View Full Version : Is this site about bisexuality or about porn???

Sep 4, 2013, 1:03 PM
Is this site about bisexuality or about porn???
There's going something wrong here!!!

Sep 4, 2013, 1:06 PM
It's a place for bisexuals to discuss whatever they want, be it bisexuality, porn, or anything else.

Sep 4, 2013, 1:07 PM
It's a good mix of both. Not sure what your excitement is all about ?

Annika L
Sep 4, 2013, 3:16 PM
It is a bisexuality-themed site...for "bisexuals and the people who love them". Were you expecting only porn? Are you thinking porn has no place in that conversation? Can you please elaborate on your objection?

Sep 4, 2013, 5:25 PM
Personally Yoda, I only come here for the humor and the food......lighten up!

Sep 5, 2013, 3:53 AM
There are plenty of free porn sites for every sexual preference. It it's bisexual porn you desire, I'm sure lots of us could direct you there.

Now I do enjoy good porn but I'm here to discuss things about bisexuality and, hopefully, give good advice to less experienced folks.

And, honestly, sites like this are a great way to get to know people and maybe find very good new friends.

Sep 5, 2013, 4:19 AM
Neither buy-sexual nor porn of night will keep us from our appointed rounds... OK maybe that's the post office. and although there are a few naked people on this site it's not enough to register on any porn meter I know of, this site is more like information sharing and letting others know that they are not alone in this wonderful world of sex...

Sep 5, 2013, 8:39 AM
I think that I understand what the OP is getting at.

There has been a change over the past six months to a year or so that the thread topics have become rather graphic about certain sex acts. In some threads the sex act could be done by any person of any sexuality. Anal is not a bisexual sex act only. Heteros and gays do it. For some though it seems important to ask if others do a certain sex act. The thread is not really asking a question beyond do you do X or Y? There is no depth bisexual issue to the question. Certainly some threads frequently have nothing of substance about any sexuality.

It has become a bit more of a service station of salacious sex acts. The OP may getting the impression that there is a certain porn /salacious aspect of the thread's questions and content. I don't think that all threads are like this but sufficient numbers that it gives a impression that the site is about salacious sex acts.

Annika L
Sep 5, 2013, 9:55 AM
I think that I understand what the OP is getting at.

There has been a change over the past six months to a year or so that the thread topics have become rather graphic about certain sex acts. In some threads the sex act could be done by any person of any sexuality. Anal is not a bisexual sex act only. Heteros and gays do it. For some though it seems important to ask if others do a certain sex act. The thread is not really asking a question beyond do you do X or Y? There is no depth bisexual issue to the question. Certainly some threads frequently have nothing of substance about any sexuality.

It has become a bit more of a service station of salacious sex acts. The OP may getting the impression that there is a certain porn /salacious aspect of the thread's questions and content. I don't think that all threads are like this but sufficient numbers that it gives a impression that the site is about salacious sex acts.This is a good interpretation of what the OP meant, tenni, though I'd appreciate hearing the clarification from him. But if so, my response is that any forum is what the members make of it. The OP has made 36 posts in 2.5 years of membership...and by god there *have* been some meaty sexuality-oriented threads here in that time. If you won't participate in existing threads and you won't post ones of your own that address the topics you're interested in...I really get annoyed at the thought that everyone else is supposed to do all the work to keep people entertained, stimulated, and interested. If you don't like the direction the site is going in, start some friggin interesting threads!

Sep 5, 2013, 12:17 PM
I wouldn't class threads/posts of members expressing their interests and experiences of sexual matters as 'porn'. Yes it can get pretty pornographic and get your pulse racing at times, but IMO that isn't the whole 'nine yards' of it. Most of the time they are about being 'normal' and sharing a common interest with others that you don't find very easily amongst friends in person.

IMO it's perfectly healthy to express your thoughts to others who won't necessarily judge you harshly for having them. When it comes to sex and sexuality, there is no 'done & dusted' end to the need for self expression - "Oh I'm bisexual then? So I'll just log off now fully satisfied, bye!"........."But do you feel the way I do when X happens, and did you go through Y, and what do you think about Z.....yada yada....?".:)

The site is also chockablock with threads about relationship issues. I'd hardly call that 'porn' either.In all fairness if we want to just wank off to something, we'd go to one of the 100's of porn video sites on the net. I wouldn't recommend reading the Syria thread if you feel the need to 'bash one out'.:tongue:

Sep 5, 2013, 6:57 PM
The site is also chockablock with threads about relationship issues. I'd hardly call that 'porn' either.In all fairness if we want to just wank off to something, we'd go to one of the 100's of porn video sites on the net. I wouldn't recommend reading the Syria thread if you feel the need to 'bash one out'.:tongue:

Hey i was just working on that thread, hopefully if you like H.P.Lovecraft you can now get your rocks off *LOL*

Sep 5, 2013, 7:44 PM
Hey i was just working on that thread, hopefully if you like H.P.Lovecraft you can now get your rocks off *LOL*
Wasn't Lovecraft assexual (before it was labled)? I'm sure he'd have been overjoyed to learn that we'd beat it off to his works.:tongue:
Oh and you can bet yu sweet arse that somebody does.lol

Sep 5, 2013, 9:02 PM
Do you eat your own cum?
Spit or Swallow?
What size are you?
Do you like wearing different types of clothes?
Post pictures of your "body part x, y or z"

Describe your experience X - here's mine...

Some people consider "cyber" pornographic.

I think in some cases people do get off on reading the posts, I also think that in some cases people feel liberated to be able to share their sexual experiences freely with others.

There are a good mix of questions here, you just have to wade through the ones you don't want to see.

I know that there are very few true "bisexual" questions in the deep format some folks like, but you have to do baby steps. If it's taboo in your culture to talk about sex at all - then talking about sex with men, or penises, or clitoris, or cross-dressing -is- pretty radical. Apparently a lot of men do feel that their bisexuality brings out a "feminine" side for example.

I do recall that almost for a solid month we had a wave of folks coming here asking questions about their spouse or partner being bisexual and they were unsure of what to do about it. I wonder if it correlates to the time of the year and certain human hormonal urges? Pure speculation of course..I'll try to keep it "G" rated.

Sep 5, 2013, 11:33 PM
I see what you're saying--some of the threads have gotten pretty damn racy. I love the way everyone's discussing this in a rational, respectful way; that's the best way to talk about anything.

Here we all seem to seek the freedom to express ourselves, especially if we don't get that freedom in our everyday lives. I think we have to approach this issue the same way we approach freedom in our off-line lives. We love our own freedom, so we have to ignore others perhaps overindulging in theirs.

Sep 6, 2013, 12:12 AM
One English word our European friend might care to look up: catharsis. I personally find it very liberating to be able to write...and by simply pressing a key, communicate things that I can't say face to face with 99.99% of the people I meet on a daily basis.

Sep 6, 2013, 2:29 PM
One English word our European friend might care to look up: catharsis. I personally find it very liberating to be able to write...and by simply pressing a key, communicate things that I can't say face to face with 99.99% of the people I meet on a daily basis.

Well PuT ! :)

Sep 6, 2013, 3:11 PM
Ideally it is not supposed to be about sex at all, yet nudists do, nevertheless, take photos at their beaches or camps - and post them on-line. Are they making and posting porn, or happily and openly celebrating their freedoms?

Sep 8, 2013, 7:56 PM
Wait, wait, wait! There was porn and I missed it?? Figgers..lol Darlin, this is an Adult site that hosts a wide variety of topics; ranging from Bisexuality to sex themed topics to silliness and yes, sometimes stupidity as well.
Take from it the good and enjoy, can the idiotic..lol

Sep 9, 2013, 12:51 PM
Since as a rule---we don't get to share our experiences, fantasies or whatever with those around us like family, friends, co-workers, etc---its good to have a place like this to share such things----I hardly call what we do share here to be porn or "salacious sex acts."---its merely a case of sharing this part of ourselves with others who it seems we have at least this in common.

Sep 9, 2013, 9:13 PM
I preferred it when I didn't feel as though I was wading through the a bunch of wank fantasies just to have a discussion.

The site has changed thats true, technically its gotten better, so much better, but the site owners have been very clear that this is a place for bisexuals to talk about whatever they want. ergo, theres no accounting for taste.

up to two years ago i would give out this sites address to people interested in the bisexual experience, or those coming out and finding their feet. i was proud of it.

now im kindof ashamed of still being a member..and yet i linger...why? i dunno.. nostalgia i suppose.

it could be great IMO. it was great!
...but the people make the posts ...and if people want to talk ad infinitum about swallowing cum... then thats cool. but it doesn't make the site as unique and ahem as ..seminal as it once was. the porn content kindof dumbs down the experience for me. and yeah it *is* porn (and not even very good porn half the time).

things change. im ok with that. one mans pleasure is another mans pain. thats not a suggestion for a thread on BDSM, btw...nooo.. just a way of saying that i understand *why* its changed .....though the loss of epic discourse here is still a tragedy for me, myself and I.

just an overlong observation.

7" soft

Sep 10, 2013, 1:21 AM
Wait, wait, wait! There was porn and I missed it?? Figgers..lol

Sorry you missed me Cat - 'magin some folks er still laughin'

Sep 11, 2013, 12:26 PM
Is this site about bisexuality or about porn???
There's going something wrong here!!!

First of all this seems like a really poorly phased inquiry followed by a silly incoherent statement... I'm just wondering why it deserves so much attention. I like this short and sweet answer first of all what do you think it's about you don't have to be rocket scientist to realize that save for one ad for "Three Pillows" at the top of the page there is no porn here save for the pics and stories donated by members on a very occasional basis. Just sitting there and saying "There's going something wrong here!!!" which by the way should have probably been phrased "There's something going wrong here!!!" sounds like a passive aggressive provocation to me even if your English is that bad. And the since it's obviously not a porn site in the way say Hustler or Reality Kings is; so once again I see no need for your question it sounds more like a complaint... and I honestly can't believe that anyone would complain about there being not enough porn on the internet.

