View Full Version : Thank You!!!!!

Jul 18, 2006, 4:05 AM
Hey everyone, i just want to say a huge thank you!
thank you for all the love support caring and friendships!

a special thanks goes to Csrakate!
if it werent for the many kicks up the arse and love and caring this wonderful woman has giveing me i swear id still be a brat! and i wouldnt be this happy and strong as i am today! As NSG this woman saw i was a lost nad lonely child, after SO MANY talks about so many things, Csrakate finally helpped a light click on above my head, i became who i am today after that night.

over the time i have been on this site about a year now, i have befriended some now very important plp in my life. Csrakate is one of my most trusted and loveing friends, one whom im PROUD to call MUMMY KATE! this woman gives so much love to all and i love her as a daughter would, and for who she is!

As NSG i was knowen for just that! a naughty slave gurl! OMG was i ever stupid to pick that name! i was picked out for cyber sex and treated like a slave gurl that my name presented me to be! BOY was i silly! after that night of talking to Csrakate i became Gleekybaby! Csrakate and LadyDelanie and many more are proud of me for becoming who i am, and that would be MYSELF! a loving caring strong young lady! one who doesnt expect much in return, all i ask is for respect! im amazed at how much respect i have been givin as GB and that makes me very happy!

So to EVERYONE who has kicked my arse, given me love and so much support THANK YOU!
I Love you all and wish the very best for you!

Lots of LOVE and HUGUS and KISSES

your Friend GLEEKYBABY! (the baby of this bichat family tree!)

Jul 18, 2006, 9:08 AM
You are a wonderful young lady Gleeky! You have done so much for many people on here and the tags are beautiful. I'm glad that Kate was able to make you understand all that you are! We all love you and this site would not be the same without you.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Gleeky))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

:grouphug: :kiss: :grouphug: :angel: :grouphug: :kiss: :grouphug:


Jul 18, 2006, 10:39 AM

You are truly a loving and special young woman and I am glad I have gotten to see you through your transformation and blossoming. You are well loved by all who know you and have much love to give in return. You are a true friend and I am glad to know you.

Jul 18, 2006, 12:28 PM
I am glad that I have met you as well hun. Thank you for being one of the ones that has made my being here exactly what I needed. I love talking to you and am glad that I have gotten to know you. Stay the same and never change hun. We wouldn't want you any other way.

Nora aka: AngelOfTheMystic

Jul 18, 2006, 12:44 PM
I am happy for you Gleeky---glad that you have come to some understandings about yourself---

you are a great young lady---

Jul 18, 2006, 5:01 PM
I'm so happy you're turning yourself around (((((((( Angie ))))))))). You are such a lively spirit and make so many people happy. It's only fitting you should be happy as well.
Thanks for being you sweetie!

Jul 18, 2006, 5:14 PM

Where do I start? All I can say is thank you for being you. Because of you I have discovered things about myself and the world around me that I didn't know. Because of you, I feel joy and happiness, and love. You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. I hope one day soon that I can tell you that to your face. I love you Gleeky


Jul 18, 2006, 8:53 PM

Since I first met you as NSG, We all have seen a unbelievable transformation.

You were like a throne that became our beautiful rose.
Everyday that pases we see more and more of the real, beautiful you. :)
Your kindness, sweetness, love of others,sharing and caring.
You my dear, are a wonderful person. You are true to yourself and true to those you love.
You radiant love and kindness Angie. We are so proud of you. We relish in your happiness, just as you do ours.
We will always be here for you on your journey of continued happiness and will always wish for the very best life has to give.....Never let your dreams pass you by........ :)

Love hugs and kisses,
Ladyd and BB :love1: (Auntie and Uncle)

Jul 18, 2006, 10:31 PM
hey Gleeky,
when you first joined the chat with the s/n NSG you was wild at the time and now you've gotten so that the name isn't you and the one you have now seems to fit you alot better so please don't think of yourself as a slave gurl anymore cause your not one unless you want to be at that time.
We are all here to help you anytime that you need us when I'm sure most of us care alot for how your doing at anytime.


Jul 19, 2006, 6:29 AM
...from the clay, the gem appears...

(see 'Crackpots' originally posted by arana)

Jul 19, 2006, 11:51 PM
It's true . . .all of it true. Gleeky is so sweet, a natural woman. Nowhere to go but up . . . . leaving the old names and roles behind. I'm glad we met . . talked . . . and danced . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jul 20, 2006, 12:51 AM
I haven't known you very long but one thing I was made aware of right off was the beautiful person you are. I look forward to getting to know you a lot better. you are something.

Jul 20, 2006, 4:08 PM
I would like to say Thanks to all that made me feel welcome to this website and given me good advice on things :-)

Jul 20, 2006, 4:40 PM

Like us all, we face new and different experiances in life. Some we may choose to regret and move on. Others, I do believe occur for a reason, a reason which may or may not be visable on the surface. Those we are to learn a lesson from. We become stronger, more sure of what our life is meant to be, what direction to go in. You have learned so many of lifes lessons in your time here as we have learned from you. Your talents are amazing and your heart as big as body can hold.

Look forward to seeing our NSG no longer, but a strong, viable and most treasured Gleeky.
