View Full Version : Which one to get?

Jul 28, 2013, 12:03 AM
I will be having anal sex for the first time, so I wanted to make sure I clean up properly, but I'm confused which anal douche and enemas for hygiene (http://www.sextoyport.com/Anal-Toys/Anal-Douches-Enemas-and-Hygiene?a=stpstores&cid=40) to choose from them.

Jul 29, 2013, 10:35 AM
i use warm soap sudsy water like used in hospital for cleansing

Jul 29, 2013, 12:01 PM
Tom, A male nurse, who loved receiving anal sex, recommended that flushing your anus with plain water is best. The lining of an anus is very prone to absorbing chemicals, so the less used, the better. Some soaps have perfume and strong cleansers in 'em, too.

Following the instructions on a rubber-bladder type of enema set works just right. If there's any doubt about the cleanliness, just do it twice!

And remember, too much lube is almost enough! Take it easy, don't get too impatient for your first time. If your partner is large, it may be helpful, if you use a series of progressively larger anal dildos, to get used to a real cock, prior to your experience, too.

Good luck!

Jul 29, 2013, 12:37 PM
What Mr Realist said!!!! And remember, too much lube is never quite enough

Jul 29, 2013, 12:39 PM
Agreed !

Jul 29, 2013, 4:03 PM
I use plain water also, seems to do the job well

Jul 29, 2013, 4:25 PM
So nice to know you're taking a responsible approach to this....not much else I can add really. Realist words are always filled with good advice and wisdom. As to what enema/douche, I have chosen one for you simply because it's the very one I have and use now and it works beautifully. No leaks and spills like other ones; it's design is wonderful. It is the portable Colt Anal Douche: http://www.sextoyport.com/Colt---Anal-Douche/sku-SE6875-00?a=stpstores. I've been using about a year and half. You can use it with or without attachment. Without, it's a standard douche with the very thin stem to insert into yourself. But if you're anything like me, you can use the attachment which is considerably thicker and has these nice bulbous ripples along the entire stem...feels great as you douche and for me gets me somewhat turned on and in the mood for what will come later...so while you're cleaning up, you're able to get in the mood too. I love it!

Also using plain water or distilled water is the very best way to go. Just as Realist said, you want to stay away from harsh chemicals and some soaps too. I repeat the process at least once and sometimes twice so that I not only feel totally confident that I'm clean but I know that I am. And as an added measure, I then use a quality soap free of harsh chemicals which you can buy in abundance at health food stores. I soap my fingers up thoroughly and insert them into myself as deep as they'll go and then spread things open and rinse out...I repeat this process at least 5 times. I know the description is a bit graphic, but by description you're able to see clearly. Too often people think that only cleaning the outer area or barely into the hole that-that is enough...sometimes it is, but more often than not it isn't...I don't know if you'll go through this much to clean, but I've always felt very strongly that if someone is going to take the time to pleasure me by either rimming me or topping me, I owe it to them to be absolutely and completely clean there and always expect the same when I'm going to do that for them. I know some people will/would feel that what I just described is too much trouble, but when you're planning ahead and you know you're going to be with someone, the preparation can actually be an erotic activity itself and the time slips by quickly....then when I slip out the door on my way to play, I feel confident and sexy....cleanliness is mucho sexy!!!

Once everything is clean and you're ready to go, be patient and more importantly make sure the one topping you is patient and listens to your requests to slow down or stop if necessary...once all is set, then all kinds of incredible pleasure is possible....joy! joy! joy!....

Jul 29, 2013, 10:27 PM
So nice to know you're taking a responsible approach to this....not much else I can add really. Realist words are always filled with good advice and wisdom. As to what enema/douche, I have chosen one for you simply because it's the very one I have and use now and it works beautifully. No leaks and spills like other ones; it's design is wonderful. It is the portable Colt Anal Douche: http://www.sextoyport.com/Colt---Anal-Douche/sku-SE6875-00?a=stpstores. I've been using about a year and half. You can use it with or without attachment. Without, it's a standard douche with the very thin stem to insert into yourself. But if you're anything like me, you can use the attachment which is considerably thicker and has these nice bulbous ripples along the entire stem...feels great as you douche and for me gets me somewhat turned on and in the mood for what will come later...so while you're cleaning up, you're able to get in the mood too. .

Thanks for the link! I've been trying to find something like this!

Jul 30, 2013, 8:46 AM
No commercial enema or douch is particularly good for the human body . That is , of course , unless prescribed by your healthcare professional for a medical matter . Otherwise just soap and water wash and straight water enema works fine . I bought the hose and nozzle attachment for my shower with a valve for regular shower or enema . A couple times with luke warm water seems to be just fine .

Aug 2, 2013, 11:01 PM
Why put chemicals in your body that might have a bad effect on you During your playtime?? Imagine being in the big middle of your first anal pleasuring and you have an adverse reaction Internally to the chemicals you just used a little bit ago? Noooot good. I've seen it happen and it wudnt pretty...:eek2: You can get an enema kit from any larger drug store and use just plain warm water after a ligth meal and good shower. Fill the tube, and apply a good lube. Insert verry gently and squeeze the tube to insert the water, or get a 'bag' type of enema aide.
Just got show and flush everything out of your system at Least twice. You'll know when its time to void..trust me..lol
Good luck sugar, play clean and Play Safe at all times..:}
PS I agree with everyone else on the lube. Never worry about having too much..:}

Aug 2, 2013, 11:12 PM
Forget the mineral oil based enemas that they now sell in most of the big chain pharmacies like Rite Aid, CVS and Walgreen's--those things are worthless!! The advise of using warm water, with little or no soap in it is best from my experience.

Aug 5, 2013, 6:33 AM
I prefer a Fleet or two. They're fast and using them can be forplay. They don't give you a deep cleansing but get deep enough to clean you out and increase your pleasure by eliminating the bloated feeling that can result from putting things up your anus. One more thing: Bottom from the top, i.e.: have your partner lie on his back, straddle him and lower yourself down on to his cock. That way you control the rate of penetration so it's comfortable and pleasurable for you. The feeling of being opened up as you are penetrated is one of the most erotic parts of anal sex. Relax and enjoy!