Sep 12, 2013, 1:31 PM
I'm not that often here anymore, but I feel the need to respond. A little late; sorry for that. I absolutely agree with "daffyd". And "tenni" understood perfectly what I Meant. I'm from Amsterdam one of most liberated cities to talk about anything you want, sexuality and even porn. Here you can easily discuss almost everything with a lot more people than the sad 0.01 percent of "stonebow" Although it is one of the most liberated places of the world, bisexuality is still one of the last taboos. Everybody (well allmost) here think that you got to do what you got to do until its coming too close to there own relationship. And what i liked in the first place on this side is to discuss a little deeper the issue of bisexuality. And yes.., sometimes i like it to read issues about " Do you eat your own cum? Spit or Swallow? What size are you? Do you like wearing different types of clothes? Post pictures of your "body part x, y or z" " (thanks Elian) But not in the first place... It should be nice if the topics could be divided in different issues. It's like what "dafydd" said I shouldn't recommend this site to a 18 years old to find out his orientation. A year or two ago i would...

And yes.., I'm Dutch which means I'm from the Netherlands, Amsterdam to be precise. That's not Belgium ;-)
Thanks "BiRobb" for your excellent improving of my English. I invite you all Americans/Canadians to visit Amsterdam "the Venice of the North" and to be/bi your absolute self. Feel the freedom of speech. And the freedom of behavior. You will be welcomed in proper English, there is no need (most americans can't) to speak one word over your own border... Handy isn't it?

Greets from Morandi.

P.S. I should like to know how to remove my profile on this site

Sep 12, 2013, 5:00 PM
First of all this seems like a really poorly phased inquiry followed by a silly incoherent statement... I'm just wondering why it deserves so much attention. I like this short and sweet answer first of all what do you think it's about you don't have to be rocket scientist to realize that save for one ad for "Three Pillows" at the top of the page there is no porn here save for the pics and stories donated by members on a very occasional basis. Just sitting there and saying "There's going something wrong here!!!" which by the way should have probably been phrased "There's something going wrong here!!!" sounds like a passive aggressive provocation to me even if your English is that bad. And the since it's obviously not a porn site in the way say Hustler or Reality Kings is; so once again I see no need for your question it sounds more like a complaint... and I honestly can't believe that anyone would complain about there being not enough porn on the internet.

You may want to check your own writing for improper English, *before* you check the English of others. lol
Besides, when people are writing on a site that discusses the flavour of cum, imperfect English really isn't so gauche.

Annika L
Sep 12, 2013, 5:38 PM
I'm not that often here anymore, but I feel the need to respond. A little late; sorry for that. I absolutely agree with "daffyd". And "tenni" understood perfectly what I Meant. I'm from Amsterdam one of most liberated cities to talk about anything you want, sexuality and even porn. Here you can easily discuss almost everything with a lot more people than the sad 0.01 percent of "stonebow" Although it is one of the most liberated places of the world, bisexuality is still one of the last taboos. Everybody (well allmost) here think that you got to do what you got to do until its coming too close to there own relationship. And what i liked in the first place on this side is to discuss a little deeper the issue of bisexuality. And yes.., sometimes i like it to read issues about " Do you eat your own cum? Spit or Swallow? What size are you? Do you like wearing different types of clothes? Post pictures of your "body part x, y or z" " (thanks Elian) But not in the first place... It should be nice if the topics could be divided in different issues. It's like what "dafydd" said I shouldn't recommend this site to a 18 years old to find out his orientation. A year or two ago i would...

And yes.., I'm Dutch which means I'm from the Netherlands, Amsterdam to be precise. That's not Belgium ;-)
Thanks "BiRobb" for your excellent improving of my English. I invite you all Americans/Canadians to visit Amsterdam "the Venice of the North" and to be/bi your absolute self. Feel the freedom of speech. And the freedom of behavior. You will be welcomed in proper English, there is no need (most americans can't) to speak one word over your own border... Handy isn't it?

Greets from Morandi.

P.S. I should like to know how to remove my profile on this site

Thank you for your clarification. I reiterate my point that this site is what all members make it. If you aren't willing to post threads initiating the discussions that you'd like to see, then you are expecting the rest of us to give you what you want, and not participating in the community. There are deeper issues discussed here...but only when thoughtful members post them. They may not be the mode, but they're here. If you aren't going to be one of those thoughtful members who participate, then yes, I can understand why you want to leave.

Sep 12, 2013, 9:04 PM
Damn. And here I was hoping to sit next to Annika and share my big tub of popcorn..and Rust, Voltie, and Sailor too...
Cat, being silly. :}

Sep 12, 2013, 9:59 PM
You may want to check your own writing for improper English, *before* you check the English of others. lol
Besides, when people are writing on a site that discusses the flavour of cum, imperfect English really isn't so gauche.
That is obviously not my point... if you want to start in on me; I never claimed my English was perfect but the original post said 2 sentences and one of them was incoherent if you think something I am saying doesn't make sense then go ahead and let me know and give me a chance to explain it. And it is a silly question since the answer is obvious porn sites are commercial sites which very rarely have forums (I won't say never because I don't actually subscribe to one right now) where you pay a fee and dl porn or in the case of tubes like redtube you watch it and in exchange you see advertisements. So, I don't see why the question in the first place or why all the attention and for the record you edited your post which probably meant you used improper English but needed to fix your response so you didn't seem like a hypocrite. If I made the occasional grammatical error so what it's not like I'm being incoherent.

Sep 13, 2013, 1:56 AM
I know that there are very few true "bisexual" questions in the deep format some folks like, but you have to do baby steps. If it's taboo in your culture to talk about sex at all - then talking about sex with men, or penises, or clitoris, or cross-dressing -is- pretty radical. Apparently a lot of men do feel that their bisexuality brings out a "feminine" side for example..

One of the "deep" issues what masquerades as more of a "shallow" one, I often enjoy, is
"how can you tell so and so is bisexaual?"

It requires an equally "deep" answer; "Ask them."

Apologies if that is seen as condescending, arrogant, rude, sarcastic. I genuinely do not
mean it as any of that. Having to come here, to ask something which ought to be common
sense, I think merits the blatantly "obvious" response. It is direct, the simplest way to know,
really should be considered first. I see people asking here as kind of shocking in the fact that
it is not "obviously" given thought.

"How do I know X?"

"Gee, ask about X, maybe?"


Then again, C, says my insanity stems from being sane in an insane world. :)
I feel terrible in seeing that people do not think, either for lack of ability or some
other rationale. I choose to not think at times. Yes, I do so because for me, thinking
can hurt.

Me musing to self while piddling at computer: "It's nice to think about goal X being acheived, until
I realize that out of sheer unadultrated stupidity it will not be. So, how do I resolve stupid?"

Robotic voice from computer in response: "Stupid does not compute ergo stupid will not

Me: "--sigh, grunt, chuckle, shrug-- Ouch, that'll leave a mark. --grin, chuckle--"

And this is why it is a deeper issue than appears. I once wrote of a secret society of bisexuals,
whom had nice skin tight body glove type suits which marked them as bisexuals. They kept these
suits crammed way back in their closets to avoid detection by nosy neighbors.

"Sure we do. Now, go check your neighbor's closets, quick before they realize I've defected!" ;)

Communication is a wonderful tool. I often wonder how we manage to communicate, and am
filled with wonder over how it is always hit or miss. :) And this too is part and parcell of why
it is a deeper issue. I could ramble on for quite a spell but slumber beckons. "Night night,
shiny man." :wacko: :love1: ((((( elian )))))

Sep 13, 2013, 2:15 PM
Thank you for your clarification. I reiterate my point that this site is what all members make it. If you aren't willing to post threads initiating the discussions that you'd like to see, then you are expecting the rest of us to give you what you want, and not participating in the community. There are deeper issues discussed here...but only when thoughtful members post them. They may not be the mode, but they're here. If you aren't going to be one of those thoughtful members who participate, then yes, I can understand why you want to leave.

i think you've missed the point Annika. this is more to do with certain members feeling the site has changed so that it not longer facilitates their needs, and wishing that there was some balance with the posts. its not about someone throwing a hissy fit because they cant engage in thoughtful discussion. in any case, many members of this site access it by not posting, but by reading the thoughtful posts of others as they may find it difficult to participate in bisexual discussion depending on their level of comfort with their sexuality. just as much as many members participate in the porn by reading it rather than writing. a little compassion wouldn't go amiss here and theres no need to be quite so officious in ur 'thoughtful' response to discuss a timely, and seldom heard concern.


Annika L
Sep 13, 2013, 11:33 PM
i think you've missed the point Annika. this is more to do with certain members feeling the site has changed so that it not longer facilitates their needs, and wishing that there was some balance with the posts. its not about someone throwing a hissy fit because they cant engage in thoughtful discussion. in any case, many members of this site access it by not posting, but by reading the thoughtful posts of others as they may find it difficult to participate in bisexual discussion depending on their level of comfort with their sexuality. just as much as many members participate in the porn by reading it rather than writing. a little compassion wouldn't go amiss here and theres no need to be quite so officious in ur 'thoughtful' response to discuss a timely, and seldom heard concern.

Hi dafydd,

I have complete compassion and absolutely no problem with anyone who just wants to read our posts, and either isn't comfortable with posting themselves or doesn't think they have anything useful to say or whatever.

Likewise, I have no problem when a participating member voices criticism or voices a direction they'd like to see the site move toward.

I do have a problem when a non-participating (or very-low-participating) member *complains* about the content posted by participating members.

It doesn't matter why such a complainer is complaining...not enough serious discourse, not enough porn, the site isn't what it once was, whatever. My point is that the complaint itself is misplaced, because by not posting, the complainer is part of the problem they are complaining about. I am happy to see such people go on their way, because complaining without being constructive (i.e., without making your own posts that creates the site you'd like to have) is only destructive. So I was not attempting to be "thoughtful" in my response. I was indeed openly but gently criticizing the OP. The gentleness is all the compassion I think is warranted.

