View Full Version : Bi And Christian

Sep 9, 2013, 8:37 AM
Just wondering if there is anyone else here who is bisexual but also a christian. Please no arguments about religion, this isn't the place. But I don't think I could be the only one in the world lol.

Sep 9, 2013, 9:56 AM
You are not the only one.

Sep 9, 2013, 11:14 AM
There are churches that accept people of all sexual orientations so, yes, there are many who are bi and christian. Here in Salem, OR we have the Spirit of Life church. The pastor is gay and the majority of the members belong to the LGBTQ community.

Sep 9, 2013, 12:28 PM
Something interesting along these lines--the latest column from national columnist Leonard Pitts on this subject: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/09/07/3610060/on-gay-rights-christians-arent.html#moreb

Sep 9, 2013, 6:07 PM
No, you are not the only one. And yes, there are Churches everywhere "Accepting" of bisexuals.

I know you said no arguments about religion, but I cannot resist! Those not seeing that the Bible is taken out of context on this subject are blind. We cannot have the blind lead the blind now, can we?

Sep 9, 2013, 6:50 PM
that one opened up a can of worms hahahahah

Sep 9, 2013, 7:04 PM
I know lol but so far the response has been great, even yours passionfire even though I dissagree with you thats ok.

Sep 10, 2013, 12:14 AM
Yes bi and " a believer in the reality of the existence of God."
Have dealt w/ a lot of flak on this site on this issue.
Just today.... had a lengthy conversation w/ a co-worker I like, respect & have supported ( which actually worked to my detriment). He is very traditional Bible belt Christian....very opposed to gays in the military, etc. " It's wrong."
Yet he had no problem w/ my 42 yo supervisor who still lives w/ & depends on widowed mom, enabling him because he has court-ordered child support to pay; DUH! Is this not also the consequence of " sexual sin," fornication, which was equally denounced in the Bible?
I should know! I paid cs for over 20 years for 3 children ( 2 of whom turned out to not really be mine ) & always had my own place, paid my own bills; granted , I struggled, did w/out a lot during those years.
Here's the real irony! Same deadbeat dad he's making excuses for was calling him " a bigot," criticizing him for his stance on homosexuality.
Same hypocrisy, lunacy being played out on world stage rite now!

Sep 10, 2013, 1:50 AM
Very passionate Catholic here!

Any true understanding of God implicitly includes love.
Just don't take fellow Christian's anti-love (prejudice/hatred) to heart. They're simply ignorant (mental/spiritual) masturbators on this subject. They never tried to attempt understanding to the new testament, just memorization.

Look at all Jesus (is reputed) to have said and did.
Everything is based in love.
The Pharisees and Sadducees, plus periodically disciples... were pissed off because Jesus was throwing wide the gates of heaven, and not making it an exclusive club for 'us' (whomever 'us' you identify with). Don't forget tax collectors took not only Jewish money for Rome, but extra money to line their own pockets; and prostitutes (with the exception of Julia Roberts in 'Pretty Woman') have never in the history of Judeo/Christian/Islam been socially elevated.
Yet both tax collectors and prostitutes were going to heaven quicker than those who slammed the gates of heaven in the face of their fellow man.

Best Wishes,

Feb 21, 2014, 8:43 PM
Will reconfirm my previous position; it's a very tough road to travel! Will not deny my religious beliefs, neither will I deny my sexual cravings. Sometimes I find a common ground, sometimes not. Dark nights of the soul have been nights of courage, as revealed to me by my Higher Power.

Feb 21, 2014, 9:07 PM
First off, you have to understand that homosexuality and bisexuality is as wide spread in the animal kingdom as it is in humans. Try youtube.
And maybe you should read the bible from start to finish, leaving no page unturned.It really is an evil book.
and try Ezekiel 23:19-21
song of songs 7:7-8

Not verses you will hear in church on a Sunday morning.

Hmm, I wonder where that comes from.

The choice is yours and yours alone.

Feb 21, 2014, 9:19 PM
First off, you have to understand that homosexuality and bisexuality is as wide spread in the animal kingdom as it is in humans. Try youtube.
And maybe you should read the bible from start to finish, leaving no page unturned.It really is an evil book.
and try Ezekiel 23:19-21
song of songs 7:7-8

Not verses you will hear in church on a Sunday morning.

