View Full Version : Fighting for Same Sex Marriage Rights in Kentucky

Jul 26, 2013, 2:29 PM

I wish them all the luck in world in their lawsuit and look forward to a repeal of the ban we have here on same sex marriages.

Jul 26, 2013, 6:36 PM
This will be interesting to watch!

I lived in Kentucky most of my working life (over 30 years) and there was a lot of anti-gay/bisexual sentiment, then. I've been gone for over 17 years, now, so maybe it's changing, some. I hope so.

I had 3 same-gender relationships and a bi ex-wife while I lived there, so I know it happens like everywhere else.

Jul 27, 2013, 7:06 AM
There is a clerk here in PA who very dubiously started issuing marriage licenses to LGBT couples anyway, even though it is against state law. One of the Representatives who is a very vocal opponent of gay marriage wants him impeached. Gotta love politics..I mean it's only people's lives we're talking about.

Yes, it was illegal, I guess some people are just tired of waiting - I'm sure the courts will work it all out, maybe some day the people will too!

Jul 27, 2013, 9:10 AM
Good luck to all the lovers in Kentucky!:love:

Jul 27, 2013, 9:26 AM
I'm guessing Kentucky and Indiana will be 49th and 50th in allowing same sex marriage. Puerto Rico is more likely to become a state before that happens. But you never know.

Jul 28, 2013, 8:34 AM
OMG, YoYo you are so not kidding. Growing up here I had lots of friends who were gay and bi and weren't really "hiding" but they just had great families. Most of the state is very homophobic and racist and well basically redneck, same as with the Hoosiers. I just hope that as more younger people come of age the generation of "hate" vanishes.

Oct 6, 2013, 5:40 PM
I saw this guy speak a few months back. He's an admirable fellow indeed. I've lived in Kentucky my entire life, and currently live in a rural town in South Central Kentucky, where there's a Southern Baptist church on just about every street corner. I'm lucky that my family has come to accept me for who I am, and that I work for a company based out of Seattle that doesn't tolerate discrimination based on sexual orientation. I still hear the homophobic comments from time to time and see the eye rolling when the inclusive policies are announced, but over all it's a friendly environment. I've come to understand that knowing someone close to you (coworker, family member, friend) who is LGBT changes more opinions than any work place policy ever written. Coworkers tell me all the time that they respect me, and that knowing me has caused them to question their prejudices. This man is a very brave individual, and it's only through similar efforts that we'll ever realize marriage equality in Kentucky. I'm not holding my breath, but I do see change taking place all around me. It's just a slow process.