View Full Version : Dreams - Can they be real or not??

Jul 16, 2006, 2:08 PM
Im sure we all have had dreams that actually came true in the future, or dreams that has a meaning no matter how odd or weird they seem.... sometimes just plain silly dreams that was started by something you last saw/heard before you fell asleep.

Do you think Dreams are sometimes peeks of the future? What does it mean if you have a soooo real like dream that you wake up confused for a moment or so? I think Dreams are mysterious, specially those that seems to be a meaning of something to come. How do you know if its really going to happen or if its just something you hope that will happen?

What do you guys think about Dreams? I think of them often and wondered what other people's views are :-)


Jul 16, 2006, 8:27 PM
you know that it actually happened to me before that i had a dream which came really true . . i tell you sometimes it was even that every detail of my dream came true . . i think thats because some things we simply can sense ourselves only when we are awake so many other things occupie all space in your brain so when we are asleep our brain starts really working on the things with a deeper meaning for ourselves . . .

is it clear what i wanna say ? not a good way to explain it though . .

Jul 16, 2006, 9:31 PM
I've had things happen where it seemed de ja vu to me. Like it had happened before. That is so weird! So I always figured I must have dreamt it first and forgotten...and then it happened for real. :eek:

I must say that dreams intrigue me....I often wonder what they mean and wonder why I dreamt that. And why do I keep have recurring one's about the same thing?

The dreams that I 'daydream' about...why do they never come true... :rolleyes: Those are the one's that I want to come true!

Jul 16, 2006, 10:38 PM
When I was 14 I had three dreams that came true. I've had a few sporatic ones since then. Sometimes I have dreams that hint at possible future events. It's as if my subconscious mind is warning me ahead of time and I believe that it does because often the subconscious is much more aware of what is happening that our conscious minds.

There's a great online source for dream interpretation that I frequent: www.dreammoods.com You see, the subconscious mind communicates in images and feelings. Most of the time those images are Universal symbols; something we as human beings share. So yes, I do believe in prophetic dreams but I don't believe that every dream should be taken literally. A dream of death, for instance, could be refering to the ending of a phase of life and the beginning of a new one. Pregnancy dreams frequently refer to the "birth" of an idea or project. These are just a couple of the many dream symbols.

Jul 17, 2006, 12:24 AM
I've certainly dreamed of things that have eventually happened. It is important however to take it all with a grain of salt. I also dreamed I was the horse Boxer from Animal Farm :bigrin:

Jul 17, 2006, 1:29 AM
I have a *really* funny story about dreams and a guy who ripped me off claiming he could interpret mine.

When I was 19, I had a recurring dream. In it, I was a maid inside a wealthy family's house. The imagery of the rooms was very vivid. The owner of the house was in love with me, and would chase me from room to room, trying to rape me. Eventually I would run into a parlor with a beautiful staircase. An elegant woman dressed in a white silk evening gown was always standing at the staircase, holding a gun. Just as I ran into the room and saw the woman, the gun would fire and I would wake up.

I had the dream over and over again. Sometimes the rooms were arranged differently, but it always ended with the lady, the staircase, and the gunshot.

Okay, so my friend took me to a "psychic" in Brooklyn who had me describe a few details about the dream. The psychic told me that for $250, he could do some cosmic reading of my energy to tell me about my past life.

He told me that I was that woman in a past life. Yes, I was once a woman, he said. A Portuguese maid, living in New England, in a wealthy house. The woman on the staircase was the owner's wife. She killed me out of jealousy in the late 1940s, because the owner was in love with me. They buried my body in the backyard and my soul wandered in limbo until it entered my body when I was born in 1971.

I paid the guy $250, totally impressed by his abilities. And I was convinced that somewhere in New England, there was a house with a backyard where my former corpse was buried. I made plans to spend the summer of 1992 traveling through towns with large Portuguese populations to search for my rotting cadaver.


I must have fallen asleep one night in front of the TV when one of the stars was being interviewed, and added a few details. The film was about a ghost of a woman murdered by this guy in a house, who haunts the body of a woman in modern times. Blah, blah, blah. A few of the details changed in my dream, but it was basically that film, which the psychic obviously saw a few weeks earlier.

I do believe dreams mean things. But beware people who charge you to interpret them! :) :) :)


Jul 17, 2006, 2:39 AM
ok, you guys may think i've totally lost it but i really do believe dreams are a representation of what has and may happen.. and yes they can even replay subconscious video's as johnny v has related here..had that happen myself once[ just the replay part, not the rip off]. and yes, i think they can also be remnanats of past lives. even peirs anthony wrote a book series on a group of 7 that were linked through time and history by dreams and reincarnation, tho the name of the series escapes me right now.

for many years, i had a dream that i was being chased through a jungle by some predatory animal, which was close but i could never see.. always, it chased me out into a desert and when i'd turn my heard to look back after the 1st 100yards, cause i'd heard panting and footsteps........i'd wake up.

then, in about 1987, i made my first trip to the mojave desert, on a military excercise..sure enough, in the middle of the night i had the dream again, but when i turned around i saw that what had been chasing me was a large tiger in mid leap, which i was able to avoid, by ducking aside watching it vanish into a puff of smoke... the next day, i passed about 5 land marks that were extremely familiar to me, and CLICK! i knew right then where i'd seen them before even tho i'd never been there before..