Hmm, I wonder where that comes from.

The choice is yours and yours alone.

Typical cherry-picking to prove a point of view! Not only is The Bible STILL the all-time #1 best seller....it's also the most shoplifted book!

Feb 21, 2014, 9:48 PM
The bible, to be seen, not to be read

I love cherries.

Feb 22, 2014, 12:48 AM
Yes bi and " a believer in the reality of the existence of God."
Have dealt w/ a lot of flak on this site on this issue.
Just today.... had a lengthy conversation w/ a co-worker I like, respect & have supported ( which actually worked to my detriment). He is very traditional Bible belt Christian....very opposed to gays in the military, etc. " It's wrong."
Yet he had no problem w/ my 42 yo supervisor who still lives w/ & depends on widowed mom, enabling him because he has court-ordered child support to pay; DUH! Is this not also the consequence of " sexual sin," fornication, which was equally denounced in the Bible?
I should know! I paid cs for over 20 years for 3 children ( 2 of whom turned out to not really be mine ) & always had my own place, paid my own bills; granted , I struggled, did w/out a lot during those years.
Here's the real irony! Same deadbeat dad he's making excuses for was calling him " a bigot," criticizing him for his stance on homosexuality.
Same hypocrisy, lunacy being played out on world stage rite now!

It is a shame folks do not accept a simple tenant of all being one,
and all being one. In compassion we find grace, forgiveness even if
not religious. This is not always an easy path to follow. More wants
said, less needs said.

Feb 22, 2014, 6:32 AM
You are not the only one

Feb 22, 2014, 3:26 PM
The bible, to be seen, not to be read

I love cherries.

Sounds like censorship to me; what are you afraid of? And besides, why are you quoting it, hypocrite?

Feb 22, 2014, 8:26 PM
Yes bi and " a believer in the reality of the existence of God."

* prepares to sling a big can labeled "Flak" using a flakapualt,
adjusts for winds, calibrates for declination, resets modulus for
orbital shift, loads the can o' "Flak" into the sling ... draws up
the tension and ... *

No, in all seriousness this is not flak. I wish to express something. I
am atheist. Yes, big surprise no doubt.

That said, I can accept a notion of God being a job title. They were
the first of us to attain oneness with the cosmos. they live in all
of us, are our friends, our mentors. God is a job, at least in my
humble opinion. The job is to lead everyone into a Good Orderly
Direction. Thanks to an addiction therapist for that.

And my big qualm is really simple, everyone defines their own Good
Orderly Direction, nobody has a right to shove their Good Orderly
Direction unto anyone else. Atheism works for me as a soft atheism
without being militant. I refuse to accept anyone else's definition of
God, or any deity. I refuse believing in invisible purple unicorns too.

This does not disqualify me from not being spiritual. Science &
technology can do wonders in explaining a lot. Yet, there is a lot they
can not explain. And, yes I am aware that in the future they may. Until
then, I can walk in both worlds, its my nature to do so anyway.

* shrugs * Guess it is called balance?

Apologies to the OP, did not mean to hijack or derail. Something, I needed
to say and this seemed an apt opportunity.

And pepper, it took me a long spell to see you were not pushing unto others.
This was my error due to misreading the text, text alone without benefit of
body language or nuances. Damn these bloody wires and there promise of
bringing us so much closer together, yet keeping us so far apart.

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Feb 23, 2014, 9:15 AM
I live in an affluent area where Christians are the norm and so is their Bisexuality.
Down side, most just want to cheat on their wives and stay on the down-low/NSA.

Feb 23, 2014, 10:39 PM
I am a Christian and I too struggle with my bisexual urges. Even when reading the Bible in context homosexuality is considered wrong. But God loves everyone He hates the act. He sent His only son Jesus to die to atone for all our sins. And that includes everyone.

Feb 23, 2014, 11:39 PM
Thanks, Void; yes, just honestly tried to share. I have my reasons for believing what I do.

Feb 23, 2014, 11:41 PM
I live in an affluent area where Christians are the norm and so is their Bisexuality.
Down side, most just want to cheat on their wives and stay on the down-low/NSA.

Bingo! Don't I know the truth of this.

