View Full Version : My First Lesbian Relationship Experience :)

Sep 15, 2013, 8:59 PM
So, I have a story to tell about my very own "First Lesbian Relationship Experience." I've known this beautiful female ever since we were in Middle School. In the beginning, we didn't get along at all; which, sparked up a brawl out of pure-pressure. Afterwards, we came to realization that we didn't know each other and that we've decided to become best friends. As time went on, we became closer and that's when I discovered that I was "extremely" attracted to her during our Freshman year in High School. Likewise, I gotten brave enough to tell her the truth about me being attracted to her. Shortly afterwards, I discovered she was into girls as I was and wanted to experience a Lesbian relationship. So, we had became a Lesbian couple and remained incognito about our lifestyle. Because, we both knew that Lesbian/Gay relationships was unacceptable to our parents and friends. Luckily, we gotten clever enough to have the household to ourselves and that's when we shared the best intimacy. It was the best moment of our lives that we shared ourselves to each other ((very sensual)). We started kissing, caressing, and of course, I given her "very first" cunninglingus orgasm ever before I left her house. Openly speaking, she had a voluminous figure with a set of beautiful ((areolas)) nipples and a large clitoris. She too, given me the best intimacy and orgasm ever. We had truly loved each other very much as a whole. Our relationship was never based upon sex. But, unfortunately, our relationship had became a end and I grieved over our relationship for quite sometime. Overall, I never had thoughts of regrets because I loved her that much. Yet, I had eventually gotten over it and forgiven her. Although, we aren't together today that we still remain as best friends :). That I will always love her until the day I die :oh:. Forevermore, I am optimistic in following my fate in meeting a wonderful woman and later blossoming into something amazing. Even though, a relationship might fail that there's "always" that special someone who's ready to met your fate. Patience is of the virtue. So, don't give up my sweethearts!

Sep 15, 2013, 9:03 PM
​Great post! Enjoyed reading.

Sep 15, 2013, 9:26 PM
​Great post! Enjoyed reading.
Thank you so kindly :).

Sep 16, 2013, 5:36 PM
your story like you is very beautiful ..... love you sweetie:love1:

Sep 16, 2013, 6:24 PM
It's a pleasure to hear anybody being optimistic about future relationships after some heartache, and especially loving your ex as a friend too.:)

Sep 16, 2013, 8:57 PM
Thanks for sharing, Strawberrie. We all too often hear about the early experiences that we guys have on here---its great that you shared this story with us. I am sorry that the relationship ended--but that does so often happens with most relationships and especially early ones.

I am glad that you have some perspective on it now and feel good about finding someone else and taking a chance in starting a relationship with with someone new in the future.

Good luck with that and once again--thanks for sharing.

Sep 16, 2013, 9:26 PM
Very nice, thanks for sharing!

Sep 17, 2013, 3:59 AM
Me first lessie experience wos beautiful too.. to me at least.. little more rudimentary and nowadays wud b considered bit dull..., but wos luffly and a gr8 improvement on the losing of me virginity just a little time b4... even if it was the fumbling of teenage amateurs who knew nowt and involving lickle moren french snogs and fingers wiv (most of) our clothes on standing up... wos gud enuff for me to kno I wanted more and a lot of it:impleased... we cant all have the perfect 1st experience, Strawberrie, and they aren't all romantic... but God..aren't they gud sometimes???? And don't they just stick in the memory??:tongue: We did a lickle more fumbling over next week or 2, less rushed and in a lickle more secluded places 2, but that 1st sticks in mind like no other...

...thot u'd had sex change wen I saw ur name, Elian:cutelaugh... cudn't resist popping in to c how ur 1st lessie lay wos:tongue:!!! Glad ur still gadge intacto, babes:kiss:...

Sep 17, 2013, 7:35 AM
I freakin LOVE your avatar! Nice take on the polyamory symbol!

Sep 17, 2013, 8:11 AM
i guess in a way i was fortunate that my first real* f/f encounter took place when I was in my early 30's - as was she.
Both were Mums so we weren't exactly at the fumbling stage.
We knew all about (so we thought) everything........... ha! :tongue:

..... We both had a lovely time with lots of kissing and rubbing and an "O" each - yet we both kept our pyjama pants on. Shyness is not restricted to youngsters.

* "real" being sober and mature as opposed to a totally drunken fumble at a University party.

Sep 17, 2013, 6:46 PM
Me first real experience wich was not a fumble was wiv a nice lady good bit oldern me not long after that first tiime.. I enjoyed the fumbles.. and the learning curve and we did get better my fist girl and I but we wer still naive and fumbly.. but God it wos gud... but that first woman as opposed to naive girl didnt haff open the eyes in ways older guys nev did about heterosexual sex...... she was more loving, more patient more skilful and more thoughtful than any guy of her age and older around that time... my first girl twigged pretty quick, Inna, that I was no longer hers alone and she gave me a hard time and told me wer to gerroff...... she knew because I learned and learned quickly.. was still fumbly and amateurish.. but I wasn't so fumbly and amateurish that the things I learned didn't show that I had learned elsewhere... so I got the heave ho... but had someone far more experienced to teach me... as it happened she gave me the heave ho too not that long after wen she found a nice young(er) girl from other side of the town :eek2::cutelaugh. I got rite ratty wen she told me it wos done and it hurt... but I wasnt 15... and put it down to experience... and being packed in twice in me first two lessie flings teaches ya as much as owt else... not so much the sex.. but serpently 'bout people and relationships...

I saw that woman not long before I 1st met my (x)husband and we chatted over lunch... she told me one of the major considerations for giving me the push wasn't that I was older than the little girl she dumped me for... but cos I was much too eager.. too keen and seemed too desperate.. I was serpently eager.. and defo keen.. but desperate? She got that 1 wrong... eager and keen didn't make me desperate... it made me eager and keen... I have been desprit in me life and don't deny it... so I know that she was wrong... wen packed in I have normally hurt a lickle and move on.. is ther a point to doing owt else :confused: Sometimes wen we fall for sum 1 hard... but not normally...:bigrin:

Sep 17, 2013, 7:55 PM
Thanks for sharing Fran, I think it's great if you find that person who is patient and loving because encounters in real life to me are not like porn fantasy. The last time I tried anything in a shower it sounded like two elephants and ended up getting soap in all the wrong places... :)

I have been wondering about how society's "feminization"of boys over the past few years (decades?) has affected my identity, and growing up I might have considered it when I was a teen full of awkward hormones but to date my only "sex change" has been to understand that there is a whole continuum of identity, attraction and desire - not just polar opposites.

Sep 17, 2013, 9:27 PM
Very cool. And a beautiful story..:} Like I said..mine sounded like bad porn, but turned out Wonderful after re-encountering my old lover after Mannny years. We had a wonderful time lately and out out that this time around is was/is Vastly more fun with experience..lol