Sep 14, 2013, 6:24 AM
That is obviously not my point... if you want to start in on me; I never claimed my English was perfect but the original post said 2 sentences and one of them was incoherent if you think something I am saying doesn't make sense then go ahead and let me know and give me a chance to explain it. And it is a silly question since the answer is obvious porn sites are commercial sites which very rarely have forums (I won't say never because I don't actually subscribe to one right now) where you pay a fee and dl porn or in the case of tubes like redtube you watch it and in exchange you see advertisements. So, I don't see why the question in the first place or why all the attention and for the record you edited your post which probably meant you used improper English but needed to fix your response so you didn't seem like a hypocrite. If I made the occasional grammatical error so what it's not like I'm being incoherent.

i couldn't care less if there were typos or incoherent english in a post. that was ur gripe remember, not mine. its the spirit of the thing thats important. assuming why someone has edited theirtext is a pointless task. i have a tendency to move away from the theme of my original post in my replies so i often self-check my posts to minimise that. im not always successful, as evidenced by this entry.

so...er..porn and thoughtfulness, thoughtfulness and porn.. yes absolutely.


Sep 14, 2013, 11:09 AM
Dear Annika, First.., You absolutely don't know how many times I visited this site Maybe once a year maybe ten times a year. So you can't judge if the number of my reactions is a good or bad participation. I agree with Dafydd even if you only want to read its oke. Maybe it could be very difficult for me to write in English, you don't know. Maybe i'm disabled and can write very difficult.
Secondly.., If I have to complain about something that has changed, I think i have the right to do so. Bisexuality got nothing to do with Porn. There is a big difference between sexuality and porn. The term bisexuality includes a lot more than the superficial porn issues... To find an interesting topic I have to read all the crap first, and that is disturbing.
Maybe you can tell me how to remove my profile from this site... ;-)

Best regards Morandi

Sep 14, 2013, 11:55 AM
unfortunately this site will be blocked by default in the UK soon, *if* the government continues their anti-pornography crusade. That would be a real shame. It would mean the site shuts itself off from many in the UK community, those on the outskirts of the community, and those gays and straights who could learn more about what it means to be bisexual. anyone who does not want to opt in to receive its high porn content through their internet service providers will never know what the site could offer. eventually the site would do the very opposite of what it seeks. instead of connecting and informing people, it will remain invisible and underground. out of reach to those who could populate it with diverse voices.


perhaps the site owners arent oncerned with this. maybe they get enough hits and visits and as it is (enough to make the site a viable domain for porn advertisers to throw money at) But then its not all about money is it? though no one can deny that sex sells! yo!
one wonders perhaps if that is the reason the site owners have facilitated the increased porn content, and (whilst that is a rather sad thought for its members), it also may lead to a sobering thought for its owners. the possible conclusion being, in the UK at least, with reduced daily hits the site wont look as attractive to its advertisers as it once did and revenue and therefore site services are decreased.

i dont agree with this proposed law btw, I'm just extending this argument about high porn content on bisexual.com to its frustrating, regretful yet logical conclusion if these plans go ahead.

Sep 14, 2013, 12:23 PM
Yes.., I read about and it's sad. But the porn addicted will be glad. I understood they will create it in a manner that you can ask your provider to unblock this blockade on porn...

Sep 14, 2013, 12:57 PM
The UK ban on porn has been discussed on a thread.

"i dont agree with this proposed law btw, I'm just extending this argument about high porn content on bisexual.com to its frustrating, regretful yet logical conclusion if these plans go ahead."

Google blocks a search for the word "bisexual" unless you have the specific name in North America. Google blocks a lot of words depending upon the government of the country. As I recall the UK law can be gotten around by entering some option that is not that well promoted? I think that this site would be blocked whether there was or was not naked bodies and naughty language? (just asking)

Sep 14, 2013, 3:30 PM
if its not porn it wouldnt be blocked. being bisexual or sites about bisexuality neednt be porn sites in order for them to offer information to, or about bisexuals. the government doesnt have a problem with diverse sexuality but with pornography being freely accessible children. gay rights in UK are extremley advanced now.
i think also the porn content here comes from the supression of sexuality in many people by what the majority of society 'thinks' about them or what they percieve society 'thinks' about them. the shame often comes from our own minds, and in western societies often not based in real everyday persecution. this repression leads to them viewing their bisexuality as a dark, sex only side that should be the repository for all secret fetishes and lewd thinking. it doesnt have to be. to fully accept ones sexuality is to let it become a core of ur identity, a founding block that is made of concrete identiy thinking, not the shifting sands of lust and genital stimulation.
i know that sounds pretentious, its not meant to be. im just trying to explain why porn for a truly accepting bisexual has nothing to do with how they define themselves as a bisexual person.
porn and graphic sex talk is abo where u put it or want to put it.
sexuality..or bisexuality in this context is about how u feel it. (or want to feel it).
for me this is true, at least.

i think reasoning the *demand* for porn here as above, sits alongside the reason for increased *supply* of porn here (the money thing i mentioned before). all in all it explains to me why porn is so prevalent here. not judging it in this way as bad, just trying to understand.


Annika L
Sep 14, 2013, 3:39 PM
Dear Annika, First.., You absolutely don't know how many times I visited this site Maybe once a year maybe ten times a year. So you can't judge if the number of my reactions is a good or bad participation. I agree with Dafydd even if you only want to read its oke. Maybe it could be very difficult for me to write in English, you don't know. Maybe i'm disabled and can write very difficult.
Secondly.., If I have to complain about something that has changed, I think i have the right to do so. Bisexuality got nothing to do with Porn. There is a big difference between sexuality and porn. The term bisexuality includes a lot more than the superficial porn issues... To find an interesting topic I have to read all the crap first, and that is disturbing.
Maybe you can tell me how to remove my profile from this site... ;-)

Best regards Morandi
First, I'm not sure you can *remove* your profile, although you might write to Drew and ask him to remove it. Gods know others have tried.
I do know you can make your account dormant...go to "Edit Account Info" in the Control Panel for your account.

But now let's get real. I never claimed to know or care how often you visit the site. You might visit here 100 times a day for all I know. I'm looking at the fact that you contributed only about 35 posts in 2 years of membership. As I said I don't care *why* you posted so little (I'm *assuming* you have valid reasons...in fact I can't think of an invalid reason)...the point is that you have not contributed much around here, and yet are complaining about what the rest of us are posting. So basically, you are expecting the rest of us to do the work to keep you entertained or informed or whatever you're looking for...for free! Screw that. If you like what's here, read it, enjoy it, and be glad it's free. But when you receive something for free and don't like it, it's not gracious to complain...it's gracious just to stop using the free service.

And of course you have a *right* to complain...it's quite possible to be within your rights and still act ungraciously.

Sep 14, 2013, 4:07 PM
Dear Annika, First.., You absolutely don't know how many times I visited this site Maybe once a year maybe ten times a year. So you can't judge if the number of my reactions is a good or bad participation. I agree with Dafydd even if you only want to read its oke. Maybe it could be very difficult for me to write in English, you don't know. Maybe i'm disabled and can write very difficult.
Secondly.., If I have to complain about something that has changed, I think i have the right to do so. Bisexuality got nothing to do with Porn. There is a big difference between sexuality and porn. The term bisexuality includes a lot more than the superficial porn issues... To find an interesting topic I have to read all the crap first, and that is disturbing.
Maybe you can tell me how to remove my profile from this site... ;-)

Best regards Morandi
No you don't have to read all the 'crap' first. The titles of threads give you a pretty good clue as to what they are about, and you can opt out of clicking on them if you deem it not to your liking.:bigrin:

Obviously the sexual themed threads are not of your interest and they are superficial to YOU. That doesn't make the sexual content 'porn' and neither does it make it superficial to bisexuality or the ones who post it. You could ask why there are so many "Do you like your own cum?", threads and what those who post about it get out of it?
You could just be past all that yourself, and at a point where you are more concerned with other issues that involve bisexuality. But we are not all at the same point, or have the same concerns. So a little tolerance would help everybody IMO.

A change may have occurred, but WHO or WHAT are your complaints aimed at? It reads like you are complaining to the ones who post threads that don't interest you, and you want them to post threads that DO interest you instead. They are bisexuals, not psychics.:tongue: They won't take the time to read your post history to see what interests you first.
You do have a good suggestion on how to remedy the avalanche of sex themed threads - to split the forum into divisions, such as 'Relationship Advice', 'Sexual activities' etc....if that's what you mean?
When there are a majority of "Do you like your cock dipped in fanny batter?", threads at first glance, it probably encourages that kind of thread to be started, and hence the increase. BUT as the lovely Anikka has stated - it's up to the individual members to make the site what it is, by starting threads themselves. It IS what it IS.:)

Sep 14, 2013, 7:48 PM
No you don't have to read all the 'crap' first. The titles of threads give you a pretty good clue as to what they are about, and you can opt out of clicking on them if you deem it not to your liking.:bigrin:

Obviously the sexual themed threads are not of your interest and they are superficial to YOU. That doesn't make the sexual content 'porn' and neither does it make it superficial to bisexuality or the ones who post it. You could ask why there are so many "Do you like your own cum?", threads and what those who post about it get out of it?
You could just be past all that yourself, and at a point where you are more concerned with other issues that involve bisexuality. But we are not all at the same point, or have the same concerns. So a little tolerance would help everybody IMO.