Feb 23, 2014, 11:50 PM
Yeah. I struggle, too. You are not alone

Feb 23, 2014, 11:53 PM
Of course you do PeperJack you're deeply closeted and not out as bisexual, insecure about who you are as a bisexual man, and are anything but LOL "masculine" or LMAO an "alpha male". :rolleyes:

Yeah, jerk-off! You've never met me, have no idea what I look like, know nothing of my life experiences....yet you know me better than I know myself! Get a life you pathetic wannabe!:wacko:

Feb 24, 2014, 12:22 AM
Sounds like censorship to me; what are you afraid of? And besides, why are you quoting it, hypocrite?

95% of so called christians have NEVER read the whole bible, they go along with what they are told to read and nothing more.
"quoting", no, just highlighting stupidity.

Feb 24, 2014, 2:05 PM
I do wish that for those in Christianity that automatically denounce anyone who is anything but purely heterosexual is "evil" "bad" "wrong" etc---would not be so automatically condemning and use this issue instead as a different way to look at the faith, what it means to be compassionate, what homosexuality means in the broader scope of humanity and sexuality.

There are many Christian leaders, faiths and such that do approach the subject in such a way with them not automatically saying anyone who is "gay" is bad.

I don't think that God "made" so many people this way to automatically reject and damn them to hell. This has to be an issue that God's wants looked at in which each person takes a look into their own heart and minds as to what is the best way to come to terms that so many people feel pulled to "being gay."

To simply automatically and categorically cast off an entire class of people as ungodly, unworthy and condemned---that just doesn't seem at all right and proper with me.

Feb 24, 2014, 7:28 PM
To simply automatically and categorically cast off an entire class of people as ungodly, unworthy and condemned---that just doesn't seem at all right and proper with me.


While I can't claim to have the details sorted out, this makes the most sense to me, as someone who claims both Christianity and bisexuality.

Feb 25, 2014, 4:50 PM
Just wondering if there is anyone else here who is bisexual but also a christian. Please no arguments about religion, this isn't the place. But I don't think I could be the only one in the world lol.

I've read the Bible cover to cover. I am a Christian. I'm married with children. I'm married and bisexual. I'm out to my husband and some close friends who know. Publicly, no, on account of the fact that people wouldn't understand. But I have a loving husband who does understand and is supportive. As far as reconciling bisexuality and Christianity, feel free to PM me, and I'd be happy to have an honest conversation with you. How faith and sexuality intersect is complex and as I'm new, I'm reluctant to share that publicly.

Mar 1, 2014, 12:09 AM
Typical cherry-picking to prove a point of view! Not only is The Bible STILL the all-time #1 best seller....it's also the most shoplifted book!

I believe it's a law that every hotel and motel room in the US has to have a copy of the bible in it.I wonder for how long.

Mar 1, 2014, 9:08 AM
I have no issue with a person being a Christian and gay, or bi. The ten commandments make sense to me, even though I haven't always adhered to them! We each settle into our belief comfort zone, or drive ourselves crazy trying to fit others' ideals.

What does bug me is, anyone who will set themselves up as judges and juries, to condemn anyone who doesn't share their dogma.

Mar 1, 2014, 3:56 PM
It's really, really (really) hard to accept that there truly is enough for all people..so much so that I wouldn't give the idea any credit when you first proposed it. I do believe that people should be rewarded for ways in which they benefit the rest of society..I will leave it up to everyone else to decide what a "reward" is. I wonder what society would look like if there were no money? Technology is interesting, I know people decry money, and it certainly can be abused but in one way it allowed us to bring the abstract into the physical.

It is a shame folks do not accept a simple tenant of all being one,
and all being one. In compassion we find grace, forgiveness even if
not religious. This is not always an easy path to follow. More wants
said, less needs said.

Mar 2, 2014, 12:28 AM
It's really, really (really) hard to accept that
there truly is enough for all people..so much so that I wouldn't
give the idea any credit when you first proposed it. I do believe
that people should be rewarded for ways in which they benefit the
rest of society..I will leave it up to everyone else to decide what a
"reward" is. I wonder what society would look like if there were no
money? Technology is interesting, I know people decry money, and it
certainly can be abused but in one way it allowed us to bring the
abstract into the physical.