never had the dream after that.. fact is it never came back. i have had others, tho just as vivid.

want to know about dreams?? ask someone who is a true native american and still holds the old ways dear.. tsegli,[ cherokee] ,souix, navajo, susquehannock, algonquin, just to name a few. or, anyone who practices an animistic religion.. shinto comes to mind first. these are the true believers and interpreters of the dream world. talk to them respectfully,learn from them, then ask for help. you'll be surprised at what may come out. :bigrin: :2cents:

Jul 17, 2006, 3:08 AM
I believe that dreams are a manifestation of wants and needs...not necessarily a glimpse of life to come but perhaps of what we want to come...and whether or not they come to fruition has to do with how much we become involved in making that dream a reality....Just my two cents worth...but it doesn't hurt to dream does it?


Long Duck Dong
Jul 17, 2006, 4:06 AM
lol oh why do my dreams not come true ....lol

i could type for about a hour or 2 about the types of dreams and how they can work.... but it would bore you to tears lol

all my life, i have been able to lucid dream ( a dream state where my body sleeps but parts of my mind are awake in the dream and i can control the dreams )....and over the years I developed the ability to astral thru dreaming and it developed to the point where i was awake, and could astral ...

astral means the ability to expand my consciousness or spirit, to reach out beyond my body and transverse the world lol....and yeah i know a few people will laugh and call me a fruitloop and worse.... but.. after 16 years of medical science testing... the doctors and scientific specialists have admitted that while they can't prove what i say to be true, they are not able to explain the strange brainwaves that show during my sleep patterns and nor or they able to explain the results of numerous precognitive tests that show what i say to be well within the possiblity of being true.... its double speech for * omg you must be telling the truth and even tho we have proved its true, we just don't wanna admit it *

ok serious stuff aside, dreams are enjoyable, scary, fun and all too often, they are broken......if i were to hazard a quess, its a tie between my broken dreams and broken hearts lol

Jul 17, 2006, 6:32 AM
My dreams seems to be full of the images, senses and quite frankly...weird at times. I enjoy delving into analysis of the dreams with friends who know so much more about it than I.

In a way, they do come true. Some recurring dreams do trouble me, others are just there...sometimes later I see the connection.

Are the dreams an insight, communication of the future?...yeah I think so.
Other dreams are my mind's way of dealing with the day and events. More often, dealing with issues I have chosen not to face.

Either way; when I do dream (remember them when awake) it is on my mind for awhile. I at least notice and acknowledge that my mind remembered them for a reason.

Jul 17, 2006, 9:17 AM
lol oh why do my dreams not come true ....lol

i could type for about a hour or 2 about the types of dreams and how they can work.... but it would bore you to tears lol

all my life, i have been able to lucid dream ( a dream state where my body sleeps but parts of my mind are awake in the dream and i can control the dreams )....and over the years I developed the ability to astral thru dreaming and it developed to the point where i was awake, and could astral ...

astral means the ability to expand my consciousness or spirit, to reach out beyond my body and transverse the world lol....and yeah i know a few people will laugh and call me a fruitloop and worse.... but.. after 16 years of medical science testing... the doctors and scientific specialists have admitted that while they can't prove what i say to be true, they are not able to explain the strange brainwaves that show during my sleep patterns and nor or they able to explain the results of numerous precognitive tests that show what i say to be well within the possiblity of being true.... its double speech for * omg you must be telling the truth and even tho we have proved its true, we just don't wanna admit it *

ok serious stuff aside, dreams are enjoyable, scary, fun and all too often, they are broken......if i were to hazard a quess, its a tie between my broken dreams and broken hearts lol

i for one have expereanced LDD with his astral, i find it truely amazing! he told me once that i astaratled to him *WOW* thru a connection that he had made by coming to me!!!

ne ways....
i believe some dreams come true or are a glimpse of something to come,
but as crsakate said dreams are things that we desire aswell
good dreams tho i love my dreams even the scary ones *laughs*


Jul 17, 2006, 10:15 AM
I have very vivid dreams and dream nearly every night and remember most of them, at least for a little while after waking. I've had dreams come true. I've had them provide solutions to problems I was going through in my life. I have loads of sexual dreams. Some times they're merely flotsom and jetsom of my subsconscious.

I had the most unusual dreams in my life while I was pregnant with my two children. I was very glad to be through with them after the births of my little ones! One I still remember in detail-

I was running through a wooded meadow, the dream was so real, yet too focused to be natural. I could see every blade of grass individually as I ran and the colors of the dream were more intense than they could ever be (even though it was nighttime in the dream). I keep running and running. I could smell the damp earth under my feet and feel the jolt of each stride. I knew there was something, some animal, some monster. I could smell, literally smell, fear. I ran faster, my lungs aching.
Suddenly, there she was. A woman in front of me. I could smell her perfume. White Diamonds. In one quick motion, I lunged, grabbed her and tore out her throat with my fangs. I felt the rush of hot blood down my throat, it's coppery taste on my tongue. I let out a triumphant, gutteral howl.
I woke up bathed in sweat and shaking. I could still smell a mix of blood and White Diamonds in my mind.

That dream really shook me up, to say the least.