A change may have occurred, but WHO or WHAT are your complaints aimed at? It reads like you are complaining to the ones who post threads that don't interest you, and you want them to post threads that DO interest you instead. They are bisexuals, not psychics.:tongue: They won't take the time to read your post history to see what interests you first.
You do have a good suggestion on how to remedy the avalanche of sex themed threads - to split the forum into divisions, such as 'Relationship Advice', 'Sexual activities' etc....if that's what you mean?
When there are a majority of "Do you like your cock dipped in fanny batter?", threads at first glance, it probably encourages that kind of thread to be started, and hence the increase. BUT as the lovely Anikka has stated - it's up to the individual members to make the site what it is, by starting threads themselves. It IS what it IS.:)

and what is it exactly? what is this site?

u might quote some grandiose statement used by the moderators in the past about 'connecting communities...yada yada... safe place for discussion about bisexuality etc etc..' and maybe thats what it was... but living up to that requires a certain amount of moderation, effort and diligence....and to not slip into something more comfortable because its easy to get people to talk dirty.

ok cool, so this site currently heavily courts pornography. fine. i just wish they'd OWN it.. i dont see the ackowledgment that a lot of the porn talk is bad, rather uninspiring pornography with some with racist overtones about asian femmes, misogynistic sarcasm about she-males, dumb ex-wifes, and homophobic/heterophobic 'they make us look bad' posts. i dont see that above the door or in the 'welcome' thread. i wonder why. shame breeds shame. and when you run a site that facilitates shame, you become ashamed of it urself.

i think Morandi just had enough and snapped.
against a see of fanny batter and multi flavoured cum, the disenfranchised bisexual finds it difficult to breathe let alone talk.
god u guys, some empathy please. dont swoop on morandi like ur defending some inalienable human right to share fetishes proudly.

point is porn turns bisexuals in need away, and suffocates those already here from making thoughtful posts. why would u want to be seen to post on a site drenched in porn? why? people get paranoid enough as it is here for simply being found out as bisexual let alone the new member worry of starting a thread that sits directly on top of another thread entitled 'the taste of cum', ... or directly below.....even worse.
and not everyone wants to use some anonymous default avatar silhouette and disguise their identity in 36 shades of shame.

Annika is right in one respect..it is a free service and so one has to accept what is given. but its too glib to say to the people who dont post here often, that the responsibility is *all* in their hands to make it what they want. like i said, porn overload doesn't make that easy. what if ones comment isnt quite racey enough for instance?

we have all sought refuge here and found commonalities and solace in each others shared experience. we really should think about making this more a site, (all of those who it has benefitted in greater ways than just an orgasm),... make this site for all of them... out there..who dont know about it and who may be suffering alone as we all at one time did. wheres LDD these days? he'd have something to say on this. tenni understands what im talking about. and G, u should know better. ur the most intelligent one here!

and now i remember why i find it hard to leave and am so emphatic (ranty) and persistent (broken record) on this issue.
i came out as bisexual in 2007, primarily due to posts on this site and what i read and what others talked about had real eye opening meaning.
if i had saw what i see now...i would have run a mile. i wonder how many out there who click on bisexual.com end up running a mile, instead of finding it life changing?

maybe im wrong. maybe porn is the perfect way to get people to relate.

but ive got a hunch that porn doesn't change lives... only sheets.


ps.fucking massive spider on my floor.. moderate to severe panic.:(

Sep 15, 2013, 9:59 AM
Come on now sweet Dafydd, you can not flash your hairy pit like that and claim theres too much porn here. You KNOW exactly what peeps are thinking while looking at it. (Well I do.:rolleyes:).
I think we have a different view of what counts as porn (besides your pit. That's def porn and we can all agree on that.lol).
When some bloke from New Jersey comes here and writes "I'd love a hung twink to do me up the chuff when I'm in my baby doll nighty and mat my nipple hairs with hot cum when the Mrs is watching.", that may seem like mindless smut and flippant vulgarity. But in reality it could be the most intimately honest thing that bloke has ever written in his life. Maybe something that he has kept hidden for years not daring to voice it or write it to anybody but you, I and the rest of bi.com readers. Could hopefully be the first step in his coming to terms with himself.:)
I'd call that a privilege, not porn. If that were outlawed by a moderator he/she would do many a great harm IMO. Stick it in a 'Sex' subforum, yes, but not ban it.
Morandi may have lost his compassion for those not yet free of their suppression or solitude, but I remember mine and know what typing the words "I'd love to have sex with a man some day.", on a public forum from behind a mask can spark off, and what it takes to put it out there.:bowdown: "Superficial porn issues."? Not quite! Not always.

No, bisexuaity isn't just about sex, but sex definitely plays a big part in the self discovery of the typical bisexual and it's that which drives many to explore themselves. That in itself is a HUGE task which has very little to no help at all from any great philosophers, scientists, psychologists etc throughout the ages when asking "Why am I like this?", or "How do I manage this?" etc. When you consider that many bisexuals find that a new identity is emerging from their 'daily persona' in the midst of a monosexual society, typing "I like cock&fanny." is far more than smut.:)
Typing or expressing that to most who are not bisexual can lead to confusion at best, and denial at worst. And can even lead to either with other bisexuals too - "You don't like kissing same gender? WTF is wrong with you?".:rolleyes:
So it's not just a matter of sexual fetishes, but a whole lot of psychological tom foolery and philosophical ramblings going on with it for a bi.

I'm really sorry for the lovely Morandi who seems not to appreciate that, and has no interest in it. But I can see why those threads could give an overpowering impression of the sexual side of bisexuality. Lets face it, the sexual side IS overpowering for many.:bigrin:
For those who's sexual side has calmed down or isn't the driving force to come here, it could seem like you're the only sober one at a party of drunks. Bloody annoying!
But still, if he'd like to assume the role of designated driver, he could bump up some threads that interest him. It's not hard! Much easier than creating this thread.

Ps, I'd love to have rampant sex with you all night long.:tongue:

Sep 15, 2013, 11:25 AM
Ps, I'd love to have rampant sex with you all night long.:tongue:

awwww.. damn it, i knew this would happen. (melts)
i imagine you saying that with that lovely welsh accent of yours.. and..
look im not a monk. i believe in balance. little bit of this, little bit of that. pit here, pit there... G, u know i cant best you in a fight for common sense. those dulcet tones and sweet whispers get me everytime. i surrender. uve captured my flag. now lets play 'king of the hill'. who's going to be the hill this time?

i dont want to ban anything, thats David Cameron, not Dafydd Cameron.
I like these kind of discussions and the way people are discussing in this thread. it makes me feel more in touch with my bisexuality
(that and your gratuitous flattery).

ok ill get with the porn. now pucker up. lets go somewhere and play house. i can be the door, and u can slam me. ;)

Sep 15, 2013, 2:48 PM
I talk about anything with anyone. Want to discuss bisexuaity ok I will. Want to talk porn that is alright. Hell if you want to talk religion I will talk it. Whatever people want to talk here I will talk.

Sep 15, 2013, 6:43 PM
awwww.. damn it, i knew this would happen. (melts)
i imagine you saying that with that lovely welsh accent of yours.. and..
look im not a monk. i believe in balance. little bit of this, little bit of that. pit here, pit there... G, u know i cant best you in a fight for common sense. those dulcet tones and sweet whispers get me everytime. i surrender. uve captured my flag. now lets play 'king of the hill'. who's going to be the hill this time?

i dont want to ban anything, thats David Cameron, not Dafydd Cameron.
I like these kind of discussions and the way people are discussing in this thread. it makes me feel more in touch with my bisexuality
(that and your gratuitous flattery).

ok ill get with the porn. now pucker up. lets go somewhere and play house. i can be the door, and u can slam me. ;)
It's not flattery when it's honest.;) You know I want to make love to your mind as well as that stuff it thankfully fails to anchor itself to. If I could catch it Dafydd, I'd surely 'slam' it as relentlessly and deeply as I would the rest of you. And ohh dear Lord, that's a lot.:tongue: Well I'd try! I know my limits, but still try.lol

It's your tones that have me like a deer in headlamps, and thoughts making me look around. One day we'll just forget the word stuff and just moan together.YAY!

Sep 15, 2013, 8:15 PM
Sometimes I really really wonder. This website seems to be male driven then anything. More driven towards a male desire. Society is more driven towards male desire anyways. If I read another post on anal sex lol.

Annika L
Sep 15, 2013, 8:18 PM
Ps, I'd love to have rampant sex with you all night long.:tongue:Speaking of fantasies, can I join, or is this a boy-only thing? ;)

Sep 16, 2013, 2:41 AM
I am happy to see such people go on their way, because complaining without being constructive (i.e., without making your own posts that creates the site you'd like to have) is only destructive.

*reads, immediately sets about crafting a post which will transform the site into an eltro-magnetic free energy power plant to grant everyone free energy all over the globe, buys stock in company creating dildos that ensnare this new found energy wirelessly, goes to step 3 and prophets.*

Sep 16, 2013, 7:01 AM
Speaking of fantasies, can I join, or is this a boy-only thing? ;)
Lets have a Dafydd sandwich.:bounce: God, imagine that lovely Anika. Would be like two rottweilers with a rag doll. In a strictly tender loving non-porn kinda way though of course.:tongue:

Sep 16, 2013, 12:22 PM
Lets have a Dafydd sandwich.:bounce: God, imagine that lovely Anika. Would be like two rottweilers with a rag doll. In a strictly tender loving non-porn kinda way though of course.:tongue:
..a strictly tender, loving, non porn kinda way ur arse, luffly man...:cutelaugh Sumtimes u do crack me up:impleased!!!! Get shock ofya life if Annika takes ya up on it... not covinced big nasty brute doggies wud come out top!! Me pennies r on raggie doll;)!!