Agreed, it may be difficult to accept that. Something I have seen
recently regarding technology and abundance has to do with solar
powered roads. Don't laugh, there is indeed such a thing.

A company makes solar panels in such a way as to use them in place of
sections of road. These solar panels can then power traffic lights,
have led lights built into the roads, heating coils. At any given if
we replaced our roads in America with these, we could have excess power
enough to export and run the globe annually, even supporting increases.

Something else, at just six feet into the ground, one can run a
geothermal pipe coil. This allows houses to be kept at around 60 sixty
degrees F, constant. The ground temperature remains constant itself
at that depth, want it at 70, go down another two feet. Granted,
this requires a bit of soil displacement but the soil is back filled
in over the piping.

This constant state temperature would decrease heating and cooling
costs by 80% or more. Hydrogen can be produced efficiently using
vertical windmills, solar electric to preform electrolysis
needed. As an off bonus you produce freed up oxygen to sell to
medical suppliers. Hydrogen burns cleanly, leaves the atmosphere
up to 45 miles per second. It can be used in conjunction with cells,
or burnt outright to cook dinner, heat.

A 1,500 gallon tank of hydrogen can produce enough electric energy to
run a modest household for roughly 20-30 years. There are improvements
made continually to storage takes which make them more efficient. Same
with the production units which split hydrogen from water. And it
could be water culled from the oceans for desalinization.

There are also lots of folks researching magnetic generators. It
is not like we lack means to create free energy, or relatively free
energy. The point is big oil seeks to drain it all, oil, natural gas,
money, blood.

I understand your point regarding money. It served a purpose of
manifesting an idea. "X"="Y"="A"+"B", in other words the value of X
equated to Y, the sum of what A Seller, and B Buyer agreed upon. Simply
put it allowed us to create a standard of value. There are other ways
to do that, always were, always will be.

Money now is going the way of dinosaurs, at least in the fashion of the
U.S. Dollar, or any national fiat currency exists in presently. And
I think it is fair to say nearly everyone knows that. Only big oil,
big defense, big pharmacy, big business clinging on to the last gasp
of an idea of control still cleave unto it.

Once energy can become free as it was always meant to be, there is no
need to regulate via our current standard currency/money. No need and
really no means to regulate it. If energy is free, it means we can
rebuild gardens in drought stricken parts of Africa. We can produce
an eternal harvest of food for all, even non-gmo food. Auqaponics
and indoor gardening look like promising ideas. We may even farm
towers. Folks can live on odd numbered floors, tend even numbered
floor gardens. Of course, much of the tending can be automated.

Free energy then could also mean free food. This could inspire those
munchie having geeks to come up with ways to build structures safely,
efficently, freely. "Hey look, you got food, we got tech to build
houses." Then, you might even doctors getting in on it too. "Free
houses? Shoot, I'll treat folks in my immediate vicinity for free,
using holistic methods." It would be a chain reaction which causes

And we need that, not another revolution. To revolve means we'll just
come back around to these same mistakes. Think many, if not all of
us are tired of that. No more violent rejection of mistakes, forgive,
learn, live, move on. Maybe we can create an island for the corporate
vulture types who need fear, send them there to live until they get
better. They don't get better? Toss them in a deep hole and forget
them. "Oh look, a real life ignore button."

I would love to see it happen. Not holding my breath. Seen it come
so close, only wrested away again.

Mar 2, 2014, 6:04 AM
We'll put. This is a great subject, most worthy to open minds and hearts of anyone willing. We are not perfect. And there is way too much coincidence for me not to believe in the higher power, wether one calls him/it God or not. The Bible and it's messages are beautiful in my opinion. What is true however, is we are here to procreate and this is done through Man and Woman. That said the marriage commitment can be quite beautiful if a couple commits completely. I believe that sexual attraction to same sex is more related to appreciating a specific person. Again, great topic and am enjoying all input even if I don't agree.

Mar 2, 2014, 8:32 AM

I believe it's a law that every hotel and motel room in the US has to have a copy of the bible in it.I wonder for how long.
Used 2 b in the UK u cud hardly stay in an hotel ther wos a copy of the Gideon Bible... not so much ne more... used to use it mostly as a door stop so I cud natter wile showering or 2 the showering... never ever opened one....don't go 2 hotels for conversion u kno.

