View Full Version : Just checking in

Emotional Masochist
Sep 4, 2013, 3:05 PM
HI folks,
Been a while since i was last on. I've kind of been trolling for the last couple of days and thought i might as well say hello. Hope all has been well with everyone on here. As for me, my life has been interesting. heeh Honestly i cant't say I have been happier in a long time. I have foud a new love. We have been together for the last year and well she is just amazing.She accepts me for who i am, and just pushes me to better. I am absolutely in love with her and well :oh:. anyway my work has peaked and there is no further growth available at my current job. so i'm looking to jump ship and actually look for something in my field. That is a work in progress. My debt is still there, but i'm controlling it and slowly eliminating it. Though i had a bit of a tumble in that sense when i broke my wrist this summer. kind of sidelined me from work and then had to remove my wisdom teeth..... but meh i'm back on track and prepping for my vacation in Boston at the end of the month. Should be great. Had a chance to finally do some travelling this year. Went down to Detroit, Corning and in June was down in Florida. heheh i don't know.. i'm just happy. Still have my doubts and insecuritesI mean i havent figured out who i am yet, but im working it out. But overall i am great. How are the rest of you?