Sep 16, 2013, 4:55 PM
..a strictly tender, loving, non porn kinda way ur arse, luffly man...:cutelaugh Sumtimes u do crack me up:impleased!!!! Get shock ofya life if Annika takes ya up on it... not covinced big nasty brute doggies wud come out top!! Me pennies r on raggie doll;)!!
I was thinking that Dafydd would be the rag doll, not Amazon Queen Anikka btw.:tongue: An YES I would get a shock if she turned up at my door with Dafydd in tow. Would prob gibber a bit and may need to go change my keks.lol

Annika L
Sep 16, 2013, 7:55 PM
I was thinking that Dafydd would be the rag doll, not Amazon Queen Anikka btw.:tongue: An YES I would get a shock if she turned up at my door with Dafydd in tow. Would prob gibber a bit and may need to go change my keks.lol
I beg your pardon!? I may be above-average in height...but I *hardly* qualify for Amazon Queen status! LOL But it's worth pursuing at any rate just to see the look on your face when we show up :tongue:. Shall we bring wine, whisky, or cookies?

Sep 16, 2013, 8:26 PM
Better bring all 3 diversity you know

Sep 17, 2013, 8:18 AM
I beg your pardon!? I may be above-average in height...but I *hardly* qualify for Amazon Queen status! LOL But it's worth pursuing at any rate just to see the look on your face when we show up :tongue:. Shall we bring wine, whisky, or cookies?
Well Fran is no beanpole either, but def got an Amazon Queen packed in there (more than) making up for that.:bigrin: But yes, bring plenty of all three and a first aid box. These all night diversity gigs don't half chaff at times.lol

Sep 17, 2013, 6:17 PM
Dirty sod!!! Wot's the point of being wiv multi guys if they don't make ya centre of attraction? Isn't the reason I gave them up but had I not been at such times, prob wudda given them up earlier than I did:eek2::cutelaugh!!! God u men are awful...:cutelaugh:kiss:!!

Sep 17, 2013, 7:30 PM
Dirty sod!!! Wot's the point of being wiv multi guys if they don't make ya centre of attraction? Isn't the reason I gave them up but had I not been at such times, prob wudda given them up earlier than I did:eek2::cutelaugh!!! God u men are awful...:cutelaugh:kiss:!!
Thats right Missy Fran! You stick to your guns and leave all those mind numbingly fit sexy Scottish blokes turn to the darkside and come to Daddy. God bless you!:bowdown:
You're doing a marvelous job up there!lol

Sep 17, 2013, 7:46 PM
Thats right Missy Fran! You stick to your guns and leave all those mind numbingly fit sexy Scottish blokes turn to the darkside and come to Daddy. God bless you!:bowdown:
You're doing a marvelous job up there!lol
U babes..can have ne and every Scots dick u like!!! Luff u dearly... u enjoy!!!:impleased

Sep 18, 2013, 7:44 AM
Hi I am new here, this is my second day. I have been bisexual since my early teens when I was introduced to sex by a neighbor, I guess maybe most would say it was abuse but, I have no regrets about it and consider myself happy, well adjusted and successful. Please don't attack me personally for asking this but... What exactly would be the non sexual part of bisexuality? I am married with two children, a wonderful wife who knows of the events that formed my sexuality and has her own kinks that compliment mine. We keep our sexuality separate from our children one of which is an adult. But I fail to understand how bisexuality, the sexual attraction to both genders can be a non sexual topic. Maybe I answer my own question through this post. I could easily describe the very enjoyable sex acts of my youth and my marriage but I didn't see a need for them in this particular thread. I am sure they would be more appropriate in some of the others. Hmmmm

Sep 18, 2013, 7:55 AM
Hi I am new here, this is my second day. I have been bisexual since my early teens when I was introduced to sex by a neighbor, I guess maybe most would say it was abuse but, I have no regrets about it and consider myself happy, well adjusted and successful. Please don't attack me personally for asking this but... What exactly would be the non sexual part of bisexuality? I am married with two children, a wonderful wife who knows of the events that formed my sexuality and has her own kinks that compliment mine. We keep our sexuality separate from our children one of which is an adult. But I fail to understand how bisexuality, the sexual attraction to both genders can be a non sexual topic. Maybe I answer my own question through this post. I could easily describe the very enjoyable sex acts of my youth and my marriage but I didn't see a need for them in this particular thread. I am sure they would be more appropriate in some of the others. Hmmmm

Hi sillyman
Good point to raise. Although not exactly non sexual because the issues are connected to our sexuality, there are several aspects that are about things other than our genitals that are important to be discussed on this site.

Have you heard of the word "Bi Invisibiiity"? Bi Erasure?

Have you an awareness as to which sexuality has the most frequent thoughts of suicide and depression? (female bisexuals followed by male bisexuals...way down from there gay men and women)

Are you aware that despite being the largest sexuality group outside of monosexual heterosexuals, bisexuals have the least access to specific services that are different from services offered to gays in many/some GLBT organizations?

Do you know what biphobia is and how it may impact your life?

Do you know how biphobia differs from homophobia?

Do you know what "fluidity" is and how it impacts bisexuals' lives?

Are you aware that there is no study distinguishing between rates of HIV in gay men compared to bisexual men? They are lumped together and called MSM (men who have sex with men) in studies? Therefore it is unknown what the rate of HIV is amongst bisexual men and yet all bisexuals are accused of spreading HIV.

What is the best lifestyle for a bisexual to chose to be happy: monogamy or poly?

Why are so many bi men afraid to disclose their sexuality to women partners?

There of course is more..much more than a lot of the questions asked on this site recently. (Do you love the taste of cum, etc.)

Sep 18, 2013, 8:27 AM
Hi I am new here, this is my second day. I have been bisexual since my early teens when I was introduced to sex by a neighbor, I guess maybe most would say it was abuse but, I have no regrets about it and consider myself happy, well adjusted and successful. Please don't attack me personally for asking this but... What exactly would be the non sexual part of bisexuality? I am married with two children, a wonderful wife who knows of the events that formed my sexuality and has her own kinks that compliment mine. We keep our sexuality separate from our children one of which is an adult. But I fail to understand how bisexuality, the sexual attraction to both genders can be a non sexual topic. Maybe I answer my own question through this post. I could easily describe the very enjoyable sex acts of my youth and my marriage but I didn't see a need for them in this particular thread. I am sure they would be more appropriate in some of the others. Hmmmm

Sep 18, 2013, 2:05 PM
Interesting issues! Sorry for the double post

Sep 18, 2013, 5:18 PM
Speaking of fantasies, can I join, or is this a boy-only thing? ;)

right you disgusting lot. i am deeply offended by all this sleazy talk about me being part of some kind of human sandwich.
i'm not a rag doll. i am a teddy bear and teddy bears should be cuddled and cherished, not gang banged and disposed of, drained dry and defiled.

mmmmm...though it is tempting..

..ok.. fuck it then..im all in. Annika of course u can join and u too Darky. quite frankly ive had it up to here with G swinging his cock around like the pendulous tail of some testoserone fuelled Wyvern (even if he does spit fire in all the right places).
Id only do it you keep G and I on opposite sides of the bed. He should be grateful enuf with the long cuddles ill give him when we fall asleep and wake up in the morning. Bora da.


Sep 18, 2013, 5:50 PM
Hi I am new here, this is my second day. I have been bisexual since my early teens when I was introduced to sex by a neighbor, I guess maybe most would say it was abuse but, I have no regrets about it and consider myself happy, well adjusted and successful. Please don't attack me personally for asking this but... What exactly would be the non sexual part of bisexuality? I am married with two children, a wonderful wife who knows of the events that formed my sexuality and has her own kinks that compliment mine. We keep our sexuality separate from our children one of which is an adult. But I fail to understand how bisexuality, the sexual attraction to both genders can be a non sexual topic. Maybe I answer my own question through this post. I could easily describe the very enjoyable sex acts of my youth and my marriage but I didn't see a need for them in this particular thread. I am sure they would be more appropriate in some of the others. Hmmmm

hi sillyman, thanks for posting. in my answer i kind of want to put a different perspective on your question about the 'non sexual part of bisexuality' by asking u a question.
my question is "what is the non sexual part of heterosexuality?" thats the answer.

sexuality isnt just about who u have sex with or want to have sex with. the fact that it has the word sex is a bit of a misnomer. bisexuality is a way of describing who you love, care for, want to hold hands with, be with, write Valentines cards to and hug and cry with when something amazing or tragic happens. it is core to everything that is the me of me, the you of you. it circumscribes heart, body and soul. and guides us to inner peace, acceptance and true love.
it's also a pretty fucking hot calling card on dating profiles that puts you way above the crowd. ;)

brofist yo!

all the best

Sep 18, 2013, 7:09 PM
He should be grateful enuf with the long cuddles ill give him when we fall asleep and wake up in the morning.
I actually really would.:)

Annika L
Sep 18, 2013, 7:50 PM
right you disgusting lot. i am deeply offended by all this sleazy talk about me being part of some kind of human sandwich.
i'm not a rag doll. i am a teddy bear and teddy bears should be cuddled and cherished, not gang banged and disposed of, drained dry and defiled.

mmmmm...though it is tempting..

..ok.. fuck it then..im all in. Annika of course u can join and u too Darky. quite frankly ive had it up to here with G swinging his cock around like the pendulous tail of some testoserone fuelled Wyvern (even if he does spit fire in all the right places).
Id only do it you keep G and I on opposite sides of the bed. He should be grateful enuf with the long cuddles ill give him when we fall asleep and wake up in the morning. Bora da.

I'm no defiler...and I know how to treat a teddy bear as well as a rag doll. ...but if it'd make you feel safer, I'll bring my partner to further counter-balance Gear's enthusiasm...besides, I'll need help carrying the wine, whisky, cookies, and medkit. Just let me know, 'cause I'm on the line for flight reservations and I need to know how many seats to reserve! :tongue:

eep, is it gettin' warm in here? I'm goin' all gooey!

Sep 18, 2013, 8:07 PM
I actually really would.:)

i know. thats why i said it my celtic love spud. x

Sep 18, 2013, 8:07 PM
I'm no defiler...and I know how to treat a teddy bear as well as a rag doll. ...but if it'd make you feel safer, I'll bring my partner to further counter-balance Gear's enthusiasm...besides, I'll need help carrying the wine, whisky, cookies, and medkit. Just let me know, 'cause I'm on the line for flight reservations and I need to know how many seats to reserve! :tongue:

eep, is it gettin' warm in here? I'm goin' all gooey!
No Anikka! Was lulling Dafydd into a FALSE sense of security! Not a proper one!:eek2:
Opposite sides of the bed and backup too? I'm not Macgyver you know?:eek:

Sep 18, 2013, 8:19 PM
I'm no defiler...and I know how to treat a teddy bear as well as a rag doll. ...but if it'd make you feel safer, I'll bring my partner to further counter-balance Gear's enthusiasm...besides, I'll need help carrying the wine, whisky, cookies, and medkit. Just let me know, 'cause I'm on the line for flight reservations and I need to know how many seats to reserve! :tongue:

eep, is it gettin' warm in here? I'm goin' all gooey!

um..what would your partner do to counter-balance G's enthusiasm? would s/he be sitting on the bed arms crossed, shaking his/her head disapprovingly at his throbbing cock, cos i've tried that and somehow i still end up getting fucked.
maybe annika and i can go tete a tete with each other on the sofa when that's happening. i find sofas so romantic and more conducive to sustainable oral sex positons. G forgets half the time, that hes the *only* man i bottom for. and that i have the urge to dom just as much as he does. oh i bottom for women all the time.
i just give in to easily with G cos hes good at making tea.

Sep 18, 2013, 8:24 PM
No Anikka! Was lulling Dafydd into a FALSE sense of security! Not a proper one!:eek2:
Opposite sides of the bed and backup too? I'm not Macgyver you know?:eek:

why would u lull me into false sense of security?
men are bastards.

Annika L
Sep 18, 2013, 9:42 PM
um..what would your partner do to counter-balance G's enthusiasm? would s/he be sitting on the bed arms crossed, shaking his/her head disapprovingly at his throbbing cock, cos i've tried that and somehow i still end up getting fucked.LOL, no dear...I just thought that the additional female energy in the room might help to moderate the testosterone. No I don't see her shaking her head disapprovingly. But I am starting to have trouble understanding when we'll find time to eat the cookies....

Annika L
Sep 18, 2013, 9:44 PM
No Anikka! Was lulling Dafydd into a FALSE sense of security! Not a proper one!:eek2:
Opposite sides of the bed and backup too? I'm not Macgyver you know?:eek:Don't think of her as backup...just another delightful distraction!

Sep 19, 2013, 4:54 AM
LOL, no dear...I just thought that the additional female energy in the room might help to moderate the testosterone. No I don't see her shaking her head disapprovingly. But I am starting to have trouble understanding when we'll find time to eat the cookies....

you cant moderate G's testosterone. you can only siphon it off and keep him quite for half an hour. my testosterone is more of a refined blend. think Lavazza espresso, strong and bold, in comparison to G's Nescafe Instant. ;) i love u G x

Sep 19, 2013, 4:56 AM
Don't think of her as backup...just another delightful distraction!

im extremely horned for that female distraction right now

Sep 19, 2013, 8:54 AM
Don't think of her as backup...just another delightful distraction!
Anybody who could cause a distraction from the naked you & Dafydd MUST be extremely delightful.:bowdown:
You lucky LUCKY girl you!:tongue:

you cant moderate G's testosterone. you can only siphon it off and keep him quite for half an hour. my testosterone is more of a refined blend. think Lavazza espresso, strong and bold, in comparison to G's Nescafe Instant. ;) i love u G x
Yes! So don't worry! I'd prob be wandering around in the middle of all that, lost & confused anyway.:bigrin: Have only got one tongue & one winky,and they both always want everything at the same time like kids on Xmas morn.:oh:
You could calmly work your way around every nook & cranny by the time my bits get a grip. One kiss cures me. It all slots into place after that, and if it's you, and there's love there.....we'd feed it well.;)

Sep 19, 2013, 9:05 AM
..ok.. fuck it then..im all in. Annika of course u can join and u too Darky.
*Coff splutter choke....*

Darky??? Darky? DARKY??????? Ye play wiv fire Daffy!!! Will keep me knickers on tyvm!!! Luff u both dearly but guys... ya both have wrong bits... and referring 2 me as Darky improves ya chances not 1 jot:cutelaugh!!! U wudnt b 1st I have bollocked for calling it me on .com!!!:tongue::kiss:

Annika L
Sep 19, 2013, 1:16 PM
*Coff splutter choke....*

Darky??? Darky? DARKY??????? Ye play wiv fire Daffy!!! Will keep me knickers on tyvm!!! Luff u both dearly but guys... ya both have wrong bits... and referring 2 me as Darky improves ya chances not 1 jot:cutelaugh!!! U wudnt b 1st I have bollocked for calling it me on .com!!!:tongue::kiss:
Hmmm..."Daffy" is fine, yet "Darky" is playing with fire...methinks there is a double-standard in play here! :bigrin:

Anybody who could cause a distraction from the naked you & Dafydd MUST be extremely delightful.:bowdown:
You lucky LUCKY girl you!:tongue:
Yes, she most certainly is and I most certainly am! :tongue: Right! Reservations are made...think maybe we'll keep it to whisky and chocolate (too many interpretations of what constitutes wine; and cookies may not survive the flight well, and we could never agree on what to call them anyway ...oh, and medkit of course. And I suggest we draw lots each hour for who's in the middle, eh? Just a thought...but *phew!* what thoughts!

Sep 19, 2013, 2:21 PM
Hmmm..."Daffy" is fine, yet "Darky" is playing with fire...methinks there is a double-standard in play here! :bigrin:

Yes, she most certainly is and I most certainly am! :tongue: Right! Reservations are made...think maybe we'll keep it to whisky and chocolate (too many interpretations of what constitutes wine; and cookies may not survive the flight well, and we could never agree on what to call them anyway ...oh, and medkit of course. And I suggest we draw lots each hour for who's in the middle, eh? Just a thought...but *phew!* what thoughts!
If she's that lovely she can call a biscuit whatever she wants, and PLEASE feel free to refer to Dafydd's arse as 'his fanny'.:bigrin: Well worth the trip just for that!LOL
Def need some kinda lotto organizing going on, coz it'll be chaos. Especially if Fran shows up giving orders in Scottish.:tongue:
Prob won't understand a word I'm saying either. Best we all stick to moans & grunts.lol

Annika L
Sep 19, 2013, 5:54 PM
Best we all stick to moans & grunts.lolNot sure we'll have a choice!!

Sep 19, 2013, 5:56 PM
Hmmm..."Daffy" is fine, yet "Darky" is playing with fire...methinks there is a double-standard in play here! :bigrin:

Not really,, I have frequently take exception to be called "Darky",, happened on chat moren 1ce.. also took exception to be called Frannie but didnt do ne gud! And a cuppla times sum fool called me Fanny... now Fanny is a ver traditional diminutive of Frances.. but have always loathed that an all... well not me down ther fanny.. and I dont mean me arse!! I am not 'merican.. me fanny is not me arse!! Just the name...

...as far as I know Daffy dusn't mind being called Daffy... since he signs it himsel.. I don't like Darky or Darkie.. it grates.. a few referred to me as Dark... didn't like that much either but can live with it... but it is a major reason early on I threw out me forename...I prefer Fran tho and don't like Frannie or Franny much but I have gotten used to it over the years and have long since stopped moaning bout it and giving peeps earache for it..... Kinda getting used to me family name since me dad died and even use it on occasion mesel nowadays... he was a persistent ole bugger and nev let it go... some kno wot it is but for now am not saying... if Dafydd (full Sunday name for the luffly man) tells me he h8s being called Daffy then I will cease forthwith... ther ya have it.. is it a dubble standard?? Don't think so.. but we all have our own ideas bout such things... and am much too fond ofya 2 take offence Annika Bannanika:tongue::love87:...:impleased Is ok.. we jest.. wont call it ya again pwomise;)!!!

Sep 19, 2013, 5:59 PM
Not sure we'll have a choice!!
Since I'm not involved, bagsy I work the Cam:impleased.... is ok Gear.. wont bark me direction in Scottish.. I like to let things flow and happen organically.. so wont say a word.. will just film wile u 3 have all that fun!!!

Sep 19, 2013, 7:04 PM
Since I'm not involved, bagsy I work the Cam:impleased.... is ok Gear.. wont bark me direction in Scottish.. I like to let things flow and happen organically.. so wont say a word.. will just film wile u 3 have all that fun!!!
Come on now Fran, we're up to 4 even with you on the cam. Some director you'd make.lol And there'd be 'organ-ically' no cock in the final cut! And you would yap all the way through it!
Nope! You'd get ropes, a gag and damn well like it missy!:tongue:

Sep 19, 2013, 7:20 PM
sorry darkeyes for saying that abbreviation u hate. i was never aware u hated it. it didnt feel right as i was typing it but i was having anxiety about the gang bang...which u were invited to btw. talk about ignoring the good stuff in favour of the bad.

my mums called Frances. i think its a great name. fran too!

annikka she calls me Daffy i like it (not a lot of people pronounce the welsh double d /th/ in my name). dafydd is actually pronounced 'davith'


Sep 19, 2013, 7:31 PM
[QUOTE=Gearbox;256774]If she's that lovely she can call a biscuit whatever she wants, and PLEASE feel free to refer to Dafydd's arse as 'his fanny'.:bigrin: Well worth the trip just for that!LOL

urghh..stop showing off just cos there are women in the room. im always the butt of ur jokes when ur panning for pussy. well u can wash ur own underpants tomorrow. this is what always happens when i facilitate ur insane lust for fucking by agreeing to a free for all.