Now that fewer hotels have Gideons, the link may b rite bout them getting knocked..... wetha they get knocked off for religious reasons or doorstops wudnt really like to say.... an' no.. have nev knocked off a bible in me life or ne otha book... the odd choccie bar wen me wos wee is 'bout it....

Mar 2, 2014, 10:02 AM

I believe it's a law that every hotel and motel room in the US has to have a copy of the bible in it.I wonder for how long.

Goldenfinger, actually it is not law, but the Gideons who place the bibles in hotel and motel rooms. You will see their imprint on the book.

What I am seeing more frequently now are other religions represented, with the Quran, the Book of Mormon, Baghavad Gita, etc. sometimes found in hotel rooms.

At least some of the hotels are broadening their view...

Mar 2, 2014, 10:50 AM
Growing up I participated in several Christian churches as a child and I've always tried to live up to the dream of what some of those folks wanted. Many of them honestly did have a dream of universal love in their hearts. When they sang songs about Jesus loving all the people of the world they wanted to believe what they were singing. So I don't fault the people, I know many good Christians who quietly try to live out their lives by the parables Jesus taught when he was ALIVE.

To the extent that the institution wavers from that ideal I am not comfortable with it; there are some folks who constantly go around saying the same thing over and over again very loudly, as if they have to convince themselves that it is true. Either you know that love or you don't, but then again everyone has a different experience in life - it isn't really my place to judge.

Frankly the biggest error is that we have used religion as a weapon, that should never have been allowed.

Mar 2, 2014, 11:52 AM
Frankly the biggest error is that we have used religion as a weapon, that should never have been allowed.

Nor, ought we use love as a weapon. Truly and surely, we can use it
as a shield as in acting in defense. There was an anime titled Blue
Submarine 006 in which one captain of a fleet, took a stand and offered
"defensive support" of the submarine.

He did not attack the aggressors but merely had his ship and fleet
take the brunt of the attacks. If it was not Blue Sub 006, not sure
which it was. But it was something akin to such a piece. The point
is compassion, empathy, love acted as a shield without being used as
a weapon.

Love is not a weapon. It ought to never be a weapon. Religion used love
as weapon. One idea corrupted and used another idea in a way it never
ought to have been used. Actually, one idea corrupted and used another
to do the same to a third idea. Politics corrupted religion, corrupted
love. And greed was the idea pulling the strings of all the others.

Mar 2, 2014, 3:55 PM
Truly I have to agree with Realist. It really bugs me that people do set themselves up as judges, jurists, and their own god like figures who condemn others because of their beliefs. Yey, history is ullof exactly the same and here we are with 30 posts all on the same topic. History is once again repeating itself. Sad.

Mar 2, 2014, 4:15 PM
Truly I have to agree with Realist. It really bugs me that people do set themselves up as judges, jurists, and their own god like figures who condemn others because of their beliefs. Yey, history is ullof exactly the same and here we are with 30 posts all on the same topic. History is once again repeating itself. Sad.

Sorry lookn4fun, I regret if I made people feel bad over what they believe, The thing I hate the most is the polarization we supposedly face over every issue these days. "If you aren't for something you must be against it" - I'm not against anyone personally.. My true desire is that each person can feel secure, respected and worthy - I'm sorry if my words said otherwise.

Mar 3, 2014, 6:04 PM
I had a crisis of faith years ago and was unable to reconcile my sexuality with my faith, so I abandoned faith. I was never comfortable in it in the first place, it was always something I felt forced and pressured to have. I have always felt that it is not God that causes the rift between faith and sexuality but the attitudes of the followers of religion. Personally, I have been out for nearly 20 years now and could care less what others think or feel about me or my sexuality. Religion is dogma, faith is belief, the two are not mutually exclusive. In short, believe what you want , be what you want, no one has a right to judge you.

Mar 4, 2014, 2:44 AM
I live in a small town and recently started attending the local Episcopal church, which is very open to lgbt people. I used to attend an MCC church, but it was too far to drive.

Mar 4, 2014, 1:27 PM
your not alone on this, wish I could find a church here,Fallon Nv with bi's , would like to find a steady partner