View Full Version : Rockin in New Zealand

Aug 17, 2013, 7:41 PM
Hope all of our friends in NZ are ok..Duck and Swimmie. I worry bout ya'll Sweetie. Please be safe and let us know how you are doing...
Concerned Cat


Aug 18, 2013, 3:58 AM
Hugs, Cat, Duck is fine, just a bit shaken. They are not that far from the epicenter. http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/9056750/Seddon-shakes-comparable-to-Chch

The February quake is where we lost a dear friend. Just keep praying for the people in New Zealand please.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 18, 2013, 4:36 AM
I was right near my elderly flatmates chair so he was quickly grabbed and pulled into the doorway.... with the way our house is built, its pretty solid there and close to a couple of possible emergency exits.... I am not sure that the house will handle another large quake, I have a feeling that next time it will be time to call the landlord and ask him how much hes insured for......

last month there was a few 5+ quakes as a sort of build up before the 6.5 that hit but this time there was no warning at all, and while we have had a heap of aftershocks, the big quakes were mostly over within 12 hours which was good.....

christchurch is 300ks south of us, they had a 6.8 a couple of years ago and a loss of 170+ lives.... so we are very very lucky indeed......

this will give you a idea of how much the area has been hammered by quakes in the last month and it only shows the 3.0 and higher quakes, its a 40k square area, I live at the top of the pic... seddon is the area where the inland red dots are, they are 5.0+ quakes


Aug 18, 2013, 6:31 AM
Glad ur ok u daft ole coot.and that seems most everyone else is too.. which is gud... bit of property damage and inury to livelihood is nowt compared to injury to and loss of life... u can rebuild homes and shops and other buildings... bit more diff wenyas dead...stay safe, daftie..:)

Aug 18, 2013, 12:57 PM
Man! Hurricanes, heat, and humidity in Florida, are nothing, compared to earthquakes! Glad you're OK, LDD!

Sorry about your friend.

Aug 21, 2013, 12:08 AM
Hugs and snuggles, Duck. (Hey! I didnt say Nestling and nuzzling!!) lol. Please be safe, Sweetie, you and your Mate. Hugs to DD as well for getting the word to us..:}