Annika L
Sep 19, 2013, 7:56 PM
sorry darkeyes for saying that abbreviation u hate. i was never aware u hated it. it didnt feel right as i was typing it but i was having anxiety about the gang bang...which u were invited to btw. talk about ignoring the good stuff in favour of the bad.

my mums called Frances. i think its a great name. fran too!

annikka she calls me Daffy i like it (not a lot of people pronounce the welsh double d /th/ in my name). dafydd is actually pronounced 'davith'

Awww, lovely Dafydd, I knew why Fran objected to "Darky" and that you were ok with "Daffy"...was just pokin' fun. And you explained the correct pronunciation of your name in a post years ago, and it's stuck with me ever since. I'm like that with words and names (so Gear, in the same vein, I have no trouble at all calling biscuits by their proper name in the proper company). And I would *never* use the word "fanny" for "arse" in any case...wouldn't use it for anything, for that matter.

And Fran? I promise I won't take any more offense than you did...but (at least for our American readers) Annika Harmonica would be a more appropriate rhyme for my name (or Annika at Chanukah, if you prefer...I've heard them both *smile*). That beats a Bananaken on a Mannequin any day!:love87:

Sep 19, 2013, 8:06 PM
sorry darkeyes for saying that abbreviation u hate. i was never aware u hated it. it didnt feel right as i was typing it but i was having anxiety about the gang bang...which u were invited to btw. talk about ignoring the good stuff in favour of the bad.

my mums called Frances. i think its a great name. fran too!

annikka she calls me Daffy i like it (not a lot of people pronounce the welsh double d /th/ in my name). dafydd is actually pronounced 'davith'

xI know how to pronounce Dafydd properly Daffy.. and Llangollen, Gwynedd and Btws-y-coed... few other welsh place names... been to north Wales a lot in me lickle life.. some in the south.. even had little thing going wiv a girl near Gear.. a long time ago now... even once managed to say Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysilio gogogoch correctly for a dare and a bet wile we wer on hol on Angelsey (proper name Ynys Mon).. took me umpteen efforts but I got it and won slap up meal and free drink of an evening as well as gud sex... k..loser wos me hubbie but we cant have everything...:tongue:...... trust me.. is easier 2 say "St Mary's church in the hollow of the white hazel (http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazel) near to the fierce whirlpool (http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whirlpool) and the church of St Tysilio of the red cave" but just as long winded... not so much trouble wiv the tongue however.. I wont b taking the bet again... I need me tongue:eek2:.... but I have been on a bys in fair Cymru many times and even almost got in2 some bother wiv the heddlu at Colwyn Bay (Bae Colwyn)..... best bit wos almost getting Brian arrested as he tried to stop me getting arrested.. teach him to ply me wiv plonk... God, his mum wudda luffed that him getting nicked!!! But me bruvva did get nicked years b4 that for weeing against walls of Conwy Castle by the heddlu.. he wos only 11 then but me mum almost died of shame... I, lickle shit that I wos, rolled about in hysterics as his pocket money for rest of the hol wos stopped and his trip 2 Rhyl Funfair, a place I have always loathed but he luffed wos cancelled cos he had been bad, bad, dirty boy!!! We went to Chester Zoo instead... wich wos cool... least I thought it wos...

K am being silly now... sue me... and showing off.. soz.. :love87: aahhh happy days...:impleased

Sep 19, 2013, 8:14 PM
Come on now Fran, we're up to 4 even with you on the cam. Some director you'd make.lol And there'd be 'organ-ically' no cock in the final cut! And you would yap all the way through it!
Nope! You'd get ropes, a gag and damn well like it missy!:tongue:wooo Gear.... ropes and a gag??? Dusnt haff bring on a dose of the tinglies just thinking bout it.... no chance of me yapping wiv a gag.. and I will have ya kno.. may b noisy.. but nev yap through sex.. eva!!!:eek2:

..and Annika??? Wheesht,,,:tongue::love87:

Sep 19, 2013, 8:31 PM
darkeyes, i know u are able to pronounce it. i didn't say u weren't. why are jumping at me today?

Sep 19, 2013, 8:37 PM
darkeyes, i know u are able to pronounce it. i didn't say u weren't. why are jumping at me today?
I'm not jumping atya... soz if u think I am... threw in huge snog so ya knew I wosnt... reminiscing more Daffy... and bringing (I thought) some levity to the proceedings... tired.. must put lite out methinks... keep me outa trouble:eek2:.. :love87:<<<<<< for u so ya know I am not jumping atcha...:kiss:

Sep 19, 2013, 8:46 PM
ok. :) xx

Sep 19, 2013, 9:04 PM
not a lot of people know this annikka but i actually changed my name from Dafydd this January 2013 by Deed Poll. totally wacko thing to do but i was doing it as research for a book. and i had a lot of anger issues back then. ahem.

im kind of regretting it now. but u live and learn.

Sep 20, 2013, 6:47 AM
wooo Gear.... ropes and a gag??? Dusnt haff bring on a dose of the tinglies just thinking bout it.... no chance of me yapping wiv a gag.. and I will have ya kno.. may b noisy.. but nev yap through sex.. eva!!!:eek2:

..and Annika??? Wheesht,,,:tongue::love87:
You're a very VERY naughty girl! What are you?:bowdown:
Love to get my hands on some really thick ropes, the kind that ships use anchoring to docks. Maybe with a little oil still on em. What a sight!:tongue: Then watch the ladies set themselves loose on you.
Tell you what tho Fran, I'd need a nice cup of tea and a shower after that. Be sweating cobs.lol

Sep 20, 2013, 7:38 AM
You're a very VERY naughty girl! What are you?:bowdown:
Love to get my hands on some really thick ropes, the kind that ships use anchoring to docks. Maybe with a little oil still on em. What a sight!:tongue: Then watch the ladies set themselves loose on you.
Tell you what tho Fran, I'd need a nice cup of tea and a shower after that. Be sweating cobs.lol
:yikes2: For God's sake, Gear!!!! How big do u think I am???:eek2: Not ver complimentary being compared to bloody gr8 ship:mad:!!! U kno ver well I enjoy a lickle trussing and teasing now and then!!! But stockings and pair of tights is all that wud b needed not a bloody gr8 rope for a ship to tie itself up at keyside!! They are thicker than me bloody arms and some wud give me thighs a run for ther money!!!!! I think u r due some rite gud earache!! Will think about wetha it will b ova cuppa tea, and u may need shower cos u are sweating cobs.. but ya wont b sweating cobs for reason u think u will...:impleased!!! Sauce:eek2:!! Cheeky ratbag!!!!


Sep 20, 2013, 7:57 AM
You're a very VERY naughty girl! What are you?:bowdown:
Love to get my hands on some really thick ropes, the kind that ships use anchoring to docks. Maybe with a little oil still on em. What a sight!:tongue: Then watch the ladies set themselves loose on you.
Tell you what tho Fran, I'd need a nice cup of tea and a shower after that. Be sweating cobs.lol

are u sure? u do suffer from carpet burn so.
besides im always throwing u thick ropes. what u want actual ropes now?
er ok..as long as you take responsibility for the anchor.

Sep 20, 2013, 8:01 AM
:yikes2: For God's sake, Gear!!!! How big do u think I am???:eek2: Not ver complimentary being compared to bloody gr8 ship:mad:!!! U kno ver well I enjoy a lickle trussing and teasing now and then!!! But stockings and pair of tights is all that wud b needed not a bloody gr8 rope for a ship to tie itself up at keyside!! They are thicker than me bloody arms and some wud give me thighs a run for ther money!!!!! I think u r due some rite gud earache!! Will think about wetha it will b ova cuppa tea, and u may need shower cos u are sweating cobs.. but ya wont b sweating cobs for reason u think u will...:impleased!!! Sauce:eek2:!! Cheeky ratbag!!!!


just ride the wave darkeyes, he's like Steamboat Willie until I get the harbour ready for docking.

Sep 20, 2013, 8:45 AM
:yikes2: For God's sake, Gear!!!! How big do u think I am???:eek2: Not ver complimentary being compared to bloody gr8 ship:mad:!!! U kno ver well I enjoy a lickle trussing and teasing now and then!!! But stockings and pair of tights is all that wud b needed not a bloody gr8 rope for a ship to tie itself up at keyside!! They are thicker than me bloody arms and some wud give me thighs a run for ther money!!!!! I think u r due some rite gud earache!! Will think about wetha it will b ova cuppa tea, and u may need shower cos u are sweating cobs.. but ya wont b sweating cobs for reason u think u will...:impleased!!! Sauce:eek2:!! Cheeky ratbag!!!!

LOL Was thinking of the BIG ropes around your petite bod in a purely artistic way, honest. Oh the sadomasochistic overkill of it all! Kinda like Fay Wray all bound up as if she were King Kong, and treated as such. Imagine THAT Fran! Could Beauty take all that the beast could? And of course.....in a purely sensual kind & caring non porn kinda way.:tongue:

Sep 20, 2013, 8:59 AM
are u sure? u do suffer from carpet burn so.
besides im always throwing u thick ropes. what u want actual ropes now?
er ok..as long as you take responsibility for the anchor.
You might need to tie me up and let me loose a little at a time there sweet man. Am usually the gentlest of souls in general and could calm a hive of raging bees like the Pied Piper. But put those stubbled lips anywhere near mine and I'd be a fekin lunatic Venus Fly Trap.:tongue:
I miss that pit, but that's a lovely pic tho.

Sep 20, 2013, 9:01 AM
LOL Was thinking of the BIG ropes around your petite bod in a purely artistic way, honest. Oh the sadomasochistic overkill of it all! Kinda like Fay Wray all bound up as if she were King Kong, and treated as such. Imagine THAT Fran! Could Beauty take all that the beast could? And of course.....in a purely sensual kind & caring non porn kinda way.:tongue:

Trust me.. on me birfday just a week ago 2day in the town's poshest hotel Kate treated me just as I hoped she wud... and beauty had hard time taking it all...... wos sensual.. not 2 sure it wos kind.... and wos serpently not non porn.. ther wer restraints.. and otha stuff... but no bloody gr8 ships ropes:impleased!!! Wos glad wen 3 in morning arrived:eek2:.. trust me on that an all;)...

Sep 20, 2013, 5:10 PM
happy belated birthday darkeyes

Sep 20, 2013, 8:12 PM
ta Daffy, me luffly.. :love87:

Sep 21, 2013, 2:19 PM
"Hawsers" B the big ropes what ships use t'tie up n'Ah doubts hawsers B very much comfy fer sexual activity...bit raspy see...one lil slide B equal to masturbatin' with a cactus...nor as Ah think much comfy for tying up HMS DarkEyes t'dock either, even if she B so unlikely agreeable, she'd soon have big brother runnin' in a direction very unhealthy to the dockside stevadore that recommended such - that WOULD be daft...Dafty. Whichever. You bunch B a lotta fun ! :) Laffin so hard n'not a drop a Scotch t'blame fer it.

Sep 22, 2013, 9:32 PM
WOW. Such debates. All I wanted was to sit and watch porn with Annika, Fran, Sailor, and Rusty..Curse all that slippery, delicious butter and salt might make us have to create a better porn movie than whats playing..LMAO
Bad Cat.

Sep 23, 2013, 6:26 PM
butter popcorn? never got my head round that

Sep 24, 2013, 12:20 AM
Okay, I'm leaping into this thing way, WAY late in the game, and I will admit to having only read about half of the thread, but this question just occurred to me:

The originator never actually made clarification as to what he actually was/is expecting here. It has little to do with how much time he/she spent here, or how active he/she was.

What specific expectations were not being met? What did he actually WANT the site to be?

Sep 24, 2013, 12:21 AM
butter popcorn? never got my head round that

Wouldn't butter be a good lube? The popcorn may add to the penetration ..dunno ..don't do that stuff...lol

Would getting head with butter and popcorn be fun daff?

Sep 24, 2013, 8:36 AM
hehe, i find mixing food with sex slightly repulsive

Sep 24, 2013, 9:05 AM
Thanks. I know what to ask for at the bdsm shop (Leeks) now.:)

Annika L
Sep 24, 2013, 11:35 AM
Gearbox and dafydd,

Wanted to let you know we got back safe and sound, if a bit exhausted ;). Thanks so much for the lovely weekend...you are very impressive gentlemen! We *thoroughly* enjoyed ourselves (still a bit tingly here). Pity Fran couldn't join us...maybe next time. Gear, I hope your abrasions heal up ok...I swear we'll be more gentle next time (and we'll remember to bring a second bottle of whisky). I'm sure you'll have the hawsers by then :tongue:. Dafydd (or nee Dafydd, as you will), you're my new favorite teddy bear...don't worry about mailing panties back to the states...you can keep them until next time (though their lack made the return flight pleasantly awkward). We'll e-mail you the photos if you *promise* not to post them on the site! Love you guys!!

Sep 24, 2013, 2:10 PM
Was an immense pleasure Anniika sweetness. The swelling and friction burns haven't quite eased as quickly as the nice nurse in A&E promised, but am on the road to recovery. I do hope you were supplied with extra soft cushions for the flight home as you demanded, and the course of physiotherapy will go well for both. I swore to you then, and I swear it now, that I had no idea just how wildly passionate Dafydd can get after us taking turns sucking whiskey out of his spongy pubic region. But I thank you both dearly for sacrificing yourselves to save me, several times no less.
I deserved what I got after that. Was a honour & a privilege.xx

Sep 24, 2013, 4:30 PM
...don't worry about mailing panties back to the states...you can keep them until next time (though their lack made the return flight pleasantly awkward). We'll e-mail you the photos if you *promise* not to post them on the site!

If I *promise* t'invent n'share out a cure f'hawser bites will you please cc: me in the email? I *promise* to post only my own re-action(s) - and only in writing of course. And I bet the TSA pics are pretty hot too, hmm? Hain't nobody kin'invent no cure fer that, tho. :)

Sep 24, 2013, 6:45 PM
Annika, glad ur both back safely.
thanks for the bobby pin tip off.
im trying it on G tonight using a stronger fridge magnet as suggested.

say hi to ur girlfriend. i hope her eye is ok now. i hate it when that happens.

pubic whiskey game was fun. glad it was only a single malt.

gotta go. Gs attached the bobby pin.


Sep 24, 2013, 6:47 PM
If I *promise* t'invent n'share out a cure f'hawser bites will you please cc: me in the email? I *promise* to post only my own re-action(s) - and only in writing of course. And I bet the TSA pics are pretty hot too, hmm? Hain't nobody kin'invent no cure fer that, tho. :)

hmmm i dunno... how can we trust you wont sell the pics to some hardcore porno site that only features really cute couples having hot sex with each other?
i hate those sites.

Sep 24, 2013, 7:30 PM
Gearbox and dafydd,

Wanted to let you know we got back safe and sound, if a bit exhausted ;). Thanks so much for the lovely weekend...you are very impressive gentlemen! We *thoroughly* enjoyed ourselves (still a bit tingly here). Pity Fran couldn't join us...maybe next time. Gear, I hope your abrasions heal up ok...I swear we'll be more gentle next time (and we'll remember to bring a second bottle of whisky). I'm sure you'll have the hawsers by then :tongue:. Dafydd (or nee Dafydd, as you will), you're my new favorite teddy bear...don't worry about mailing panties back to the states...you can keep them until next time (though their lack made the return flight pleasantly awkward). We'll e-mail you the photos if you *promise* not to post them on the site! Love you guys!!
Fond as I am of Gear and Daffy.. wiv 1 having dead mouse under his nose.. and the other wiv a wild wood full a squirrels, badgers and assorted otha wild beasties allllll ova his chin n chops , and both being equipped wiv wrong bits, Fran decided discretion wos better part of valour... am glad however u all had luffly time... hope u have all recovered and r now fighting fit... hopefully not fighting for breath and fit for the grave.. soz I cudnt operate the cam.. but whisky wosnt a gud enuff enticement.. next time.. cognac and ya mite have a deal:tongue:!!

But glad u all had nice time... didn't need lil ole me looking on for that didya;)??

Annika L
Sep 24, 2013, 7:36 PM
Was an immense pleasure Anniika sweetness. The swelling and friction burns haven't quite eased as quickly as the nice nurse in A&E promised, but am on the road to recovery. I do hope you were supplied with extra soft cushions for the flight home as you demanded, and the course of physiotherapy will go well for both. I swore to you then, and I swear it now, that I had no idea just how wildly passionate Dafydd can get after us taking turns sucking whiskey out of his spongy pubic region. But I thank you both dearly for sacrificing yourselves to save me, several times no less.
I deserved what I got after that. Was a honour & a privilege.xx
OMG, you went to the A&E for that! Damn, if I'd known it was *that* bad, I'd have left you some of the "special ointment". And yes we had cushions...I said "pleasantly awkward", not "unbearably painful", LOL. Hmmm, yes, I'm a firm believer in sacrificing myself once (or twice) in a while, just to keep my hand in, so to speak...so you are quite welcome!

Pete, they wouldn't have let us take pictures going through the Transportation Security Admin, even if we'd wanted to...but if we had, "hot" would have been stretching it...the best I could muster would probably be more like "interesting" (but that still might be stretching credulity).

And Dafydd, love, we'd strongly considered cask-strength...so yes, be glad it was the "weaker stuff"! (and my partner's eye is mostly fine now, thanks to the "special ointment"...actually, that incident reminds me of a funny story from college that I'll have to share sometime. Well, enjoy the pins, and let me know how the new magnet works! :tongue::love87:

Sep 24, 2013, 8:30 PM
Fond as I am of Gear and Daffy.. wiv 1 having dead mouse under his nose.. and the other wiv a wild wood full a squirrels, badgers and assorted otha wild beasties allllll ova his chin n chops , and both being equipped wiv wrong bits, Fran decided discretion wos better part of valour... am glad however u all had luffly time... hope u have all recovered and r now fighting fit... hopefully not fighting for breath and fit for the grave.. soz I cudnt operate the cam.. but whisky wosnt a gud enuff enticement.. next time.. cognac and ya mite have a deal:tongue:!!

But glad u all had nice time... didn't need lil ole me looking on for that didya;)??
Imagine it Fran!....you all bound up to my upright hoover with Annika's stockings (no hawsers yet) blindfolded and gagged for conveniences sake.....then from out of nowhere comes the brushing of 'dead mouse' & 'forest' prickling your soft skin.:tongue: And from out of the prickling comes the soft tender touch of lips and the warm moist soothing of tongues massaging you all over.....like pain & pleasure of the extra subtle kind.;) 3hrs of that Fran! Before Annika & gf puts you out of your delicious turmoil Fran!:bowdown:

OMG, you went to the A&E for that! Damn, if I'd known it was *that* bad, I'd have left you some of the "special ointment". And yes we had cushions...I said "pleasantly awkward", not "unbearably painful", LOL. Hmmm, yes, I'm a firm believer in sacrificing myself once (or twice) in a while, just to keep my hand in, so to speak...so you are quite welcome!
Don't worry, A&E is great on the wknd. Always a few rough blokes there due to a brawl, pumping with adrenaline all sexy & stuff. I like a challenge.:tongue:
Not the kind of challenge Dafydd was after before you so selflessly got his way to take the brunt.lol Am not going there Annika! You ladies laugh at pain don'tcha? Bless you both.xx

@Dafydd - Bliss.:bowdown:

Sep 24, 2013, 8:56 PM
Annika: Ah meant not not your pics, but the TSA "screening" pics. Rusty's Panty-less Satire Fails. :(
Dafydd: Ah am the epitome of trust, as in: trust me that I was attempting the epitome of wit, or nit-wit; either of which as Ah may be so properly judged, on this occasion.
Ah'll now extricate m'self, with much 'umble forbearance, from add'l and, on my part fatuous, intercourse in matters other than my own. Or maybe not as the occasion demands. :)