ups----be cautious...

Well--just some advice---sorry to sound like a daddy---just thought you should hear such advice--

There are plenty of folks on here from Florida, chat with them---just be selective and at some point on here--you should make a good connection--

Have fun, be careful and "Goodnight and Goodluck..."

Jul 24, 2006, 4:01 AM
Don't concentrate on a label right now. Just be yourself.

Anyway, nobody says you have to subscribe to the labels of het/bi/gay.
If you don't like those just make up your own.

Jul 28, 2006, 9:04 PM
yes i am young, to tell the truth i am 16, and i know this is supposed to be an over 18 site ,b but i came seekin help, not to rtalk dirty or that stuff. and i mean i get what you are sayin.

well i think i will try talkin to some pl in the skool and see how that goe.
(this is cuz im gong to a totaly diffrent skool thai usedto.)

Jul 28, 2006, 9:25 PM
yes i am young, to tell the truth i am 16 :eek: Sorry UNsure, for your protection, the protection of the other members, and my protection, you are banned and this thread is closed. See this site for qualified youth resources: http://www.youthresource.com/living/bi.htm Best of luck to you.

- Drew :cop: